Komplementära valutor kan lösa den ekonomiska krisen

by yeslove, January 22nd, 2009 | 2 Comments

Bernard Lietaer: White Paper on the Options for Managing Systemic Bank Crises

The on-going financial crisis results not from a cyclical or managerial failure, but from a structural one. Part of the evidence for this assertion is that there have already been more than 96 other major banking crises over the past 20 years, and that such crashes have happened even under very different regulatory systems as well as at different stages of economic development.
We urgently need to find better solutions because the last time we faced a breakdown of this scope, the Great Depression of the 1930s, ended up in a wave of fascism, and World War II However, so far the conventional solutions being applied – nationalization of the problem assets (as in the original Paulson bailout) or nationalization of the banks (as in Europe) – only deal with the symptoms, not the systemic cause of today’s banking crisis. Similarly, the financial reregulation that will be on everybody’s political agenda will, at best, reduce the frequency of such crises, but not avoid their re-occurrence.

The good news is that a systemic understanding and technical solution are now available that would ensure that such crashes become a phenomenon of the past. A recent conceptual breakthrough, that takes its evidence from balanced, structurally sound, and highly functioning eco-systems now proves that all complex systems, including our monetary and financial ones, become structurally unstable whenever efficiency is overemphasized at the expense of diversity, interconnectivity and the crucial resilience they provide. The surprising systemic “a-ha” insight is that sustainable vitality involves diversifying our types of currencies and institutions and introducing new ones that are designed specifically to increase the availability of money in its prime function as a medium of exchange, rather than for savings or speculation. Additionally, these currencies are expressly designed to link what would remain otherwise unused resources with unmet needs within a community, region or country. These currencies are know as “complementary” because they do not replace the conventional national money, but rather operate in parallel with it.

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Kina: USA har plundrat världen med dollarn

by yeslove, November 7th, 2008 | 3 Comments | English

Reuters: U.S. has plundered world wealth with dollar: China paper

The front-page commentary in the overseas edition of the People’s Daily said that Asian and European countries should banish the U.S. dollar from their direct trade relations for a start, relying only on their own currencies.

A meeting between Asian and European leaders, starting on Friday in Beijing, presented the perfect opportunity to begin building a new international financial order, the newspaper said.

The People’s Daily is the official newspaper of China’s ruling Communist Party. The Chinese-language overseas edition is a small circulation offshoot of the main paper.

“The grim reality has led people, amidst the panic, to realize that the United States has used the U.S. dollar’s hegemony to plunder the world’s wealth,” said the commentator, Shi Jianxun, a professor at Shanghai’s Tongji University. (more…)


by yeslove, November 6th, 2008 | 2 Comments | English

Fredrik ReinfeldtMona SahlinFredrik Reinfeldt och Mona Sahlin

Förtroende är grundläggande för sociala och ekonomiska relationer och avgörande för samhällets funktion, utan förtroende faller det samman.

In the US Department of Defense, a `trusted system or component’ is defined as `one which can break the security policy’. (1)

The New York Times reported on 19 February 2002 that the Pentagon’s new “Office of Strategic Influence” (OSI) is “developing plans to provide news items, possibly even false ones, to foreign media organizations” in an effort “to influence public sentiment and policy makers in both friendly and unfriendly countries.”(2)

The argument is that funding has dried up because the money markets don’t trust the banks.(3)

The reason the money markets have seized is that banks don’t trust each other. The reason Europe struggles to find a systemic solution to this crisis is that governments don’t trust each other. (4)


Pengar är skuld

by yeslove, February 17th, 2008 | No Comments | English

Pengar skapas av banker genom våra lån, på grund av räntan överstiger totalskulden alltid den tillgängliga penningmängden. För att inte kollapsa kräver systemet evig tillväxt för att betala en evigt växande skuld och överför i långa loppet allt värde till bankerna.

“One thing to realize about our fractional reserve banking system is that, like a child’s game of musical chairs, as long as the music is playing, there are no losers” -Andrew Gause, Monetary historian

“Money is a new form of slavery, and indistinguishable from the old simply by the fact that it is impersonal, there is no human relation between master and slave” - Leo Tolstoy

1. Why do governments choose to borrow money from private banks at interest when gov’t could create all the interest-free money it needs, itself?
2. Why create money as debt? Why not create money that circulates permanently?
3. How can a money system dependend on perpetually accelerating growth be used to build a sustainable economy?
4. What specifically needs to be changed?

När videon är klar, klicka “>” pilen i videofönstrets marginal för att spela nästa del (fem st).

Bernard Lieater:Beyond greed and scaricity

What are the shadows of the Great Mother archetype? I’m proposing that these shadows are greed and fear of scarcity.

Louis Even:The money myth exploded - An introduction to Social Credits

“The Money Myth Exploded” … remains one of the most popular to explain how money is created as a debt by private banks

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Morgan Stanley varnar för en “perfect storm”

by yeslove, December 17th, 2007 | No Comments | English

Telegraph:Morgan Stanley issues full US recession alert

Morgan Stanley has issued a full recession alert for the US economy, warning of a sharp slowdown in business investment and a “perfect storm” for consumers as the housing slump spreads.

Paul Craig Roberts:Impending Destruction of the US Economy

The US dollar has lost 60% of its value during the current administration.

If foreigners were to reduce their existing holdings of dollars, superpower America would instantly disappear

We have arrived at the point where it is no longer bold to say that nothing now can be done. Unless the rest of the world decides to underwrite our economic rescue, the chips will fall where they may.
