A short description!

Many books are predictable, one way or another, however this book isn't. 
There is absolutely nothing in or around this book that is predictable.

The content of this book is almost as different as a book can be, 
even though you will recognize most of the content with a smile on your lips.


I also think you’ll find it worth your while reading the book.

And if I might be so bold as to say,
that you will probably even be able to appreciate the book more,
if you are able to read it unbiased.
It’s also essential that you try to avoid comparing
 the portrayed problems and examples
with your own personal situation.
So, please try to view the book from a global point of view.

It is OK even if you don’t recognise your self in some of the descriptions,
since it is sometimes necessary to generalise.

 Still, the book offers a unique opportunity,
to compare and reflect on our common belief- and value-systems.
At the same time it is creating a window,
where we can picture the future in a vivid and yet accessible way,
thus giving us the possibility to choose an alternative road ahead,
because most likely it hasn’t even crossed our minds yet,
that our existence might be much more pleasant for all of us,
if we would use a different set of ‘tools’.

With this book we can also take a unique look at our selves,
from an outside perspective and at the same time,
letting us take a unique view at our own personal sub conscious
attitudes and our equally sub conscious behaviour patterns.

Even the publication is different since I have chosen to publish
 the entire content freely and unconditionally on the web.

My reason for publishing the book this way,
will explain itself to you, once you have read it.
There is also an explicitly sexual part in this book,
with a distinct touch on the kinky side.
Why that is, will also be explained in the book.
But if you are disturbed by such content I would strongly recommend,
that you deal with your prejudices before reading this book.

A somewhat interesting point is,
 that I wrote the prologue and the three first chapters in two days,
and the rest in two weeks,
I had quite a few other things to take care of during that time.

I hope you believe me when I tell you,
that inspiration has been at it’s peak these last two weeks,
and that meditation never has been more intense and rewarding,
at least not to me any way!



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I would like to dedicate this book, with all my heart, to my entire family, near and far!



My thanks and appreciations go to:

My parents, since they made this book possible in the first place. Mother for her exceptional clear sight and her gallows humour, wherever you are amongst the angels and father whose character gave me some important experiences in my childhood, before disappearing out of our lives, somewhere on this planet. I haven’t been angry with him for a long time now. Today I’m only grateful.


My dear children Annie and Michael, for being exactly who you are. You are my Everything FOR EVER! You truly mean the world to me!

No parent has ever been happier with their children than I.

YOU have made it possible for me to understand with my heart, the meaning of unconditional love!


Susanne for being such a good mother to Annie and Michael and indirectly, for making me search for answers, as well as for lots of bright memories.


Lasse with family, for teaching me what unconditional friendship really means. Friends for ever!


Lena, Madame Renee and Kerstin, for helping me understand the mysteries and spices of life. Lena also for your unconditional friendship.


Margareta, for our meditations, your encouraging words, messages and inspiring discussions on the net and for making me realize it was time to write this book.


Dag and Eva, because you have, in your own special way helped me to find the essence of my thoughts and for the deep friendship we had for many years. I’m sorry our paths had to part.


Channie for showing me the unlimited possibilities of healing and for making me start searching for answers within my self.


I would also like to thank all my new and old friends, none mentioned and none forgotten, for helping me all to understand myself better during this exciting journey.


Last but not least, I would like to direct my deepest gratitude to Mats and Mia, who for many years have been and still are my most important discussion partners. I think we have helped each other to refine our thoughts and our vision in to what it now has become, through countless meetings, discussions and parties where we have been bending and turning each thought, analysing and defining them in to what now has become this book.


As with all channelled material, this book has also been influenced by the individual filters that each and every one of us, have developed in life.

But hopefully our filters have been reduced, by all our late discussions and our analysing efforts enabling me to bring this particular vision to you. A vision that I’m very happy to be able to share with you and that I hope will give you, the same enjoyment, conviction and motivation, it gave me.


We have been talking a long time, about trying to visualise our vision, but now it suddenly became clear to me it was time to write my book.

It also has to be said that no one has ever received a channelled “message”, unless the thought, message or idea already is integrated within the mind setting of each medium. The channelling or meditation only helps us to turn our selves inside out, helping us to find what’s essential and hopefully helping us to describe it more clearly the next time around. And if we have succeeded we have probably been able to remove one or two “brick stones” from our invisible protection wall that surrounds each and every one.


Thank you Mats as well, for the fantastic cover picture and all your advise on this book!





Prologue                    Background and explanations

Chapter 1                   Status 2006

Chapter 2                   First contact

Chapter 3                   Preparations

Chapter 4                   On our way to our first meeting

Chapter 5                   Day 2 Study tour

Chapter 6                   Day 3 Visiting historical sights

Chapter 7                   Day 4 Round-table talks

Chapter 8                   Night club visit

Chapter 9                   Day 5 Reflections

Chapter 10                 Meeting the collective consciousness

Chapter 11                 Returning home

Epilogue                     About personal commitment


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Below the entire book is published unconditionally.


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2012, The year when all times will meet!

A vision of the future

Authored mainly through channelling


Roland Mollbrandt

Published, july 20 2001





The main purpose of this novel is to visualize a different kind of world, to the world many of us and a growing number of people think is cold, cynical and above all destructive. Many also believe that were heading for disaster if nothing is done to change course. The main reason we do not seem to be able to change course, is that we have nothing to compare our selves against, thus not knowing what else to do.
We simply lack any realistic comparison to the world we all have created and which we therefore share the responsibility for.


But if you think that this vision is realistic or not or even worth pursuing, is entirely up to you. I’m not saying this is the truth or that this is the way it will happen, this is simply the way I would like us to behave and interact with each other.

Should you however choose to disagree with me and/or have different opinion, you can be certain I will respect it no matter what.


This is simply my vision and this is how I choose to portray it in the form of a window to the future.


Before we begin, there are a few things that need to be said about the unfolding events and I also need to give the main character ‘Dorion’ a short description. 


Dorion is a fifty-year old immigrant son who feels quite insecure although he has some very fine human qualities, but what does it do him in a cynical world where everything is measured in money and power.

During the ten years that have passed since his divorce, he has had a handful rather short relationships with women, where some of the women have taken advantage of his kindness, up to or beyond the limit of decency. In hindsight it is likely that most of his relationships have gone sour due to inadequate communication and that their needs and wishes couldn’t be fulfilled.


Periods of unemployment during the last recession didn’t improve his confidence either, although his confidence is recovering again since he has been working as a journalist on a major news organization a few years now, which is slowly building up his self esteem again.


* * *



Then the headlines all over the world announce that a new planet has been discovered in our solar system!


What the people on this planet don’t know yet, is that this planet has been here all the time, it just hasn’t been possible for us to see it until we collectively have ascended to a certain level, i.e. our own common consciousness has reached a certain level of awareness.

This other ’new’ planet, on the other hand, which we can call ’Pangea has always been able to watch and study our aggressive and destructive behavior.


What people here don’t know either is that this ‘new’ planet was created simultaneously with our own planet, although with a small but significant difference in the genetic code, which later on led to duality and separation on our planet. On Pangea on the other hand, the creation process was let to continue unhindered and without any genetic interference.  


These days there are lot’s of people, as well as scientists and esoteric who suggest that our genetic code has been altered, ultimately leading to separation and to unbelievable amounts of pain and suffering on this planet. This is also what has been called the ‘parting of the Word’ in the Bible.


I won’t go in to the details on the ‘parting of the Word’ or the duality and separation in this book, since yet another description here probably would only shift the focus away from what this book is about, apart from the fact that this subject already has been described elsewhere, but also because it has no central meaning to the intention of this book. Furthermore I won’t go in to who was behind this genetic modification, however we will look in to WHY it was done and HOW this has affected our evolution.



Chapter 1                 Progress report 2006


After yet another much to short nights sleep and after another brutal awakening to my alarm clocks, and after a quick shower and a sandwich, I was on my way down the street within twenty minutes.


I was on my way to work, just as tired as I usually am, this unchristian early in the morning. Damn, there ought to be a law against alarm clocks and against getting up like this, I thought while crossing the intersection, at least this time of day.  What difference is there anyway between my life from someone in prison, my thoughts went on. No real, principally significant difference, that’s for sure! At most there is slight difference, because I can’t get rid of that nagging feeling of being trapped somehow. What is it that I can do that prisoners cant, I thought? Not much actually. I can’t travel when and where I want because of my job, and also because of that annoying fact that I rarely can afford it, despite my above average income.
The fact is, that when I have paid the rent and all my bills, there is rarely anything left at the end of the month that I can save. Talk about being caught in an invisible iron grip.



As I was passing by the sub way station, something caught my attention, although I didn’t immediately know what it was. Only after clearing my mind from any previous thoughts and taking a thorough look around, I noticed the headlines at the newspaper stand.



Was the same message in every newspaper.


Wow, at last something REALLY new, instead of all the pseudo news, replacing yesterday’s pseudo news, I thought.


Somewhat out of breath, I entered the news desk a few minutes later. Due to my excitement I had been almost running all the way to work, because I didn’t want to miss out on any details in the unfolding of the greatest scoop in history. 


Just as I thought, every news team on this planet was already covering this mega story, whether it was on TV, radio, news paper or on the internet and soon enough the questions began to pour in; is there life on this planet, How could this huge planet enter our orbit without being detected, is there human life on this planet, does this planet pose any threat to us, can it collide with us, are they going to invade us, is there anything of value for us to explore?… The questions seemed endless.


Some thought this was the end of our world; others said this is when Jesus will return. Many people, understandably got very anxious about what might happen next, considering how well we are trained in becoming defensive and hitting the trenches at the smallest sign trouble. No wonder a lot of people got scared stiff as a result of this discovery!


Only a few days later, experts and scientists began reporting facts about this newcomer in our solar system.

Everything that could be used to study this new planet had already been pointed towards it. Every telescope, satellite dish and antenna was pointing towards this newcomer.

It’s hard to say if curiosity or fear was the driving force, at this initial stage.


But regardless of which, it still was an undisputed fact that from this day, there was only one topic on this planet.

This peace of news overshadowed everything else.

At coffee brakes, in lunchrooms, everywhere the discussions and speculations were intense on what would happen next. Not to mention all the governments of the world who were participating in one national and international meeting after another, trying to cope with this crisis.


UN had as could be expected difficult in deciding whether to ‘sit on the peaceful or the military chair’.


G8 meetings weren’t doing much good either, which wasn’t obvious to the public, until someone in the pentagon leaked information that NATO had seriously considered blowing this planet out of the sky, since it could threaten US and allied national interests.

Wow, haven’t we heard that one before!?

Then came the information everyone had been waiting for:



‘The planet seem to be the same size as our own planet, but with only one large continent similar to our ancient Pangea, which also was surrounded by a very big ocean. It also has two moons instead of our singular moon’.


‘There is life on ‘Pangea’’!


‘It travels the same orbit as we do, but it seems firmly parked at the opposite point’!


‘The atmosphere and it’s climate resembles our own’!


‘There is human life on Pangea and they look like us’!


Now it was time for the United States of America to take a firm lead, as they often do, whenever they need to assemble the UN Security Council. After the meeting it was clear that US veto had given them the power, not only to chair the committee, but also to form the workgroup, as well as laying out some strategic defense plans. They also took it upon them selves, to form a delegation if it became possible to visit them, not so much for building bridges, but in case it could prove profitable, one way or another and of course if it would become necessary to defend our selves against them.


One of the first questions that needed some answers, was if it would be possible at all to build a space ship capable of going there, land there and then also being able to take off again and finally land here again. A difficult task since gravity on Pangea can be expected to be as our own gravity.


In closed meetings at NASA headquarters and Pentagon, they discussed and calculated that within three to four years such a mission could be possible if they were granted unlimited resources and funding. They even stated that they could have five identical space ships ready within that time frame.

Needless to say it was all granted without even any discussion, during the following meeting.


The only thing that eventually could pose a potential problem would be the reentry in to Pangean atmosphere with full tanks, which would be necessary if Pangeans can’t provide us with, or even sell rocket fuel to our specifications.


Another even more urgent question was to see if it would be possible to establish some sort of communications with their leaders and to start negotiating with them.


It was decided that we would start sending a series of signals towards Pangea on a 24/7 basis, starting with primes, Morse signals and binary codes.

After having sent them on a wide range of frequencies, they waited anxiously for any reply.


For a very long time, Pangeans have had their own SETI, (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) where a group of people off and on stay and watch our behavior, sometimes out of curiosity or wonder, sometimes out of interest or even educational purposes. Very often children and teenagers visit the facility, just to learn what fear does to you if and when, it long enough is allowed to permeate our day to day life. 


At this very moment, there was a group of people, leisurely talking to an even greater group of children who had just arrived at the equivalence of our SETI. They had only been given the grand tour of the facility, when suddenly the speakers and the signal lights came to life. As always when something extraordinary happens, the information is automatically transmitted, for everyone to follow, if they choose to do so. Now this is nothing unusual on Pangea since they always can follow our activities live, like a TV channel with soap operas on the menu. As with us, most of the Pangeans find it much to tiring to watch, in the long run. Some rarely watch it at all, others watch almost every day, just like we do. But that’s beside the point.


Although they knew this moment was imminent, they still were surprised somehow. Now the visiting children were about to witness a historical moment from the front row so to speak, something to tell their grandchildren some day, in fact!

In seconds the excitement became so intense, you could easily have cut it with a knife. That’s how thick it became.


But strangely no one was the least frightened, which would have been a normal reaction, considering how we on this planet usually go about trying to solve our problems and use to take care of things in difficult situations.

On the contrary they just saw a hugely important task ahead, which overshadowed every thing else.


Now then, the man who just happened to sit at the controls, said solemnly, AT LAST THE TIME IS RIPE!



Chapter 2                 First contact



 At SETI in New Mexico, which had been appointed communication Head Quarters for this event, a sudden crisp and clear voice startled everybody present, from technician to military liaison officer. 


- Why don’t you use your own language, what’s wrong with English?


It took everyone quite a while before they even moved and even longer before

anyone answered;


- No there is nothing wrong with our language, but what I and everyone else here, I’m sure is wondering, is why you speak it so fluently?


The answer came promptly;

- We have been observing you and following all your activities for a very long time and therefore - dare I say it - probably know you, better than most of you, do yourselves. We have had plenty of time to understand what makes you tick and plenty of time, to learn your languages and pardon me for saying it, learning from your mistakes.


 OK, (now the liaison officer took charge of the conversation, by taking over the seat in front of the microphone) We have just discovered your presence in our solar system, so we would naturally like to know, why have you come here and why have you have parked in our orbit, what’s the purpose with your visit?


- We haven’t done anything what so ever, we have always been here and we have as I said, been studying your activities for a very long time. It is your earthly collective consciousness, which due to the number of people on your planet who have reached a certain level of consciousness and who are beginning to understand the difference between fear and love, thus changing their attitudes and their actions towards a more unconditional behavior - as I said - has now made it possible for you to see us as physical beings.


The liaison officer who didn’t understand anything of what he just heard, felt it necessary to stay on top of things, as he spoke again;

- It is my duty to try to establish a communication link between my government and your political leaders, and would be grateful if you could take this message to them as soon as possible.


The answer came promptly;

- Sorry, no can do, we don’t have any political leaders here!


Now they were all perplexed, and they just couldn’t believe their ears.

- Did I just hear you say that you don’t have any political leaders!?


- Yes that is correct.


And why not if I may ask? Was all the liaison officer could think of, in a desperate attempt to regain control over this conversation.


- We don’t need them!


What do you mean, no need, are you serious? How do you keep your society civilized, who enforces law and order and who does lead your society in the right direction?


- Hmmm, Do you think your society is civilized? Do you think you have law and order in your society? Is it really peaceful? Do you really think your political leaders can fulfill, everyone’s or even most peoples needs, or making it possible for everyone to have a decent home or to travel anywhere at any time?  Do you think everyone can exist without having to fear anything, or without having to defend them selves against any real or imaginative dangers? Do you really think your society works for everyone?


Now the liaison officer was loosing it big time. He just didn’t know how to respond to these rhetorical questions, so he did what military people always do when they are insecure; they stick to what gives them the illusion of security, which is power and hierarchies!

- But, but who speaks for you in a situation like this? It seems impossible to me that you would let everyone to speak his or her mind all at once. I take it you do have a free will?!


Yes we all have a free will and since it would be very unpractical to speak to everyone, we will connect you to our higher beings, which together form the collective consciousness, just as you also have a collective consciousness, but a consciousness that you still choose to deny.


Yes, but how do we know that we aren’t just talking to someone claiming to be the collective consciousness?


- I suppose your question is relevant to you, considering the experiences you carry from your world.

But since we are conscious on a higher level and since we have no reason to hide anything from each other, we don’t have any reason to act egoistic or with greed either, simply because we just don’t have the kind of motives, which permeates your entire world.


The ground was really shaking under liaison officer’s feet and he was desperately grasping for any kind of straw right now. He really had a hard time trying to respond or even understanding what the Pangean was talking about. So he went back to familiar grounds again.

- OK, I have been ordered to investigate the possibilities of establishing a physical contact between our leaders and your leaders, or as it might be in this case, your collective consciousness and I’m authorized to formally invite you to a summit for talks and negotiations.


- We thank you for your invitation, but personally I see no reason to visit your planet at this time and I can not imagine anyone else seeing any point in visiting you for that reason either, regardless the fact - as I said - that we do not have anyone who could or would take upon them selves this kind of responsibility to speak for everyone. You on the other hand, are ALWAYS welcome to visit our planet, however not for any negotiations, but simply to get to know each other and to exchange experiences with each other. 


- On behalf of our leaders we thank you for your kind invitation and as a matter of fact, we already have a formal decision to visit you, if and when it would be possible. According to our technical experts this could be in about three to four years from now.
Regarding this trip I have also been asked to inquire if you perhaps could provide or sell some useful fuel, since our experts are somewhat concerned about the re-entering your atmosphere with full tank, fuel which we would need for our departure back home again.



- We have nothing to sell on our planet, but we would be happy to create anything that you need for your safe journey back home.



The liaison officer, who didn’t have a clue any more what to say, felt he had to end this conversation before he lost it completely.

- OK, I’m sorry but I have to end this conversation and head home as soon as possible to report to our leaders, but we hope to be able to continue this conversation another day.


- That’s OK, there is usually always somebody here to take care of you.


Dazed, the liaison officer collected his staff, and after having reminded everyone present, that this extremely sensitive meeting was classified top secret, they went to the helipad where the chopper took them back to HQ to be debriefed.


A few hours later the presidential workgroup met at Pentagon to analyze and discuss the latest developments.

As could be expected, the most powerful leaders of the world, the ‘crème de la crème’ had a difficult time understanding and relating to the situation at hand. If the Pangeans had been organized in a similar way as we are, negotiations would probably already have been converted into all kinds of promises, deals and agreements by now.

But as it now turned out they didn’t have a clue, how to respond to this kind of unconditional behavior, and to avoid accusations of ignorance or even incompetence, they decided it would be best

if they pretended as if everything was normal and as if it would be in the best interest of the people to continue these talks behind closed doors. However they could report this much, that the talks with the Pangean high command had been very constructive and that they were held in a very friendly atmosphere. They also reported that the United States of America had been invited by the Pangeans in order to complete the talks and negotiations on Pangea. Later they even told the public that the negotiations were progressing very well and that hopes of reaching bilateral agreements with Pangea were very high.

What they didn’t say, but many already have guessed was that the real reason as usual was the prospect of acquiring alien technology and making huge profits from these alien technologies, as well as getting ahead in the race for more power on a global scale and even more money along the way.


As they resumed their contact with Pangea one week later, our liaison officer sat down by the microphone, but this time he was heavily prompted by the US foreign minister who in turn was aided by a battery of various experts. This time there were also no outsiders allowed, this was a classified meeting! Needless to say, the reason as always, having the best interests of the people in mind! Of course.


This time they also asked the Pangeans to switch over to a designated frequency, which by the officer, (was said to be motivated) by technical reasons. The real reason that they were trying to avoid unauthorized eavesdropping, for some reason they just forgot to tell.


As the response came the really were surprised beyond belief.


- What is it that you are so afraid of?


- I beg your pardon, what do you mean?


- I mean exactly that, WHAT is it that you are so immensely terrified of?


- I don’t understand what you mean!?


- I’m sure you will understand what I mean, only if you would think about it for a second! Your account of recent events haven’t been correct, have they!? You haven’t told the public who we are, or why we have become visible to all of you. You haven’t represented correctly our conversations, you are asking me now to switch over to a military frequency because you won’t share the knowledge that we are willing to share unconditionally with you. You even have considered blowing us out of the sky!

So, let me repeat my question, what is it that you are so desperately afraid of?



The room was now filled with long faces and no one really wanted to pick up the microphone. But finally after some seriously heavy and embarrassed hemming, the liaison officer pushed the button on the mike again.


- I guess the reason might be that we simply want to be cautious. We still know so little about you and your potential motives and ambitions and I guess it is natural for us to be suspicious whenever we are uncertain about our adversaries and enemies at any early stage.


- OK, it is always a good thing to think about HOW and WHY we act. Consciousness is always the first step towards developing new attitudes and new behavior patterns.

Therefore it would be a new and better beginning on our relationship, if we could be a little bit more open and honest towards each other, don’t you think!?

- Eh, OK, I guess your right.


- Very good, let’s continue in a totally new spirit of openness, because what we want to share with you, we want to share unconditionally with everyone on your planet, and not only a handful of those already in power.


- Do you mind if we ask you some questions about you and your planet?


- Of course not, that’s why we are here now. You can ask us about any thing, since it is our mission to share with you unconditionally, whatever we have learned.
However it is entirely up to you if you want to pick up the information. So, just ask away.



How many people are there on your planet, how many nations are there, could you tell us about your infra structure and your standard of living, how is business life organized, what about means of transportation, recreation facilities and can you tell us about work hours and so forth, … there are at least a thousand questions more we would like answered, but let’s start with these for now.


Indeed, that was quite a few, but let me begin by saying this; our planet is the same size as your planet and our continent is the same size as all your continents together. We also have the same amount of land and water as your planet.

Your planet has a female aspect (mother earth) or planet has a male aspect.

As you might have guessed already these two planets are twin planets.

In contrast to your planet, our planet still have both our moons intact, which helps us keep our planet balanced thus avoiding ebb and flood, which is causing you some problems even though you easily could use it to your advantage in energy production, but that wasn’t what we came to talk about and that isn’t our greatest concern right now.

The fact that our land mass is still joined together in one large continent can be attributed to the fact that we have managed to avoid destroying our planet the way you and your previous civilizations almost have succeeded in doing in the pursuit of money and power, again and again and which it seems are on the verge of doing once again.

So please ask your selves, how many times must you repeat your mistakes before you’re able to learn from them. 

Regarding the size of our population, I’m afraid we have no such records, because we have no need for them so if I had to estimate the number I would say that we probably are half as many, but the number in it self has no significance for our society and the reason is most likely that it is more of a challenge to incarnate on your planet. What does matter is - since you’ve asked me to make the comparison - that we haven’t had an armed conflict on our planet the last 200 000 years, that we live in peace with each other and that the standard of living is well up in par with your best, but with the difference that it is available for everyone. Further more I can tell you that transportation is no problem for any one at any time. We’re able to travel freely and with ease, any time and any distances. But to describe all this in detail, I suggest that we do whenever it becomes possible for you to visit us so that you can form your own opinion, instead of just taking my word for it. Chances are that you wouldn’t believe me anyway.

About the number of nations, I can tell you that we don’t have any borders or nations here at all. We simply consist of a large number of individuals that live in harmony with each other and with nature and who individually and collectively have created our society because we love our God the same way Our God loves us all! A love that is unconditional in every aspect.

There is nothing here to be afraid of any more, but that does not mean we lack excitement, because there is as much excitement and playfulness around that each and every one ever could need or wish for.


Chapter 3                                  Preparations


So, how much had I been able to pick up from all that had been happening behind the ‘stage’ lately, being a journalist and all, working for a major news organization.

Well, not as much as you would expect, except for all the speculations that filled the gap, since very little leaked out and beside all the so called ‘experts’ who exactly knew what was going on and not to mention all the Gurus and psychics touring around the countryside and the world like a circus, selling their ‘findings and truths’ in small packages for a handsome fee. But apart from these ‘facts’ there really wasn’t much happening in the beginning. Anything else wasn’t even expected.


Then something must have happened, because suddenly the flow of information increased tremendously and the news conferences were held almost on a daily basis and the change of attitudes and the change in atmosphere was quite obvious since the willingness to keep the public updated changed dramatically.

Although it has been a while now since all the commotion began, this event still by far exceeds any other event in our history, all put together, though the expedition still is years away it’s easy to see something really big is going to happen.

This I can safely say, through all my interviews with regular people on the street, up the latter to all the politicians in government and the leaders in big business. Very often I also get the feeling that it is much more satisfying making interviews with regular people, rather than trying to interview the top brass militaries and our political leaders, who all to often are trying to be politically correct during interviews, instead of being honest. Only when the cameras and the microphones are turned off you will find out their true nature and hear their real heart felt opinion.

Strangely enough, by that time you can’t even tell anymore which party they belong to.

Since the information came on the reason for us being able to se this new planet, I naturally wanted to find out about collective consciousness and I also wanted to find out what exactly had changed our collective consciousness to that extent, that made it possible to see them physically for the first time.
The questions that I have put to everyone I have met since were; why do you think we can see Pangea now and what do you think has changed in your consciousness recently?

Interestingly, almost everyone has given me a very similar answer to my questions, regardless of their social- and economic status.

And the answers clearly pointed in one direction only:

‘Because I think it became necessary for us to see them’. ‘Because I think we urgently need their help in finding a peaceful solution to all our problems’. ‘Because it’s obvious we urgently need to change the course of action’. ‘It has become obvious that our present course of action is a dead end’. Clearly we haven’t been capable of finding peace and harmony, on our own’. ‘If we continue on this path, sooner or later it will end in total disaster’. ‘It’s become obvious that our attitudes and our behavior patterns doesn’t work for the vast majority’. ‘It has become obvious that economic globalization isn’t giving us the peace and harmony that we are looking for’. Just to give you a few examples of what kind of response I’ve got.

 What surprised me was, that there were no spiritual under- or over tones in the answers. Almost no one talked about ‘New Age’, spiritual ascension or divine intervention etc. The answers were very much down to Earth kind of answers, deeply rooted in their own personal experiences from their daily life. But what surprised me most was that there was no or little difference in the answers, between so-called regular people and from those in leading position, once they could talk freely off the record.


* * *

Now I also have to tell you what happened here at work the other day. Something extraordinary occurred at our news organization, as there came a letter from NASA addressed to us. The letter was in short formed as an inquiry to send a news team with the upcoming expedition to Pangea. The letter also said that in the event that we should accept this offer, we i.e. the news team, would have to reply within one week and also be at their disposal within that time, to be briefed and to begin training.

They also expressed being sorry about the short notice, but one of the teams who had been selected earlier, had to cancel their participation and now time was running short in finding a suitable replacement. It is true that there are a number of candidates within our news organization, but as it happened one of them was on sick leave, another was working under cover and wasn’t available at the time, a third person was pregnant and couldn’t for obvious reasons participate in the necessary training program, so the task landed on my desk without even the slightest discussion. The big question was however, if I had the guts to do it. At least I thought that, I should form a meeting with our cameramen and technicians before deciding anything.   

As there is no time better than the present, I immediately called everyone up for a briefing and to see if there were others interested in going on this expedition. We then sat all night discussing all the pros and cons. I think we all knew all along that we just couldn’t let this one pass, regardless if it should cost our lives. Lives that we on several occasions have risked for a much lesser scoop than this one.

Finally only one question remained, who would go!? After a few phone calls to family and friends to see if all practicalities like taking care of cats and dogs would work, not only for the time of training but also for the expedition itself. After that we decided to postpone the meeting to the next day, since everyone had to discuss the matter in private wit their families. Then the next day the final crew was formed organically.


Yes, we decided to go, no matter what, we just had to go! And I must add that I couldn’t have wished for a better team for a trip like this.


Two days later we were on our way to NASA, somewhat scared, but even more expectant than anything else to the task ahead of us. Naturally we were also excited to join the previous news group and of course to meet the rest of the crew.


During the long training period we had plenty of opportunity to meet the rest of the crew. But mostly it is fair to say that we worked double shift, since we, besides our regular training program also had to document most of what we did, for the documentary we were supposed to do after our trip to Pangea.

The militaries in our group however proved for some reason to be quite impossible to get on tape. I do have my suspicions that they might have their own hidden agenda, which they don’t want to reveal by mistake, we will see. The rest of the crew in this thirty men and women strong party were much more accessible during interviews and was sharing all kind of background information with us for the upcoming documentary. This was also one of the main reasons why we were two independent news teams on this trip.


After a while, all those initially scary things began to appear almost easy, at times it even felt on the verge of becoming boring, although my schedule had never before been so crammed with all kind of tasks, from early in the morning to late at night and I wouldn’t even be the least surprised if the president of the USA had more empty spots in his daily schedule!

I guess there is a good reason for this of course. I think they are trying to make us react automatically without even thinking and trying to prevent us from getting a heart attack when things get rough, by training us to focus on our task and our task only. And I almost forgot, training us to obey orders without any questions. Ay ay SIR!!! YES SIR!!!


I suppose this is how militaries always have trained soldiers and I guess that an expedition like this wouldn’t be possible without a few militaries in charge of everything and also keeping everything disciplined and under control.  


At the end, of our training program and our education period, the final preparations were also coming to an end. Several times we went out to see how everything was getting along, but also to test our personal gear and to discuss with the nutritional experts, allowing us to taste and choose from a variety of flavors. This was necessary to get used to a diet in tablet form. Still I felt cheated somehow, until it hit me how they did it. By letting us choose between several flavors, some less distasteful, others more so, that way they trick you to accept those less distasteful and abracadabra, they got you to choose something you under other circumstances never would have accept eating. Works like magic every time!

Toward the end of our training program we also had to attend countless PR events where one journalist after the other got the opportunity to interview us for a change, as this was one way to get some money back from the public, since this was one exceptionally expensive mission.

Now we also felt that the level of excitement was rising rapidly all around us. We could easily see it in everyone’s face.

From all the media coverage surrounding this mission, we could also tell that it was getting almost hysterical all around the world, as our departure approached late spring the year 2010, when five space ships were scheduled to take off for our first visit to Pangea.

If there was a good reason for people to act like children again, then it had to be that everyone was carrying the same anticipation that this trip to Pangea would mark the beginning of a new era in human history and that it forever was about to change our future.

Yes, I truly believe every one could feel the world was about to change.


However it disturbed me a bit that the militaries in our group, apart from their constant recitation of their welcome speech also insisted on wearing their finest parade uniforms. I just couldn’t see the point in that. Because as far as I knew Pangeans didn’t have any military forces and therefore hardly would be interested in receiving any military honors by parading in front of us, so it just didn’t do any sense. But I was talking to deaf ears, so I gave it up because I didn’t want to create a dispute. They seemed tense enough anyway. Maybe that was a sign of their own insecurity, that ‘forced’ them to hide behind their military masks. Maybe it’s all just a fancy façade, where appearances means everything!?


I guess we all were very nervous and tense now, as our departure was set for tomorrow and the big day we all have been waiting for so long and the final countdown was only hours away now.



Chapter 4                 On our way to first contact


The old stands together with all the new ones that were built for this occasion were crammed with almost every news team in the world alongside with hundreds of thousands of spectators watching this historical event. Never has there been anything even close to this spectacle, which was about to begin in only a few minutes. It has been said that this event will have more spectators than all previous launches together or even any other event in human history.


And I was sitting inside one of these spacecrafts, so scared I thought I would pass out any second now, despite the voice in my ears constantly trying to reassure me that all readings and everything else was OK. The way he was repeating it every few second, he must be lying I thought. Damn, if anyone would ask me now if I wanted out, I can assure I would be out in a split second, but as it were, I was scared stiff right now and I could hardly breath.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0, … We have a lift off. At this moment I didn’t know if it would be an advantage or a disadvantage, sitting in the first one to take off, but right now, … who gives a shit, we were on our way.


Are they really sure this thing can handle all the brutal shaking and all the vibrations, which was accompanied by this deafening noise which no earplugs in the world could keep out. Shit, now it was getting really scary. If anyone ever has said that this is fun, I guarantee you, they have been lying through their teeth, because this is NO fun at all!

I have to hand it to them, the guys in Houston, they really know their business, because as soon as the heavy shaking began disappearing, they were all over us, check this and that, pull here, push there, keep an eye on that gauge, etc. etc. And it works! You forget fear when you’re busy!

After half an hour perhaps, I remembered that we had four other ships behind us, as we were told the others were right behind us and that there had been no problems what so ever. OK, thank God I thought.


Talking about problems, I suspect the reason for choosing five different ships and doubling the news team, was if something went wrong on one or two ships. I guess that is what’s called calculated risks and calculated losses. Cynical, yes of course it is, but I guess we were all aware of the risk, even though we never spoke of the risks involved.


At least we were all on our way and everything was OK for now on our journey, knock on wood! Now we just had to ‘backtrack’ the Earths orbit, to meet up with Pangea, which was heading in our direction, traveling at the same speed as our own planet.


Houston told us that everything was OK and that Pangea already had confirmed the messages that you are on your way to them and they were also welcoming you.


Besides the absolutely breathtaking view, which more than once made my eyes moist with tears from the overwhelming emotions, as I was looking down on our planet thinking how paltry all our Earthly problems seemed from up here. Amazing also how meaningless all our wars and conflicts becomes when you’re looking at this extremely beautiful planet from up here. Even the concept of nations and borders becomes totally ridicules from up here. Suddenly I also realize that the concept of time is an illusion, time just doesn’t even exist. Strange yet natural and logical somehow I thought. Wow, what a revelation.

I suddenly decide that when I’m back again I just have to get rid of my watch, I promise!


* * *

After a uneventful journey through space, as if space travel in it self could be categorized as uneventful, never the less, six months later and after countless boring space dinners consisting of tasteless fibers and tablets occasionally replaced by a slightly more ‘normal’ meal, just to keep our colon working, combined with endless training sessions, we after all were approaching Pangea.


Now we could see that Pangea clearly resembled our own planet even though it only had one huge continent, surrounded by a lot of water. The poles were also frozen like ours. What I couldn’t see was any deserts, but apart from that they seemed to have everything else, mountains, lakes, rivers and a lot of green areas of forests and meadows. Even summer and winter was present. But I expect we will be able to see all that once we get there. We just had to circle around a few times in order to line up in a corridor and adjusting our speed and distance from each other, before we could enter our respective window of descent.

If we hadn’t been so busy doing a million chores, I would have liked to meditate to calm down before our descent. By now I have learned that we not always get what we want, I thought just before all hell broke lose again and God damned, this time it got hot as hell on top of everything else. Can’t anyone turn off that damned heater!?


I think I even held my breath all the way down out of pure terror. I also think I had my eyes closed, because I can’t remember seeing much on our way down. But at least I managed to open my eyes again to see the runway the Pangeans had prepared for us, as we approached it, perhaps one minute before we landed on the ground.


As soon as the tension was gone, it hit me like a brick wall! I had never in my entire life felt this tired before and if we weren’t expected to meet the Pangeans right away, I could easily have fallen in to sleep, standing up if I had closed my eyes more than a few seconds, so I had to make sure I kept them open fore the time being!


Although I was almost in a coma, I still couldn’t deny the fact that this was unbelievably exciting!


Now was the time to prepare our gear as well, because soon we would be documenting our first contact. Wow!


As we stopped at the far end of the runway, well off the runway itself, just to make sure we wouldn’t be run into by the others, we anxiously sat down waiting for the others to come down safely, except for the military guys of course, well let’s just say they are always the same, I think they managed to put on their uniform just as quickly as any fire fighter ever could and now they were also ready like never before!


Within twenty minutes we were all parked at the end of the runway, fairly close to each other and just seconds later this hovercraft was gliding towards us, so we decided it was time for us to open the hatch and step outside on somewhat unstable legs. As the hovercraft approached us, we were already gathered, greeting each other for the first time in almost six months.

We assumed that the hovercraft that came to pick us up, would take us to the terminal we had seen as we passed some buildings on the runway.

Six months in space does weaken your muscles, so it didn’t surprise us, as we barely managed to enter their hovercraft. We gratefully accepted the help from them as they reached out their arms trying to help us on board.


Just as I thought, it glided over towards the group of people and landed without making a sound or without even shaking when it landed. But instead of the usual military parades - we always insist of showing off on Earth - we were welcomed as if we just had come back from a very long journey. It felt as if we were coming to a huge family gathering in the garden and all the tables were laid with all kind of delicious food and lots of fruits. It’s obvious that they had prepared a lush dinner on our behalf.

Ha, I knew it I thought.


The only ones feeling out of place at this moment were the militaries that surprisingly quickly realized that their white uniforms were as well chosen, as a raincoat in a sunny desert! So they asked if it would be possible to back for a quick change in clothes, after the initial welcoming ceremony. A ceremony that much more looked like a huge garden party to me, where family and friends were meeting. The atmosphere was so overwhelmingly family like, it almost brought tears to my eyes.

The only thing missing now would be a cold bear, but only two seconds later my eyes zoomed in on a glass that definitely had to be filled with beer, and already I was thinking that I really like this place already!


After having finished a delicious meal along with a few brewsky for me, while others preferred wine - but hey that’s OK by me I don’t judge anyone – then a lady came to us asking if we would like to have a rest and freshen up. I guess we must have looked quite bushed. She also suggested we would take it easy tomorrow, which all of us must have appreciated, since it felt as if I could sleep for a whole week at least, that’s how tired I was! A real bed was precisely what I wanted more than anything else right now, regardless how curious I was to see Pangea.


Minutes later after having thanked them for the superb meal and having said good night to many more, the hovercraft glided up behind us on the lawn. Now it was even harder to move about after this delicious meal, we still managed to enter the hovercraft and finding a comfortable seat inside. This time I also got a chance to have a closer look around inside. I noticed it was about the size of a bus, perhaps even somewhat bigger or should I say wider, since it was oval shaped and strangely there was no front or rear on this thing. Instead of windows, the whole midsection was like one big window going all around without any supporting window posts. This gave it free sight in all directions. It moved silently without any vibrations. I also noticed the presence of an air conditioner which I appreciated since it was quite warm outside.

First it glided back to our own spacecrafts to pick up our luggage and then without me even noticing it we had in seconds picked up a decent speed as well as altitude. Then I saw the driver, or should I say pilot since we were traveling several hundred meters above the ground, talking to his control board. A few lights lid up and on his screen appeared some symbols, which I couldn’t decipher. But from the pilot’s reaction, and the fact that his chair turned around and he was talking to us, it had to be the autopilot taking over the control. Naturally it had to be one of our technicians who began questioning the pilot about the thing we were flying in, after having greeted each other.


- How does it work, he asked?


- The simple answer to your question is that we communicate with its crystals which works like a link man and machine and our collective consciousness, which in this case works as a communications and transportation center, which then is putting us in the right corridor at the correct speed, altitude and direction. We have different corridors for different speeds and purposes still in use, partly to avoid collisions with each other and partly to avoid collisions with birds and other small animals that avoid these faster corridors.

We also have other means of transportation, where we could go from one point to another, in no time at all, with or without the use of space ships, however we have chosen this method, because we thought it might be easier for you to comprehend this somewhat old fashion method for starters.


After maybe fifteen minutes, we arrived in an unbelievably beautiful area between a fairly big mountain and a beautiful lake, which was surrounded by a forest and lush meadows. This picture just had to be on a postcard. Our cameramen must have had the same thought because they were already taking pictures with their cameras.

Seconds later our space ship landed by itself just outside a group of round houses about 50 meters in diameter with lots of large windows all around the houses.

As we came in through the entrance, we were greeted warmly once again by a number of people who gave us the very short tour to the center of the building and from there they just pointed out where everything was located, since our legs still were quite shaky.

At the center of the building was a large open space, which looked like a beautiful arcade and instead of a conventional roof, there was a large dome, which was half open at the moment. On one side it looked like a restaurant or a café. Behind it was a kitchen. Here and there we saw some beautiful plants and even a few smaller palm trees, a fountain, a small swimming pool and even a playground for children. There were also thirty-six  ‘apartments’ divided in to two stories. However I’m not sure if it is correct to describe them as apartments since there are a few but essential things that differ them from a regular apartment on our planet. Apart from the bathroom, the bedroom, the kitchen and perhaps a special kind of recreation room, the rest just wasn’t there! There were for instance no doors that could be locked! The only reason for having doors at all was either to be able to get some privacy or to avoid disturbing others if ones activities should become noisy, i.e. playing loud music or what ever.

Also some of these ‘cake’ like shaped apartments were used as kitchen and rest room at our restaurant and as quarters for those acting as our hosts during our visit.

This place would immediately have become five stars in any traveling brochure. This was in fact the most beautiful and lush complex that I have ever visited.






Chapter 5                                  Study tour


After a very good nights sleep we didn’t wake up until the afternoon, except for our military travel mates who obviously had been up since first light, to shine their shoes or something.

As some of the rest of us ‘normal’ people entered the arcade, we could see that a few already were eating breakfast, so we sat down next to them and dug in on the magnificent breakfast buffet, which had everything that I like, and some.




Finally when everyone from our thirty men and women strong party of tourists, was done with breakfast and lunch, which was the case for the men in green, we gathered everyone for a discussion and to share our experiences thus far, except for our friends with crease on their green pants, who disappeared for a while but showed up again a little later, and surprisingly enough dressed in slacks this time! 

OK fair enough, I can take back my remark about the creased uniforms, sorry!

Apart from that, almost everyone agreed that the reception had been a positive surprise, thus far.


Even though it was very unusual not being able to lock the front door, everyone felt safe and secure. In fact it felt like coming to a big happy family reunion, that’s how good it felt, being here!


After our lunch we decided to relax by the pool for a while. Since the dome was open now and it was quite warm and sunny around the pool, I thought a couple of beers would taste quite good.

We also went for a short walk down to the lake to se if we could take a swim in it, which some of us did since the water was warm and surprisingly clear. We could also see the lake was full of all kind of fish.

After our swim we took a short detour to see some of the surroundings and partly to compare with our own forest, and partly to exercise our muscles on our way back.


Apart from the fact that our own forests back home are dying almost everywhere and that nature is extremely lush here in comparison, it was almost a bit disappointing to see that they seem to have the same species as we do, but on the other hand it was very uplifting and stimulating to see such a healthy forest!


Later that afternoon as we sat at our little restaurant, having a cup of coffee and a sandwich, we all things considered still agreed on being very relaxed and at ease here. Then I asked our guide if we could go for a spin to see how people are living here and to see if there was any ‘action’ anywhere.


- Once a journalist, always a journalist and I would like to see what’s going on here, I said.


- So, when would you like to go, our guide asked?


- Right away if it is possible.


- OK then, lets go, any one who wants to join us, he said and already all of us were on our way out. I also made sure we had all our equipment with us. 


As we sat down in his machine, I had to ask him if we could fly at low altitude so that we could see as much as possible?


- No problem, said our pilot with a smile.


The first thing we noticed was that settlements were quite dispersed and that we couldn’t see any big cities and the absence of roads and highways was almost total. The roads we did see were mostly pathways and tracks between nearby houses or to playgrounds for children.


So what happens if children are getting lost in these vast areas of untamed forest, I wondered, since I have a son of my own who on several occasions, fearlessly just wandered off to explore the world?


That is also no problem, as children’s clothing always is equipped with sensors that we can track at any time if we should fail in communicating telepathically, which we normally do whenever we need to zoom in on them and communicate with them.


That is exactly what I would have needed, when my children were small, I said with a grin on my face!


We also noticed that the playgrounds were filled with almost as many grownups and parents as children. It looked as if the parents enjoyed them selves even more than the children, building tree houses, sand castles, flying kites or what ever they were doing together with their children.

What they were doing was apparently not as important as the fact that they did it together with their children! The happiness in the children’s faces could however not be missed!


Then one of our engineers asked if we could visit a factory of some sort?


Would food production be all right?


Sure, what are they producing?


Well, what do you want them to produce?


What about dairy products fore instance!?


OK, let’s go there, then our guide turned around and spoke to his computer and immediately our space ship turned to the right, it also changed altitude and speed as well, and very shortly thereafter it slowed down again and descended towards some large grazing grounds, where lot’s of cows were grazing. We also saw a large cluster of barns out at the center of the fields and some other buildings in various sizes, which I assumed contained the production line and which also could be houses where people could be living for all I knew. It wasn’t easy to say since I wasn’t familiar with their various designs. Some of the houses looked even somewhat like mushrooms. But that really doesn’t matter, what does matter is how they function within their environment.

As we entered, an elderly looking gentleman, who greeted us warmly, met us, while another man handed us caps and coats. It almost seemed as if they were prepared and that they were expecting a visit. Never the less, our guided tour began for obvious hygienic reason at the end of the production line, where we watched how the products were automatically placed in different cylinders, depending on the volume of each delivery. The smallest cylinders were 50 cm in diameter, the next size was 1 meter, then 1½ meter and finally the largest one being 2 meters in diameter, but these were mainly used for incoming large and heavy goods, for instance if a machine had to be repaired or even replaced, they told us. After the cylinders were loaded, the cylinders closed and immediately they disappeared through the wall going downwards under ground on a kind of monorail. We were also told that these cylinders travel at different speeds depending on which section the cylinders were in. First they glide slowly to one of many distribution stations, where they are sent off in the right direction at speeds reaching 800 km/h. As they’re reaching their destination they slow down and come to a halt at the right distribution station, where it is sent off, slowly gliding the right tube towards the designated recipient, often within minutes, or sometimes within hours if the goods have to pass several distribution stations over long distances. The arrival then can be announced in different ways, either through a combination of light and sound or telepathically.


Then one of our engineers made a remark that caused some laughter.

- Hey, that’s just like a big pneumatic dispatch system by tube, that we have back home!


- You might say that, however this system is a bit more intricate I would think, the guide told us as he continued, and the main difference is that our system covers the entire continent. Our entire continent is criss-crossed with mainly underground tubes that transport the cylinders electro magnetically on a monorail, from one end of the continent to the other within hours, so that we for example can send fresh fruits and vegetables to wintry areas. We mainly use electro magnetism instead of air pressure, simply because it wouldn’t work only using air pressure on this scale and because it is much more energy efficient, silent and much more durable as well as being almost entirely maintenance free. But

air has to be able to pass freely from one side of the cylinder to the other, so you might say in one way that air is supporting our system in the fast sections as well as the slow sections where it is creating some lift by a self supporting cushion of air. This is done by connecting two tubes on top of each other and by letting a motor press the air downwards and backwards through the second pipe, thus balancing over and under pressure as well as giving exceptional rigidity to the system and protecting the cables.


We managed to see that the capacity to deliver their produce was impressive, yet it seemed effortless and I must say that apart from the way distribution was handled, it very much resembled a highly automated dairy plant from Earth, highly efficient and very clean, although it was unusual to see the entire production process, from cow to end products so to speak, in one place. For some unknown reason to me, back home we seem to insist on transporting everything across the country back and forth before the produce finally gets to the consumers. Here it’s done all in one place, which seems perfectly logical to me. I imagine there are also a few educational points for all the youngsters and children, to see what happens to the milk and why, and thereby giving them greater understanding and satisfaction being a part of this process.


What also struck me was, how clean and neat everything looked, not only on the inside of the plant, even though it seemed just as impossible for Pangeans to prevent cows from dropping their load just about anywhere.

That means they have the same kind of cows that we have!

But also the large number of teenagers practicing on the farm and in the plant was quite noticeable. You could easily tell from their enthusiasm that they enjoyed them selves immensely, as they did all kinds of responsible work under the gentle guidance of their teachers.

This must be very good school for anyone anywhere and a valuable contribution to the society as a whole, I thought.


Then we crossed the backyard and went inside the house where they took care of the milk in various ways, depending on what it was supposed to become and then pumping it over to the various stations for producing, milk, cheese, yogurts, butter etc. Everywhere there were people eager to participate in the production. But almost as important seemed the socializing to be. It was difficult to tell if they were there to work or just to meet friends. People were talking and laughing everywhere, while keeping an eye on all the mostly automated processes. Most of the ‘job’ was to see that all the processes and the machines were running smoothly and sometimes to fill something up in case this wasn’t automated.

We were also told that if and when a process needed 24-hour surveillance, they never had any problems finding volunteers for the ‘job’.


When we asked them why they would be up this late, if they just as well could be sleeping in their bed, one of the guides told us:


- This is a very important task, because food is very important to us all.

Would you choose not to feed your family and not give your children milk to drink or food to eat, he asked us back? How could we ever let our families down like that?

Besides, I can sleep as much as I want to whenever I want to, as soon as one of my many friends has relieved me from my duty.


- But who builds the machines and who does maintain them and the processes, the engineer went on asking.


- Our technicians will take care of that in dialog with the manufacturers who then will try to find the best solution between them, in an ongoing process of trial and error. New solutions are also often found in a kind of workshops where anyone with ideas can participate.

Naturally this is a process of trial and error, but over time, I think we’ve managed quite well.


- Where do all the raw materials come from, the engineer wanted to know since he was getting warmed up?


- We still have a few ecological mining’s at work, but the lion part is coming from mining expeditions to remote dead planets and asteroids, who easily can supply us with almost anything we need, as long as it doesn’t upset the balance here or there in any way. Very often we also refine the raw materials out in space, which enables us to produce new and far superior materials and products and without even endangering our sensitive environment and atmosphere.


- So, what do you do with the produce and how do you connect the producers with the consumers? Do you advertise?


-Larger items or quantities we sometimes only produce on direct request from a consumer, although most of the times we still can manage to deliver from stock directly, using these cylinders and therefore being able to reach the consumer within hours.


- Yes but how does the consumer find the producer, he impatiently wanted to know?


- Well we have this huge databank, open to anyone, which at the same time is our common consciousness and there are several ways to go bye it in finding a producer or product. If my mind is clear and I know exactly what and how many it is I want, I can place my order telepathically to this databank, but if I don’t know exactly what it is I need, I might try to discuss it wit my computer or go to one of these work-shops and there try to explain what it is I need. Then we would try to produce it as closely to the my intention as possible and when ever it becomes finished it would be delivered wherever I want it to be delivered.


- And what happens if someone is getting greedy, wanting lots of exclusive things?


- What good would it do to collect a lot of things if it doesn’t pose any problem whatsoever to get anything you need at anytime without any effort? Why collect a lot of stuff that’s only using up a lot of space and is collecting a lot dust and if you can’t even sell them for a profit? Remember here is everything equally priceless, although nothing here has got a price tag! But on the other hand, if you think you need five hundred shoes, then go ahead and order them, that’s OK, no problem. But my guess is, that had you had been living here for a while, you would probably find it quite senseless to have your closets stuffed with shoes! And if you think you need to be able to choose between hundreds of toothpaste brands to have freedom of choice, I would recommend you to define freedom of choice once again and to think if the producer’s ambition is to give you freedom of choice out of concern for your well being, or if they are taking part in a bitter fight for market shares and profit, solely out of egoistic reasons?

I’m afraid it’s only your acquisitiveness and constant need of money, due to your fears that makes such thoughts even possible for you to think, thoughts that are emanating from your conscious or sub conscious urge to make a quick buck whenever and wherever you can.

But since we do not sell or buy anything, to and from each other, the whole concept of profit making is falling flat on it’s face so to speak. We have no motive to fight and compete against each other, but all the more reason to help each other in every possible way, as if we were one big family, which we in fact are although we may not know them personally. Still we are ONE.


- That may very well be the case, but do you never experience the unforeseen, can nothing go wrong here? Does it never happen that deliveries are delayed or even fail to turn up at all, the engineer went on asking, trying to cover up his lack of counter arguments.


- It can’t be denied that we sometimes have experienced the unforeseen, but in those cases the producers have always been able to transfer the orders to alternative producers after having cleared it with the consumers.

Longtime delays are extremely rare and when they occur we can always take the easy way out by using the limitless power of unconditional love, creating anything we need if necessary, i.e. in extreme cases if a situation potentially could become dangerous in any way. But usually we always try to solve any problem with our own physical creativeness. The mere knowledge however of being able to fulfill almost any persons needs, gives us a tremendous comfort, which in turn helps us having total faith in the absolute perfection of Gods creation as well as knowing there are always as many people having the necessary skills and interests needed to complete Gods creation.


- Perhaps we could visit another different plant as well, while we’re at it, the engineer asked, not quite understanding what he just heard?


As our guide told us it would be all right, we said good-bye to our hosts at the dairy plant and as we came outside we were just in time to see the sun setting over the horizon. 


- Where do you want to go this time, the guide asked as we were entering his ‘limo’?


- I think it would be interesting to take a closer look at a different line of work, where it would be possible to see the logistics in action and to see how it is possible for you to transport heavy goods and other big things so effortless and in no time at all.


- It’s very interesting that you should ask this particular question since this question describes the essence of our entire society. It is the core point on which every system in our entire society revolves.

Regardless what it is you want to do, whether you’re listening to recorded music, watching a film or even wanting to create your own story on your 4D holograph, it is always the same system you’re tapped into. We are also using it right now as we sit in my spacecraft. A few minutes ago you saw it throughout the entire production process in the dairy plant, from the cow being milked, all the way to the end station where the products are being delivered in the various cylinders. In every conceivable aspect of our society it is the same ultimate computer, keeping all systems integrated with each other and that system being nothing other than our collective consciousness!

To perhaps make it a bit more comprehensible, I would like to draw an analogy with a termite society in this particular case. All termites participate unconditionally with great enthusiasm in their society, not because they are forced to do so by anyone, but because they want to, using their free will to do whatever they want to do in their society. However by working together, helping each other unconditionally, they’re able to perform one miracle after the other. Together they are able to do things that no termite in the world could ever create on its own, for instance like creating, food stores sufficient enough for everyone at any time and an intricate air conditioning system that works perfectly within their whole ‘Universe’!

In fact you might say it was the termites, being one of the smallest and most ‘insignificant’ creatures, that gave us the greatest gift of all, as we - eons ago - desperately were searching for another way, away from all the competition, the fighting and all the destructiveness!

By watching the termites we managed to find this other path and thanks to the termites we managed to find the necessary faith in the perfect ness of Gods creation, believing in our own creative abilities as long as we decide to help each other unconditionally, as well as believing there will always be enough people with the necessary skills and interests to keep our society perfectly balanced at all times and in harmony.

That consciousness that evolved out of these insights and out of this faith, made it possible for us to develop our telepathic ability, which further helps us to contact each other when ever we need to and as I said helps us fulfilling any personal needs if need be! You might even say that we use our collective consciousness as a kind of billboard if there is an urgent task in need of volunteers and for various personal ads and after our ascension it has not happened yet that any needs have remained unfulfilled!


- But who is in charge of this huge monster computer, the engineer wanted to know?


- We all do, yet no one does! I can understand if this might be a bit hard to digest right now, but I think you will get all your questions answered during your visit.


- OK, but where do we go from here to see your logistics system at work?


- Actually we don’t have to go anywhere to see that, we might just as well see how it works right here in my space craft, since it is a typical piece of equipment which comes in a variety of sizes, from single-seaters to huge crafts larger than a small planet or a moon. Though this particular one, which you have been, traveling in here so far, can comfortably take approximately hundred people at once and would therefore be compatible in size to what you call a bus and apart from this particular type we also have a great variety of other types of spacecraft available to us for a number of different purposes. We even have spacecrafts capable of moving a mountain, if that should be necessary for some odd reason, just to give you an idea of what is possible here! Both the ‘engine’, as well as the power supply, i.e. our common consciousness, is built around a special drop shaped crystal, which is focusing and transforming the unlimited energy, enabling us to move freely from one point to another in an instant if we want to. And the secret is that we do it all together, unconditionally!

By the way, even the house that you are living in right now, is just as much a spacecraft as being a house and should you decide to move for some reason, but still want to stay in your house you just take everything with you and park it some where else to a location that suits you, and where you would try to find a free spot, since you naturally wouldn’t park your house on top of any one else’s house.


Now we just couldn’t help our selves laughing at his hilarious remark, at least they’ve got some humor, I thought, although I could sense a deeper meaning behind his remark too.


- Well I have to say, I find this information very interesting, as it seems logical to me, having all systems integrated with one another and the way you described it to us it seemed quite natural as well, he said thoughtfully. Obviously he had been much too occupied with figuring out all the technical parts and his analysis to have noticed the funny remark, by our guide.


- Perhaps we should leave it at that for tonight and head back for some food, since it’s getting a bit late for further visits, our guide suggested a bit cautious.


It seemed as if we all were agreeing, because as far as I could tell, everyone was nodding.

- I for one am getting quite hungry, I said with emphasis, which was met with even more audible agreements.

Before I had even finished speaking our guide turned around and spoke to his computer and I Immediately felt the change in direction.


It felt only like seconds until we were back home again, or should I say back to our spacecraft!? Now, this is really strange I thought, as we all entered.

Even our guide decided to eat with us to night.

After dinner some of us sat down by the pool just chatting a while, comparing our thoughts and after saying good night to our guide, I decided to check out the sound system in the apartment and to listen to some Pangean music. But after having unsuccessfully tried to start the equipment, I went over to our hosts for some help. One of them followed me back to show me how it works. After a short instruction I was just flabbergasted over what happened next. It was as if I was suddenly sitting right next to a band playing live music in a rather small club, together with a dozen or so, other people in the club, who surrounded me as well.

No sound system on Earth could ever compete with the experience this 4D-holograph could produce, no way, no how! The atmosphere was really as tight as can be and the sound quality was just awesome. Then it became really strange as I realized that I could even go up and get me a beer from a bar that didn’t exist, or did it!? Anyway, I brought it back to the table, where I slowly drank it while I was listening in awe to the band playing live. I realized I could even change the environment if I wanted to, but I didn’t because I was already happy with the way it was, really happy!
After a while though, I realized just how tired I was and that I should get some sleep instead of sitting here all night at this club. Then it surprised me again, because immediately after finishing my thought, the entire club disappeared slowly and I was back in my own chair again.


Wow! It took me quite a while to calm down after this extraordinary experience. Then it hit me that I absolutely need to do this again and try to record it at the same time, since no one would ever believe me otherwise, if I simply tried to explain what just had happened here!


Now wouldn’t it be awesome if I could bring this stuff with me back home to Earth, if not, only to impress my buddies?! But as soon as I had finished the thought, I felt there was something wrong with it. I realized that everyone on Pangea can get what ever they want, without ever having to impress anyone and here I wanted to impress my buddies wit something that only I had. It hit me that I in fact was trying to deny them what I had, by trying to impress them! That’s what made me feel bad and somewhat shameful as I went for a quick shower. After the shower I laid down on the bed and seconds later I was already sound a sleep.


Chapter 6                                  Day 3 Tourist attractions


After a nice lie-in, our plans for today were to see some of the sights of Pangea.

Just as we had finished our breakfast our guides came to pick us up for what we hoped to become an exciting excursion.

After having swept over the landscape for a while I noticed that we hadn’t passed any major cities and when I asked why, one of them told me that they didn’t like to live like sardines and he went on explaining;

- Since we can travel freely we don’t have live in crowded cities. We prefer to stay close to our interests as well as trying to give our children a chance to be close to nature, by living in smaller communities. We can always se our friends and or meet new people, or find any kind of pleasures and recreation, whenever we want to and should there be any unfulfilled wishes left, we simply fulfill them!


- I think I can speak for everyone in saying I think - from what I’ve seen so far - this is a very exciting and beautiful planet, but on the other hand, our own planet is also exciting and beautiful if you can look beyond all our attempts to make it look ugly, as well as our attempts to destroy it through all the pollution which is spreading like a bon fire around the world. Then we have all our cities, townships and all downtown ghettos, around the world, which couldn’t be seen as beautiful, regardless our definitions of the word beauty.


- Here on Pangea, as you call it, it’s in every ones interest to take care of nature, which of course also concurs with our own human activities and interests. To us it is essential that the occupations we choose go hand in hand with our interests. The ways our daily activities are dispersed throughout our continent also reflect in a natural way, both how and where we choose to live, as well as or needs and wishes and since our ability to travel and move around freely isn’t limited in any way, there doesn’t exist any logistical problems what so ever. Not even time and space does pose any obstacles to us, however the aspects of time and space will be explained to you later.


- Please let me ask you something, when you say you simply create whatever you need, it sounds so easy and effortless and as if it’s the most natural thing in the world.

In our world nothing is just that simple or natural to create!

So, could you please explain it to me, how your creative process can be so easy and at the same time be so painfully hard for us?


- Sure, The creative process can be realized in mainly two ways. First we have the physical aspect of creation, which allows us to create almost anything with our hands and tools and by helping each other unconditionally, we don’t even have to waist a lot of energy by fighting and competing against each other, instead we achieve amazing synergies in our creative process, which is making it look so effortless and easy. This process is basically the same process you use on Earth where you take some raw material that you process and refine in to various products. The only difference lies in the attitude towards the process. You prefer to make it a struggle to achieve something and struggle is what you get, whereas we try to help each other unconditionally, which in turn allows us to create almost anything with ease.

This is the way we usually do things in our day-to-day lives. This is how we create unconditionally, because this is what gives our lives meaning and fulfillment being able to do what we want and with whom we want for as long as we want.

Being engaged in producing what ever we like to produce to our selves and others can besides making it possible to create whatever we want and much more and besides giving us excitement and joy, also make it possible for us to manifest each day, who and what kind of person we really want to be.  The feelings as well as the experiences that give us are indescribable but you might say it gives us the feeling of being one with God!

On top of that, we also can utilize the faith we have in our abilities through our consciousness, by focusing the limitless power of our common consciousness to instantly create what ever we need and whatever that couldn’t be created physically. This gives us tremendous confidence in believing that we can create the same kind of miracles that Jesus performed during his last three years on Earth. The difference here on Pangea is that everyone has got the same power, because we all believe in what unconditional love is capable of creating and because we feel that we are one with God.

Most of you have at some points in your lives already experienced exactly what unconditional love is all about, in a few brief moments and perhaps without even knowing it, however when you choose to let this feeling permeate your entire personality, you will also be able to create anything without any limitations.

Now maybe you’re wondering what mystical ‘feeling’ I’m talking about, but you already have experienced it, for instance when you have watched your sleeping children with a big lump in your throat and your eyes moist. Perhaps you have watched those TV programs where they rescue animals from all kind of accidents and disasters, for instance when animals are being rescued from drowning in icy rivers, firemen breathing life back in to kittens or puppies after having rescued them etc, or having watched animals rescuing people likewise unconditionally. Maybe you had the same big lump in your throat and while you perhaps even were crying a bit out of pure happiness, then you know exactly what I’m talking about here and if you just let this feeling grow until it permeates your lives, you will also be able to use the unlimited force of unconditional love, to create anything you wish and more. And this can be just as easy or as hard as you choose to make it.

The sad part is that as soon as these TV programs end, you go back to more ‘important’ mundane matters like trying to get some more money, to secure your existence as well as your position in life, i.e your social status.

In conclusion you might say the reason that makes it so immensely difficult for you to achieve anything, is because you choose to make all your activities in to a struggle, instead of making it in to a joyful and loving event.

The day you allow yourself to be seen as a part of God, not only intellectually, but also with all your heart, you will be able to carry the same divine power that Jesus had and the best part is that without your fears, you wouldn’t even feel presumptuous about it.

Just think, what tremendous power you can unleash when all of you share this faith. And let me reassure you that you won’t ever again have to be afraid of anything and that you definitely wont need the neither the fears them selves nor the tools that kept you in captivity for millions of years.


- Yes but could you show us what specific activities you mean by tools and fears, because I can’t deny that from what I’ve seen so far, Pangea sure comes close to my kind of paradise and most definitely when compared to Earth and therefore I would like to se what it is exactly that differs.


- The short answer to your question is that your society is run and controlled by fear, while our society is permeated by unconditional love and therefore we don’t have to patronize anyone else, directly or indirectly.

The long answer will have to be exemplified as well.

Still you are fully convinced that it is right to fight terrorism, criminal behavior and even political dissidents, by putting them in jail and sometimes even by killing those who cannot or will not comply with your criminal laws or your economical/power structures.

Your behavior is so typical. This ever repeating pattern of pointing finger at the bad guys, making them dark and evil, so that it becomes OK to kick the shit out of them or any one else dark and evil, is what always adds fuel to the fire and therefore is preventing you from ever leaving your destructive behaviors behind you and this is what is disabling you from preventing the problems to be created in the first place.

Still you only deal with the symptoms instead of trying to prevent the cause, because it is always much easier to project all problems, even your own problems and failures somewhere else, instead of reflecting how you or your sub conscious attitudes might have been a part of what’s causing the problem.

Once you look in to it, it becomes quite easy to see that these projections very often emanate from ones own insecurity and fears, which easily transforms to a need to see others as well, with that particular flaw, misfortune or disability.

Besides, you haven’t even learned how to behave in another way and you haven’t even seen any other way of conduct! So how can you expect to be aware of anything else?

Just remember, violence is not caused by some predestined or genetically conditioned evil, it is simply the logical consequence of your - by fear permeated - behavior patterns.

Should you at some point choose to stop centering every aspect of your societies around fear, one way or another, in the shape of military structures, all the political and economical systems based on competition, with money and its ever present companion Mr. Greedy, in the frontline and starvation, child abuse, child pornography, child prostitution, child slavery, child workers, and children having to find something to eat from trashcans, being some of the utmost consequences of what flows in the wake of our monetary structures, you might try to find it in your hearts to take care of all your children as well as those not capable of ‘producing’ up to your own standards, you might suddenly find your society flourishing like never before.

Should you decide to let your hearts be filled with love instead of fear and should you choose to let your heart lead you, then your society could be changed forever in a heartbeat and thereafter fill your lives with almost unimaginative experiences filled with love, excitement and warmth towards all living creatures.

I know, some of you already think they have reached their main objectives. I’m terribly sorry to disappoint anyone, but having reached an intellectual point where you might think you already love everyone and that you wish everyone well, isn’t doing it! Please don’t misunderstand me, wanting to do good is just fine, however it isn’t more than lip service if you don’t convert these beautiful thoughts in to practice in your daily life by being as unconditional as possible in every moment. Then and only then, all your conscious and sub conscious fears will let go, one by one and be replaced by the unlimited power of unconditional love.

If you don’t mind, I would like to give you some suggestions since you asked for them. Seeing to it that everyone on your planet can live in a decent home, regardless of his or her financial status, would be a beautiful statement on your ambition to help anyone in need. I know this would be a huge task, since every activity on your planet is dependant on the access to money and your never ending struggle to make a profit. Where money is being the sole factor in deciding whether something is possible or not to do.

On Pangea on the other hand, there is only one thing that determines whether something is going to be done or not and that is whether we think we need something, or anything in fact. If there is a need there is also a purpose and when we decide to do something, we do it with all our hearts and you can be certain that we never could find a reason or motive to produce anything less than optimal in design and quality. You can also be sure that we would never do it in away that would be dangerous to our environment.

So, in conclusion the main differences lie in the principally different view we have on how to create things. Whereas you still prefer making the creative process in to a struggle based on competition and a subconscious fear, we try to base our creative process on helping each other unconditionally with love and empathy and although it is easy to see the differences when you compare our planets it is still just a small but very significant difference in our mind setting.


- So, what you’re saying is that if we should change our thoughts without any preconceptions, our attitudes and our behavior patterns would follow and soon enough our mind setting would be changed and this would automatically change all our future experiences. Is that what you’re saying?


- That’s exactly what I’m saying, especially if your behavior towards your children could be more unconditional throughout their entire adolescence!  Everything starts with the children, everything depends on what you teach your children and what fears and attitudes that you subconsciously pass on to your children. It hurts me to say this, but your fears have been passed on from one generation after the other, through out your planets history, thus permeating one civilization after another as well as driving them almost to the point of extinction, just barely hanging on to life. Just look at all your prehistoric evidence, which clearly show what knowledge has been lost as well as all the zillions of lives that have been lost as a result of the destructiveness, and the subconscious fears that have followed you wherever you have gone. And now you’re about to loose everything once again if you don’t change your course drastically, because fear is still the driving force behind all your actions!

Yet, all it takes is to become aware of that fear and to realize its actions and reactions and then choose not to give in to it any more, by becoming more and more unconditional as often as possible. Awareness is the key to unlock this hidden treasure. This is nothing other than the same collective consciousness that made it possible for you to see us as physical beings.

The amazing thing is that from now on, everything could go very fast just as it could go very slow. The choice however is all yours, but right now I suggest we take a closer look at our common prehistoric heritage first.


* * *



While we were talking, our spacecraft seemed to find its own way to where we were going. We climbed, changed direction and descended again, without any big movements then suddenly on our way down I saw what they wanted to show us, since we slowly were moving around a group of pyramids that looked just like our own pyramids except that the marble surface on these pyramids were just smooth as a mirror, and what we call the sphinx still was a magnificent lion in mint condition.

The guide asked us to note the condition of the pyramids, despite the fact they were built more than twelve thousand years ago. There was no sign of any flood of biblical proportions, there was also no sign of any desert sand dunes here, but lots of wheat fields instead.

After having circled around the pyramids we left them and headed across the continent and just as smooth as before we descended again and this time it looked like the presumably astronomical calendar at Tihuanacos in Bolivia, which was located next to the ruins Puma Puncu, which also was built over twelve thousand years ago and where its architectural construction details suggest extreme technological skills, since the intricate shaped stones, obviously have to have been cut with laser precision, to be so precise in shape and size as well as smooth on the surface. However these buildings on Pangea were very far from becoming ruins any time soon. They looked in fact as if they were built only yesterday.


On our next stop it looked as if we had come to the complex at Teotihuacan and the ‘City of Gods’ in Mexico, although the huge basins were filled with water here and of course, as could be expected, being in mint condition like all the other sights we had visited so far on Pangea. The guide told us that this complex once was an important astronomical calendar.


Then we made some brief stops at a number of historical sights, all in mint condition, such as the buildings we find in Palenque in southern Mexico, the Nazca plateau in Peru, Machu Piccu, Chichén Itza on the Yuccatan Peninsula, with its magnificent reptilian like shadows on the steps which occur each spring- and fall equinox, Angkor in Cambodia, Stonehenge, The megaliths in Carnac, etc. and each time we moved across this vast continent just as effortless as it was smooth.


After having seen all these well preserved historic sights I one day, it becomes quite obvious that our prehistoric civilizations must have been highly evolved in areas like, mathematics, astronomy and geometry. They clearly knew lots of things and had access to technology that we still cannot decipher or even understand, nor can we replicate most of it and this we should acknowledge instead of denying it, I think, if we ever will be able to understand ourselves.


Much to the point even our guides told us how important it is that we realize just how deep our common prehistory are linked together before we go to the next level.


- Now we have shown you some of our history and with some rough brush strokes we have tried to paint our pre historic evolution to you, but from now on we will try to show you how life on Pangea looks today. However I suggest we leave that for tomorrow, because I would think we all have had enough for today, don’t you think!? While he was speaking his eyes swept over the crowd, mainly to see if there were any questions left unanswered and to see if anything still was unclear.


Our intensive nodding indicated that we all felt the day had been extremely eventful and I’m sure that I’m not the only one who needs to digest all the impressions. I also needed to sit down after supper with my team to edit some of what we had documented today.




Chapter 7                 Day 4 Roundtable talks


As we gathered after breakfast the next day, one of our guides asked if we had any particular wishes for today or if we had any questions left over from yesterday, before we continue our excursions?


This time it was obvious that one of our scientists with special interests in ethnology, was the most inquisitive amongst us this morning.

Well, I have a few questions for you and there are also a few things I would like you to clarify to me and I would like to begin by asking how you can be so well acquainted with our customs, if that’s OK!?


Sure, as I’ve said before we have been observing you, as well as visiting you for a very long time. Although, our spiritual background is the same, our higher level of consciousness gives us total access to our inner life and therefore we’re also able to see and understand your attitudes completely and to see what actions you will take as well as what consequences they bring, while many of you still are denying you even have a spiritual or inner life.

I know it may sound presumptuous, but we think that the consciousness that we have obtained makes it possible for us to know you better than most of you even know your selves.

We also think it’s our higher consciousness that enables us to see the bigger picture and therefore being able to be more precise in what we decide to create. In fact it is giving us the same freedom to create that Jesus always has had.

In fact you might see the difference between our planets in how we view our selves in regard to Jesus, since you are still waiting for him to return, so that you can leave it to him to save you, because you still need authorities telling you what- when- and how to do something, what is right or wrong and ultimately leaving it to someone else to do the job for you, because you are still denying your own divinity.

Pangeans have for a very long time been aware of their divinity and this has given them total faith in their own creative abilities.

You might even say that instead of constantly trying to get more and more money just to be able to stay alive, we choose to let the divine unlimited and unconditional love within us create what ever we need.

And while I’m at it, please let me put some more salt in to your wounds, by suggesting that almost everything that you want, rarely coincides with your true needs, merely because your subconscious drives you to collect much more, because you never know when you will run out of money, i.e. run out of your right to exist, if you put it a bit drastic. Consequently you by stuff to console your self and to compensate your fears like a squirrel collect nuts before the winter.

Our instant ability to create what we need whenever we need it, without even having to pay for it and without anyone else having to give up anything on our behalf, gives us tremendous comfort, knowing we don’t have to fight for our right to exist and knowing we don’t have to cheat anyone to gain some advantage or even steal something to get what we want and maybe this will give you a better understanding on how we have managed to prevent most problems before they even became a problem in the first place, instead of trying to find justice by dealing with all the symptoms which you still insist doing by projecting the problems elsewhere and by closing your eyes on your own judgmental attitudes.

Please note that this doesn’t mean your life will become boring if you should decide to leave your fears behind, which some of you say would be inevitable, if and when you try to create a world in harmony and love.

We can assure you that no one here has ever had to give up any need for excitement!

The difference lies in the fact that your kind of excitement very often comes from deadly serious conflicts, while much of our excitement can be safely experienced within the confinement of sexual play, because our sexuality lets us freely explore what we want to experience, when we want to, as well as how and with whom we want to be excited and pleasured. It allows us to under controlled and playful circumstances and of course with consenting adult partners taste almost any kind of ‘spices’ where our fantasies can become explored without any one having to be patronizing or judgmental.

Now I know you’re thinking, but what about incest and child pornography? Let me say that these phenomena always evolve within its existing environment and I’m happy to say that our society doesn’t give these kinds of thoughts any nourishment, thus preventing them from ever becoming a ‘need’!

But, let me come back on this subject another day.


OK but let me just ask if there is a potential risk that sex can become an obsessive habit?


Only if you’re frustrated and if you’re used to fight for something it can become obsessive and should you see anyone engaged in what you would call excessive sex, you can be sure they’re doing it because it gives them great pleasure and not because they’re forced by anyone or any circumstances against their will!


So let me ask you then, how do you do when you create something and please could you be specific and also could you tell me who decides if something is worth creating, if it’s good or bad? Can anything be created?


OK, once you’ve understood with your heart that we all are a part of the same creation, then it suddenly becomes totally irrelevant and meaningless to attack and threaten anyone and not only that, it becomes totally meaningless trying to cheat anyone and to make a buck or two on behalf of someone else. Metaphorically speaking it’s like trying to stab your left hand with your right hand using a knife. Once your heart truly understands that we are all ONE, it becomes obvious that we should help each other unconditionally instead of being afraid of each other. And if there ever was a clear distinction between our two planets, it has to be how we relate to our children and to each other.

While you in desperation are devoting most of your time making enough money to keep your worst nightmares at bay, you are prevented from taking care of your children and your elders, the way you ought to. In the name of equality you’re ‘forced’ to put your children in daycare, so that you on ‘equal’ terms can go out to make as much money as possible, but no matter how much effort you put in, you will never become free and independent from the invisible shackles of the monetary system that is keeping you hostage, while this imaginary happiness that money represents, will glide in front of you like a mirage in the desert. And since you obviously are unaware of being trapped in any shape or form, you will unintentionally convey all your fears and all your own frustrations to your children in yet another generation. Specifically you are subconsciously teaching your children to compete, ‘for their own good’ by trying to adapt them to the only world you know, with all its greed, competitiveness and hierarchic power structures, which in one way or another and without exceptions are a manifestation of your subconscious fears. Fears, that seem to be as invisible as the air in an empty bottle.

As you will notice under your stay, people do not have to ‘work’ to be able to live a decent and fulfilling life on Pangea. However most of us are active in one way or another, not because we have to but because we want to get whatever amount of experience we wish to collect in areas that interests us and to be able to be the best person we can, depending on our abilities and to feel the tremendous joy it gives us to be able to help others by being unconditional towards others. And the amazing thing is that when we do something that we really love doing, you can be sure the result will be as good as can be, apart from the fact that it also gives us great pleasure just being able to do whatever we like most. I would also think it’s hard to find anyone trying to deny the fact that you get the best results if something is done by someone that loves doing it!


Yes that may very well be so, but I really would like to know how you do when you’re creating something!?


Yes I know and I was just getting there, by saying that when it comes to fulfilling peoples physical and concrete needs, we mainly use two different methods.

If we start with our daily needs, we usually fulfill them both personally and physically, by letting people with different skills and interests, choose to do whatever they are good at. However, what they are creating is up to each and every one, without anyone interfering or being judgmental. What matters, is that if there is a need there is also a purpose.

Many teenagers spend a lot of time trying out on many different ‘occupations’, partly to learn how the society works, but also to get a better understanding of the importance and meaning of all the different tasks and of course trying to find their own future roll when entering adulthood.

When it comes to the bigger issues in life; for instance trying to improve the infrastructure, these are mainly the result of our common consciousness and since there is no competition, where strong private interests dictate what can or cannot be produced, we can focus on finding the optimal solutions at any given time. Solutions that is beneficial to the entire society.

Now perhaps someone thinks common consciousness can’t create anything, but let me tell you, that this is what the common consciousness always has done and always will do!

A society is ALWAYS a reflection of its collective consciousness, without any exceptions!

Let’s take an example from your planet; you can be absolute sure that Hitler’s Nazi thoughts could never have grown without the ‘nourishment’ the German people represented through their common consciousness!

I would also think it is difficult to find anyone arguing against the statement that ‘we have the society that we deserve’ Our societies are formed by our common attitudes, that’s it!


One of our engineers with special interests in ethnology also wanted to put in a question, now.

I would like to know what kind of deceases and illnesses do you have and what about the average length of life?


Well, you might say it is as long as we want it to be. By that I mean that we largely choose how old we want to be and this in turn is dependant on two factors. The first one being how long we want to carry around our ‘costume’. The other one is closely linked to the fact that we rarely become ill, physically or psychic. Due to our lifestyle, diet and our eating habits we manage to prevent developing food related illnesses, even though it can’t be denied that some of us have developed liver problems due to alcohol problems, although most of us only drink occasionally and then only because the taste agrees with us and not as in your case trying to work up the nerve to communicate.

Still, some of us also have trouble sometimes keeping the limits, though the number of alcoholics is low in comparison to Earth, partly because the effort we put in often pays off very well. Cancer, heart problems, rheumatism, allergies, stomach and intestinal problems etc. are on the other hand almost unknown here, although our physicians have no problem cure them or heal them if necessary.

What does happen here off and on though are accidents caused by youngsters being much to optimistic of their capabilities when they are being much too adventurous. But as I said, sicknesses are rare.


Now one of our pilots had a somewhat different issue on his mind.

I thought since we’ve been here almost a week with a full packed schedule so far, that it would have been nice to relax one evening wit a couple of beers since we were just talking about alcohol and perhaps even a little bit of dancing somewhere, if anyone would like to tag along!?


Everyone just loved the idea; no doubt about it, considering all the loud cheering that suddenly went on everywhere around me, replacing the seriousness that had developed under our talks.


 Sure we can and may I suggest that we visit a nightclub tonight and that we take a day off tomorrow by the pool or by the lake, perhaps!?


Everyone obviously thought that was perfect!


However there is something that I have to bring to your attention about the nightclub, just so it doesn’t come as a dash of cold water!

I have to warn you that a visit to a nightclub might be a bit too strong for you if you are fainthearted and or prejudiced. If that’s the case, it’s better you stay at home!

Whenever adults on Pangea go to a nightclub a distinct sexual undertone can’t be ruled out! The sexual tension often reaches very high levels, because people usually go to a nightclub since they don’t want to exhibit their sexual preferences in front of their children, so they take their fantasies to the nightclub instead.

So if anyone of you have any problems with other people who openly are exhibiting their sexual preferences and fantasies, which might be transvestites all kind of fetishists, homo- bi- hetero or trans sexual people engaged in S&M games or what ever it might be, then you better stay home!


Well, live and let live has always been my motto and besides, I’ve always been extremely curious in nature, so as for me it shouldn’t be any problems. I have also been around for a while so the kinky scene isn’t all that new to me either. Therefore I can’t deny it’s with some anticipation I’m going to this nightclub. After a quick hand count I somewhat surprised noticed that no one backed down from visiting the nightclub. I guess the curiosity was stronger than their fears and I also guess no one wants to be seen as prejudiced.


Isn’t it a porn club though that we’re about to visit!? Someone cautiously asked.


No we don’t have any porn clubs here on Pangea because we have no use for them. The main purpose of a porn club is to exploit and make a profit from peoples sexuality. Mostly they are hidden small smoky rooms down in the basement, because it’s taboo to be a sexual being. Officially you condemn these clubs but at night you sneak down to them, still condemning everyone else’s sexual preferences, except your own. Although you are ashamed of your own sexuality as well, since that is what you have been taught, thanks to your religions.


Here on Pangea on the other hand, we believe we have adapted a much more natural relation to our sexuality. A sexuality by the way, that is just as strong here as it is on Earth, even though many of you still try to deny your sexuality. As a matter of fact, sexuality is the single most powerful force after unconditional love!

And just as we use unconditional love to create, we use our sexuality the same way for our personal pleasure and excitement. We also use it to experience all kinds of exciting feelings and emotions, like fear, power, submission, dominance, humiliation, etc. however with a huge difference! Instead of being forced upon you in what often is a deadly serious behavior on Earth, we do it playfully with consenting partners, for starters or even as the main course in a playful and harmless way. Sometimes these playful acts are displayed quite openly, since there is nothing here to be ashamed of.

So please don’t be surprised or alarmed if you should see people display their sexual fantasies in front of you! It is just as natural to be tender and lovingly caring towards our children, to hug and kiss them every day, as to be a sexual being together with their adult partners.

So the answer to your question is that just because our sexuality sometimes is displayed openly without prejudice and taboos, doesn’t mean they are porn clubs, because, as I said, the purpose of these clubs aren’t here to exploit anyone or to make a profit. They are merely a place where people can meet, dance, eat something when they are getting hungry, have a beer or two and at the same time being able to be them selves and to play.

Then of course we have many different clubs - specialized in various directions and tastes - here and there. However the club that I suggest for tonight is one of the larger and more diverse clubs around.


Needless to say, that due to our relaxed attitudes towards sexuality, we don’t have any problems with rape, incest ore child abuse on Pangea!

I might also add that if you should want to know more after our visit to the nightclub tonight, you can always let me know and we might even invite some people whom you can ask directly about their habits and about their view on life on Pangea in general. It’s OK even if you should prefer to do so in private.


As our guide stopped talking it went totally quiet in the room for a while and it wasn’t until one of our scientists had something on his mind, began talking.

I’ll say, that one shook me like a 6.5 earthquake, on the Richter scale! I’m speechless but I don’t know yet if its because I don’t have any arguments against you ore if it’s because I’m not used to discuss sexuality like this, or even both.

However I have a few questions as well. I would like to know what else you do for fun, what do you do when you are not busy ‘working’, what excitements do you have besides sex in your day to day life, I mean everything can’t be all about sex, can it!?

Yeah and I would think many would find it boring without all our soap operas, someone else filled in somewhat nervously.


Before I answer you there are a few words and concepts that I would like to define, to avoid any misunderstandings.

First of all, we do not separate work from leisure time. People participate in the development of our society just as much or as little as each individual chooses to participate. There is no one stopping them from doing whatever they want to do and that could be for instance me acting as a host while you are visiting us or asking someone to relieve me from it tomorrow so that I could visit my sister on the west coast who just gave birth to a son and then travel to another part of Pangea to study something in the ocean, or to do what ever my interests and skills lead me to do, or to just lie flat on my back to sunbathe a couple of days and perhaps play football, or I might choose to climb a mountaintop to meditate over some new thoughts that just had entered my conscious mind. However, regardless of what I choose to do, I’m participating in life and this is just as important to me personally as well as for the entire society, that I’m happy and contented with what life can offer in terms of physical experiences.

What’s making Gods creation so ingenious is its almost incomprehensible diversity. There will always be enough individuals having the necessary skills and interests and adding the necessary experiences to our lives. We just need to find the courage to have faith in the perfection of Gods creation!!!

But answering your question, there are a lot of ‘leisure activities’ on Pangea. We have a lot of activities and sports at hand, from mountaineering, scuba diving, parachuting, football, horseback riding, playing with dolphins, sailing on lakes and in the ocean. Some like to explore nature by hiking ore gliding just above the ground on machines that you would call bikes and cars, even though they don’t have much in common with each other technically speaking.

In wintry areas we go skiing, downhill and cross-country, we go for walks, run and ride bikes, participate athletic events etc. However we do it purely because we enjoy it.

I can assure you that, regardless if we do it for our own amusement only or if we take part in larger events, we and the spectators have just as much fun if not more, as anyone on Earth, since we don’t have to cheat or bribe anyone or even use performance enhancing drugs to be able to feel good enough.


Yes but what are you doing about those parasites always living off of other people’s hard work and who never digs in themselves?


First of all, it’s only a very small number of people who doesn’t have the strength to participate in our common development. Secondly they are still cared for like anyone else, because otherwise our unconditional love wouldn’t be all that unconditional, would it?

Thirdly, our society does not fall apart just because some of us don’t work all day in a factory and last but not least, what looks like someone dragging their feet, might in fact be a person having spent ten years of his life trying to find new and better ways to make our lives even better than before, by presenting to all of us the most extraordinary thought ever presented! So what good does it do judging someone when we don’t even know the reason for their choice?


What about justice then, don’t you have any criminals, what laws do you have to prevent criminal behavior?


That depends on what you mean by criminal behavior and laws.

Of course it happens that we sometimes become angry and yes of course it happens that we sometimes react without thinking of the consequences. To feel frustrated, jealous and angry is nothing you have the sole right to feel, therefore it is inevitable that we sometimes do things we later regret. But punishing someone for it doesn’t solve any problems, because making wrong two times, still doesn’t add up as right, just as thousand times wrong still doesn’t make it right! We consider it much more fruitful trying to understand, aid and help both parties in a conflict. This doesn’t mean we neglect the victim or that we don’t care about the victim. On the contrary, we always try very hard to support everyone involved. The reason to do so is based on our conviction that it doesn’t help if you’re judgmental. Often enough we have seen that no person acts without fulfilling a specific need. A need that always has its designated purpose, one way or another and by that I mean it could be the karmic laws that determines what is happening. Therefore it would always be prudent of us not to judge and start pointing fingers. Besides, incidents like these are extremely rare, in fact microscopic, put in relation to the size of our population.


Chapter 8                                 Nightclub visit


As we gathered again all dressed up for our visit to the nightclub, we were told that two of our friends with the crew cut wouldn’t come along for reasons unknown to us, but that really didn’t matter much since there were still a few of them left to go.

Then our chef came to us asking if we had any objections if our hosts came along, since this was something they didn’t want to miss and of course we didn’t mind. The more the merrier I thought.

It wasn’t until later it hit me, that on our planet it would have been totally out of the question to let the ‘kitchen staff’ accompany the visiting celebrities like this, since we would have been treated like heads of state on a formal state visit, had it been on Earth. Back home you just don’t mix the VIP’s with the hired hands from the kitchen! But here on Pangea it was somehow just as natural as if you were gathering your family and taking them on a picnic. Hmmmm!?

Never the less, ten minutes later our ’chauffer/pilot’ came to pick us up and we were ready to rock and roll!

Full of expectations we entered his ‘limo’ all dressed up in what ever we had packed in our suitcases. Some of us even had to borrow some party clothes, since they hadn’t plan on going to a nightclub and definitely not this kind of nightclub, that’s for sure! Not surprisingly the borrowed clothes were the wildest and perhaps the most exhibitionistic party clothes I’ve seen for years. My guess is that our hosts had something to do with their choice. Somehow our hosts always seem to understand what we want to do and even know who we are deep down inside. It seems as if their intuition is quite well developed. I decided to ask them about this, but not now however, because now we’re going to party!!!


As usual it felt as if the trip was over before it even started. We had barely taken our seats until our pilot told us prepare our selves for a bumpy ride inside the club instead.

We had landed beside a quite large group of houses. I guess this is their version of Las Vegas, only the scenery was much more beautiful here, the houses were grouped between a lake and a beautiful and lush hillside and I just had to stay and watch the sun go down and breath in the air. While standing there I also saw a paved and already lit up path going round the lake, which I figured had been used many times by romantic couples wanting to be alone for a while, just as they were right now since I could see a few couples and smaller groups here and there. I also saw paths outside the houses and between them, connecting all the buildings with one another.

Then as I turned around to… I saw the cameramen already ahead of me busy taking pictures of the scenery.

I had been so busy watching the scenery in awe I almost forgot why I was here, but this is what teamwork is all about I thought wit a smile on my face.


Are we going to stand here all night or do we go inside, our guide asked us delicately while a big smile spread on his face?


Yeah sure, that’s why we’re here, isn’t it!? But in all fairness I think we all were a bit nervous and therefore hesitating perhaps. But then we all went in together.


The first thing that hit me was that there were no guards deciding who can or cannot come in and then there was no one selling tickets and no one managing the wardrobe. We just went straight in. Once inside it also hit me, the air was clean and fresh, no smoke anywhere I’m glad to say, being an former smoker my self and therefore being a bit sensitive about it perhaps. Never the less I’m grateful not being forced to endure smoky rooms.

Our guides then suggested we take a tour around the premises to acquaint our selves with the building and the activities before we sit down. But before all that, most of us seemed to be in need of a drink first, since every one of us lined up at the bar closest to us for some reason! I myself didn’t have to ‘cure’ any shyness because I’ve been to kinky parties before, but still you never know what lurks behind the next corner, so just in case I thought a beer might be in order, because already I have seen a few things that widened my eyes a bit! Obviously this place wasn’t easy to match on Earth, from what I have seen and heard of.

After having walked through the premises not once but twice, I could estimate the number of people here to at least one thousand, maybe even more. All dressed up more or less extravagant, exhibitionistic and kinky accessories and toys. They ranged from fully dressed down to completely naked people and in between I saw many body paintings, tattoos, piercing on every conceivable places and some. There were people dressed in beautiful lingerie’s, corsets, boots, leather, patent leather, rubber, chains, handcuffs, chastity belts for men and women, whips and a lot of other things which I think would require instructions and a lot of explaining for us earthlings to comprehend how they are used and why.

What I didn’t see were the prejudices we so often meet here on Earth. Everyone acted as if it was the most natural thing in the world. In fact on Pangea it IS the most natural thing in the world be sexual!

People were laughing, joking and talking with anyone and they were hugging and kissing each other, not the way we do on Earth when we go to a party, but warm sincere and really friendly. I also saw a lot of people totally absorbed by their sexual ‘characters’.


It amazed me to see their ability to live their chosen parts and to see the difference between the normal socializing and the sexual play and how they managed to switch between them. I also noticed how they tried not to interfere in other peoples play, unless they were invited to participate in any way.


I don’t know about the others, but to me the most amazing thing thus far, had to be the ‘electricity’ generated by the sexual atmosphere on the club being so intense, it would have been possible to cut out a chunk and put it in a doggy bag!!!


Now I’m also beginning to understand what the Pangeans mean by having all the excitement they could ever wish for.


After filling up our glasses we sat down where we - all fifty counting our guides and our hosts from the hotel as well - could sit together as well as having a decent view over the room. Soon enough discussions were getting lively all around us. Naturally everyone was analyzing the situation strictly scientifically. But it wasn’t hard to see that some of my travel mates were somewhat uncomfortable in this situation, although we managed to agree that all the Pangeans were able to behave very relaxed and natural to one another. But I’m sure some of us were quite happy that the lights were dimmed, making it much easier to hide a few red cheeks.

After a few drinks it even began to show just how different our attitudes were and just how insecure we really are. Apparently some of my travel mates couldn’t avoid pointing fingers, giggling and making fun of some of the Pangeans behavior.

I even had to ask them to please show some respect and not to reveal their prejudices and ignorance like that and to beg them not to embarrass them selves as well as the rest of us like this, or at least having the decency to go home.


Though I have to admit that after that incident, their behavior was quite exemplary the rest of the evening. So I guess it gave them something to think about, because it seemed as if it helped talking to them after all.


Since I didn’t want to spoil the entire evening, I made an effort trying to lighten things up and holding the conversation going, by feeding the conversation with new topics all the time and soon enough the bad feelings were all gone. I would think the fantastic atmosphere on the club helped as well.


After a while I saw this woman sitting across the room slightly to the right and maybe five, six meters away. She was sitting with her back against a trellis that reached from the floor to the ceiling. Time and again I found my self-watching her or rather being sucked in by her intense look. Obviously she was watching me. Her gaze was so intense I just couldn’t ignore it. It made me feel somewhat uncomfortable and I even began trembling. After having almost drowned in her gaze for the tenth or so time, I realized it was always me lowering my eyes. At the same time I realized my cheeks were blushing and my breathing became heavier. It was even as if I had been affected by some kind of tunnel vision some how when we looked at each other.

The strange thing was that I couldn’t stop watching her although I had to lower my eyes after a few seconds each time. I also knew that if this was a contest between our wills, I was loosing it big time! But still I couldn’t stop watching her or at least try to sneak a peek once in a while. Now I also saw the rest of her. Sure she was beautiful, but not like a pad get-queen, her figure was also slightly to full for that. No it wasn’t that which spellbound me, it was her extraordinary charisma that caught my attention. Maybe her outfit had something to do with it as well and perhaps something that I couldn’t even see? But what ever it was, it captured me completely! If I had ever been knocked out, this was it!

My guess was, she might be forty something. Her face looked determined and kind at the same time and if anything, it had to be her eyes being the most prominent features. Somehow they managed to change like the colors of a chameleon. Her hair was long and dark, her makeup was obvious but not exaggerated and she was dressed in a tight black leather dress, matching laced boots and long gloves. In front of her on the table she had a glass of red wine and a half full carafe beside it.


She seemed so confident and relaxed as she leaned against the trellis with her legs crossed, as she seemed to seek eye contact with me all the time. Then I realized, I was lost in more ways than one!

But what I didn’t get was, why she kept looking at me all the time. What could she possibly see in a fifty year-old guy with his stomach hanging over his belt, when the club at the same time is filled with athletic guys? I just don’t get it!? On the other hand, maybe my inability to think straight right now was caused by my pounding heart and the fact that my thoughts made my head spin, yeah, maybe that’s it? All I could feel was that electric tension between us building up.


Obviously this woman knew exactly what she wanted and right now she was the predator and I was the game!


The unconquerable storm of emotions I felt whenever I looked at her, made me suddenly realize, That I had just seen the most amazing woman in the entire Universe! Then it also hit me, god damned, is it really necessary to travel half way across the Universe, just to find the right woman? But what the hell, for this woman I would probably do it again anytime. I would even take down the moon for her, if she asked me to and then ask her where she wants me to put it! No question about it!


For a second there, I even wondered if I had been hypnotized, since I felt so helpless and vulnerable, but then I dismissed it as being absurd. Let’s face it, what really happened here was fate and I had better accept it no matter what and regardless the consequences.


Even my travel mates must have noticed something was going on and my photographer asked me if I was feeling OK. 

Somehow I managed to stutter that I might have caught a very serious decease called love, which caused everyone to laugh at my unexpected but emotional confession. But as I, as discretely as possible, tried to point out the woman in question, all I got was some pitying remarks like ‘good luck to you’ and a patronizing pat on my shoulder, as my photographer said, ‘so, you like swimming with sharks, do you, hope you know what you’re doing though’.


While I was thinking how to approach her and what to say, I decided another beer could improve my guts. Then suddenly she was standing beside my chair, without me even having noticed that she had left her seat. At that moment it felt like a total meltdown in all my vital systems and I didn’t have a clue as to what I should do next. Luckily I didn’t have to because she began by saying quite calmly:

- Hi, my name is Ariana and I think we should talk, don’t you think!?


No matter how hard I tried, nothing came out of my mouth, so I just nodded frantically. My mouth was just as dry as an old well in the desert.


- But not here, she said, as she took my hand and resolutely walked away with me.


Already we were walking through a corridor on our way to another smaller room, more suited for a conversation, because the music wasn’t quite as loud. Once inside we turned to the left passing another bar. Obviously she knew exactly where she was going, since she was heading straight towards a small booth on the far side of the room. But just before reaching the booth we met some very friendly people who stopped and said hello, so we stopped as well. Obviously they had some things to discuss, however the conversation was about someone else so I didn’t pay any attention to it.

Then suddenly Ariana wanted to introduce me to her friends as one of the visiting Earthlings, but stopped in the middle of a sentence, turned to me and said,

- I’m sorry, I’ve been dragging you away from your friends and I still haven’t asked for your name!?


- My name is Dorion, I managed somehow to squeeze through my very dry throat.


- Very pleased to meet you Dorion, I’m Sintra and this is Arthon, she said as she turned towards her companion and after having been introduced to each other, Arthon said,

- Finally we meet people from Earth, and from the way he said it I knew he was sincere about it.


Then Ariana almost interrupted them as she said,

- Yes, isn’t it, but hey, could we continue our conversation tomorrow? Right now I’m very busy.

Because I really need to speak with Dorion, she said solemnly, even though her face was smiling.


After hugging her friends, another person rapidly approached her. Apparently one of the regulars has had a couple of drinks too many and this young man, for some reason wanted her advice. 

- I’m a bit busy right now so could you please ask Agador to help you with Paul, since I take it it’s Paul you’re referring to isn’t it!?


- Yes it is and sometimes his judgment goes out the window from too much excitement and a couple of drinks too many and then it happens that he becomes a nuisance by interfering with other peoples activities and not knowing when to quit bothering them.

Since he turned towards me as he spoke, I suppose he merely wanted to be courteous to me, by filling in the details, when in fact he was talking to Ariana.


- Could you please follow Paul home, but be sure to keep Agador informed if you’re leaving with Paul?!


- Are you some kind of boss here, I managed to ask her when we were alone again?


- No not at all, she said as we finally managed to sit down in the booth for some serious talking. We don’t have any bosses here, but we are a few people helping each other by sharing the responsibility of keeping this club running, by taking care of all the practical things, like for instance helping our guests home if need be and taking responsibility of the logistics and by organizing all the activities here, as well as keeping it clean all the time.


- Isn’t it difficult finding volunteers for the cleaning chores, if people aren’t being paid for it, I just had to ask?


- Of course not, on the contrary in fact, if everyone who wants to help on the club would be here all the time, this club would be extremely crowded!

After a short pause, she continued.

Well then, now perhaps we could talk seriously for a while.


- Yeah right I said, hoping my voice would hold, as I felt overwhelmed by the excitement and by the anxiety sneaking up on me again.

Here I was, a full grown man sitting in front of this extraordinary and charismatic woman, trembling like a disobedient schoolboy, in front of his strict teacher and once again I felt my knees shaking when she looked at me.

How does she do that I wondered? What’s happening to me? I see my self as a fairly strong minded and self conscious man, good self-esteem, I’m used to say what’s on my mind, I’m fairly plain in my communication with others and I would also think most people would perceive me as quite advanced and perhaps even somewhat bold. But still, I had nothing to put up against this woman.

Let’s face it, this woman hasn’t even spoken twenty words to me and already there is no hope what so ever for me to recover from this defeat!


Sure, I understand this is all about sexual behavior, which shouldn’t be mixed up with our regular social behaviors, I’m fully aware of that, but still. The strange thing is that I can’t help being so totally attracted to this woman and her immense sexual power. Among my colleagues I wouldn’t dream of being so submissive to anyone, ever, because otherwise I would have been crushed like a bug a long time ago! But right here right now, I didn’t mind at all! How strange life can bee I thought.

Then I asked,

- Why on Earth, or should I say Pangea, did you choose me among all these people?


- The same reason you chose me! The only difference is that you don’t know why you chose me, while I know exactly why we chose each other!


When she stopped talking, I didn’t say anything because I desperately wanted her to continue telling me HOW she could know all about this mystery, but when she didn’t continue, I just had to beg for it.


- Please tell me what it is that you know and what it is that I’m totally unaware of. Curiosity is downright killing me and I have to admit that I’ve been asking myself over and over again why you showed such interest in me and why I’m trembling like this each time I look at you, so please, I just have to know.


- If you promise to be a real good boy, then maybe I might tell you some day, she said and yes I know she was teasing me!


- No please tell me now, or I’ll die right here on the spot. I’ll do anything, if only you’ll give an answer.


- Well, we can’t have that can we, and since I don’t want to be responsible for your untimely demise, I better give you an answer right now, before something happens to you, she said with a grin on her face.

By the way, she said while she was looking deep in to my eyes, you should be very careful what you promise in the future, because I just might take your word for it!


I got the impression she wanted to see my reaction, but the lump in my throat stopped me from saying anything, so I just lowered my eyes.


Then she took a deep breath and continued,

- The level of consciousness we have on Pangea enables me, as well as everyone else to see who you are, just as if you were holding a big signboard in front of you with all the information on it, but since you cannot see my aura and therefore cannot decipher it, the best you can do is to react to your gut feeling, which you obviously have done, but of course without understanding why. 


- OK, perhaps you could tell me who I am, because apparently you know more about me than I do myself.


- Sure, what I saw immediately was, your sexual character which, how shall I put it; let’s you appreciate and enjoy some quite strong spices. I could also see that you probably like to ply games and that you like to experiment on the submissive side and that you don’t have any prejudices or silly taboos. You have an open curious mind and a big genuinely warm heart and your concern over the well being of your fellow man is extraordinary, along with a passionate drive, strong enough to melt the coldest steel, makes you an ideal partner to me and that’ why I chose you!

Now do you understand how and why I could know that our sexual and spiritual backgrounds, would complement each other and make us the ideal couple? And soon enough I realized that together we would have the potential to create things, which we on our own, never would be able to accomplish.

Then suddenly a big smile appeared on her face as she said,

 Provided you realize that I’m making all the decisions here!


- No problems, was all I could produce, as my knees all of a sudden were shaking again and my heart was pounding like a hammer.

Then it hit me!

- How are we going to be able to maintain a relationship if we’re living on different planets!? On Earth it’s even difficult to maintain relationships if you’re living in a different town!

I also take it you’re not interested in leaving your beautiful planet and I can’t leave my children! Besides, I’ve realized that me being here, has an even greater purpose, beyond my own personal needs and therefore I need to stay at home trying to show to people there, the best I can, how wonderful Earth could be if only we would see what it is we are doing to each other instead of what we could do together with each other!

So, how do we solve this problem?


- What problem, she asked calmly?


- Well, you know, in case you hadn’t noticed, we are living some zillion miles away from each other and it isn’t just like crossing the street you know!


- That’s no problem! Haven’t you realized yet that traveling through time and space doesn’t pose any problem to us. You see, as we managed to see through the illusion of time and space, it dissolved it self and this means that I can visit you and check on you to see if you behave your self or call upon you when ever I like, so where is the problem, she said seriously and then she smiled again.


- Yes of course, why not!? Hey this calls for a celebration, don’t you think and then we fell in each others arms and kissed passionately, a kiss that seemed to last for ever. After one or two eternities it felt as if we would ignite, we decided to let go of each other.

Never in my life had I been happier or more content as I did right now!


- Yes Dorion, she said solemnly, you may kiss my hand if you promise to be a good boy!


- Then I kissed the hand in front of my face, like I never before have kissed a woman’s hand!


After a moment in silence, I realized that I didn’t know anything about her, not that it mattered much but it would be nice to know one or two things about her, so I said,

- Since we don’t know anything about each other’s background, I wonder if you mind telling me something about your self and your background?


- Yes, but first I want you go to the bar and get us two glasses and a carafe red wine.


- Right away, red wine coming up, I said as I was getting up.


When I got back I asked her if she wanted some right away and when she nodded I poured some in to the glasses, before I sat down again. Then I sat quiet, waiting for her to begin.


- I have two younger brothers and a younger sister. I also have three children …and a lot of grand children. I’ve got five horses of which one is a foal. Riding is truly one of my favorite passions, apart from spending time with my family and friends. I love spending time at the club as well and I also like to spend some time at something that could be described as an inventors club, where we meet regularly to see if we can improve our society. Quite often we even pick up suggestions or even complaints from people visiting the club, thus becoming a valuable source of information. Then we analyze the information and after that we contact some producers I that particular area of expertise to discuss the task at hand and together we try to find a better solution to any kind of problem or request. Our main objective is always trying to meet the needs of each and every one around us.

At this I’m quite well educated, in areas like system developments and logistics. I also have a natural gift in organizing various activities.


Now I felt a strong urge to interpose that I believed just that, by quickly saying,

- I don’t doubt that for a second, and then I nodded to show that I didn’t want to interrupt her anymore.


Before she continued she removed some hair from her face, as if she had to collect her thoughts again.

- Off and on I have also been traveling across our planet, studying our history, visiting historical sights, relaxing, visiting family and friends far and wide, and all of this has been beneficial both to our society and for me personally apart from having been extremely enjoyable. In addition to all the happiness, spending time on this club gives me excitement and pleasure on an entirely different level. I hope you believe me when I say that the levels of excitement sexuality can give us, literally can make us faint.


Now I nodded frantically, to show her that I knew what she meant, without interrupting her again.


- Also my engagement in the club has brought me so many lifelong friends, it’s safe to say my life so far has been very satisfactory and now that I’ve caught you, I think it will improve even further!


There she ended her story, with a big smile on her face, which once again made me feel warm all over again.

Yes, this looks promising I thought as I inhaled deeply.


- Now it’s your turn to describe your self and tell me what you’ve been up to, she said as she nodded towards me.

But before I started, I noticed her glass was empty, so I filled it up and took another deep breath, before I began telling her my story.


- By the way, … I began a bit fumbled.

Is it improper to ask a lady’s age on Pangea?


- No not at all, I’m 83! Anything else you want to know?


- What, no thanks, did I hear right, are you eighty-three years old???


- Yeah sure, something wrong with that?


- No of course not, I’m terribly sorry for my awkwardness, it’s just that I wasn’t expecting that, realizing the expression on my face would have made the character “Paul in Spin City” to appear like Einstein in comparison.

- I know it sounds like a cliché but I would have guessed on 40.


- Thanks, but what can I say other than we are the age we feel our selves to be and many of us reach the age of 200+ as well. So you might say there’s still a couple of years in me wouldn’t you say!?


- Yes absolutely!

It took me a few seconds to recover from this surprise. Imagine, 83 years old hmmm. But what the hell, it doesn’t matter to me, she’s still the most amazing woman in the entire Universe, that’s for sure, I thought before I continued!

- Well then, where do I begin, oh yeah, I myself am 50 years, divorced for many years and father of two of the best children you could ever imagine and of which I’m as proud as can be. But maybe I should begin at the other end.

I come from a broken home, where my father disappeared in a way that left me angry with him for many years. However I forgave him many years ago and to some extent I can even feel some degree of gratitude to the experience it gave me. Experiences that have helped me to understand life better as well as helping me understand my self even.

During my adult life I have done a lot of different things, not that it has interested me, but because the need to survive has forced me to do all kinds of jobs, just to keep my nose above the surface. Periods of unemployment didn’t do much to improve my situation either.

My main interest earlier was motor sport and scuba diving, however the only surviving interest from the hard years was my profound interest in music and to some extent my interest in computers, but even my interest in computers is also fading away mostly because I’m so fed up with all the software and hardware problems they continue to generate. Let’s be honest, if a car manufacturer would deliver cars with those kinds of problems, they’d be out of business within a week!

It’s amazing what nonchalance and greed has caused in the IT sector and now it’s time to sober up!

The only source of light I can see today is the Linux platform, which is distributed freely.

As for my work, my present employment is going back four years, as a journalist at an independent news organization, where the working hours however are interfering with my social life in a way I can’t say I appreciate, but as I said one has to make a living. To be quite honest, one of the major reasons for me, besides my ever-present curiosity, to take this assignment was that it probably would boost my career, and result in better pay and better working hours, if I survive that is.

Most likely I’ve forgotten a few important facts right now, but I can always give them to you later I hope.

But in the meantime, you could perhaps explain to me how we could find each other so easily, considering how difficult it is on Earth to find the right person?


- It’s because I’m prioritizing inner spiritual affinity, before superficial attraction.


- How do you mean, could you explain that to me please?


- On Earth the women do the opposite, there they choose after social and economic status, because it’s the women that choose their partners!


- I’m not sure I want to agree with you there, on Earth it’s the men who choose whom to date and its the men that takes the initiative in almost any country throughout the world. It’s the men that have the money and the power to control those around them in general and the women in particular.


- You’re absolutely right, counting the most oppressive nations, but most nations in the western world, which in fact dictate what’s right or wrong on your planet, the men really would like to believe in the illusion that men are dominant and because of that want to believe they make the decisions and that they can just pick and choose! The fact is however and has been for a long time, that women are choosing whom to share their bed or their life with, just as if they were choosing articles from the shelf in a shop, but with the distinctive difference that they don’t even have to pay for them, since most men are just happy keeping their illusion of power and control alive, by paying!

Women on the other hand have long since realized this or at least they’re sensing it that they are the ones making the choices in reality.

A man can go out five nights a week and still he never knows if he’s going to be ‘lucky’, while a woman knows, before she’s even left home if she’s going to have sex with anyone that night.

But the real problem isn’t about who’s in charge of the decision making, but instead the fact that regardless if women choose randomly or after a precise and calculative plan, nine times out of ten they primarily choose someone with the right economical status and the right social background, inevitably resulting in nine broken relationships out of ten!

This is also causing a lot of tension, frustration and anger, especially among men, as they slowly begin to feel that they have been taken for a ride by their women and as they slowly realize that their money was much more exciting than their personality.

As the men also realize that they should have told their partners what they really wanted in terms of sexual needs from their relationship but didn’t have the guts to talk about, is merely adding more fuel to their frustration and anger, an anger, which they often project on their spouses. And then we’re back at square one again when we think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence and when we’re taking all our frustration out on our children, making them afraid, insecure and abandoned. So they find some relief in watching TV programs where other people display even more twisted relationships! Congratulations, now you’ve managed to take the problem one generation further!

The fact that it is as bad as this, you really can’t blame on the women, because this is what you all have taught your children how to behave. You have taught them how to fight and how to compete, nothing more and nothing less!

Most women generally knows this and they know their responsibilities, however having been raised in a society where money is everything, then it is no wonder their first priority is to see what her suitors offer in terms of social- and financial status, instead of communicating on a spiritual level to see if they really suit each other. 

In conclusion I could say that a very long time ago you created your monetary and hierarchic power structures that governs and controls each and everyone of you and unfortunately you still insist of keeping these doctrines and you even defend them to the last drop of blood and as long as you insist in doing so, your world will offer no other experiences than those you already know so well. All this anger and frustration will also continue to feed one conflict after the other, which will ultimately bring down yet another civilization!

So, I hope I managed to answer your question, though it was a bit much on the side as well?!


It took me a while to recover from her insights, which I really couldn’t argue against. Imagine that a woman living zillion miles from our planet, in a few minutes could explain what I couldn’t figure out in fifty years and it doesn’t give me any comfort knowing that most men on our planet also seem to be just as unaware as I am or even being able to do something about it.

- Well, what else is there to say after that clear-sighted analysis, I said, being somewhat embarrassed at the same time as I tried to clear my throat.


Then she took my hand again, looked me deep in the eyes and said, this time with a warmth that made me sweat all over my body,

- Now that we are done with the formalities, you’d better go back to your friends before they’re sending out a search party for you. I’ll keep in touch and I will contact you, but right now should be helping Paul home.


Before I left her we hugged and kissed each other one more time and the happiness I felt made my eyes all foggy, as I left her.


- Hey what happened to you? You look terrible, my soundman said, as I sat down with my friends again.


- I’ve just started a relationship with the most amazing woman in the entire Universe, that’s what happened, no offence, to my female travel mates.


- What’s there to be sorry about, my photographer then asked?


- Nothing, absolutely nothing, unless you realize that you’re living on separate planets and when you realize what you’ve been missing out on the past thirty years or so. But apart from that I’m the happiest guy that ever lived in the world, or should I say two worlds.


- But I don’t understand why you start a relationship under those circumstances? I even thought she was a bit too dominant for my taste.


- Well, maybe age gives her that right, I said as I carefully watched their reactions.


- What age, she cant be more than forty!


- She’s eighty-three years old, I said while watching even closer to their reaction and believe you me, I have never seen so many long faces at once before!


- You’re kidding us, right, said one of the pilots!?


- No not at all, I said and then I explained in summary what she had told me, but there were still a lot of long faces around me.


A couple of hours later when most of us had been able to play on our own and had become almost exhausted from all the activities, contests and shows, we figured we should head home again. I guess most of us would enjoy a few hours sleep after an evening like this, although some of us didn’t seem to have had enough yet, if you know what I mean! After that, it took us another hour to gather everyone, I even tried to find Ariana once more, to say good night at least, but she was obviously not there anymore, so we went out to our waiting ‘limo’.

Fortunately on Pangea it doesn’t matter much if the pilot is sober or not, since the spacecraft can find it’s way anyway. The pilot just told the computer where to go and off we went, just as the sun was about to rise.


Chapter 9                                  Day 5 Reflections


As I woke up, I quite surprisingly felt rested. Then I noticed the better part of the day had already passed, judging by the sun’s location and while still in bed I remembered yesterday and then of course all about Ariana.

A scary thought also passed through my mind, maybe it was all just a dream, but then I realized it had really happened, I really had met the woman of my dreams. Sure, partly my dreams had been sub conscious, but last night had definitely changed all that. What surprised me was that I wasn’t even ashamed of it. Back home on Earth I most likely would have tried to deny the whole thing, due to all prejudices we have, but here it seemed just as natural as anything could be.

Now I know there is much more to sexuality than a straightforward thirty-minute intercourse, at best between silk sheets occasionally on a Saturday night after the Late show on TV!


After having cleared my mind from last night, I got up and took a shower. While taking a shower it very often happens that my creativity comes to live and today was no exception, as I was having a flashback on recent events as I tried to figure out how to relate to them.

My basic view on various things is to keep an open mind, yet critical. I wouldn’t characterize myself as being exactly cynical, although I’m not so very far off. Over the years it simply has become more and more difficult to convince me on just about anything. However at the same time I’ve always been happy and even grateful of my ability to be ‘objective’ with myself, by keeping some sort of inner dialogue going, which very often has helped me to find the relevant pros and cons and to decide whether to accept or to reject any statements or thesis’s within a wide spectrum from our society, without letting my ego or prestige sneak up on me from behind, so to speak.


While standing in the shower I suddenly and somewhat reluctantly realized, that this ability truly has been put to it’s ultimate test on this journey, since one ‘truth’ after the other and one doctrine after the other already had to go down the drain and I’m also quite convinced they will never ever resurface again in my mind.

I have tried to view all the arguments from every conceivable angle, back and forth up to the point where I thought I even might blow a fuse in my head, but regardless, I still cannot disregard the arguments we have been presented with, just as I cannot disregard the profound happiness that envelops me simply by being here. I’m so impressed by the way they’re making everything look so simple and natural and I’ve also noticed their unrestricted warmth has already rubbed off on me, without me even having thought of Ariana.


It is quite obvious Pangeans are happy and content with the way their society has evolved. Everywhere I saw one example after the other of their creativity and their helpfulness. I also saw how willingly they play with their children, how good care they take of their families and their children and how committed they are in trying to be a good example to them. Sorry, but I cant help getting a big lump in my throat, just thinking about it and comparing them with us. Luckily I’m in the shower so it doesn’t show.

Just imagine if we could decide to relate to our children the same way Pangeans do, most if not all our problems would just disappear, I’m totally convinced of that.


In addition to that, there are a few other areas as well that have managed to impress the hell out of a tech freak like me I can tell you.

Watching TV for instance, is in fact much more than merely watching TV and it might even be considered insulting to them to simply call it a TV set.


The best description I can give, is to call it a kind of 4D holographic generator, which is projecting a four dimensional picture in the room, so real I was totally convinced I was a part of the action. Same thing happens when watching films, which I perceive as being totally realistic. And let me tell you, participating in a scary horror movie wasn’t an option for me! There’s simply too much realism involved! Besides, who needs it with this kind of interactivity, when you at any time can create your own story, your own environment, your own counterparts, your own games or why not your own sexual fantasies even, you simply decide which part or character you choose to play, but let me caution you, beware of what you wish for!!!

I hope everyone can appreciate just how difficult it is to leave this room once you’ve, been let in to play like a child having been let in to play with all the toys I a huge toy store.

Another example of equipment that really impressed me is the computers who are a lot different from the ones we have, which give us almost nothing but anguish and problems.

Here on Pangea a secondary screen is integrated with the desk itself and amazingly the size of the screens seem to adjust themselves automatically. Letters and symbols are projected on the desk screen if necessary, there you also can draw something if that should make it easier to explain whatever it is you want to explain. Otherwise you mostly speak with your computer. Then the computer does whatever you want it to do and of course there are no limitations to the capacity of these computers. Just think about it, no blue screens, no bugs no hang-ups and no emotional outbursts and no tantrums.


The next big surprise was getting all my clothes cleaned just by hanging them in the closet. I was told the closets had this extra feature, so naturally I had to test it, as my thoughts went back to my ever-present heap of clothes in my bedroom that never got ironed and folded. And guess what, not only did the closet keep my clothes, it also cleaned them over night and even taking out some stains. If this isn’t a miracle, then what is!?


Yet another extraordinary thing I found out about the thing that surprised me was the food. We have been served a great variety of delicious dishes, which contained a few real surprises that will please any vegetarian wannabe.

Several times we have been eating food which undeniably tasted and looked as well as smelled like the real thing. We have been served steaks, pork chops, chicken and fish, or at least that’s what I thought we were eating, but our chef told us they don’t eat anything that’ got a face. However they still like the taste of meat and since they need the protein it gives them, just as we do, they learned how to grow plants that give fruits that look like and taste just like meat, so you might say they grow the meat tissue they want and they do it out of respect for the animals. However they don’t seem to mind keeping dogs and cats as pets in many homes and it has to be said as well, they haven’t let the breeding run amok like it has on earth. Some horses have also been domesticated for recreational purposes, cows are milked for all the dairy products it gives us and sheep’s and goats are used for the wool among other things and wherever the climate so requires, shelters are provided for the animals. Hides are taken only from naturally deceased animals and then rejuvenated if necessary before they are used for a number of purposes.


There are also many areas that resemble our way of producing things as well, throughout the production chain, but when it comes to distribution and logistics there is no longer any resemblance left.

They have this highly sophisticated system in the form of these mainly underground tunnels that enables them to deliver almost anything within hours and sometimes up to a day; all the way in to the apartment if the residence is fairly permanent, otherwise it can be delivered to someone near by. The empty cylinders are then filled with garbage and waist to be sent to a waste dump or a recycling station where they also are being thoroughly cleaned before they go to any recipient. And when I had asked why anyone would bother taking care of garbage instead of taking it easy on the beach, building spaceships or whatever, I was told the only reason we reject or sneeze at certain jobs is because we value them differently in regard to what we pay in money for them. On Pangea all tasks are equally important in keeping the society running like clockwork and therefore there is no one looking down on anyone else for finding satisfaction in wanting our society look clean and neat and very often these people get a lot of appreciation when Pangeans express their gratitude to those who choose to take responsible for this. In case there have been tasks that no one would like to do, due to hazards or whatever, we simply try to automate them.


In conclusion I have to say their world appeals much more to me than our own and if it hadn’t been for my children and the fact, I have to admit I would probably not go back again to all the misery on our planet.


After a very late breakfast my intention was to contact Ariana and to thank her for last night and to ask her if she would be interested taking a swim with us, but then again she might still be sleeping so I decided to wait a while before contacting her and instead I walked down to the lake by myself with a blanket and some refreshments. It was a perfect day for catching some rays.

To my own surprise I found my self even considering the possibility of staying here on Pangea, if it weren’t for my children. Then it also hit me it would be very selfish of me not to go back, since I was here for a very important reason, which made me a bit shameful even.

Of course we needed to complete our mission, not only for the sake of our families and children but all mankind as well. Besides, I would hardly be able to look at myself in a mirror again if I should decide to let everyone else down, after all that I already have experienced on Pangea.

Within the hour, almost everyone had gathered at the beach, forming a large cluster of blankets and to my surprise I saw Ariana coming down the slope as well, and when she was giving me that sly smile, it once again sent butterflies swarming in my stomach and as we hugged and kissed I could barely stand up as I almost blew a fuse again.


Not surprisingly at all, it didn’t take long before the main topic focused entirely on last night’s events and obviously some of my travel mates were quite uncomfortable talking about it. Their facial expressions and their patronizing as well as humiliating comments clearly indicated that. At this time I couldn’t help watching Arianas reaction, but as I couldn’t see anything but total understanding in her face, I decided to just let the insults pass without me interfering at this time. Especially since I noticed others being very appreciative in regard to last night in general and to Pangeans approach to sexuality in particular. My guess is some of us are still having some difficult talking about them selves, due to some degree of personal shyness maybe. Clearly most of us found the night to be quite invigorating despite some of the remarks.

So, I said:

- Taking everything in to account, including the contest ‘most well planned activity’ as well as all the friendly atmosphere, I think it’s fair to say they really appreciate each others sexual expression and then I looked around and continued, but what about our own ability to appreciate each other and after a short pause I continued, since no one seemed anxious to comment, for instance I said, could any one else feel the intense atmosphere yesterday? It felt as if it had been possible to contain all the energy, and it would without any doubt have been sufficient to drive a car more than once around the world, don’t you think?! 


Shortly thereafter Ariana and I decided to take a walk, trying to get to know each other better.

It didn’t even surprise me when she told me to ask her what ever I wanted to know about her.


I love women with initiative.

OK, let me begin to ask you about your hobbies.


Sure, First of all I love listening to music, I go to all kinds of concerts, ranging from classical to modern music. I love being in our beautiful nature, hiking and camping and I even do some climbing. Sometimes I go scuba diving with dolphins in the ocean. Yet another interest of mine is sailplaning and hang gliding, which gives me a tremendous feeling of freedom.


What about food then?


I love eating and I love it spicy (she said with a glance and a smile that said it all), if you catch my drift, she finished the sentence.


Please don’t do this to me here and now, it’s difficult enough as it is trying to keep my mind from racing amok with me and trying to keep the butterflies in my stomach calm.


OK, she said, I’ll try to stay focused, although I cant deny that I really would like to do something else right now, but that will have to wait for a better time and place.

Why don’t you tell ME something!?


Sure I said, what do you want to know?


Well, let me ask you the same questions, what do you like to do?


My interests have varied over time, except for my keen interest in music, which has followed me through out, even during a period of unemployment and weak finances. Earlier my main interest was motor sport for many years, which then was succeeded by scuba diving. The last ten years or so, I’ve developed a strong interest in computers although I now can feel that interest fading away for a number of reasons. However my interest for music is stronger than ever.

Then of course, being a journalist and being able to write what ever comes to mind and trying to find out WHY humanity still seems unable to live side by side without constantly creating one conflict after the other intrigues me immensely. I guess being able to come along on this trip, by the way, will give me a tremendous opportunity to take these questions to the limit and put our belief systems to the test as well as viewing them from a totally new perspective. Here it seems as if all my question will be answered, but still the task remains, trying to implement these answers in to our obviously obsolete and destructive attitudes and belief systems and frankly, I’m not all that convinced of that possibility.


Then our conversation covered almost every possible topic as we slowly walked along the beach, then we turned up the slope and went through the forest, since I was curious about the fauna. As it were Ariana knew quite a lot about ecology, so the trip was very educational.

After having walked quite a bit, we headed back towards the beach where the others were, I suddenly felt sad as I realized I had to leave her in only a few days and as if she knew she said right out of the blue:

It’s not so bad, we’ll meet soon enough again and be together as much as we want.


Now I was flabbergasted, as I realized that she somehow could read my mind and then she continued.


Don’t make anything of it, remember we are conscious on another level than you and really, it’s nothing, it’s just that we’re able to communicate with our common consciousness and when I say OUR, I mean just that! It also means that we have some means of communication on a spiritual level with each other, which let’s me pick up some of your thoughts and when you also develop this ability, which would be sooner rather than later, you will also be able to go effortless through time and space and then we can even communicate without even talking. And the she said in her very special way.

And I will know if you have been a bad boy!!! Then she smiled with her entire face as she continued, Now maybe you understand why we will be able to see each other as much as we desire!


I hope you’re right I said, still a bit doubtful.


FAITH, my dear Watson FAITH!


I don’t know, it sounds so darn beautiful in the ears of an old cynic, but slowly I’m getting the hang of things. I think it’s all about having FAITH, wanting ad daring to believe anything is possible and that it’s going to work just fine. OK, I’ll do my best I promise I’ll make it my Mantra.


As we came back our guide had just rounded up everyone and then he turned to us and said:

Good that you’re coming; there is something that I want to discuss with you all. It’s about tomorrow’s event, if you have no objections.


Some how I just knew that Ariana already knew when it was time to go back to the group and I’m sure the timing was no coincident this time either.


Chapter 10               Meeting the collective consciousness


Up to now you have been able to put your questions to us as individuals, but you might perhaps want to put your questions to our collective consciousness as well, in case you wish to see our collective view on what life is all about here on Pangea, the guide inquired solemnly as we gathered around him!?


Now our team leader suddenly woke up.

- Yes if that is possible there are quite a few questions we would like to have answered.


- But of course, just let us know how you would like to be connected.


- Does that mean there is more than one way to connect to your common consciousness?


- Why yes, you can either do it through me for instance, but I have a feeling you would prefer the same method we used, eons ago, because it would better meet your needs, as it did to us when we were able to contact our collective consciousness for the first time, in what we now call the hall of remembrance. There we might sit together and there we would be able share the experience with you and yes I think this is how we should do it, if you don’t mind of course!?


- No of course not, our team leader said in a peremptory tone. He probably felt he had the authorization to speak for everyone, and therefore he didn’t even bother to find out if everyone would agree with his decision.


The fact that everyone seemed to agree with him is beside the point. The way he did it was what suddenly bothered me, as it hit me how he just grabbed the baton like he was some kind of conductor or something. Way back I used to be very impressed when anyone showed that kind of resolute behavior, but right now it disturbed me immensely some how.

Hmmmm, it must be the climate here on Pangea or something, I thought.


- May I suggest we eat something first, before we go to the hall of remembrance and may I also suggest we try to find a few more Pangeans, partly to even the balance between Pangeans and your selves and partly because this manifestation then would be more historically significant. You see, I have a strong feeling this is going to be a very memorable experience for all of us, our guide said still somewhat solemnly. No one arguing against that, we headed back to our restaurant and after yet another delicious meal, as we were gathering again, I recalled what Ariana had told me on the beach and then it suddenly became clear to me, why and how our meals always were ready within minutes after we had arrived at our little restaurant. I think I’ll have to ask our chef, the next time we eat here, I’m curious just how he picks up the signal about our arrival. Then I couldn’t help thinking how similar it seemed, to when ever I come home to my apartment, just to find my cats sitting by the door, waiting for me, regardless how quiet and fast I enter the hallway and regardless at what time I come home.


- OK, now the big moment has finally come when people from earth together with people from Pangea, for the first time ever are about to meet with the collective consciousness as being truly ONE!

Although I couldn’t know what to expect I felt very excited anyhow and I was full of anticipation and anxious to get there as soon as possible. My thoughts also went back home for a second as I wondered if my children were OK and if they had taken good care of my cats although I’m sure they have, before my thoughts were interrupted…


- Who do you want to be there, apart from your selves, when we go to meet with the collective consciousness, our guide wanted to know?


- I have a few suggestions, I said. I would like to have Ariana present and perhaps the young man we met at the nightclub, he seemed very amiable and pleasant to be with and I would also like you yourself and your guide colleagues and everyone else we have met here to come as well, if no one has any objections or suggestions of their own of course.


- You mean my grandson Martin, Ariana said, I’m sure he will be honored and pleased to be chosen, yes I’m sure of that, she said again with emphasis. And of course I’m pleased as well over your offer! I’m sure this is going to be one of the most memorable events ever! After everyone having agreed by nodding and a few ‘good choice’, Ariana continued and this time I was very surprised to find out the young man was her grandson, but on the other hand, when you’re 83, a grown up grandchild isn’t all that strange, I guess it just takes some time getting used to a new concept.


The guide continuing again:

I would also like to thank you all for accepting your hosts at the hotel, my colleges and me to be a part of this historical event. So, why don’t we ask them right away if they want to come along?


As everyone was nodding franticly, our guide continued:


But why don’t you go back to the lake, while I ask around and take care of all the arrangements and when I’m done I’ll come back for you, if that’s OK!?


-Perfect, said Ariana, we’ll wait for you there.


So we waved towards our guide, as he went to take care of everything and before we headed back down the few meters to the lake again.


While most of us were spreading out on blankets on the beach, I decided this would be a perfect opportunity to get to know Ariana a little better. And in fact, today it went a little bit better than yesterday, even though I still could feel the butterflies in my stomach each time I looked at her or touched her. The sensation of being just near her, was indescribable. Thank you dear God for this treat, I thought.

I then realized, there is absolutely nothing in this world, that I wouldn’t do for this amazing wonderful woman!


Even though Ariana showed obvious signs of being capable of reading minds, I still had difficulty accepting this, despite all the signs until now, because after having sunbathing for a while, someone wondered if they have ice cream on Pangea and after that it took only two minutes until one of our hosts showed up on the beach with a box full of ice cream and drinks.

In less than two seconds he was as swarmed like bees to honey and while eating the ice cream I kept thinking life couldn’t possibly get much better than this. Oh, I love this place, I really do and then I had to compare it to my own planet earth, since I just remembered the countless times I had shaken my head in total disbelief at all the madness I’ve seen supposedly mature men and some women perform on earth, wondering if life really didn’t have more to offer than that.


Here I have suddenly found the answers to all my questions and suddenly I felt so overwhelmed my eyes got moist and tears were coming down my cheeks. But strangely enough I didn’t try to hide it and it didn’t even bother me a bit, displaying my emotions in public like this. I even made sure to forestall any questions by telling everyone out loud how happy I felt for the first time in my life, without even having thought about my children.

But obviously I wasn’t the only one moved to tears; my emotional outburst somehow managed to spread like a wild fire and all of a sudden most of us were crying tears of happiness at this very emotional moment on the beach. Even the men in green were obviously taken by the moment, even though no one shed any tears in public, although their emotional presence was strongly felt in the group. The message was beginning to get to them.

Indeed this was a remarkable sight!


Then before long our guide came gliding down silently towards the beach in his ‘limo’, just as we were ready to go.


I don’t think our faces showed what went on here a few minutes ago, but I think the guide didn’t say anything, because he knew that I knew he knew and therefore words were not necessary, this was indeed a strange and unusual experience, but at the same time it was such a relief.


As we climbed on board and as we saw that all Pangeans were present and dressed up in some sort of tunic, I asked our guide if we could make a quick stop as well at our hotel to allow us to change our swimsuits to something a bit more appropriate and at the same time pick up our cameras and tape recorders?


- But of course, we’ll wait right here, he said as he parked right at our doorstep.  


After our stop and go, and after having double-checked the bags were full with tape and fresh batteries I noticed that even our friends in green had skipped the military outfit at this time!

It really warmed my heart to se they are beginning to get it right, bit by bit and that is giving me some hope, seeing that even militaries can change.


Then we had to let Ariana change as well at her place, before we could head towards the hall of remembrance.

As usual we had barely sat down, before we arrived at our destiny and therefore it was difficult to say if we had traveled a few blocks or if we had traveled half way around the planet, but as we came outside we noticed it was getting dark already. From where we had parked, we saw the whole place once must have been a large cave chiseled right out of a mountain and as we arrived at the entrance an elderly woman who was flanked by two elderly men greeted us one by one, so I began the interview right away, and I felt it was appropriate to begin by asking our guide and our hosts about the clothes they were wearing.


The woman then solemnly replied:


- We thought it might be fitting that we, this historical evening should wear the same clothes as our ancestors wore as they were able to make contact with our common consciousness for the first time ever, right here in the hall of remembrance, just about 200.000 years ago.


Inside we walked through a short hallway, which was flanked by several closed doors, which according to our hosts were remnants from days long gone by. They were guardrooms from a time when we still felt the need to defend our selves and our property.

Now we only keep our old files in them.

As we arrived in the big hall, I have to admit it was much larger than I had anticipated. Maybe it was three stories high and thirty meters in diameter. (Roughly equivalent to US yards) The walls and ceiling was smooth and evenly cut with several smaller arches surrounding the big arched hall in the middle and which seemed to be held up by large wooden poles. The eight smaller arches had on the second floor a balcony facing the large center hall, going all around and several staircases leading up to the second floor, which also was held up by the poles. On the second floor there were also eight doors, one door per arch. When I asked what was behind those doors I was told that way back they were apartments, but these days only one is preserved in original condition, the other seven apartments are also used for storing old files and other stuff.


After the guide had showed us around and also showed us the remaining apartment, which seemed quite habitable even by modern standards, even though they had no windows or electricity.

After the quick tour we rigged our equipment on the balcony overlooking perfectly the large podium at the center of the big hall, before we went down the stairs again and joined the others who already were seated in front of the podium and from where we sat we could also keep an eye on our equipment as well


Our guide also suggested we try to place our selves so that we have one Pangean sitting next to one from Earth and maybe you have guessed it already, I had placed my self next to Ariana!


On the podium there was only one object and that was a large elongated drop-shaped crystal, which was dimly lit up by an invisible light source. Eight built in spotlights pointing upwards, one on each pole and therefore only providing diffused light on the floor and balcony, which only dimly lighted up the hall itself.

Fortunately the spots were placed high enough, not to interfere with our filming of the event. The positioning of the lights also contributed to the dens and devout atmosphere in the hall. This also made it difficult to see the physical boundaries of the room thus creating a sense of infinite space in the middle.


After we had all settled in we were once again greeted by one of the other hosts to this historical moment in human evolution, as he declared that this was the first time ever, visitors from Earth were going to meet with the collective consciousness on Pangea. Then the other man told us that this hall once marked a turning point in Pangean history, in that after that moment no major conflicts or wars have been fought on Pangea and then he hoped this moment is going to mark the beginning of a new and peaceful course for Earth as well.


Then he told us how their ancestors had been gathered in a ring in hopes of being able to manifest some kind of change in their lives, because even Pangeans had to experience and fully know what fear and pain was first, before they could fully understand and appreciate what love is. This occurred about 200.000 years ago, according to our host. He also told us their ancient ancestors realized that all human beings were linked together, or as it were, all living things and that it would be destructive to fight each other or not taking care of all living creatures in the world. And since it is appropriate to hold the hands of those you love, he then suggested we all do the same as a manifestation to unconditional love and to show our best intentions, as we are about to meet with the collective consciousness.


Then he also told us, it could be that nothing will happen, if the unwillingness to meet the collective consciousness was too strong, but as far as he could tell, that risk was microscopic.


- So, let’s see how it goes, he said as he sat down in the empty chair left for him.


Maybe it was a coincident that we were just as many as the Pangeans, after six of our military friends didn’t want to hold hands. They thought it would be too much sitting in a ring holding hands like a bunch of children, so they had placed them selves on the second row just below the balcony to watch instead and perhaps that is good to have a few observers as well. 


After not more than ten seconds the crystal on the podium began to change color.

At first it became totally black, then it began lighting up and changing in all colors of the rainbow, at the same time as I felt it was vibrating and sounding in different frequencies, not so loud and strong but quite noticeable. It also seemed as if the vibrations correlated with the various colors.

Now the colors were getting brighter as well as more bright and intense and suddenly it flashed up I even thought I would go blind for a second. The strange thing was it didn’t help closing my eyes, because my inner light and senses had somehow become the same as the outer. At first it scared me a bit, but as I felt warm and pleasantly safe to be in the light, I decided to just go with the flow.

Then it could have been seconds, minutes or even hours, I don’t know really, as this light was transformed into a projection at the center of the room. Barely noticeable, but still, the light became a round planet, about one meter in diameter floating in mid air over the podium, slowly rotating. It was our own planet Earth we were watching from outer space. Then we heard a voice that seemed to emanate from within the planet, softly greeting us all by our name, one by one, beginning in the back row!

After having greeted everyone present, this shimmering planet transformed in to a woman, who continued slowly rotating so that she could have eye contact with everyone in the room, at the same time the voice slowly became more female, but still it was the same speaker informing us this is a historic moment in the evolution of mankind where people from Earth are visiting Pangea for the first time ever.


After having collected myself somewhat from the initial shock with that light thing, I tried to determine whether we were watching an illusion, a holographic picture, or if it really could be a real physical experience, because it sure enough looked like the real thing… and then I was interrupted from my thoughts, as the woman said:


- I see you are doubtful whether I’m real or not, so let’s do the introduction one more time.


Then she glided slowly towards each and everyone taking us in her hand and as she took my hand I was already crying and I didn’t even try to hold back my tears because this was the happiest and most important moment in my entire life. And amazingly enough the feeling of holding her hand, felt very similar to the intensely electric sensation of hugging Ariana.


After the second round of introduction was done, she glided back to her position in the middle.

At this moment I wasn’t the only one totally flabbergasted in this group!


- So, are we ready to continue now that that is out of the way, she asked calmly? The reason we suggested to meet like this is only because it might give you from Earth a better chance to understand and appreciate the concept of collective consciousness. Pangeans you see, do not need this ceremony any more to connect them selves at any time and for any purpose, but we chose to do like this, partly because we also wanted to mark a historic turning point, just as our host already has mentioned. On the other side, this meeting is also the result of your wish to contact Pangea and it is important to remember that this contact and what ever you might learn from this visit never can be kept secret and hidden from anyone on Earth! Anything that we reveal here is to benefit everyone on Earth! If you ore anyone else should want to deny the people on Earth their God given free will to choose for them selves if they want to benefit from this knowledge, the contact will immediately be cut off and you will also not be able to remember that you have ever had made contact with Pangea. Everything regarding Pangea will be erased!

Let me also emphasize, the responsibility that lye’s on your shoulder, as well as on the shoulder of your political leaders. So, please be very careful with your documentation and try to keep it as unbiased as possible. I know that you will do just that, but this too important to be ignored.

I also want you to understand that no one in this group is here by coincident, there is nothing in this or any other Universe left to chance or coincidence!  Every thought in your mind and everything you have ever done is a part of the divine and perfect creation and the purpose of everything is to become ONE with God again, because you are all a part of me! 


Wow, what is this? Is it God we have in front of us or is it perhaps Mother Earth? My brain was now in overdrive but that still didn’t seem to help much, because I had expected to meet some kind of collective consciousness, not this, or is it just that!? I must remember to ask later about this, but just as I was done, the woman “accidentally” began to change into a man and at the same time the voice became a bit more masculine. This new man continued the conversation as if nothing was changed.


- And if there is anything on this quest, that you do not want to experience, then do not blame anyone for your misfortune, try instead to find a way to prevent it from ever happening in the first place.


This obviously was becoming too much for our team leader to grasp and because he had a hard time comprehending what was happening, he therefore suddenly somewhat impatiently and nervously interrupted:


Excuse me, but when can we begin asking our questions?


At that moment I just wanted to disappear. Not only didn’t he have a clue of what was happening, he also didn’t any decency or common sense, since he obviously didn’t know how rude it is interrupting someone like that in the middle of a sentence. I felt really ashamed at that moment, but strangely enough, the collective consciousness i.e. God as it were, didn’t seem the least offended by the interruption, instead he said with the warmest smile on his face:


You are very welcome to ask them at any time you want and of course, we can begin right away.

This probably surprised our team leader somewhat, because suddenly he had great difficulty formulating his first question, but after clearing his throat a couple of times he managed to find a piece of paper with some prefabricated questions written on it.


How can we sustain a contact between our planets?


- The same way we have in the pas, that is if you chose to report everything unconditionally to everyone and thereby respecting every ones God given right to choose by them selves if and when they would make use of what ever you give them. Should you charge them in any way, then you have in fact already deprived them from their free will!


- Is it possible for us to visit you again if we should comply, but with the same means of transportation that you’re using?


- Yes of course you can! Any time!


- How can we implement your knowledge on our own planet?


- Much of Pangean way of life is depending on the level of consciousness and therefore it won’t be accessible to you until you chose to reach the same level of consciousness. When that is, is entirely up to you your selves, but remember, nothing is preventing you from beginning to prevent people from living in misery in the first place by making it a human rights issue to be able to afford having a decent home, regardless the income, thus preventing homelessness, decease, social maladjustment etc. at the same time as it would solve a lot of problems for those already out in the cold.


Now one of our scientific engineers wanted to add a question.


- Well, I have a question as well. Being an engineer and all, I would like to know how you have solved that particular task of providing homes to everyone and also what building material you use and further more, what else decides what and how you architect them and finally also if the same can be applied on Earth?


- Your question, are actually several questions and I will try to answer them as best as I can.

For instance, the house that you have been living in since you arrived on Pangea, you might say is a typical Pangean house. Then there are of course a vast number of variations on the theme, when it comes to size, shape, design, which of course is depending on the purpose of the building.

Some people chose to live by them selves, while others prefer to share the space with some good friends or if they simply need communal services close by, for some reason. Families with small children might want to live near other families in houses that look like the one you’re presently living in, but that doesn’t rule out that the needs might change over time and therefore chose to find something more suitable for the present needs. When we talk about families we would also like to point out that this usually includes several generations, which means that grand parents very often chose to stay close to their entire family as well, in something that might be called “extended family group” living or something.

Then there is building techniques and building materials, which differ. The most commonly used building materials on Pangea are made of mold- and corrosion free sandwich panels, which are light, strong and extremely durable. They can also be formed in to just about any shape desired and the best thing yet, is that they provide unsurpassed heat- and energy efficiency, whereas a 50 mm (roughly 2”) panel equals a one-meter thick traditional wall. Further more these panels are reusable and extremely flexible in various applications.

Often these panels are then covered with more attractive natural materials like stone or wood for instance. One of the major advantages with these designs is that they provide instant temporary solutions in case of accidents and natural disasters, another advantage being able to provide solutions for a wide range of applications in a wide range of climatic circumstances and yes, answering your last part of your question, this technique can easily be applied on Earth.


Now one of our scientists wanted to venture the economic side of such a task.


- We have noticed that you don’t use money on Pangea, so how do people get paid for their hard work?


- Pangeans do not have money because they do not need them any more, but before all, because they no longer need the kind of experiences that automatically follow in the wake, by using them!

- What do you mean? “ don’t need them any more and follow in the wake”.


- For the level of absolute security that Pangeans provide to all their individuals, it isn’t necessary to work, the way you do on Earth, still the happiness, pace, tranquility and harmony that is obtained by this way of life, is making them motivated to participate in the development of the society and in the social scene, each and everyone of course, depending on their abilities and needs.

Human beings are creatures of habit, with strong social bonds between them.

Claiming that humans are lazy and that they wouldn’t produce anything unless they are paid for it, is a wide spread myth on your planet, but none the less a myth.

Anyone who has ever helped his or her friends to build or rebuild a home, fixing cars, boats, and what ever without ever charging money for it or even thinking about it, will know what this friendship means when you give and receive this kind of help to and from your friends, despite the fact that your government probably would consider it to be a tax violation helping anyone for free.

I don’t think anyone would suggest that the quality of any free or unconditional help would be inferior to any work done with a price tag on it, either. I think most people would say it is even done more careful and thorough if there is no dead line or profit involved.

This is however what you might find on the surface, it’s is merely the outer or physical manifestation of any unconditional relationship.

To act unconditionally, for starters, means just that, not demanding/requesting or even expecting any payment, barter, or returned favors, for anything we do/produce.

Anyone who has ever saved the life of a human being or any animal, has most likely done it within the same active “energy” or force, the unconditional and that is why it wouldn’t enter a lifesavers mind to ask for compensation or payment.

Praising a lifesaver afterwards is an entire different matter and it doesn’t take away what was done unconditionally in the first place, it even helps the lifesaver to even clearer define him or her self in the future in becoming the person that he or she most of all want to be.

That particular “energy” we’re talking about is love, but not just any love, what we’re talking about is unconditional love. Please note that I’m claiming love isn’t love, until it is given UNCONDITIONALLY! What I mean is, there is no difference between paying for the groceries you buy, as to choose your partner out of social/financial status or constantly seeking confirmation on your spouse’s love.

The sole reason for my making this distinction, is because it helps us defining one of the most commonly abused words in our vocabulary and also because it is essential in our understanding the difference between love and it’s opposite “energy”, fear!

Love and fear relate to each other, as I will show with a few examples, as two forces working in opposite directions and you might say they are as incompatible as fire and water. And just to illustrate your inability in separating love from fear, I’m going to draw a few pictures, where you on Earth quite thoughtless or even being unaware, are confusing them with each other completely.

For instance, most parents would like to think their love towards their children is nothing but unconditional, but when we look closer to what unconditional means, we often find a lot of expectations, rules, punishment and a lot of things they should and shouldn’t do!

What parent hasn’t promised their children money or what ever in exchange for good grades in school, how many parents haven’t insisted they fight back and not ever let anyone push them around and before all urging boys to never cry, how many parents haven’t in their “unconditional love”, pushed their youngsters so hard during practice and play, that they’ll feel like losers by pressuring them to the extent where this inhuman pressure will make them cry in despair and honestly, how many parents aren’t seeking to live their lives through the success of their children, pushing them to the limit in hopes of finding their own happiness and riches through the success of their children, a success they probably couldn’t achieve them selves? Who can honestly say they haven’t stuffed their children with their own belief systems and values on what’s right or wrong, leaving no room for them to form their own opinions and how many times haven’t you forced your children to do what you cannot live up to your selves?

Sure, you say it’s for their own good, they need to learn all the short cuts, to “get ahead” in this world and of course you may call this what ever you like, but it has nothing to do with being unconditional!

Then I would like to pick another just as common example from your love relations, where most of you often wish to think your love is unconditional and if so, why do you always insist on getting reassurances all the time from your partners and why is it always so important to you what social and ethnic background they have and above all you need to know that your partner’s financial status is up to your expectations, before you would even consider a relationship? Sure you may call it what you want, but it has nothing to do with being unconditional!


- But, how will the children be able to se the difference between right ore wrong if we don’t teach them?


- One thing you may rest assured on, is that children, who feel safe and loved and who never have to doubt the unconditional love of their parents and who find comfort and warmth in the arms of those parents, which are able to set a good example to their children, will never rebel against their parents or become terrorists or fight against the common good and they will never have difficulty separating “right from wrong”, instead they will try hard to live up to the highest vision of them selves at all times.


- But how do you motivate people into working hard, I mean I don’t think the society will grow and prosper if we don’t focus and work real hard?!


- The only reason that you work your fingers to the bone is because your employers demand a high, short-term return on their investments. The society, would on the other hand, do much better on a long term basis, without this mind setting if people were to be happy, content and harmonious with their lives. Human evolution, prosperity and it’s preservation even, has absolutely nothing to do with having to work fulltime, halftime or even 25 % of what is common today on your planet.

Just think for a moment, how much time you waste on ‘defending’ your selves against any real or imaginary enemies and just think how much energy you’re wasting, in the pursuit of power and money, competition and eliminating one another and all the energy wasted in dealing with all kinds of symptoms like for instance your’ Medicare, policing, penal-systems, all forms of insurances, gambling, etc.

Just think what miracles could be created, if only you instead would use a fraction of all that energy into creating in mutual understanding and love.


- I’ve noticed you want us to give up our monetary systems, but we don’t think there is anything wrong in using money as a means of keeping score and creating justice. What possibly could and should change, is our attitude towards them, so that we might put them to better use. It is our firm belief money could be used either way, for good or bad, I say this because this is how most of us think on Earth, said our expert on economics.


- Yes I know, and that is precisely the problem! It is your attitude to money that keeps you from seeing what ‘energy’ they represent and what they ultimately create, regardless what some of you would like to do with them, I know they are lovely intentions, but they rarely manifest them selves in the physical world even if we are given the perfect opportunity to show, what it is we say we would do.

Believe me when I say, that the more money you earn, the larger your expense account becomes! The amount of money spent unconditionally, i.e. on non-deduct able charities, unfortunately doesn’t grow. Because if it had, your world would have looked quite different already!?

If you really would mean it, when you say that you want to do some good, you should begin asking your selves, which is most important; looking after your self at all times and filling your own wallet, or trying to find a way that could enable all human beings to live a decent life in peace and harmony and then also go down that path?

Then again, many of you might think this is utopia or what ever, but the fact remains, the monumental pain and suffering forced upon millions and billions of people throughout history including all the lives lost in the pursue of money and power, is so infinitely larger than all the theoretical would be and could be good deeds you could think of, but of course still using money as the primary tool!

You should also ask your selves, which is more important; the hope of being able to do some good some time in the future, or the will to prevent all the filth that flows in the wake of money, here and now. Things like child prostitution, child labor/slavery, child abuse, child soldiers, children having to find food in dumpsters, drug abuse, criminal behavior, neglecting the elderly and ill, sick people all over the world not getting any medicine, simply because it isn’t profitable enough, or because they can’t afford any insurance. This is the undeniable ultimate consequence from having the profit dictate what is or isn’t possible in your society.

Sooner or later you will be forced to decide who YOU are and what person you want to be and then you would have to decide how long you want to go on recreating a world of competition, conflicts and misery?

Let me also remind you, it is nothing other than the pursue of money and power, which is behind the near extinction of whales, elephants, tigers, rhinos and many other species!

I would also go back for a moment to what it is you obviously seem to believe so strong, that the use of money isn’t the problem in it self, but maybe that it might be our attitudes towards them that should change, so let me ask you, why haven’t you been able to distribute them more evenly by now, or when should you start making some serious changes, if not now at once? The longer you wait the harder it will be.

But sadly enough, even if you against all odds, should be able to distribute the recourses more evenly, nothing would be changed basically. You could easily make every individual on earth a millionaire, without having those richest individuals even becoming noticeably poorer! The problem remains, because it wouldn’t change anything, since greed is still present in the equation and soon enough you would be back at square one again, with a few individuals sitting on a mountain of money and the rest once again fighting for mere existence literally at gunpoint, quite regardless the fact that an even distribution of the recourses would be totally impossible to maintain out of an entirely different aspect. The first thing that would happen is hyperinflation once everyone begins spending a lot of money, just as if you would start printing tons of money flooding the market. And if this isn’t enough, you can be sure that those controlling the flow of money, i.e. the privately owned so called ‘government/federal/state/reserve’ banks, immediately would put an end to such a project and get it all back, simply by creating so many problems for you so you wouldn’t even begin to know how to solve them without the ‘good’ help from those making up the rules, as they go along keeping you busy competing and fighting each other, all over again, which by the way wouldn’t be the first time nor the last time, that among other things wars are created this way. Should you by any chance choose not believe this, then I’m afraid you’re probably more naïve than you should be.

Let me also show in detail what it is specifically, that you believe in and what you are closing you’re eyes on.

Do you really believe that trading stocks and currencies, which is the most prominent examples of a monetary system, could benefit anyone and maybe everyone as well, or do you somehow in your subconscious or even conscious mind realize, that this ‘game’ is strictly based on competition and elimination, designed to produce a few ‘winners’ and a lot of ‘losers’ and that you find it more convenient to ignore this fact since you have no feasible alternative to offer?

Maybe you have heard the expressions, ‘service to self’ or ‘service to others’? they say a lot about who we want to be and I sincerely hope everyone would ask them selves, from time to time, who they really want to be, whenever in doubt how to act in various day to day situations.

But when it comes to the foundation on which your society is based, i.e. the belief and value systems, not many are willing to add money and power to the question of ‘service to self’ or ‘service to others’ anymore, either because the combination is invisible or to painful, most likely because they would have to redefine some of their most profound attitudes and ‘truths’ first.

I would like you to look beyond your personal situation for a moment and try to keep a global perspective on whether you think money in principal is striving towards love, empathy and compassion, or if you think it strives in the opposite direction, towards, fear, ego and greed? I also ask you to disregard for a moment what theoretical good can be done with money, since it very rarely is implemented even when the opportunity arises, but ask your selves if you think you should be personally blamed for all the conflicts in the world, or if you think the problem might be caused by the mere use of monetary- and hierarchic power structures?

Somewhere along the line, every person will come to the point where he or she will be ‘forced’ to choose which category to belong to, service to self, or service to others.

Your journey to Pangea, will offer you such an opportunity to ponder on your higher purpose in this life. Is it only a steppingstone on your career, or do you think it could serve a higher purpose? Think about it.

Sure you could forever argue whether the hen or the egg came first, or if the attitudes, or your ‘tools’ is what’s keeping you from ever creating a peaceful world, without ever coming to a constructive conclusion. But I hope you agree with me on the importance of preventing problems instead of merely dealing with all the symptoms.

The same thing can also be applied on your view on money and power, since you spend most of your wake time on a desperate hunt for more money and trying to wiggle your selves into better positions so that you can climb the social latter, instead of trying to find a way to prevent the struggle. And this is why one civilization after another has failed in creating a peaceful world for everyone!

And the common denominator for this complex structure is nothing other than your FEAR, which shows itself in the attitude ‘service to self’!


- Yes but I insist, money CAN be used for many good things as well, for example, we’re sending tons of money in aid across the world, said someone a bit nervously. We are doing as best we can!


- Doing ones best is always appreciated, once you have found the highest thought you have of your self and once you decide to live it. But before I answer your question one more time, I realize that I obviously have failed in describing how these various factors relate to each other, in a rational way, since almost the same question is put forward again. So let me try to express my self a bit more explicit this time.

Let’s take another look at your statement; you’re saying there are many good things that can be done with the use of money. OK sure, it is possible to do good things with money, but the question is, are you doing it, apart from a few sporadic hand outs, if and when the media, in the hunt for scoops should decide to cover and highlight a disaster of some sort, when still almost five billion people on your planet are forced to live in poverty. The question is also, are you ever going to help all those in need, or even think it is possible to help them?

What you should ask your selves is if it isn’t simply in nature of money to constantly be fuelling our fears and competitiveness and that this is precisely why we create competition and becoming greedy.

I’ll give you another example. Let’s assume you’re one of those who wish to manifest them selves as a “service to others” persons and that you feel very strongly in this. Let’s also assume that you’re income lies a couple of notches above average, you’re single and you don’t have any expensive hobbies. Let’s say you have also made a profit of some sort on the side, what do you do? Are you taking some of it to be used in any project that is helping the vast majority to be able to live a decent life and would you even consider using it for such a project in the future? Or do you simply do what the rest is doing, i.e. trying get a nicer holiday, a newer car or boat, some new clothes, a new TV set, or what ever that interests you? Let’s be honest, how often do you really manifest your selves as service to others, instead of service to self, regardless all your intentions? How often do you take your inner knowing and manifest it in some conscious choices, making it a part of you, as you’re trying to help others unconditionally? How often do you just keep on doing the same things you always have done, totally unaware of any thing else, but that’s only natural on the other hand, since you have never even seen any alternative behavior patterns and since your present attitudes never have been seriously in question before. It has never been questioned if what you are doing could be beneficial to not only anyone but everyone in the long run!

So what’s stopping you from making any changes, if not the fear of not having enough of your precious money for your self?

Let me make a few comparisons to show what I mean:

Suppose you’re a doctor and you’re about to save the life of a patient and for this purpose – out of old cost cutting habit – chose to use an old instrument, which by the way causes immense pain to the patient, but never the less barely does the job, despite the fact that you know there are better instruments at hand which does the job much better and without pain even. Shouldn’t you be able to give this and every other patient the best treatment humanly possible!?

Let me also illustrate what money can and cannot do to for all of you in the pursuit of your highest dreams, by using a simple compass.

Suppose that you have all decided to go on a journey to the North Pole, and the natural tool to get there is of course a compass. Let us assume this long and treacherous journey begins some where far south of the equator. Everyone had already agreed on using the compass for this purpose, so you all start walking at a fairly good pace. After a while everyone is so fascinated by the accuracy of this magical instrument and as you are becoming increasingly convinced there can’t possibly be a better instrument for this journey, you’re praising it along with everyone else, so without any doubt what so ever, you’re walking straight ahead, blindly following the needle of the compass. At this point, no one would even venture to question its ability to get you to your goal. The fact that some of you can’t keep up the pace doesn’t bother you, you just keep on walking the best you can, since it now somehow seems to have evolved in to some sort of race.

But somewhere along the line and without you even being aware of it, problems seem to emerge, since no matter how strict and loyal you follow the needle, you tend to be increasingly off course, the closer you get to the North Pole and those of you who are the first to question the ability of the compass of getting you to your goal, are of course ridiculed in every conceivable way, but the fact remains, the closer you get the more off you become. A few people here and there, telling you the compass isn’t good enough any more if you want to get to the North Pole, keep talking to deaf ears, since no one had even considered there might be a flaw in the instrument. Maybe it just needs some adjustments and calibrations, but to leave it behind all together at this point, NEVER! It’s absurd to think that an instrument that served us so well and has been so tremendously and almost unanimously praised, now could be insufficient is just too absurd to think, of course it’ll work, it just has to!

At this point more people are beginning to question if the compass really is capable of getting us there

There, some arguing peacefully and rational, but others ventilating their undefined frustration by participating in protest rallies, and some even in a more violent as they lack the ability and or will to argue. A violent behavior that is rapidly spreading like a brushfire all across your planet, since you haven’t tried to prevent it, by taking care of those who couldn’t keep up the pace earlier on during the journey.

Paradoxically this meaningless violence is playing right in the hands of the guides, since all attention then is focused on the violence instead of trying to really find out WHY the compass doesn’t work any more and therefore also even further justifying the need of these leaders to keep everything in “order”.

As always, the guides on this trip do not like when anyone is questioning their authority or their choice of action or belief systems or what ever and as always they know what’s best and what’s true.

At this point it is also becoming more and more obvious, this trip will end in disaster if the guides, supported by a handful loyal wannabees keep on defending the use of the compass as means of getting us all to the North Pole, instead of having faith in your inner abilities and potential. This is where you are today and sooner or later you will have to choose by making conscious choices on whether you want to continue experiencing fear and competition or love and cooperation.


After that it went silence for quite a while.


Now our expedition leader spoke again, because he wasn’t done yet.


So, what can we do to lower criminal behavior and get rid of all those criminals we have on Earth and how can you help us stop these hooligans and also how can you help us improve our Medicare and make it better for our senior citizens?


- Pointing fingers and projecting all your failures on those who couldn’t or wouldn’t live up to their highest vision of them selves, does not solve the problem. Two times “wrong”, by condemnation and punishment doesn’t equal “right”. Only by beginning to create an environment, which is capable of preventing people from finding “good/justifiable” reasons to act destructive, for instance, if we can see to it that people can be safe and secure in their homes and live in peace and harmony, without having to fear real or imaginary dangers and without the constant struggle of surviving, then and only then can we give people enough reasons to “do the right thing” and help each other unconditionally.

When you have achieved this and when you have realized that it’s never about “good or bad”, but simply about cause and effect, then you will also have found the remedy for most of your illnesses and also for the care of all your family members.


- And how can you help us implement and improve our democracy?


- First you need to define the concept of democracy and decide on what kind of democracy you’re talking about, before you try to shove it down the throat on people who do not even appreciate your kind of democracy.


- Could you come to us and tell us about life on your planet?


- That isn’t necessary, since the documentary your going to make, along with the presentations you’re going to give all over your world, will be quite enough in it self.

Then maybe a big surprise will be awaiting you at some point, if you chose to unconditionally follow your inner voice.


And then as our expedition leader went silent for a moment and it seemed as if he had run out of questions for the moment, so I said;


- I also have a few questions of my own, now that I finally am in the position of asking them to someone obviously being able to give me answers with a lot of insight.


I don’t even doubt that our expedition leader had plenty more questions in his notebook, but from his worried face, I thought he had some difficulty putting them forward, as I thought he didn’t get the answers he was seeking. Then I took a deep breath and began reading my questions.


- What’s the difference between the collective consciousness and God?

In what way does our attitudes differ from those on Pangea?

Then I’m wondering what’s wrong with all our religions, since they still seem to cause more problem, than any other factor I can think of and to me it feels as if it should be the other way around and finally I also wonder why there are so many contradictions in our religions?


- OK, I’ll answer them one at a time and I’ll begin with the first one and the answer is none what so ever. I am all there is and therefore, everything that exists, is also a part of me and all together is me!


-Wait a second, … is there no difference between the Pangean collective consciousness and our collective consciousness?


- No, that’s right, there is no difference there either. Your collective consciousness also belongs to the same entity, we are all ONE. The only thing different between Pangeans and your selves, is that Pangeans are aware of this, or as it also may be in some cases, that you on Earth chose to deny the connection.

Now let me answer your next question on the difference in attitude. I’m glad you asked this question, because this is exactly what’s different, along with a small but significant difference in the genetic code, which at the same time has contributed in your awareness of this and therefore could complete the circle, if and when you chose to have faith in the perfect ness of the creation and when you chose to leave all your fears behind once and for all.

Your next question about, “what’s wrong with our religions”, the answer is quite complicated… and the word “wrong” by the way isn’t the word I would use. You must remember the scriptures were written, entirely by human beings. Human beings with needs that have evolved over eons and which had been influenced by the same “energy” that still permeate our attitudes. FEAR!

A fear that comes in all shapes and forms and still follow us throughout our lives, generation after generation. There is nothing “wrong” in that, it’s simply a natural consequence. If you want to experience love and peace, you must also give it to others unconditionally and if you don’t, you’re holding back the force that lets you create anything and instead your giving room for fear to fill the void. It’s as simple as that. In reality you’re regarding unconditional love, being utopia and therefore you’re desperately holding on to all those things that give you the illusion of happiness and safety, i.e. money and each day you hope for more money so that you can sleep well at night, knowing you’re accepted in society. The consequence of this is of course, a world manifesting it self in one war after the other, starvation, child prostitution and so on, which you have no other choice but to project on all other dark and evil persons and sometimes even on me.

Please note there is nothing “wrong” in this, only a natural consequence of choosing to let fear run your lives instead of love and by that I mean unconditional love. It’s entirely up to you when you want to experience peace on Earth.

You have through this journey been given the unique opportunity to view and reflect on your attitudes and your behavior patterns, but if you chose to change any of them, is still entirely up to your free will.

Finally you wanted to know what’s wrong with your religions and why they are so contradictory.

Still there is nothing right o wrong here, but let me put it like this.

Due to the split and division you were exposed to and due to the fear and insecurity it created, it became so much more difficult for you to tell the difference between fear and love. It is fair to say that a very long time ago you mixed them up so badly, that you very reluctantly are willing to take on the task of separating them again and thereby making it possible for you become whole again. This old mix-up also prevented you from distinguishing divine messages and information from humans needs to justify their own personal behavior in the name of God.

After that, it has been up to each and everyone to interpret the scriptures, whichever way it suited their personal need and greed. They can of course also be used to spread love around the world.

In the end, this inconsistency however makes them quite useless in describing and implementing unconditional love which I am, which we are, at the same time as it is you, if you wish to be us, if you wish to be me!?


After a moment of silence, I managed to collect my self somewhat from this exposition, although I help being fascinated by the collective consciousness or God if you will, changing shape all the time, from planet to woman, to man, to child, to one animal after the other, then from animals to plants and trees, then back again in reversed order back to not only one planet but two planets and this time we could see both planets rotating slowly side by side. After having watched them for a while they seemed to merge with each other like some kind of symbolic reunion gesture, which grabbed me so strongly, tears came down my cheeks and the emotions that went through my body at that moment is totally indescribable. I just sat there in total aw, watching the rotating planet slowly rising up and through the ceiling. All that was left now was the drop shaped crystal, which still had that soft glow as before. Now I looked around to see if I was the only one affected emotionally by this display, but immediately realizing I definitely wasn’t the only one.


It took us quite a while before anyone spoke and it hit me we were still holding each others hands, as the older man solemnly said:


- I think we just have run out of questions here, but if you should think of any later, you can always come back to the collective consciousness and get them answered at any time.


- I agree, I think all our minds went blank there for a moment and I couldn’t think of anything to ask or add, for the moment.


The older man thanked everyone including the collective consciousness, from all of his heart for this extraordinary experience, ending with a sincere hope this would take us even closer and contribute to our reunion. Then he stood up thanking us one more time and it was easy to see his emotions as he lead us toward the exit.


In fact we were all very emotional at this time, we almost forgot our equipment on the balcony and I realized I hadn’t even once thought about checking if it worked alright, as our sound expert reminded us of it by screaming:


- The cameras, shit! I forgot all abut them!


Then he ran back up and we just followed him right behind him. Two minutes later we had gathered all our gear, hoping we had got everything on tape and then we were reunited again with the rest of the group and ready to head back home for some sleep.

Despite all the emotions and the fact we were all quite tired, we still had to check out the result as we came back and of course we had to spend a few minutes discussing what we had just experienced.


We all realized this had been one incredibly awesome journey and that perhaps it was time to head back to Earth again. Then I realized I would have to leave Ariana, which hurt quite a bit, until I began telling myself and trying to believe what Ariana had told me we could meet anytime. Funny how easy it is to fall back on what used to be “true”.


Chapter 11,              Returning home


Most of us had mixed feelings as we on the sixth day gathered for the last time and as we summarized our visit, we realized it had been an extremely eventful as well as educational journey. Although it had been unbelievably pleasant, I think it’s right to leave before we become to acclimatized to their life style, which only would have made it so much more difficult to leave this paradise behind.


If anyone has any final questions, perhaps we should address them right away before lunch, if you don’t mind!? Later we have planned to throw a party for you before you leave us, so I suggest we have a light lunch and save our selves for tonight, as we expect a couple of thousand guests at the ceremony.


 Well I have a question about our journey back home, I said. I know you have prepared our spaceships, but I cant help thinking if it would be possible for us to get a lift in one of your spaceships, I mean from what we’ve seen, it would be much safer as well as faster, since you can go from one place to another in an instant and since you already have visited us plenty enough times in the past? I mean if you don’t mind and if we can get the green light from Houston. Besides, I think it might have quite an impact if we came home with one of your larger “limos” and landed on let’s say, a historically significant place.

Anyone else in favor of my proposal?


It didn’t surprise me a bit, as my suggestion was received so well from most of the crew. The huge sigh of relief also said it all, as the permission finally arrived from Houston, even though they were very concerned about the financial loss of not getting back the spaceships, but that could only be expected.


- Apropå hemresan har jag också en fråga, sa jag. Vi är alla plågsamt medvetna över vilka risker som kommer i dagen när man reser med våra rymdskepp. Jag menar, ni har ju farkoster som rör sig med lätthet över er kontinent och ni har ju också sagt att ni otaliga gånger har besökt oss och just därför undrar jag om det är möjligt att vi kan få skjuts tillbaka med nåt av era glidare? Dessutom tror jag att det skulle övertyga många fler, om vi landade med ett av era farkoster på någon väl vald plats.

Är det någon mer än jag, som skulle uppskatta en sådan möjlighet om vi kan utverka ett godkännande från Houston?!


But of course you can always come back later and take home your spaceships if you want to, but I have a feeling you prefer to do all your future traveling in spaceships like ours, am I right!?


I can’t help thinking a head and I wonder if you could help us finding a few concrete measures, making it easier to convince people, now that we’re about to return back home.


I think you should avoid trying to convince anyone about anything, because otherwise you’re making your self a politician, just like any other politician. I think everyone has to find his or her own “truth”. What you can and should do is to show them what you have seen and what you have experienced here by presenting them all the material in your documentary. Then of course you can answer any question as truthfully as possible and try to describe your feelings and emotions as accurate as possible, share EVERYTHING, even if it might embarrass you at first.

But from that point on, it’s entirely up to each and every one to form their own opinion, to see if our planet might serve them as a model, or not. Let everyone decide for them selves and don’t push it. Have FAITH in their ability to know what’s “best” for them, or as we would prefer putting it, let them decide what experiences they need to experience.


OK, I hear you!

But I still have one question which hasn’t been answered and I’m just dying for an answer, so PLEASE tell me how it is possible for you to go from one place to another, across the continent within a twinkle of an eye, just how is that possible?


Once again, the answer lies in your awareness. Since our ability to create rests firmly on the unconditional love, our senses and our consciousness enabling us to reach all our experiences. At that point you might say that “yesterday” is meeting present as well as “tomorrow” in one totally unrestricted conscious moment and then the entire creation of our Universe opens itself in this totally

limitless moment. At this moment, we can together create ANYTHING and at this moment it is possible for us to go anywhere in an instant and or experience what ever we wish or need to experience. That’s what love is, or should I say that’s the power of unconditional love!

However I would like to add, that all this isn’t possible to achieve single handed, as long as our planets remain separated from each other and as long there is any imbalance within us.

However it makes it possible for us to be in any place at any time, but the big evolution will have to wait until if and when we together as ONE chose to reach for the inner essence of the creation while still being physical beings. Not by competing against each other but by loving and helping each other unconditionally! Then we will be able to reunite and enter a new era where all times will meet and where we will be able to be the unconditional example through out our Universe and create a Universe beyond where money, power, competition and greed still keeps us from reaching our full potential and our highest vision.


Wow, this will take me a while to comprehend and digest. I felt so overwhelmed and almost dizzy by the Pangeans highest vision. I thought my vision was far reaching!

After that, I just couldn’t think of anything to ask and obviously no one else could either, since the silence that followed was so compact you could cut it with a knife.

So we sat there for what seemed like an eternity, until our guide spoke again.


It seems as if it is time to end this discussion don’t you think and go to our “little” farewell dinner, along with a few thousand friends, before you go back home.


Suddenly everyone seemed to be very hungry according to all the nodding and cheering.


As we glided towards the meeting-place, we were received by a large crowd, which obviously wanted to be there when we left Pangea.

Then I saw all the tables around, probably hundreds of them, all neatly laid for our dinner. There was obviously food and drinks for everyone and then I realized that the concept of VIP’s had a whole new meaning here, because here everyone was a VIP! There was even a band playing for us at this huge party.


 Then finally after a delicious meal and after hugging almost everyone and having said goodbye to Ariana one last time, we all had difficulty keeping our eyes dry and as we were about to enter their spaceship, we were really surprised and this time it was our military friends who managed to surprise us and this happened as our military commander turned over a suitcase to one of the guides and said:


It was within our mission to gather as much information about you as possible, at any cost, but we feel that after our visit here, it has become impossible to carry out that order, we couldn’t possibly take it home with us and therefore we would like you to take care of what’s inside the suitcase and do with it what ever you want to.

Finally I would like to concur with what has been said before, that this has been a huge learning experience for me both pleasant and somewhat painful at times and I promise to make good use of what I have learned here, trying to make our planet a better and more peaceful place, by trying to be a good example to others. I know this means my military career is over, regardless the fact I’m risking to be court-martialed for disobeying specific orders. But that’s OK.

So once again, please forgive us for our betrayal and our suspicions.

You can’t imagine how much this pleases us that you chose to turn over the suitcase, which you have filled with information and intelligence, about us. Of course we knew all about it, but the fact that you chose to follow your own heart and not carrying out your orders holds indeed great promise for the future!


Uh, you knew all along about our activities and didn’t stop us in any way!?


That’s right! What good would it have done to intervene or to punish anyone simply exercising his or her free will, while fulfilling a need, any kind of need. A need that because it exists, it therefore also has a purpose.

In what way would we have been unconditional, had we interfered? Besides, our way of acting unconditionally, has obviously helped you finding out by your selves, your highest vision of your selves and also made you chose to live that vision, which from our point of view, has been much more valuable, than creating a conflict trying to stop you.


Then we entered their spaceship with very mixed emotions and what we could take back home a lot of documentation, audio and video tapes, which I sincerely hoped we would be able to make justice in making a documentary and hopefully be able to present it as soon as possible.

As I sat down I could for the first time sense enough confidence and faith in the people on our planet, that they would want to follow the good example Pangeans have set and suddenly I felt totally overwhelmed and hopeful!


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If you feel this book, in any way has contributed in giving you the opportunity to widen your perspective and give you a greater understanding of what is happening in the world and why, then perhaps it might help you in solving the problems we all face and perhaps it also might help you to see your own belief- and value systems and to understand how they work and affect you in so many conscious and unconscious ways in our day to day lives and also how they ultimately have made us believe, the world couldn’t possibly function without them.


If this book also has helped you see the difference between a society, run and controlled by fear and intimidation and a society permeated by unconditional love and if you think the story has been exciting and believable, perhaps even making you want to turn your back on all the competition, combating and struggle and instead would like to create a more loving and caring society where we’re able to solve our differences, simply because there wouldn’t be any incentives to fight one and another and because our collective consciousness would give us the power to do whatever we want, without any effort whatsoever.

In that case there is absolutely nothing that stops you but your own fear!


I would also like to recommend everyone to learn how to communicate, by using a method called NVC (Non Violent Communication, Rosenberg). This is an excellent method if we want to “defuse” any discussion/conflict, big or small and to prevent our communication from ever becoming a problem.


Should you by any chance feel that you have a surplus of money or other resources at your disposal that you would want to use in a way that manifest the highest possible vision of your self and to really show what “good” could be done with money and then you have a brilliant opportunity to help me do something solid and concrete in creating a decent home to everyone on this planet, by making it a human rights-issue to give everyone a decent home. Use your power and resources and help me make the monetary system obsolete in a peaceful manner. Use your unconditional love as often as possible and use it to make your self more aware of your fears, so that you can let go of them as you become aware of them.


If you should want to help me in this, I can assure you my project on environmentally friendly, energy- and insulation efficient housing materials (Finalist at a national environment contest/fair in Sweden 1998) might be a perfect start.


I will be happy to answer any question about this project if would contact me on paradigm@passagen.se




I also hope you have enjoyed reading the book, as much as it enjoyed and educated me, writing it. But the important question that remains for me is whether it had any impact on your perception on the concept of money and power and whether it has in any way changed your attitudes in regard to what they stand for and what experiences they ultimately give us.

I would like you to check this out, if you could by indulge me by making a small mathematical percentage calculation.

I want you to estimate a percentage where you think money and greed has played a role, by adding all the murders, robberies, frauds, cheating, acts of piracy, smuggling, prostitution, child slavery, drug trafficking, etc etc. and adding all the corporate thefts, spying, labor exploitation, hostile takeovers, bankrupts, speculations in stock and currency, fraudulent carelessness causing accidents and disasters, etc etc and then adding all the political assassinations, politicians taking advantage of their position, acts of terror, wars, together with all that, which trough out history has caused human suffering one way or another, up to a point where you safely can say that money and power, physically, mentally and economically, has had a negative influence on the vast majority.


Please don’t make it in to a scientific analysis, just pick any number that you feel comfortable with.


Keep that number in mind, as you are trying to estimate another percentage where you safely can say money has been put in to good use, one way or another (not what could or might be). Where money has been used, not to make a profit but unselfishly has been used to help the same majority as in the previous example, i.e. by freely producing medical drugs to help anyone sick, helping those who are starving, ending homelessness by making it possible for everyone to have a decent home, or what ever you can think of where individuals and politicians have helped the majority to a better life, by dispersing money and other recourses among those in need, instead of just letting them go down some ones pocket.

Then take your time and pick a new number again, that you’re comfortable with.


Now compare those two numbers and ask your self if you want to continue on this path?


If my guess is right, the answer should be obvious to you! Or do you still think we could ever hope to create a better world for everyone under these circumstances and with these attitudes and with this set of ‘tools’ before we all have been suffocated?


But on the other hand, if you think this book has helped you to a greater understanding of the overwhelming problems we meet on this planet each and every day, year in and year out, then we should perhaps try to find another path, don’t you think!? And please feel free to recommend this book to anyone you think might enjoy it and if you want to help me and your self to choose another path and perhaps even create a better world for everyone!


And finally, this is what I believe:

If this vision is what we want, this is what we get!

If we want it but don’t believe in it, that’s great, because there is still hope it will come true some day.

But if the majority doesn’t want that, hey that is OK, it just means we don’t get it until we do want this or any other vision and believing in it as an alternative way of existence!


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PS. From the response that I have received thus far, I can tell you it has been overwhelming. I have also been asked a number of times to write a continuation on this story, however I must beg of you not to ask one person to try to give you all the answers. What you are doing then, is asking someone else to do the job for you.

I have unconditionally shared my vision with you all, but now it should be up to you to decide if this vision is something you would like to fulfill. No one person can do it all alone, it can only be done if we remember that we have to do it together and by having faith in our ability to do it, by choosing not to use the same old attitudes and behavior patterns, we can do it, simply by trying to really be unconditional as often as possible, beginning right here right Now!  DS.




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