Yrsas Blogg
* Artiklar på engelska 
* Tsunami
Frimurare och illuminater
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* Kriget i Irak
* Balibombningen
* Estonia
* Mordet på Anna Lindh
* Mordet på Olof Palme
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* MindControl
* Chemtrail
*HAARP & Echelon
* EU
* Böcker
* Video

Dear activists,
I find your work interesting and therefore I would like to take the initiative to introduce you to the following. You seem to appreciate that the international wars on drugs, terror and crime are all based on a wrong premise, i.e. the problems grow at a similar rate as the bureacracies employed, but what about the wars on cancer, poverty and AIDS. Well, as you may know already the war on poverty (conveniently renamed "Make poverty history") is also a rip off inspired by the likes of IMF and World Bank for the IMF and World Bank and third world banks. The war on cancer is not about finding cures but withholding them while influencing the media to not report successes of other types of treatment. However I am interested in only one war, namely the war on AIDS. How could this war ever be counter productive? Well, if the definition used to diagnose AIDS in Africa was very different, if the tests are not detecting HIV, if pregnancy, TB, malaria and many other factors
cause false positive results, if all the diseases that are called AIDS existed before AIDS came along then the obvious question many people would pose would be: Well, how is it possible distinguish between AIDS and TB?
(I attach links below to the new film exposing the AIDS industry and the effects this has, and is having on Africans, socially, medically, politically and economically)
I am an AIDS researcher working in my spare time with many doctors and scientists around the world who have explored and are attempting to expose the 26 year long AIDS fraud in the reminder that there are no safe vaccine, no safe treatment, no cure, experts admit that not a single life has been saved, all predictions have failed and yet the fear mongering continues and all the time the racist definition of AIDS prevails in Africa without scrutiny.
There are huge grey areas when it comes to interpreting results from testing (for antibodies), but in Africa one doesn't even need to be tested anyway. The WHO Bangui definition is used.
I am from UK and visit Uganda and Rwanda annually and after making observations, experiences and conversations with employees of AIDS in both East Africa and in Europe I :
realise now that it was inevitable that I would come into contact with all these people I now am so familiar with and who have acknowledged the same. www.RethinkingAIDS.com
If it is in your interest and curiosity to discover why the war on AIDS continues to be, by any measure, a colossal failure then I invite you to watch these few YouTube videos of some of the highly credentialed people questioning AIDS activism and research.
My associates Charles Geshekter, David Crowe and Andrew Maniotis can each be heard deconstructing the myth of AIDS in Africa on separate videos by doing a search for their individual names.
I should be glad to receive your comments any time. I appreciate that it may take time to investigate this issue, because the problem has been over simplified and politicised for public consumption and for purposes of attracting mass funding. Joining the letters "HIV" and "AIDS" in 1996 for example was nothing more than a media stunt.
Ricci Davis
The Cause and Cure of AIDS? Part 16 Moneymarket
AIDS Inc. (Trailer)
More than 200 million Americans are suffering from some sort of disease or medical condition at a cost of two trillion dollars per year. The conventional medical model shows no hope in curing, and little hope of improving, most of these medical problems. In fact, conventional pharmaceutical approaches to curing disease very often exacerbate the very problems they are supposed to cure, or create other new medical problems that were not there previously. ( more )
Gary Null has just released this new video called AIDS INC. (See trailer above) It reveals footage that has not been seen from around the world, especially in Africa, in his new film. This is the first film on AIDS to bring together the most compelling arguments of dissident scientists, physicians and public health advocates. In AIDS Inc, Dr. Null shows how greed and corruption have prevented any real progress in fighting the epidemic and its underlying causes. The film challenges the notion that AIDS or HIV is an African monkey virus that is spread sexually and can be "treated" with harmful drugs. It considers the common underlying conditions of the epidemic, such as malnutrition, unclean water, poverty, illness such as TB, malaria and dysentery, and poor lifestyle choices.
AIDS Inc. Testimonials
Here are some Testimonials from the premiere at the AMC 24 / Time Square in New York....AIDS HIV AFRICA GARY NULL RETHINKER DISSIDENT TESTIMONIALS