En riktigt God Jul…

by yeslove, December 24th, 2007 | No Comments | English

God Jul
Önskar yeslove!

Sverige och NATO

by yeslove, December 23rd, 2007 | 1 Comment

I SvD opinion skriver ambassadör Lars Bergquist, generallöjtnant Carl Björeman och författaren Karl Erik Lagerlöf:

SvD:Sverige nära USA:s krigspolitik

”Sverige ska bli del av Natos brandkårsstyrka”, lydde en rubrik i Svenska Dagbladet (10/11). Vi står redan under Natobefäl i Afghanistan. 330 svenska soldater verkar där under Nato.

Vi förordar att Sverige istället markerar sin självständighet i förhållande till Natoländerna, även om en del av dem ingår i EU.

Författarnas förslag är nog klokt, det är åtmistone angeläget att veta vad det är vi ger oss in i och på sin plats att påpeka att engagemanget Sverige har i Afghanistan och som förebådas i framtiden knappast handlar om försvar av Sverige eller Europa utan om västliga expansionistiska intressen.

Medan samtiden ofta presenteras som lösryckta händelser passande ett känslomässigt ställningstagande hos olika opinioner är det naturligtvis inte så historien framskrider. Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya är en Kanadensisk analytiker som sätter in kriget i Afghanistan och den Amerikanska utrikespolitiken i ett tydligt historiskt och geopolitiskt sammanhang.

Europe and America: Sharing the Spoils of War

Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski, one America’s most influential geo-strategic experts, in 1997 foretold of the pivotal role that the Franco-German entente would play in extending American control of Eurasia. He maintained, like many of his colleagues at the Council for Foreign Relations (CFR), that E.U. expansion was equivalent to covert American expansion. It would be America that would be in the shadows of an expanded European Union.

A classical “divide and conquer” strategy is at play. The underlying objective is to provoke ethnic clashes across the Middle East and Central Asia. This venture, which is linked to Bzezinski’s forecast, is part of an agenda which consists in literally redrawing the map of this broader region. Moreover, there have also been attempts at sparking sectarian and ethnic differences in Iran from adjoining areas in Anglo-American occupied Iraq and NATO-garrisoned Afghanistan that implicate America and its allies.

America’s objective is to create an enduring trans-Eurasian military bloc in which Japan is slated to play a key role from both an economic and military standpoint.

This is part of the project to create three strategic fronts against Russia and China. Pressure will be exerted from NATO in the western end of Eurasia, while in the Middle East there is a strong NATO presence and a “Coalition of the Moderate” is being formed and armed, which will eventually become a de facto extension of NATO. The arming of Saudi Arabia and the Arab Sheikhdoms of the Persian Gulf is directly linked to the inward penetration of Eurasia from the Middle East via Iran. While NATO exerts pressure from Europe and the Middle East Japan and Australia will do the same from the eastern end of Eurasia. Russia Iran, and China are all being addressed through three Eurasian fronts.

Läs också Missilförsvar och Nukleär Dominans

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Time Magazine: Vladimir Putin -Årets Person 2007

by yeslove, December 20th, 2007 | No Comments | English

Vladimir PutinVladimir Putin

Time Magazine:Person of the Year 2007

… he has performed an extraordinary feat of leadership in imposing stability on a nation that has rarely known it and brought Russia back to the table of world power. For that reason, Vladimir Putin is TIME’s 2007 Person of the Year.

Putin presiderar över större delen av den Eurasiska kärnan eller Mackinders heartland, slutmålet för erövring av havsmakter med geopolitiska ambitioner. Med Putin har Ryssland tre värden att erbjuda sina regionala grannar, naturresurser, försvarsteknologi och strategiskt ledarskap.

Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya:The “Great Game”: Eurasia and the History of War

Central Asia is set to become the mid-axis and the heartland of a series of north-south and west-east corridors. A strategic triangle between Russia, Iran, and China will set the border for a Eurasian trade zone that can eventually bring Africa and chunks of Europe into its orbit. Latin America has already anticipated this shift and is preparing to redirect part of its trade from the U.S. and E.U. towards this area.

En intressant och unik berättelse om Heny Luce, grundare av Time magazine

Michael Donovan:The Fall of Norfolk

I have maintained that international secret agreements concerning non use of nuclear weapons form the essential glue to a secret world government. This is something that I saw develop as a child while my Father worked for Time Magazine.

The uppermost intelligence was to be kept, not in the public sector of ‘government’, but the private sector of ‘media’. Therefore Hedley Donovan was not made the head of the new formed CIA. He was made by Luce the president of Time Magazine.

Martha’s Vineyard, prior to the Suez and Panama canals, and during the Age of Sail, was the place where world communication through the tea, slave, opium, and whaling trades came together first. It was for some time the world’s most central ‘post office’. This was a very private system run by the Luce family. Henry Luce, though he grew up in central China, used these old family connections to create the Time magazine empire.
Banking follows information centers, and the banking center (Wall Street) would have remained in Boston were it not for the canals and the railroads.

The second concept that forms the basis of naval intelligence is something called the ‘Secret of Wu Tui’. In a sense it is a simple test in logic. Somewhere around the birth of Christ, some think the year four, a secret message went from the Emperor of China, Wu Tui, to the Emperor of Rome, Caesar. The test of logic is…, what is this secret? If logic states that ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’, what is the most exquisite secret that could be proposed? Simple, “Let us pretend to be enemies, but be very secret friends at top, with this only we, secretly, will know everything.” The silk road was just developing, and this, conspiring being natural, would develop on any planet where two large empires were just connecting. With this the Kosars, those connected to the Jewish trusts with historical connections to the silk road, would become insiders.

Mer om den strategiska situationen:
Missilförsvar och Nukleär dominans
Europe and America: Sharing the Spoils of War

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Morgan Stanley varnar för en “perfect storm”

by yeslove, December 17th, 2007 | No Comments | English

Telegraph:Morgan Stanley issues full US recession alert

Morgan Stanley has issued a full recession alert for the US economy, warning of a sharp slowdown in business investment and a “perfect storm” for consumers as the housing slump spreads.

Paul Craig Roberts:Impending Destruction of the US Economy

The US dollar has lost 60% of its value during the current administration.

If foreigners were to reduce their existing holdings of dollars, superpower America would instantly disappear

We have arrived at the point where it is no longer bold to say that nothing now can be done. Unless the rest of the world decides to underwrite our economic rescue, the chips will fall where they may.


Danmark diskuterar 9/11

by yeslove, December 12th, 2007 | No Comments | English

Danmarks mest lästa morgontidning Avisen, har publicerat fyra stora artiklar om “the 9/11 truth movement”, WTC 7 och Pentagon. Resultatet gav så mycket feedback att en särskild 9/11 tema sektion skapats i onlineversionen följd av intensiv debatt. Ekstrabladet följer upp 12/12-07 med en artikel rubricerad CIA stod bag 9/11. I en intervju med 9/11-skeptiker i Danska TV2 förklarar man:

“9/11 är en av de viktigaste politiska frågor överhuvudtaget i vår samtid och definierar det som kallas kriget mot terrorn. Om man kan gå in och påvisa att 9/11 som ligger till grund för hela kriget mot terrorn inte utspelade sig som den officiella förklaringen hävdar så finns det skäl att revidera många saker…”

YouTube Preview ImageUppdatering 16/12: Också i Norska medier diskuteras 9/11 från en skeptisk synvinkel. På tide å tenke konspiratorisk? publicerades 24/11 i Fædrelandsvennen, Stavanger Aftenblad, Bergens Tidende och Adresseavisen. Ämnet har tidigare berörts bl.a. i Norska Le Monde Diplomatique.

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IPCC larmar men har man rent mjöl i påsen?

by yeslove, December 12th, 2007 | No Comments

På randen till en katastrof säger FN-chefen:

Enligt IPCC-rapporten är de mänskligt orsakade utsläppen av växthusgaser med över 90 procents sannolikhet huvudorsaken till uppvärmningen.

Men IPCC verkar ha underskattat omfattningen, den är mer än global, planetarisk och nästan kosmisk för även Pluto och stora delar av solsystemet har drabbats. Men det är bara här på jorden uppvärmningen kan vara antropogen och några skatteintäkter är inte att vänta från de andra planeterna, uppvärmningen är nämligen inte bara en katastrof utan också en skattefråga. (more…)

Mordet på JFK Jr

by yeslove, December 9th, 2007 | No Comments | English

Interessant video om JFK junior’s död i en flygkrash utanför Amerikanska östkusten 1999. Består av tre sektioner: En politisk bakgrund som man kan men inte måste hålla med om, en undersökning av händelseförloppet och dess förvånansvärda omständigheter samt en mordhypotes baserad på användandet av en ‘Manchurisk kandidat’.

Läs också analys och kritik av Michael Green

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Italiensk ex-president: 9/11 en falskflaggad attack

by yeslove, December 9th, 2007 | No Comments | English

I en artikel i Corriere della Sera 30 nov. säger Francesco Cossiga, organisatör av operation Gladio och Italiensk president mellan 1985-1992 att attackerna i New York och Washington 9/11-2001 var organiserade av CIA och Mossad samt att detta är välkänt bland världens säkehetstjänster.
Källa: Prisonplanet.

Engelsk översättning :
Media With Conscience: Were US & Israel Behind the 9/11?

“From areas around the Palazzo Chigi, nerve centre of direction of Italian intelligence, it is noted that the non-authenticity of the video is testified from the fact that Osama bin Laden in it ‘confessed’ that Al Qaeda would have been the author of the attack of the 11 September to the Twin Towers in New York, while all of the democratic areas of, America and of Europe, with in the forefront those of the Italian, centre-left, now know well that the disastrous attack was planned and realized by the American CIA and Mossad with the help of the Zionist world to put under accusation the Arabic Countries and to persuade the Western Powers to intervene in Iraq and Afghanistan For this, no word of solidarity arrived to Silvio Berlusconi, who has been the author of the brilliant falsification, neither from the Quironale nor from Palazzo Chigi, nor from representatives of the centre-left”

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