Shadow to Shadow!  

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* 9/11
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* Mordet på Anna Lindh
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* MindControl
* Chemtrail
* HAARP & Echelon

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* Video


For a long time it has seemed like there has´nt been any organisation or agency strong enough to stand up to the ”shadow Government”-untill (maybe) now. The summer of 2007 Canadian born -Benjamin Fulford- delivered an Ultimatum to the Shadow Government in the form of an article written by Henry Makow and also on the Jeff Rense Radio show- (

He has been living and working as a journalist in Japan for 20 year, speaks fluently Japanese and he has great insight into the socio-political situation in Japan. Between 1998-2005 he was the Asia pacific Bureau-Cheif of FORBES magazine. As a man of strong principles he quit working for FORBES when he found out that they would´nt print a story involving amoral acts of one of their sponsors. He has since written 15 books on Japanese of where the most recent one reveals 9/11 to be an Inside job-according to Benjamin this is something people are beginning to realise both at a grassrot level but also among the political leaders in Japan.

Benjamin speaks about comming in contact with a Chinese Secret Society wich are feed up with the Illuminati-shadow government (lead by the the illuminati familes of the Rockefellers and the Rothchilds) and their manipulations and murderous agendas.

As a spokesmen for this Chinese Society Fulford strongly ”recommends”or rather -demands- the leaders for this Shadow government to stop their war agendas and their plans of dessimating large parts of the population on the earth.

If this demand is not fulfilled this chinese Secret Society may feel that they have to likvidate the highest public leaders of the shadow government-to strike the eye-as Benjamin puts it.
According to Fulford, the position of the Chinese Secret Society is that If the leaders of the Shadow Government are willing to sit down and negotiate and change their ways then they will not have to go to prison - they can keep their castles and their servants but they must stop their manipulation and their war agendas.

Fulford stresses that the Chinese Society he represents most of all wishes to have a peacefull solution but if the Illuminati Shadow government rejects negotiations and continues in their destructive behaviour then they don´t see any choise then to take counter mezures.

One of the reasons why this Chinese secret Society are acting so urgently according to Fullford is that they feel convinced that SARS was an artificially made virus that was asian etno specific In other words - a genuine attempt to greatly reduce the Asian Population with virus warfare.

Fulford sais that the Rockefeller side of the Shadow Government has controlled and blackmailed Japan since WW2, He sais that last year Japan gave the illuminati the staggering amount of 800 billion dollars, money which the Illuminati uses to create wars. Any Japanese Polititician who oposes this and refuses to be controlled - get´s killed.

His sources claim over 200 Japanese Politicians and people of influence has been killed by Americans since WW2, some of wich are said to have been former primeministers like Tanaka, Takeshita, Ohira and Obuchi. His sources say that they where killed by a drug that makes the death look like an ordinary stroke.
Fulford claims that not only is he a spokesperson for this society he has also become a member and a leader – why and how he met up with and joined this society is an interesting story. Fulford tells us that everything began when he was investgating a murder and corruption scandal involving David Rockefeller and the former Finans minister of Japan - Heizo Takenaka. According to Fulford Heizo Takenaka is a protege of the infamous Henry Kissinger who in turn is an Agent of David Rockefeller

Fulford confronted Heizo Takenaka in a Televised Interview with proof that he had sold out
Japan´s Finans system to a group of finans companies controlled by David Rockefeller -the
next day Fulford sais he was contacted by a professional japanese assassin who threw a
Freemason badge in front of him and said that he - Fulford - could continue exposing people and
Haizo taken a kadie at the age of 47 or join the freemasons and get previleges like becoming the next Minister of Finans in Japan. Benjamin says that he then understood what happens when people come to close to the truth of what is going on, when it comes to a choice like that most people would probably choose to join - some more willingly then others - In this way the Illuminati Shadow Government get many of the smartest people on it´s side. Luckily a 3´rd alternative showed up. The very next day he was contacted by a ”gentleman”-as he him self puts it- who said that he was a representative from a Chinese Secret Society who knew that he had just been threatend but that they offered Fulford their protection.

The Alleged history of this Chinese Society.

After having meet several members of this society and realised that he shares many of their values and their world view - he became not only their spokesperson to the western world but also a member and leader figure in this society.

According to Fulford this is an old secret society which can trace it´s roots to the Ming Dynasty.
They are said to have called themselfes ”the green and Red Societies”.

Fulford sais that when the Manchu's invaded China in 1644 the Ming Army got betrayed by a border General - they then went underground and continued working in secret in their efforts of overthroughing the Qing (Manchu) and re-install the Ming Dynasty. Among other things they supported the Boxer Rebellion wich was put down by Imperial Forces.

Some time later they got help by chinese abroad and the Imperial Family of Japan - eventually they where successfull in overthroughing the Last Emeror from the throne who they replaced with Sun Yat Sen. In the 1940's they again show up in the history books but they then call themselfes ”the Green gang and the Red Gang” this time they fought the Communists in Shanghai - who they got defeated by in 1949 -and they again went underground.

Since then it seems that they appear to have continued their work mostly from behind the curtains, but according to Fulford they have members very high up in the Chinese Goverment.
Even though this Society has influence in the Government of China Fulford stresses that this Society is an Anti-Communist and Anti -etablissemangs society, They have ”codes of Honor” he sais that forbidds the organisation to be used in a selfish maner, and it also sais that they are to protect those that are weak, ect. This society according to Fulford have 6 million members world wide, inkluding 1.8 milion asian gangsters (such as some of the Triads and some of the Yakuza) furthermore they are supposed to have 100.000 proffessional Assassins - some of which are westerners. About 2/3´ds of this society are not gangsters or assassins but highly intellectual people who are university proffessors, scientists and byreaucrats. The Headquarter of this Society are in Taiwan -says Fulford.

The Answer. (is the shadow government using secret weapons to subdue Japan?)
It was Some time after he met with members of this Society that he showed up on Jeff Rense´s Webb Radio show where he proclaimed the Ultimatum to the Illuminati.

After having appeared on that show and after having put up relating info on his webb site he heard from a high member of Japans Security Police that they had got the information that as an answer to Fulford´s apearance on there would be an earthquake in Niigata Prefecture. Just some day´s later ( 16juli-2007) there was earthquakes on two consequitive days near Japan´s biggest Nuklear power plant in Kashiwazaki-Kariwa, Niigata Prefecture. The Epicentre was only 60 km off the coast between the mainland and Sado Island.

Thanks to an emergency auto-shut system there was only minimal damages according to official sources, however it was severe enough to close the Nuklear power plant for a longer time. Apart from a minor fire the most serious thing that occured was a leakage of radio aktiv water wich was lead out to the sea according to proccedures..but things could´ve turned very bad. If it is true that Benjamin was warned in advance by a high member of Japans Security Polis then this seems to be a strong indication that what many already has claimed-that US military-Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuklear power plant.

(or in this case maby a non official military fraction controlled by the Shadow Government) has access to wheather control tecnology. This would be the ultimate intimidation and extorsion tool.
Some say HAARP is used for this purpuse. Few would expect any foul play since Japan has many Nuklear Power Plants next to high risk earthquake areas and furthermore earthquakes are naturally quite frequvent in Japan. Benjamin says that instead of revenge ( which he thinks only would play the shadow gov, in their hands since they seem to always be looking for an exuse to launch a 3´rd world war.) Instead he has seen that Asian countries has begun dumping dollars-big time.
Asian countries are now getting tired of suporting and finansing the shadfow government when it is only using the money to attack other countries and create exuses for war. HAARP in Alaska. If as it seems the Shadow Government are using Secret warfare to blackmail Japan one can be pretty sure that they do the same with many other contries, i would recommend such Contries and Governments who are experiencing such intimidation to come out publicly with what is going on. It is much safer when disclosure takes place in groups rather then individually. Negotiations?

On Benjamins homepage; there is an article where Benjamin is saying that there has been some sort of negotiations with the shadow government and that they have promised to make big changes but that people need to be patient since it may take some time for this message to reach all the different fractions since it is such a compartmentalized organisation.
If this is just a way to win time or if it is sincere remains to see..... When Benjamin was interviewed on he was of the opinion that it was the Rockefeller side of the
shadow goverment that was the worst criminals but in a more recent interview with Alex Jones he has shifted his position to also include the Rothchilds who have their highseat in Europe and England.
Since the Rothchilds are more secretive it is likly that they sit higher up in the illuminati ladder then what the Rockefellers do. Interesting Ancestry. Benjamin sais that he has a personal interest in seing a big change in the modus operandi of the Secret Government because he is convinced that his Great grandfather G.T. Fulford was murdered by the Shadow Gowernment. At the time of his demise George Taylor Fulford was the biggest single shareholder in General Electrics and he was thinking of buying the company general Motors.

G.T Fulford died -1905- in the first officialy reported car accident in the history of Canada.
His driver who made it had according to wikipeda been forewarned a week in advance before the ”accident”. Benjamin belives that his great grandfather was killed because he was going to finans Nicola Tesla whom he was a friend and supporter of. GeorgeTaylor Fulford (1854-1905) Tesla Experiment. Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) G.T.Fulford.

Tesla´s contributions to science was far reaching but he made a big misstake in letting the
questionable and infamous international banker J.P. Morgan become his Financer, however it
probably would´nt have made any differance since the US military and the Shadow Government
would probably have made it´s best in sabotaging some of his creations either way.
There was a competition between scientist in Europe (Marconi) and Tesla to see who first could
transmit a wireless signal across the atlantic. For this endeavour Tesla let build the Wardencliff Tower-but Tesla also had a secret plan for the Wardencliff Tower-to not only transmit a signal but also power to give free-energy to all people on the planet. When J.P. Morgan found out about this he withdrew his financial support since he found no way to make profits on a free energy system.

Because of this Marconi beat Tesla in the race to be the first to transmit a transatlantic wireless signal. Sometime later Tesla publicly claimed that the Wardencliff Tower also could be used to modify the weather. When the U.S military heard about this they confiscated the tower with the ludacris motivation that it might Wardencliff Tower be a foreign spy tecnology instalation. Before the military destroyed the tower with explosives they are said to have made a scalar wave test with it-in one area near the tower the fishermen complained that there was suddenly no fish any more-maybe because of this scalar wave test.

It is interesting to see how quickly the US.military acted as soon as they heard of weather
modification technology, most probably the military already had some tecnology that could affect
the weather and maybe they rebuilt Teslas tower away from the public eye. The reason why they destroyed Teslas Tower so quickly was probably because they did´nt wantany other
country to have access to such technology, they wanted to be the only country which could use wheather modifications as warfare. Instead they tried to get Tesla to invent things that they where interested in-especially tecnologies that could be used as weapons.
It is said that HAARP is a Tesla inspired network that uses extreme low frequensy radiowaves in order to affect the environment.

I remember that in the gymnasium school books Tesla was only mentioned briefly ( not by chance i
presume ) i belive that in the near future Tesla will be acclaimed as one of our greatest scientists ever, even surpassing his contemporaries such as Albert Einstein, Isack Newton and Tom Edison.
He was a visionary scientist who realized the importance in including the Ether element into physics, many scientists of today have yet to realise this fundamental fact. If the earthquake in Niigata Prefecture was artificially made and if HAARP was involved in it is to early to
say, i am sure they have other weather control systems to choose from. Benjamin said an interesting thing on the rense intervju- he described that people had seen a ball of light in the area shortly before the earthquake and that he even had this ball of light on film.
The near Future. When it comes to what plans the shadow government has in store for humanity in the near future Fulford sais he is wide open to all sorts of possibilites and scenareos.
One must expect the unexpected -it can be everything from a staged ”Alien Invasion” to blowing up a Nuklear bomb on US Soil inorder to win opinion ( similar tactics of 9/11 but much
worse ). many people may think that staging a Alien Invasion sounds very farfetched, but the
shadow government probably has such capabilites-especially if the secret black budget space program is so advanced as many say it is. A staged event like that could create the nessessary fear and confusion that they would need to consolidate and centralize their ”new world order”agenda. Most members in the shadow government probably don´t want to do evil things but they are afraid and know that they can be likvidated if they sway to much and don´t follow the agenda.

There are many international groups and societies that activly work to create the ”new world order” where the power elite met and take decisions on our future, some of the more well known are; Council of Forign relations, Trilateral Commision and the Bilderbergers. Swedens own Primeminister Fredrick Reinfeldt has beeen seen to partake in the Bilderberg metings. The higher levels of Freemasonry is also part of the shadow government. According to Fulford there are 13 levels above the officialy known 33 degrees, it is only those at the top of the fremasonry pyramid that knows the truth about plans of the shadow government. Fulford has many reasonable and creative solutions on how state of our world quickly could turn and become more possitive.-for example he sais that if the American military and especially powerfull organisations like the Pentagon would realize that they would do better in helping the earth and it´s populace instead of like their doing now helping the shadow government in their plans to dessimate the population by creating wars, famines and viruses.

Many high ranking militaries would probably much rather do good that then killing innocent men, wimen and children like their doing now in Irak. If they don´t change their ways they will be potrayed as war criminals in the history books. He suggests that if they want something constructive to do why don´t they go and terraform Mars-or some thing. Fulford gives this suggestion to the Shadow Government. ”There´s no need to be afraid of peace” For along time it has been the Shadow Governments plan to dessimate the human population with atleast 80%. Many documents and reports suporting this has gotten out to the public, like for example ”the global 2000 report”, but the Shadow Government has´nt exactly been shy about their plans, they are rather proud of their plans and they have even carved their intentions on stone for anybody to see on the Georgia Guide stones. They have seen themselfes as so superior that no one could threathen them.

Georgia guidestones Fulford sais he is hopefull when it comes to the general public, people are angry, he says and many people are starting to realize that there is something that really is´nt right, most people can not pinpoint specifically what the problem is, but the mere fact that so many are starting to see that it is ”something really wrong” is a very important step.

The human Will power can literely move mountains if used corectly. It is how we use our will that defines us. Unfourtunatly the will lies dormant in most humans. Many people are not aware of how powerfull their wills are and how much they could achive with it. Since many people are burdened with negative thoughts and emotions, like fear,gulit,shame, and anger ect they feel them selfes as victims of cicumstances and they loose the connection with their will power. If people would free themselfes from these limiting negative thoughts and emotions and re-connect themselfs to their will power no shadow Government in the world could control us. Since they are so few and we are so many it would be relativly easy to break free if people only started to wake up and use their wills. An awakening in the collective concsiousness are definately taking place in this regard otherwise the book and film ”the Secret” would not have reached such a vide resonans and appriciation. If sufficiently many people would free themselfes from victim identity then we could CREATE with our WILL the world we want to live in.