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Coverup of Extensive War Crimes: 40th Anniversary of the My Lai Massacre |
How dream of reading someone's mind may soon become a reality |
Language of a fly proves surprising |
Poland to welcome expelled Jews |
The meaning of Gaza's 'shoah': Israel plots another Palestinian exodus |
People power transforms the web in next online revolution |
Probiotic hope for kidney stones |
This is What A Police State Looks Like |
Vermont towns vote to arrest Bush and Cheney |
Doctors Interrogate Children as Informants on Parents' Behavior |
Blood Passion: The Ludlow Massacre and Class War in The American West |
Endangered animals are the new blood diamonds as militias and warlords use poaching to fund death. |
Pentagon Explores 'Human Fear' Chemicals; Scare-Sensors, 'Contagious' Stress in the Works? |
Israel: The time for worldwide boycott is now |

"Brain Reading" Device Can Predict What People See
How Good People Turn Evil, From Stanford to Abu Ghraib
Concentration Camps Await EU Dissidents |
Guantánamo guards suffer psychological trauma |
The Failure Of Human Rights Watch In Venezuela And Haiti By Joe Emersberger |
All you always wanted to know about the Real Story of the Illuminati |
Transformed UN proposed to create 'new world order' - World Politics, World - Independent.co.uk |
Potential Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods |
Union of Concerned Scientists |
Shadow to Shadow! |
Evolving Financial Crisis: It's Time to Dump the Fed |
One million trillion ?flops? per second targeted by new institute |
Stem Cell Therapy Controls Diabetes in Mice |
Alcalde, elderly fighting bull with a priceless pedigree, to be cloned |
PC beats doctor in scan tests |
Revealed: Secrets of the Camouflage Masters |
Homosexual activity cause of earthquake, Shas MK says |
Opening a Pandora's Box: Kosovo "Independence" and the Project for a "New Middle East" |
Large Potential Albanian Oil And Gas Discovery Underscores Kosovo's Importance |
FBI Deputizes Private Contractors With Extraordinary Powers, Including 'Shoot to Kill' |
Big Pharma uses ingredients from cheap Chinese chemical factories |
The US-NATO Preemptive Nuclear Doctrine: Trigger a Middle East Nuclear Holocaust to Defend "The Western Way of Life" |
How The Banksters Ensured US WWII Intervention |
NATO and Israel: Instruments of America's Wars in the Middle East |
Pentagon Chief Says US Ready To Deploy Combat Troops In Pakistan |
Toxic plastics chemicals and how industry lies to the public with bad science |
Pentagon Chief Says US Ready To Deploy Combat Troops In Pakistan By Bill Van Auken |
Pike's Amazing Predictions Of Three World Wars |
http://www.new-enlightenment.com/2008_depression.htm |
Clintons Satanic Display - Upside Down Cross, Osiris Logo |
Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- The Power Elite's Use of Wars and Crises |
Makow - How They Control The World |
Hidden History Of How World War II Came To Be |
The Financial Tsunami: The Financial Foundations of the American Century |
Plea deal in US body parts case |
CHALLENGES 2007-2008: Wounded Vets Trade One Hell for Another |
The Associated Press: Israel Tests New Long-Range Missile |
CIA Drug Planes Part of Massive 50-Plane Deal |
WHO, UN, US, DU And NGOs By Clinton Callahan |
Black Americans Hosed By Obama |
There's a movement you can't ignore... |
Israel's Nuclear Missile Threat against Iran |
The Coming Financial Collapse of America (and Why Today's Market Bloodbath is Only a Small Taste of Things to Come |
The poor and the sick suffer as Israel cuts power to Gaza |
'Big Science' in America is Killing 1st Amendment, Says Actor Ben Stein |
Microsoft seeks patent for office 'spy' software |
Tax the internet? Not so fast, says the EU |
False Statements Preceded War |
Economic Democracy and a Guide to
the 2008 Presidential Election
13 .1.2008 |
The United States is at a crossroads. In the midst of a stalling economy, a decline in the standard of living for a majority of the nations population, out-of-control societal debt, growing concentration of wealth among the upper income brackets, and a stampede toward totalitarian governance derived from the disastrous Mideast war policy of the Bush/Cheney administration, an unprecedented number of people are saying the nation is headed in the wrong direction. Poll numbers on the performance of both President George W. Bush and the Democratic-controlled Congress are at historic lows.
Read more>>> |
The Planned World War 3 - A Play in Numerous Acts
15 .12.2007
A Three World War scenario was developed several decades ago (see Conspiratorial History). Two World Wars have already been achieved, and the Third and final World War envisions an attack on Iraq, Iran and/or Syria as being the trigger to set the entire Middle East into fiery conflagration. Once America is firmly entrenched into the Middle East with the majority of her first-line units, North Korea is to attack South Korea. Then, with America's forces stretched well beyond the limit, China is to invade Taiwan. This will usher in the start of World War Three.
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After The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran: Let The Great Debate Begin! |
Caterpillars con ants with smell |
Why The Bankers Love The Left |
Broke Britain: millions face struggle to stay afloat as financial crisis hits home |
Alan Stang -- Why Does the Government Fear Armed Veterans? - Part 1 |
Thousands Exposed to Poison by Government's Aerial Spraying |
Reviewing F. William Engdahl's "Seeds of Destruction" By Stephen Lendman |
Toward A Rosetta Stone For Microbes' Secret Language |
PM Gordon Brown's Fixer Explains How It's Done |
Ten Reasons Why "Save Darfur" Is A PR Scam By Bruce Dixon |
CIA Operation "Pliers" Uncovered in Venezuela |
See Gaza And Weep |
The Criminal "High Cabal" |
Jewish Racism: Adolf Eichmann Was a Crypto-Jewish Zionist Nazi |
120 War Vets Commit Suicide Each Week By Penny Coleman |
US Signs Deal For Long-Term Occupation Of Iraq By Jerry White |
ICECAP: "Global warming is over. Man was never responsible." |
Asbestos turns up in toys, children's clay |
Impending Destruction Of The US Economy By Paul Craig Roberts |
Bush's Twenty-Billion Dollar Arms Sale To Saudi Arabia Scuttled By The Israel Lobby |
The Iraqi Miracle: From Invasion To ?Partnership? By James Rothenberg |
Iraq :'Internationally Sponsored Genocide' By Felicity Arbuthnot |
Jewish Racism: What Will the Reign of the Anti-Christ Look Like? The Seventh Year and Shmita |
HILLARY QUOTES « Conservative Libertarian Outpost |
My Way News - Intel Official: Say Goodbye to Privacy |
Tree man 'who grew roots' may be cured - Telegraph |
Why No American President Will Stand Up to Israel |
US Military Weaknesses: Top Pentagon Brass reluctant to wage war on Iran |
The uninvited guest: Chinese sub pops up in middle of U.S. Navy exercise, leaving military chiefs red-faced |
Navy Lacks Plan to Defend Against `Sizzler' Missile (Update1) |
The Neoconservative Agenda to Sacrifice the Fifth Fleet, The New Pearl Harbor |
The Worst Anti-Semites Are Zionists by Henry Makow |
Missing Nukes: Treason Of The Highest Order By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
Makow - Illuminati Defector: 'Rothschilds Rule With Druid Witches' |
Illuminati Sex Slaves Paint Horrifying Picture |
Senate Republicans May Sink Bush's Law of the Sea Treaty |
The Root Problem: Illuminati Or Jews? |
Chemical in red wine, fruits and vegetables stops cancer, heart |
Stem Cells Restore Memory in Mice |
U Of Texas Professor Says Mass Death Is Imminent |
Closing the 'Collapse Gap': the USSR was better prepared for collapse than the US | |
Makow - The Root Problem: Illuminati Or Jews? |
Rise Of US Jewish Power - 'Nothing Short Of Astounding' |
Children as judges? The final proof morality's been turned on its head | the Daily Mail |
Electrons timed with attosecond accuracy |
Who is responsible for the California Fires? |
Missing Nukes: Treason of the Highest Order |
CC News Letter 18/10- Nuclear-Armed Iran Risks World War: Bush |
What Will It Take To Hasten The Revolution? By Harold Niver |
In Britain, law has long arms, eagle eyes - Los Angeles Times |
Into The Heart Of Darkness |
Bush's World War Three
By Michel Chossudovsky |
Global Reserve Bank |
Now the bin police get the power to take your car away | the Daily Mail |
Do Jews Control The World? |
Bush urges Congress to reject Armenian genocide resolution - International Herald Tribune |
Makow - The US, UK and Israel Are Just Colonies |
Two Million Iraq Deaths, Eight Million Bush Asian Holocaust Deaths And Media Holocaust Denial By Dr Gideon Polya |
David Rockefeller visits with his friend Li Chiang, one of Red China's Government Trade Officials
24 .9.2007
Why does the Premier (or Prime Minister) of the People's Republic of China Li Peng visit with the Rockefellers and other capitalists when he comes to New York City, if he is such a hard-line communist? Haven't the Communists named the Capitalists their major enemy? And then when we watch men who are In the Illuminati such as Skull & Bones George Bush treat the Chinese Li's with such closeness, even when it was Li Peng that crushed innocent people at Tiennamen Square, it makes us wonder still. In fact, with other pieces of the puzzle that I have in place, I do know that Red China is already cooperating with and part of the New World Order.
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The Prophetic Clock |
"The United Nations is the greatest fraud in history.
It's purpose is to destroy the United States."
John E. Rankin, a U.S. Congressman
The United Nations is nothing but a Council on Foreign Relations brainchild that is designed to ruin America's sovereignty as it brings war and chaos to the world.
David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations, said, "No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation."
U.S. Banks Brace for Storm Surge as Dollar and Credit System Reel |
The Strange Death Of Todd Blue |
Nuclear Information and Resource Service
& World Information Service on Energy |
A Bush pre-election strike on Iran? |
Who's killing the star wars scientiests?
Did 22 SDI Researchers really ALL Commit Suicide? 
9 .9.2007
China's Cyber Army Preparing To Attack |
Ilegal Aliens Following Americans To Their Graves |
Alexander Cockburn: Will the US Really Bomb Iran? |
Electronically Hijacking the WTC Attack Aircraft |
Dark Forces? |
The Hole in Manhattan's Heart - Newsweek National News - MSNBC.com |
A Jewish Monster |
The next day Ran S |
Osama Bin Dead By Rand Clifford |
The Hero Who Exposed The Nuclear Bombs Flight |
This Can't Be Happening! |
Air Force investigates mistaken transport of nuclear warheads |
Painful 9/11 Truth By Joel S. Hirschhorn |
The Age of Autism: 'A pretty big secret' 
Thousands of children cared for by Homefirst Health Services in metropolitan Chicago have at least two things in common with thousands of Amish children in rural Lancaster: They have never been vaccinated. And they don't have autism.
"We have a fairly large practice. We have about 30,000 or 35,000 children that we've taken care of over the years, and I don't think we have a single case of autism in children delivered by us who never received vaccines," said Dr. Mayer Eisenstein, Homefirst's medical director who founded the practice in 1973. Homefirst doctors have delivered more than 15,000 babies at home, and thousands of them have never been vaccinated.
Read more>> |
The Power Of The Rothschilds |
Judge wants everyone in UK on DNA database |
Makow - Independent Historian Unveils Cabalist Conspiracy |
The Merovingian Bloodline |
Politics Of Hatred - Who Are The Fanatics? |
U.S. Navy 'Top Gun' Pilot Questions 911 Pentagon Story |
How long before the State decides which of us is allowed to breed? | the Daily Mail |
Jewish Organizations Behind Illegal Immigration Catastrophe by Kevin MacDonald (Jan. 31, 2007) |
U.S. Navy 'Top Gun' Pilot Questions 911 Pentagon Story |
Christopher Bollyn Emerges: First Interview Since Being Forced Into Hiding |
There Must Be A Dozen Ways To Destroy Your Country: How the Jewish Supremacists Wrecked America « Zionist Watch: The Writings of Patrick Grimm |
Scotland on Sunday - Sci-Tech - Police force set to stun |
Ha'aretz editor slams Israel at U.N. conference |
Relearning Heterosexual Love |
Slip of the tongue? Rumsfeld admits that "Flight 93" was shot down |
Review Article: The Worldwide Network of US Military Bases |
UK: 4,000 people a week trying to leave the UK
Immigration is rife, but thousands are quitting Britain
BRITAIN is facing a mass exodus of people looking to escape the crime and grime of modern living.
The countrys biggest foreign visa consultancy firm has revealed that applications have soared in the last seven months by 80 per cent to almost 4,000 a week. Ten years ago the figure was just 300 a week.
Most people are relocating within the Commonwealth in Australia, Canada and South Africa. They are almost all young professionals and skilled workers aged 20-40.
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USA testing "Mark of the beast" chips in China - without permanent card no benefits
It looks like the USA is testing our "mark of the beast" chips on the Chinese:
"If they do not get the permanent card, they cannot live here, they cannot get government benefits, and that is a way for the government to control the population in the future," said Michael Lin, vice president for investor relations at China Public Security Technology, the company providing the technology.
Read more>>> |
Evidence Of NWO Agents Provocateurs Mounts |
How China Negotiates With Kidnappers |
Payment card of the future |
Final Varning! |
Which Hidden Power Created Hitler? |
Burning Issues: Verätzt, verbrannt, vernarbt |
Establishment Vs Grass Roots America |
Politics and Society |
Foreign and Domestic Mercenaries |
Which Hidden Power Created Hitler? |
Kill Or Convert, Brought To You By the Pentagon |
Report warns of dangers of UK's DNA database
In the near future mobile scanners, which can generate results in 15 minutes, will come into use, prediction of ethnicity may become feasible, as could predicting health and general appearance. Various studies have claimed to have found genetic links to traits such as homosexuality, aggression, depression or addictive personality, and while GeneWatch notes that none of these studies has stood the test of time, the quest for the criminal gene holds obvious attractions for the forces of law and order.
Read moore>>> |
GI Special 5H5: "Soldiers Lead The Way" |
Wild Weather A Taste Of Things To Come By Marc Kaufman |
Asia By DU, Africa By AIDS By Hamid Golpira |
Reviewing Marjorie Cohn's "Cowboy Republic" By Stephen Lendman |
The Top Bridge Collapsed  |
Samuel Sheinbein And Aaron Needles |
What is Traveling Soldier all about? |
The Global Deployment of US Military Person |
Sacrificed to Zionism |
Bioweapons of the present and the future
The body as battlefield |
The CIA’s successors and collaborators US: overt and covert destabilisation |
Frankenforests: GE Trees Threaten Ecosystem Collapse
Jewish Rule |
The "Jewish" Conspiracy is British Imperialism |
Is the New World Order "Jewish"? |
The New World Order, The Bilderberg Plan – Control Oil, Control People |
‘Rival to Nato’ begins first military exercise |
Bankers Planned World Wars To Destroy Germany |
Hit Movie Exposes Hollywood's Luciferian Game |
The twilight zone / 'Now you are paralyzed, as we promised' - Haaretz - Israel News |
The Franklin Coverup Scandal The Child sex ring that reached Bush/Reagan Whitehouse |
More Smoke on the Horizon in the Middle East War Theater |
How Can Blair Possibly Be Given This Job? |
Story - Feds Order Massive Tire Recall - AOL News |
Was Israel behind weapons smuggling on Estonia?
Denna artikel på rumormillnews hittade jag av en händelse, samt ett brev riktat direkt till Carl Bildt skrivet
redan år 2005.
Läs detta verkligt heta stoff här |
The Globalization of Military Power: NATO Expansion
27.5.2007  |
Scalar Wars
The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics
27.5.2007  |
Countdown To War On Iran By Alain Gresh |
Adios, World Bank! By Nadia Martinez |
Parents of babies to be given 'learning diaries' so experts can monitor children |
Kasrils says Israel's behaviour worse than apartheid |
US-ordered assassinations: Ordered Assassinations, Sectarian Bomb Attacks Targeting Iraqi civilians |
Global Military Alliance: Encircling Russia and China |
Dangerous Climate Change: Eco-Fascism By Bill Henderson |
Slip of the tongue? Rumsfeld admits that "Flight 93" was shot down |
US Military Intel Confirmed Protocols Of Zion In 1919 |
Here Is Why The Zionists Want Iran |
Poisoning The Troops Again By Heather Wokusch |
A History Of US Secret Human Experimentation |
On Bureaucracy, Liberty and the Rule of Law |
Notes On A Cultural Renaissance In A Time Of Barbarism |
Let Them Eat Kebab — The New Marie Antoinettes |
War materials smuggled on Estonia  |
Paul Krugman | Fear of Eating
MONSANTO Family Were Jewish Slave Dealers And Owners
Ahmadinejad: Zionists are NOT Jews | Wake Up From Your Slumber
The Illuminati Killer 'Troops'
US Government To Set Up New Military Command In Africa By Lawrence Porter
President Bush waves the Mexican flag
America is a war zone; our people are being cannibalized before our very eyes.
Looting and plundering the world is the primary goal of the criminal cabal that controls America. We've previously demonstrated how they a mass wealth by the destruction of people and material through the tactic of unending war.
In the late nineteenth and the early part of the twentieth century, their destruction was primarily targeted at foreign peoples such as the Cubans and Filipinos (Spanish-American War), Germans (World Wars I and II), Japanese (World War II), and Soviet citizens (Cold War). Beginning in the early part of the twentieth century, this international gang turned on Americans and began in earnest to cannibalize us.
Read more>>> |
Population "Control", New World Order Style |
The Breakthrough Celebration, May 15-29, 2007 ? a Cascade of Peace Events
His web page is www.calleman.com. For further info see
also www.maya-portal.net and www.breakthroughcelebration.com. |
UK Indymedia - Anti-nuclear activists needle German power giant's annual general meeting |
Beginning Of The End? Genes In GM Crops Jump The Species Barrier.. |
Just Another Day In The Empire |
Depleted Uranium |
FT.com / Europe - EU aims to criminalise Holocaust denial |
Foreign and Domestic Mercenaries |
The End of Economic Growth |
Betty Friedan: The Making Of A Woman Hater |
Cho Seung-hui and the Not So Secret School |
Ex-Soldiers Break `Silence' on Israeli Excesses
`Something rotten' |
Iran: the Threat of a Nuclear War |
The Consequence Of Courage |
The Canadian Holocaust - Chronology of Events |
Bollyn Trial - April 23 - Video Evidence Destroyed |
The Great Iraq Oil Robbery By Alan Maass |
The US Government·s Usage of Atomic Bombs - Domestic - WTC By Ed Ward, MD - Price of Liberty |
What May Have Melted The WTC Vehicles |
Operation Bite - April 6 Sneak Attack On Iran By Bush |
Nandigram: Horror Stories Emerge
Fact finding report of the delegation deputed by the Calcutta High Court
More Horror Stories From Nandigram
US activities in Iraq is an amazing snakes' nest! |
Christopher Bollyn just finished an article that Hans Luik wanted him to write about 911 victims' lawcases. |
Closing The Gap Between Torturer And Victim By John Pilger |
3 Minutes Before Arriving on Scene Police Reported "Fight in Progress"
Evidence from the communications between the Hoffman Estates fire department, the police, and the 911 dispatch, indicate that the police had a hidden agenda to attack Christopher Bollyn before any police vehicle had even arrived at his house on the evening of August 15, 2006.
Transmissions between the different agencies indicate that the police provided false information to the central 911 dispatch saying there was a "fight in progress" which resulted in the 911 dispatcher calling in fire department emergency vehicles.
The 911 dispatch heard this false police report and contacted the fire department at 20:01:06 nearly three minutes before the undercover tactical unit had even arrived at the Bollyn house.
So why were more than 15 police and fire personnel sent in response to Bollyn's non-emergency 911 call about a suspicious vehicle in his neigborhood?
Why was Bollyn TASERed for no reason?
Why was Bollyn denied water or medical attention while in police custody?
Who is really behind the brutal attack on 9/11 researcher Christopher Bollyn?
See complete article at:
The Man Who Killed General Patton |
Invasion of the naked body scanners. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine |
Purim Special From Esther To AIPAC |
Politically Correct Apostate: The Anti-Fascism Wolf in Sheeps Clothing |
Independent Online Edition |
How Barack Obama learned to love Israel |
The private war of women soldiers |
US Car Manurfacturing Heads Toward Zero |
The US Government’s Usage of Atomic Bombs - Domestic - WTC |
http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/KURSK/kursk.html |
Traditional Jews Are Not Zionists - 'Zionism Is A Curse'
Folk behöver på alla sätt få kunskap om zionismens ondska! Läs här>>> |
The Synagogue of Satan  |
Report on Bollyn's 11-11 event  |
A Chronology of The Revolutionary Roots of the UN and the radical minds behind the New World Order |
Character Training For Global Citizenship |
Zionist Israel's Thermonuclear Blackmail Of America |
Bush's Tactics Are A 'Declaration Of War' On Iran |
US Forces Carry Out Provocative Raid On Iran’s Consulate In Northern Iraq |
9/11 Planes Flew Into Secure Computer Rooms in WTC  |
THERMITE AT THE WTC - The Censored Evidence  |
Traditional Jews Are Not Zionists - 'Zionism Is A Curse'  |
Jewish Rule |
The Estonia Was Sabotaged  |
Jewish Anti-Christianity Intensifies As Christians Ignore It
Are You An Anti-Semite? Do You Know Someone Who Is?
Ilya Ehrenberg - The Man Who Invented The 'Six Million' |
Understanding What The Neocon-Zionists Have Done To Iraq And Iraqis While Earning Massive Wealth For Their Masters
Time To Remove The Parasitic War-Loving Zionist Bankster Brain |
The Amazing Warnings Of Benjamin Freedman
A Jewish Defector Warns America |
Unforgettable Cultural Revolution (China), in 2006 vs in 1976-78, vol 1
Historical documents from the Communist Party of China (CPC), vol 2
Demolition, the truth of 9-11 and the WTC |
Stop the Iran War Before It Starts |
America "Poised to Strike at Iran's Nuclear Sites" From Bases in Bulgaria and Romania |
as revealed by their own sources |
ISRAEL in the END of TIME |
Christopher Bollyn Appears in Court
Bollyn Confronts City Hall on Martin Luther King Day |
Rockefeller Admitted Elite Goal Of Microchipped Population |
Weapons of Terrorism and Mass Destruction |
The End Of The Bush Dynasty |
The madness of George
The president's likely refusal to pursue the diplomatic solutions recommended by the Iraq Study Group is simply senseless. |
When Denial Goes Pathological Is President Bush Sane? |
Who Really Controls America? |
Will There Be A Zionist Century? |
The Global Elite: Who are they? |
The US Empire - Beginning Of The End Game |
Berezovsky's Other Friends - The Bush Family |
Creating a New America
We Must Come Fully Awake and Complete the Revolution |
The US Government's Usage of Atomic Bombs - Domestic - WTC |
The Most Revealing Wink Of The 20th Century |
Depleted Uranium Situation Worsens |
War And USA |
About WTC Termite |
http://www.albasrah.net/index.php |
Carter Decries Zionist Control Over Discourse
Speaking Frankly About Israel And Palestine |
A generation is all they need (about micro chips) |
Israeli High Court Sanctions Political Assassinations |
Keep Uptodate With The World!!!
Join Our News Letter !! And Act Today! |
Saddam At The End Of A Rope |
The Execution Of Saddam Hussein |
A dictator Created Then Destroyed By America (Saddam) |
Storm Rages Over Trial, Sentence (Slobodan Milosevic) |
White House Bordello |
The Problem with Israel |
Dire Warnings from China's First Climate Change Report |
The Next Added 100 Million
Sustainable Growth Is Unsustainable |
The Voice of the White House |
Bush Silences a Dangerous Witness |
Saddam's illegal execution is part of US war plan |
ALL THE PHILOSOPHER KING'S MEN. (President Richard Nixon, John D. Ehrlichman, and H. R. Haldeman |
The Partners To War Crime In The Holy Land |
A closer look: The Israeli origins of Bush II's war |
The United States is Insolvent |
Will Stinky Cut The Big One |
UK, US And Israeli State Terrorism And Western Holocaust Denial |