The year when all times will meet!

A vision of the future


Roland Mollbrandt

Authored mainly through channelling.

The entire book is published unconditionally on the web.

Below you can read a short description of it's content!


Peace on Earth isn’t something we can buy from a catalog and pay with a credit card.
Peace on Earth also isn’t something that can be forced upon us with bombs and grenades.
Peace is a state of mind, which can be achieved only by respecting and helping each other.
Peace also is something that constantly, actively and mutually has to be kept alive.

Many people are dreaming of a more peaceful world,
but since world peace now seems more distant and unachievable than ever before,
we tend to become increasingly worried where it is all going to end.

And as far as I know,
no one in our time has ever tried to visualize a peaceful world
and at the same time realizing the need of a totally new set of values.
Therefore I decided to take it upon myself to change that
and at the same time try to show how an alternative world could work.
I have done that by trying to visualize a totally different way of conduct so that it would be possible to make a comparison between them and I have also tried to evoke your emotions.

Many books are predictable one way or another,
however I hope this one isn’t one of them.
At the same time I’m hoping you will find it worth your while reading it,
especially if you’re capable to go beyond your own personal situation
and se the problems depicted from a global point of view.

It’s OK if you can’t always relate to what I’m describing,
since I’m sometimes forced to generalize to make a point.
Nevertheless I think this book is offering the reader a unique chance,
to view and mirror our mostly subconscious attitudes, values and behavior patterns
with an outside perspective.

Thereby I’m offering the reader some sort of instant “window” to the future,
which hopefully makes it possible to choose a different path,
since most of us probably never have even contemplated the possibility,
that our world might work much better for everyone,
if only we would dare to use a more unconditional set of tools.

It has also been my aim to turn upside down, as many of our ”truths” as possible.

Even the publication of this manuscript is somewhat different,
since I have chosen to publish it freely and unconditionally on the web.
My reason for doing so will be obvious to you, once you have read it.
There is also an explicitly sexual part in this book,
with a distinct touch on the kinky side.
Why that is, will also be explained in the book.
But if you are disturbed by such content I would strongly recommend,
that you deal with your prejudices before reading this book.

* * *


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Published  July 22, 2001

Updated January 9, 2003