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[Red.: Av sionism ockuperad/-e regim/-er], 9/11 och media

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PostPosted: Mon, 2006 Apr 17 19:32:45    Post subject: [Red.: Av sionism ockuperad/-e regim/-er], 9/11 och media Reply with quote

Försöker man säga sanningen om 9/11 så möts man ofta med argumentet .- tror du på konspirationsteorier?

Nu är det så att Steven E. Jones fysikprofessor vid Brigham Young University har gått igenom de officiella förklaringar som getts till att World Trade Center rasade ihop och han underkänner dessa - antingen så förtiger de sanningen eller så förvränger de sanningen. Steven E. Jones konstaterar att enligt naturvetenskapens lagar så finns det ingen annan rimlig förklaring än att World Trade Center 1, 2 och 7 har sprängts. Och det kan då inte handla om arabiska terrorister utan det måste vara USA självt eller något annat land som genomfört denna sprängning som kostade 3000 livet.

Se Steven E. Jones rapport:

Steven E. Jones rapport i svensk översättning:

Eller gå till Scholars for 911 Truth:

för att sen klicka länken:
Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?
by Steven E. Jones, Ph.D.

En video med Steven E. Jones från en av hans föreläsningar om sprängningen av World Trade Center 1, 2 och 7.
BYU Professor Steven Jones - February 1st, 2006 260MB WMV

Det konstiga är att västerländska massmedia vägrar att sprida vidare det som Steven E. Jones kommit fram till. Hur kan det vara så?

Det går att Googla så här för att få se vad svenska media skrivit:
"Steven E. Jones"
"Steven E. Jones"
"Steven E. Jones"
"Steven E. Jones"

Inte ett endaste svar!!!
Du kan Googla på bara "Steven E. Jones"
och du får över 80 000 svar!!! Och du kan läsa lite mera.

Steven E. Jones har använt sig av naturvetenskapens lagar för att konstatera att World Trade Center sprängts. Det finns helt enkelt ingen annan rimlig förklaring än sprängning om man följer naturvetenskapens lagar. Och naturvetenskapens lagar ljuger inte - men det gör Bush är lätt att konstatera efter att ha tagit del av vad Steven E. Jones kommit fram till!!! Men svenska media verkar "skita" i naturvetenskapens lagar och sprängningen av World Trade Center 1, 2 och 7. Det är något skumt med det här - något mycket skumt...

Det mesta talar för att Israel var inblandade i sprängningen. Kan detta vara förklaringen till att västerländska media som är dominerade av israelvänliga judiska ägargrupper vägrar att föra sanningen vidare?

Om man påstår att det är israelvänliga judar - zionister - som ligger bakom 9/11 så får man också höra att man torgför konspirationsteorier - verkar tro på ZOG - Zionist Occupation (Occupied) Government - alltså att zionister skulle ha infiltrerat USA:s regering och andra regeringar.

Detta går naturligtvis att försöka ta reda på!

För att söka själv på 9/11 så finns Cooperative Research - det som finns här är mycket noga genomgånget - det ska helt enkelt inte finnas några fel här:

För att söka på organisationer och personer så finns:

För att få reda på en annan historieskrivning där bankirernas roll inte tystas ner utan dessa visas upp som de huvudrollsinnehavare som de är så finns - - där det också går att söka på person, organisation och händelse.

Bush sitter i en skola den 11 september 2001 och lyssnar på en skolklass som läser en saga om en get. Bush får viskat i sitt öra:
men han gör ingenting - sätter sig inte i säkerhet, försöker inte få reda på mera och försöker inte ingripa - se till att det plan som är på väg mot Pentagon stoppas. Och hans medhjälpare som finns runt omkring honom i skolsalen gör heller ingenting. Istället stannar de kvar i skolan som ingenting hänt. Bush håller det tal som var utannonserat i förväg!!!

Bush skrev enligt Washington Post på kvällen i sin dagbok 11 september 2001 efter att ha utlyst ett krig mot terrorismen - ett krig utan gränser:
"The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century took place today."

Washington Posts artikel

Ett år tidigare i september 2000 hade en grupp som kallar sig för PNAC - Project for a New American Century - - i skriften Rebuildning America´s Defenses - "Rebuilding America's Defenses" – A Summary - skrivit om att de såg framför sig ett nytt Pearl Harbor:
"some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor"

Pearl Harbor var president Roosevelts sätt att lura in USA:s befolkning i andra världskriget mot deras vilja.
"...everything that the Japanese were planning to do was known to the United States..." ARMY BOARD, 1944

President Roosevelt (FDR) provoked the attack, knew about it in advance and covered up his failure to warn the Hawaiian commanders. FDR needed the attack to sucker Hitler to declare war, since the public and Congress were overwhelmingly against entering the war in Europe. It was his backdoor to war.

FDR blinded the commanders at Pearl Harbor and set them up by -

1. denying intelligence to Hawaii (HI)
2. on Nov 27, misleading the commanders into thinking negotiations with Japan were continuing to prevent them from realizing the war was on
3. having false information sent to HI about the location of the Japanese carrier fleet.

Den som bildade organisationen PNAC var den israelvänlige juden Kristol
William Kristol is the neo-conservative editor of the Weekly Standard. Kristol was the former Chief of Staff to Vice President Dan Quayle (89-93) and to Secretary of Education William Bennett during the Ronald Reagan administration. Kristol formerly led the Project for the Republican Future. He is on the board of the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, and his name is associated with the Middle East Forum.

William Kristol is the founder of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC)

Och här kan man läsa mer om PNAC för att förstå att det är en zionistisk organisation:

Man kan också söka på Cooperative Resarch på PNAC.
June 3, 1997: PNAC Think Tank Issues Statement of Principles

The Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a neoconservative think tank formed in the spring of 1997, issues its statement of principles. PNAC’s stated aims are:

to “shape a new century favorable to American principles and interests”
to achieve “a foreign policy that boldly and purposefully promotes American principles abroad”

to “increase defense spending significantly”
to challenge “regimes hostile to US interests and values”

to “accept America’s unique role in preserving and extending an international order friendly to our security, our prosperity, and our principles.”

[Project for the New American Century, 7/3/1997] The Statement of Principles is significant, because it is signed by a group who will become “a roll call of today’s Bush inner circle.”

September 2000: PNAC Report Recommends Policies That Need New Pearl Harbor for Quick Implementation

People involved in the 2000 PNAC report (from top left): Vice President Cheney, Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, Cheney Chief of Staff I. Lewis Libby, Undersecretary of State John Bolton, Undersecretary of Defense Dov Zakheim, and author Eliot Cohen.

PNAC drafts a strategy document, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategies, Forces and Resources for a New Century,” for George W. Bush’s team before the 2000 Presidential election.

The document was commissioned by future Vice President Cheney, future Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, future Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, Florida Governor Jeb Bush (Bush’s brother), and future Vice President Cheney’s Chief of Staff Lewis Libby.

The document outlines a “blueprint for maintaining global US preeminence, precluding the rise of a great power rival, and shaping the international security order in line with American principles and interests.”
PNAC states further: “The United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role in Gulf regional security. While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein.”

PNAC calls for the control of space through a new “US Space Forces,” the political control of the Internet, and the subversion of any growth in political power of even close allies, and advocates “regime change” in China, North Korea, Libya, Syria, Iran, and other countries.

It also mentions that “advanced forms of biological warfare that can ‘target’ specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.”

However, PNAC complains that thes changes are likely to take a long time, “absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a new Pearl Harbor.”

Notably, while Cheney commissioned this plan (along with other future key leaders of the Bush administration), he defends Bush’s position of maintaining Clinton’s policy not to attack Iraq during an NBC interview in the midst of the 2000 presidential campaign, asserting that the US should not act as though “we were an imperialist power, willy-nilly moving into capitals in that part of the world, taking down governments.” [Washington Post, 2/12/2002]

A British member of Parliament will later say of the report: “This is a blueprint for US world domination—a new world order of their making. These are the thought processes of fantasist Americans who want to control the world.” [Sunday Herald (Glasgow), 10/7/2002]

Both PNAC and its strategy plan for Bush are almost virtually ignored by the media until a few weeks before the start of the Iraq war (see February-March 20, 2003).

Den ledande inom denna grupp av sionistiska judar är Wolfowitz. Det sägs att det var han och Libby som skrev Rebuilding America´s Defenses men den har undertecknats av alla de som ingår i PNAC - av ett antal sionistiska judar - Kristol, Zakheim, Perle, Podhoretz med flera.

De kallar sig för PNAC - Project for a New American Century men borde rätterligen kalla sig för PNIC - Project for a New Israel Century - och deras plan kallas för ZOG planen.
Rebuilding America´s Defenses = ZOG planen

Vad är det som de egentligen skriver? Det verkar handla om globalt herravälde! Så här står det på sidan 60:
Control of the sea could be largely determined not by fleets of surface combatants and aircraft carriers, but from land- and space-based systems, forcing navies to maneuver and fight underwater.

Space itself will become a theater of war, as nations gain access to space capabilities and come to rely on them; further, the distinction between military and commercial space systems – combatants and noncombatants – will become blurred. Information systems will become an important focus of attack, particularly for U.S. enemies seeking to short-circuit sophisticated American forces.

And advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool" (p. 60).

Wolfowitz och hans sionistiska grabbar skriver om att de vill ta dö på människor med en viss genkod - handlar det om alla rödhåriga eller kanske tänker de på alla blåögda? eller är det svarta? eller araber?

Det här är miljonfalt gånger värre än Hitler och Stalin - det här är så rasistiskt så att det skriker om det - de här människorna är det största hotet mot oss alla och måste stoppas ögona böj!

Men vad skriver svenska media om det här? Man kan Googla så här på PNAC:
Ger inga svar!!!
Ger tre svar:
Aftonbladet: USA förbereder sig för kraftmätning mot Kina
USA förbereder sig för kraftmätning mot Kina (Ritt Goldstein , journalist) ( 5 Augusti 2003),2789,340453,00.html - Kompletterande resultat - Liknande sidor

Aftonbladet: Kriget är bara början
PNAC:s rapport Rebuilding America"s Defences är en ogenerad planritning för ... PNAC:s guide till världsherravälde, som skrivits av Wolfowitz, ger Pentagon ...,2789,278849,00.html - Liknande sidor

Aftonbladet: Friheten håller på att dö
... sade till mig att författarna till PNAC och de som nu innehar den exekutiva maktens ämbeten tidigare brukade benämnas "galningarna" i Washington. ...,2789,757797,00.html - Liknande sidor

Man kan förstå av de här tre artiklarna att PNAC inte är någon trevlig organisation - ingen mysig herrklubb precis! Men det finns inte ett ord om att PNAC skrivit om folkmord på rasistiska grunder - mord på människor med en viss gentyp! Inte ett ord!!!

Artikel två är av John Pilger,2789,278849,00.html
Publicerad: 2003-03-20
Kriget är bara början
JOHN PILGER om planerna på världsherravälde - och det växande motståndet
Perle är ordförande i Pentagons mäktiga Defence Policy Board och upphovsman till de sinnessjuka strategier som går ut på "totalt krig" (som ska leda till Amerikas fullständiga globala överhöghet) och "kreativ förstörelse" - den senare är avsedd att slutgiltigt underkuva Mellanöstern, med Irakinvasionen som det första steget, till en kostnad av 90 miljarder dollar.

Perle är också grundare av en annan kryptofascistisk grupp kallad Project for the New American Century (PNAC). Bland de övriga grundarna räknas vicepresident Dick Cheney, försvarsminister Donald Rumsfeld och biträdande försvarsminister Paul Wolfowitz. PNAC:s rapport Rebuilding America"s Defences är en ogenerad planritning för världserövring.

Bushgänget, och Blair, kan inte tillåtas hålla resten av oss fångna under sina tvångsföreställningar och krigsplaner. Det finns en form av motstånd nu: det är civil olydnad, som leder till det polisen kallar "civil oro". Detta är något som fruktas av odemokratiska regeringar av alla slag.

Min egen uppfattning är att om proteströrelsen ser sig själv som en världsmakt, som sann internationalism, då behöver framgång inte vara en dröm. Allt beror på hur långt människor är beredda att gå. Den unga kvinnliga anställda vid Storbritanniens topphemliga Government Communications Headquarters som i förra veckan åtalades för att ha läckt information om USA:s smutsiga tricks mot medlemmar av säkerhetsrådet visar vilket mod som behövs.

Här skriver John Pilger om PNAC:s planer men det märkliga är att inte svenska skribenter gått vidare. Man kunde väntat sig att tex Sverker Åström. Jan Guillou, Åsa Linderborg, Erik Wijk eller Göran Greider hade orkat läsa igenom Rebuilding America´s Defenses. Om de har gjort det så har de inte skrivit om den - märkligt! Det handlar ju om total global kontroll - det är bara att läsa innantill och det skrivs inte om det!!!

Testa själv:
"Rebuilding America"s Defences"
ger ett svar:
Aftonbladet: Kriget är bara början
PNAC:s rapport Rebuilding America"s Defences är en ogenerad planritning för världserövring. Innan Bush kom till makten rekommenderade den en ökning av ...,2789,278849,00.html - Liknande sidor

"Rebuilding America"s Defences"
"Rebuilding America"s Defences"
"Rebuilding America"s Defences"

Inte ett svar!!!

Det går att på Cooperative Research söka på James Woolsey och få reda på det här:

April 3, 2003: Ex-CIA Director Foresees Many More Wars in Middle East

James Woolsey.
Former CIA Director James Woolsey says the US is engaged in a world war, and that it could continue for years: “As we move toward a new Middle East, over the years and, I think, over the decades to come ... we will make a lot of people very nervous.”

He calls it World War IV (World War III being the Cold War according to neoconservatives like himself ), and says it will be fought against the religious rulers of Iran, the “fascists” of Iraq and Syria, and Islamic extremists like al-Qaeda.

He singles out the leaders of Egypt and Saudi Arabia, saying, “We want you nervous.” This echoes the rhetoric of the PNAC, of which Woolsey is a supporter, and the singling out of Egypt and Saudi Arabia echoes the rhetoric of the Defense Policy Board, of which he is a member.

In July 2002 (see July 10, 2002), a presentation to that board concluded, “Grand strategy for the Middle East: Iraq is the tactical pivot. Saudi Arabia the strategic pivot. Egypt the prize.” [CNN, 5/3/2003; CNN, 5/3/2003]

Det handlar om tredje världskriget eller som James Woolsey uttrycker det - fjärde världskriget. Så det är mycket viktigt att alla grupper granskas - svenskar, norrmän, danskar, finnar, islänningar och israelvänliga judar. Ingen grupp ska få dölja sig under falska täckmantlar typ anti-semitism.

Man kan ta del av en neokonservativ PNAC-medlem Norman Podhoretz tankar:
September 2004
World War IV: How It Started, What It Means, and Why We Have to Win

History’s Call

In his first State of the Union address, President Bush affirmed that history had called America to action, and that it was both "our responsibility and our privilege to fight freedom’s fight"—a fight he also characterized as "a unique opportunity for us to seize." Only last May, he reminded us that "We did not seek this war on terror," but, having been sought out by it, we responded, and now we were trying to meet the "great demands" that "history has placed on our country."

In this language, and especially in the repeated references to history, we can hear an echo of the concluding paragraphs of George F. Kennan’s "X" essay, written at the outbreak of World War III:

The issue of Soviet-American relations is in essence a test of the overall worth of the United States as a nation among nations. To avoid destruction the United States need only measure up to its own best traditions and prove itself worthy of preservation as a great nation.

Kennan then went on to his peroration:

In the light of these circumstances, the thoughtful observer of Russian-American relations will experience a certain gratitude for a Providence which, by providing the American people with this implacable challenge, has made their entire security as a nation dependent on their pulling themselves together and accepting the responsibilities of moral and political leadership that history plainly intended them to bear.

Substitute "Islamic terrorism" for "Russian-American relations," and every other word of this magnificent statement applies to us as a nation today. In 1947, we accepted the responsibilities of moral and political leadership that history "plainly intended" us to bear, and for the next 42 years we acted on them. We may not always have acted on them wisely or well, and we often did so only after much kicking and screaming. But act on them we did. We thereby ensured our own "preservation as a great nation," while also bringing a better life to millions upon millions of people in a major region of the world.

Now "our entire security as a nation"—including, to a greater extent than in 1947, our physical security—once more depends on whether we are ready and willing to accept and act upon the responsibilities of moral and political leadership that history has yet again so squarely placed upon our shoulders. Are we ready? Are we willing? I think we are, but the jury is still out, and will not return a final verdict until well after the election of 2004.

—August 2, 2004
Norman Podhoretz is considered to be a "neo-con" (neo-conservative) and believed to be a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He is connected with the Project for the New American Century.

He is the former editor-in-chief of "Commentary" (1960-95). From 1981-87, Podhoretz served with the U.S. Information Agency. He is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute.

The following comes from (and was adapted from) the March 9, 2003 Jim Lobe article "Family ties connect US right, Zionists" (

"As godfather of the [neo-con] movement, Irving Kristol played mentor to Norman Podhoretz, the long-time but now-retired editor of Commentary, the influential monthly publication of the American Jewish Committee (AJC). Originally identified with the anti-war left in the mid-1960s, Podhoretz converted to neo-conservatism late in the decade and transformed the magazine into a main source of neo-conservative writing, despite the overwhelming majority of the Jewish community itself rejecting those positions.

"Podhoretz and his spouse, Midge Decter, a polemical powerhouse in her own right, created a formidable political team in the 1970s as they deserted the Democratic Party, and then, as leaders of the Committee on the Present Danger -- like (Project for the New American Century) PNAC a coalition of mainly Jewish, neo-conservatives and more traditional right-wing hawks like Defence Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld - helped lay the foreign-policy foundation for the rise of Ronald Reagan. After Reagan's victory, Decter and Rumsfeld co-chaired the international offshoot of the committee, called the Coalition for the Free World.

"Podhoretz is the father of John Podhoretz, a columnist for the Rupert Murdoch-owned New York Post, who also acts as a ubiquitous booster of the hawks. And his son-in-law, Elliott Abrams, who held a number of controversial posts in Reagan's State Department and was eventually convicted in the Iran-Contra scandal for lying to Congress, now serves in George Walker Bush's National Security Council as his top Middle East adviser.

"At Commentary, Podhoretz offered considerable space to such rising lights of the neo-conservative movement as future United Nations (UN) ambassador Jeane J. Kirkpatrick (whose late husband Evron Kirkpatrick was a long-time collaborator of Irving Kristol); Richard Pipes, a Harvard University Soviet specialist and top Reagan adviser; Pipes' son, Daniel Pipes, a staunch Likud supporter who has long argued that Washington has been too complacent about the threat of Islamist radicalism both overseas and at home; and all of the Kristols and Kagans."

Det handlar inte om judar - det handlar om en liten grupp bland judarna - de som skaffat sig en maktposition. Och det är en väldigt liten grupp. De flesta judar vet lika lite om PNAC och Rebuilding America´s Defenses som de flesta svenskar gör. Det handlar om en liten grupp inflytelserika personer som försöker blåsa oss alla. Men det viktiga är att dessa personer inte ska få gömma sig bakom anti-semitism.

Om människor kände till dessa planer torde alla inskrida - sätta dessa kriminella herrar - Wolfowitz och hans banditgäng i PNAC - inom lås och bom. Och se till att människor själv tog kontrollern över media, banker, vapenindustri och politik - för att skapa planer för fred och frid på vår himlajord.

Det handlar om att skapa lokala alternativ till oljan - eftersom oljan kräver bankirernas pengar - tex numera världsbankschefen Wolfowitz pengar - för att kuva människor så att de inte förmår försvara sina naturresurser. Det finns positiva alternativ. Det går att producera energi lokalt. Och bankirerna förlorar sin makt. Och ZOG planen kan kastas i papperskorgen. Se:
Vatten som bränsle med ny teknik! Så varför bråka om oljan?

Last edited by on Tue, 2006 Apr 18 16:59:21; edited 38 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon, 2006 Apr 17 19:33:10    Post subject: Reply with quote

Vad hade israeler för roll när det gällde 11 september 2001?
Det går att ta reda på det och skaffa sig en egen uppfattning.

Gär man till Cooperative Research och deras Complete 911 Timeline
så hittar man en Timeline som heter Israel och man kan få veta lite mer:

The white van used by five Israeli agents as they were leaving New York on 9/11.[/url]
September 11, 2001: Five Israelis Arrested for Puzzling Behavior near WTC
Five Israelis are arrested around 4:30 pm for “puzzling behavior” related to the WTC attacks: filming the burning WTC from the roof of their company’s building near Liberty State Park, New Jersey, then shouting in what was interpreted as cries of joy and mockery.

A neighbor spotted them and called the police and the FBI. The police tracked them down in a van with the words “Urban Moving Systems” written on the side. [Bergen Record, 10/12/2001; Ha'aretz, 10/17/2001]

One man was found with $4,700 in cash hidden in his sock, another had two passports on him, and a box cutter was found in the van. [ABC News, 7/21/2002]

Investigators say that “[t]here are maps of the city in the car with certain places highlighted... It looked like they’re hooked in with this. It looked like they knew what was going to happen.” [Bergen Record, 10/12/2001]

One of these Israelis later says, “our purpose was to document the event.” [ABC News, 7/21/2002] The FBI later concludes at least two are Mossad agents and that all were on a Mossad surveillance mission. The FBI interrogates them for weeks. [Forward, 4/15/2002]

They are held on immigration violation charges, but are released 71 days later. [ABC News, 7/21/2002] Their names are later identified as Sivan and Paul Kurzberg, Oded Ellner, Omer Marmari, and Yaron Shmuel. [Forward, 4/15/2002]

60 Israelis on Tourist Visas Detained Since Sept. 11
Government Calls Several Cases 'of Special Interest,' Meaning Related to ost-Attacks Investigation
By John Mintz Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, November 23, 2001; Page A22

The investigations of the Israelis working at malls is separate from another case of detained Israelis, in New York.

On Sept. 11, five young Israeli army veterans who worked for a moving company were observed at a park on the Hudson River in New Jersey snapping photographs of the burning World Trade Center and seemingly clowning around.

To complicate matters, when authorities arrested them they had box-cutters in their moving van, the types of weapons used by the terrorist hijackers. Two other Israelis working for the same firm were arrested later.

Officials found they all had overstayed their visas, and they were held in a federal jail in Brooklyn until this week, when they began to be returned to their homes in Israel.

Hur kunde de här israelerna vara på plats för att videofilma när World Trade Center rasade? Vad var de så intresserade av? Och varför dansade de när World Trade Center föll ihop?
The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9-11

Dov Zakheim en israelvän och rabin som är med i PNAC och skrev att det behövdes ett nytt Pearl Harbor i september 2000. Han har också tagit hand om pengarna i Pentagon och har varit VD för ett företag som ägnar sig åt att fjärrstyra flygplan.
The Mastermind Behind 911?
Dov Zakheim and the 9/11 Conspiracy
In the context of 9/11 it also needs to be pointed out that Rabbi Dov Zakheim was Chief Executive Officer of System Planning Corporation's International Division until President George W. Bush appointed him Undersecretary of Defense and Comptroller of the Pentagon. Not long before Rabbi Zakheim rose to power over the Pentagon's labyrinthine, bottomless accounts, he co-authored an article entitled "Rebuilding America's Defenses...
Dov went from his position at Systems Planning Corporation to become the Comptroller of the Pentagon in May 2001.

SPC - System Planning Corporation, according to their official website, specializes in many areas of defense technology production and manufacture, including a system developed by their Radar Physics Group called the Flight Termination System, or FTS.(3) This is a system used to destroy target drones (craft that would be fired on by test aircraft or weaponry) in the event of malfunction or "misses". This highly sophisticated war-game technology allows the control of several 'drones' from a remote location, on varying frequencies, and has a range of several hundred miles. This technology can be used on many different types of aircraft, including large passenger jets.

Rabbinen Dov Zakheim har också försnillat ett antal dollar - vart har de tagit vägen?
September 10 U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld holds a press conference to disclose that over $2,000,000,000,000 in Pentagon funds cannot be accounted for. Rumsfeld states: "According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions."
September 10, 2001: Rumsfeld Announces Defense Department Cannot Track $2.3 Trillion in Transactions

In a speech to the Department of Defense, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld announces that the Department of Defense “cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions.” CBS later calculates that 25 percent of the yearly defense budget is unaccounted for, and quotes a long-time defense budget analyst: “[Their] numbers are pie in the sky. The books are cooked routinely year after year.” Coverage of this rather shocking story is nearly nonexistent given the events of the next day.

Erik Kleinsmith
Och varför inte läsa lite om Able Danger - ett dataspaningsprogram som redan år 2000 hade inringat Muhammed Atta och hans kompisar. Men spaningsresultaten måste förstöras och spanarna måste sluta spana annars så skulle de få sparken!
Maj. Eric Kleinsmith, chief of intelligence for the Land Information Warfare Activity (LIWA) unit, is ordered to destroy data and documents related to a military intelligence program set up to gather information about al-Qaeda. The program, called Able Danger, has identified Mohamed Atta and three other future hijackers as potential threats (see January-February 2000). According to Kleinsmith, by April 2000 it has collected “an immense amount of data for analysis that allowed us to map al-Qaeda as a worldwide threat with a surprisingly significant presence within the United States.”

The order to destroy the data and documents is given to Kleinsmith by Army Intelligence and Security Command General Counsel Tony Gentry, who jokingly tells him, “Remember to delete the data—or you’ll go to jail.” [Government Executive, 10/21/2005] The quantity of information destroyed is later described as “2.5 terabytes,” about as much as one-fourth of all the printed materials in the Library of Congress. [Associated Press, 10/16/2005] Other records associated with the unit are allegedly destroyed in March 2001 and spring 2004

Och här kan man få reda på mer om Mohammed Atta och hans kompisar - de drack sprit och spelade och var mest intresserade av flickor - i själva verket spelade de bara teater för att det skulle finnas några att skylla på - planen var fjärrstyrda!

May-August 2001: Hijackers Take Practice Flights and Enjoy Las Vegas Diversions

A number of the hijackers make at least six trips to Las Vegas. It is probable they met here after doing practice runs on cross-country flights. At least Mohamed Atta, Marwan Alshehhi, Nawaf Alhazmi, Ziad Jarrah, Khalid Almihdhar and Hani Hanjour were involved. All of these “fundamentalist” Muslims drink alcohol, gamble, and frequent strip clubs. They even have strippers perform lap dances for them. [Newsweek, 11/15/2001; San Francisco Chronicle, 11/4/2001]

Och israeler följde efter dem och höll reda på vad de gjorde.

December 2000-April 2001: Israeli Investigators Deported After Identifying Two Hijackers

According to later German reports, “a whole horde of Israeli counter-terror investigators, posing as students, [follow] the trails of Arab terrorists and their cells in the United States. ... In the town of Hollywood, Florida, they [identify] ... Atta and Marwan Alshehhi as possible terrorists. Agents [live] in the vicinity of the apartment of the two seemingly normal flight school students, observing them around the clock.” Supposedly, around April, the Israeli agents are discovered and deported, terminating the investigation. [Der Spiegel (Hamburg), 11/1/2002]

August 23, 2001: Mossad Reportedly Gives CIA List of Terrorist Living in US; at Least Four 9/11 Hijackers Named

According to German newspapers, the Mossad gives the CIA a list of 19 terrorists living in the US and say that they appear to be planning to carry out an attack in the near future. It is unknown if these are the 19 9/11 hijackers or if the number is a coincidence. However, four names on the list are known, and these four will be 9/11 hijackers: Nawaf Alhazmi, Khalid Almihdhar, Marwan Alshehhi, and Mohamed Atta. [Der Spiegel (Hamburg), 11/1/2002; Die Zeit (Hamburg), 11/1/2002; BBC, 11/2/2002; Ha'aretz, 11/3/2002]

The Mossad appears to have learned about this through its “art student spy ring.” Yet apparently, this warning and list are not treated as particularly urgent by the CIA and the information is not passed on to the FBI. It is unclear whether this warning influenced the decision to add Alhazmi and Almihdhar to a terrorism watch list on this same day, and if so, why only those two. [Der Spiegel (Hamburg), 11/1/2002] Israel has denied that there were any Mossad agents in the US. [Ha'aretz, 11/3/2002]

September 19, 2001: Atta’s Father Claims Son Was Framed

Mohamed Atta’s father holds a press conference in Cairo and makes a number of surprising claims. He believes that the Mossad, Israel’s spy agency, did the 9/11 attacks, and stole his son’s identity.

He claims that Atta was a mama’s boy prone to airsickness, a dedicated architecture student who rarely mentioned politics, and a victim of an intricate framing. He says that Atta spoke to him on the phone on September 12 about “normal things,” one day after he was supposed to be dead. Atta called his family about once a month, yet never told them he was in the US, continuing to say he was studying in Germany.

Atta’s family never saw him after 1999, and Atta canceled a trip to visit them in late 2000. His father even shows a picture of his son, claiming he looks similar but not the same as the terrorist Atta. [Chicago Tribune, 10/20/2001; New York Times, 10/19/2001; Newsweek, 10/24/2001] He also says that the man pictured in published photos from an airport surveillance camera had a heavier build than his son. [Cairo Times, 10/20/2001] A year later, he still believes his son is alive. [Guardian, 10/2/2002]

Det fanns ett antal israeler i USA och spionerade före 11 september 2001: ISRAEL

Two stills from Carl Cameron's Fox News report on potential Israeli spying in the US

December 12-15, 2001: News Reports Raises Israeli Spying Questions

Fox News reports, “Investigators within the DEA, INS, and FBI have all told Fox News that to pursue or even suggest Israeli spying ... is considered career suicide.” “A highly placed investigator says there are ‘tie-ins’ between the spy ring and 9/11.

However, when asked for details, he flatly refuses to describe them, saying, ‘evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It’s classified information.’”

The report also reveals that Amdocs, an Israeli company, is recording virtually every phone call in the US and could be passing information on to the Israeli government (similar claims were first raised in 2000 [Insight, 6/29/2000] ). Fox News suggests that the position of this company might impede the 9/11 investigation. [Fox News, 1/12/2002]

Se de fyra avsnitten från FOX:
Serie i fyra delar:
Now Fox News has learned some U.S. investigators believe that there are Israelis again very much engaged in spying in and on the U.S., who may have known things they didn't tell us before September 11. Fox News correspondent Carl Cameron has details in the first of a four-part series.

The 'Israeli Art Student' Files
Media coverage of Israel's underground in the US – and the 9/11 connection.

Cooperative Research ISRAEL
September 11, 2001: Two Hours Before Attacks, Israeli Company Employees Receive Warnings

Odigo's logo. [Source: Odigo]Odigo's logo.
Two employees of Odigo, Inc., an Israeli company, receive warnings of an imminent attack in New York City about two hours before the first plane hits the WTC. Odigo, one of the world’s largest instant messaging companies, has its headquarters two blocks from the WTC. The Odigo Research and Development offices where the warnings were received are located in Herzliyya, a suburb of Tel Aviv. Israeli security and the FBI were notified immediately after the 9/11 attacks began. The two employees claim not to know who sent the warnings.

Vad hade israeler för roll när det gällde 7 juli 2005 och London?
Netanyahu Changed Plans Due to Warning
AP | July 07 2005

JERUSALEM - British police told the Israeli Embassy in London minutes before Thursday's explosions that they had received warnings of possible terror attacks in the city, a senior Israeli official said.

Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had planned to attend an economic conference in a hotel over the subway stop where one of the blasts occurred, and the warning prompted him to stay in his hotel room instead, government officials said.
Report: Israel Was Warned Ahead of First Blast
10:43 Jul 08, '05 / 1 Tammuz 5765

( Army Radio quoting unconfirmed reliable sources reported a short time ago that Scotland Yard had intelligence warnings of the attacks a short time before they occurred.

The Israeli Embassy in London was notified in advance, resulting in Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu remaining in his hotel room rather than make his way to the hotel adjacent to the site of the first explosion, a Liverpool Street train station, where he was to address an economic summit.
Contrary to original claims that Israel was warned “minutes before” the first attack, unconfirmed rumors in intelligence circles indicate that the Israeli government actually warned London of the attacks “a couple of days” previous. Israel has apparently given other warnings about possible attacks that turned out to be aborted operations. The British government did not want to disrupt the G-8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, or call off visits by foreign dignitaries to London, hoping this would be another false alarm.

The British government sat on this information for days and failed to respond. Though the Israeli government is playing along publicly, it may not stay quiet for long. This is sure to apply pressure on Blair very soon for his failure to deter this major terrorist attack.

On the day of the 9-11 attacks, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was asked what the attacks would mean for US-Israeli relations. His quick reply was: "It's very good…….Well, it's not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy (for Israel)"

Last edited by on Tue, 2006 Apr 18 13:09:23; edited 42 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon, 2006 Apr 17 19:33:26    Post subject: Reply with quote

Det handlar om ett litet antal judar - bankirer - som iscensätter sina planer tillsammans med ett antal andra västeuropeiska bankirer och frimurarorganisationen Illuminati.
1743: Mayer Amschel Bauer, an Ashkenazi Jew, is born in Frankfurt, Germany, the son of Moses Amschel Bauer, a money lender and the proprietor of a counting house.

Moses Amschel Bauer places a red sign above the entrance door to his counting house. This sign is a red hexagram (which geometrically and numerically translates into the number 666) which under Rothschild instruction will end up on the Israeli flag some two centuries later.

1776: Adam Weishaupt officially completes his organisation of the Illuminati on May 1 of this year. The purpose of the Illuminati is to divide the goyim (all non-Jews) through political, economic, social, and religious means. The opposing sides were to be armed and incidents were to be provided in order for them to: fight amongst themselves; destroy national governments; destroy religious institutions; and eventually destroy each other.

Weishaupt soon infiltrates the Continental Order of Freemasons with this Illuminati doctrine and establishes lodges of the Grand Orient to be their secret headquarters. This was all under the orders and finance of Mayer Amschel Rothschild and the concept has spread and is followed within Masonic Lodges worldwide to the present day.

1791: The Rothschilds get, "control of a nation's money," through Alexander Hamilton (their agent in George Washington’s cabinet) when they set up a central bank in the USA called the First Bank of the United States. This is established with a 20 year charter.

1812: Backed by Rothschild money, and Nathan Mayer Rothschild's orders, the British declare war on the United States. The Rothschilds plan was to cause the United States to build up such a debt in fighting this war that they would have to surrender to the Rothschilds and allow the charter for the Rothschild owned First Bank of the United States to be renewed.

1815: The five Rothschild brothers work to supply gold to both Wellington's army (through Nathan in England) and Napoleon's army (through Jacob in France), and begin their policy of funding both sides in wars. The Rothschilds love wars because they are massive generators of risk free debt.

1837: The Rothschilds send one of their own, August Belmont, an Ashkenazi Jew, to America to salvage their banking interests defeated by President Andrew Jackson.

1840: The Rothschilds become the Bank of England’s bullion brokers. They set up agencies in California and Australia.

1865: In a statement to Congress, President Abraham Lincoln states,

"I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me, and the financial institutions in the rear. Of the two, the one in my rear is my greatest foe."

Later that year, on April 14, President Lincoln is assassinated, less than two months before the end of the American Civil War.

1871: An American General named, Albert Pike, who had been enticed into the Illuminati by Guissepe Mazzini, completes his military blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world, culminating into moving this great conspiracy into its final stage.

The first world war is to be fought for the purpose of destroying the Tsar in Russia,as promised by Nathan Mayer Rothschild in 1815. The Tsar is to be replaced with communism which is to be used to attack religions, predominantly Christianity. The differences between the British and German empires are to be used to forment this war.

The second world war is to be used to forment the controversy between facism and political zionism with the slaughter of Jews in Germany a lynchpin in bringing hatred against the German people. This is designed to destroy fascism (which the Rothschilds created) and increase the power of political zionism. This war is also designed to increase the power of communism to the level that it equalled that of united Christendom.

The third world war is to be played out by stirring up hatred of the Muslim world for the purposes of playing the Islamic world and the political zionists off against one another. Whilst this is going on, the remaining nations would be forced to fight themselves into a state of mental, physical, spiritual and economic exhaustion.

1886: The French Rothschild bank, de Rothschild Frères obtains substantial amounts of Russia's oil fields and forms the Caspian and Black Sea Petroleum Company, which quickly becomes the world's second largest oil producer.

1887: Opium trafficker in China, Edward Albert Sassoon, marries Aline Caroline de Rothschild, the grand-daughter of Jacob (James) Mayer Rothschild. Aline Caroline's father, Gustave, together with his brother, Alphonse, took over the Rothschild's french arm following their father Jacob's death.

The Rothschilds finance the amalgamation of the Kimberley diamond mines in South Africa. They subsequently become the biggest shareholders of this company, De Beers, and mine precious stones in Africa and India.

1897: The Rothschilds found the Zionist Congress to promote Zionism (a political movement with the sole aim of moving all Jews into a singularly Jewish nation state) and arrange its first meeting in Munich. However due to extreme opposition from local Jews, who are quite happy where they are, this meeting has to be moved to Basle, Switzerland and takes place on 29 August. The meeting is chaired by Ashkenazi Jew, Theodor Herzl, who would state in his diaries,

"It is essential that the sufferings of Jews….become worse….this will assist in realization of our plans….I have an excellent idea….I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth….The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends."

Herzl is subsequently elected President of the Zionist Organisation which adopts the, "Rothschild Red Hexagram or Sign," as the Zionist flag which 51 years later will end up as the flag of Israel.

1913: On March 4, Woodrow Wilson is elected the 28th President of the United States. Shortly after he is inaugurated, he is visited in the White House by Ashkenazi Jew, Samuel Untermyer, of law firm, Guggenheim, Untermyer, and Marshall, who tries to blackmail him for the sum of $40,000 in relation to an affair Wilson had whilst he was a professor at Princeton University, with a fellow professor's wife.

President Wilson does not have the money, so Untermyer volunteers to pay the $40,000 out of his own pocket to the woman Wilson had had the affair with, on the condition that Wilson promise to appoint to the first vacancy on the United States Supreme Court a nominee to be recommended to President Wilson by Untermyer. Wilson agrees to this.

Jacob Schiff sets up the Anti Defamation League (ADL) in the United States. This organisation is formed to slander anyone who questions or challenges the Rothschild global conspiracy as, "anti-semitic."

Strangely enough, the same year that they do this they also set up their last and current central bank in America, the Federal Reserve. Congressman Charles Lindbergh stated following the passing of the Federal Reserve Act on December 23,

"The Act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President signs this Bill, the invisible government of the monetary power will be legalized.......The greatest crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency bill."

It is important to note that the Federal Reserve is a private company, it is neither Federal nor does it have any Reserve. It is conservatively estimated that profits exceed $150 billion per year and the Federal Reserve has never once in its history published accounts.

1914: The start of World War I. In this war, the German Rothschilds loan money to the Germans, the British Rothschilds loan money to the British, and the French Rothschilds loan money to the French.

Futhermore, the Rothschilds have control of the three European news agencies, Wolff (est. 1849) in Germany, Reuters (est. 1851) in England, and Havas (est. 1835) in France.

1916: On June 4, Ashkenazi Jew, Louis Dembitz Brandeis is appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States by President Wilson as per his agreed blackmail payment to Samuel Untermyer some three years earlier. Justice Brandeis is also the elected leader of the Executive Committee for Zionist Affairs, a position he has held since 1914.

The middle of World War II. Germany were winning the war as they were being financed by the Rothschilds to a greater extent than France, Italy and England, because Rothschilds, did not want to support the Tsar in Russia, and of course Russia was on the same side as France, Italy and England.

Then a significant event occurred. Germany, although they were winning the war and not one foreign soldier had set foot on their soil, offered armistice to Britain with no requirement of reparations. The Rothschilds were anxious to make sure this didn't happen as they were expecting to make far more money off this war, so they played another card they had up their sleeve.

Whilst the British were considering Germany's offer, Rothschild agent Louis Brandeis sends a Zionist delegation from America to Britain to promise to bring America into the war on the side of the British, provided the British agree to give the land of Palestine to the Rothschilds.

The Rothschilds wanted Palestine for the following reason. They had great business interests in the far east and desired their own state in that area along with their own military which they could use as an aggressor to any state that threatened those interests.

The British subsequently agree to the deal for Palestine and the Zionists in London contact their counterparts in America and inform them of this fact. Suddenly all the major newspapers in America that up to that point had been pro-German turned on Germany running propaganda pieces such as: German soldiers were killing Red Cross Nurses; German soldiers were cutting off babies hands, etc, in order to manipulate the American public against the Germans.

This same year, President Woodrow Wilson, ran a re-election campaign under the slogan, "Re-Elect The Man Who Will Keep Your Sons Out Of The War."

On December 12, Germany and her allies offer peace terms to end the war.

1917: As a result of Germany's offer of peace the Rothschild war machine goes into overdrive in America, spreading propaganda which leads to President Wilson under the instructions of American Zionist leader and Supreme Court Justice, Louis Dembitz Brandeis, reneging on his promise to the electorate and taking America into the first world war on April 6.

As per the Rothschild Zionist promise to the British, to take America into the war, they decide they want something in writing from the British to prove that they will uphold their side of the bargain. The British Foreign Secretary, Arthur James Balfour therefore drafts a letter which is commonly known as the, "Balfour Declaration," which is reprinted below.

Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1917
Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely,
Arthur James Balfour

U.S. Congressman Oscar Callaway informs Congress that J. P. Morgan is a Rothschild front and has taken control of the American media industry. He states,

"In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press...

...They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers...An agreement was reached. The policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month, an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers."

1919: In January, Ashkenazi Jews, Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, are killed as they attempt to lead another Rothschild funded Communist coup, this time in Berlin, Germany.

The Versailles peace conference is held to decide reparations that the Germans need to pay to the victors following the end of the first world war. A delegation of 117 Zionists headed up by Ashkenazi Jew, Bernard Baruch, bring up the subject of the promise of Palestine for them. At this point the Germans realised why America had turned on them and under whose influence, the Rothschilds.

The Versailles peace conference is also used as an attempt by the Rothschilds to set up a world government under the pretext of ending all wars (which they create). This was called the, "League of Nations." Fortunately not enough countries accepted it and so it soon died.

On March 29th The Times of London reports on the Bolsheviks in Russia,

"One of the curious features of the Bolshevist movement is the high percentage of non Russian elements among its leaders. Of the twenty or thirty commissaries, or leaders, who provide the central machinery of the Bolshevist movement, not less than 75% were Jews."

1921: Under the orders of Jacob Schiff the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is founded by Ashkenazi Jews, Bernard Baruch and Colonel Edward Mandell House

The first job of the CFR was to gain control of the press. This task was given to John D. Rockefeller who set up a number of national news magazines such as Life, and Time. He financed Samuel Newhouse to buy up and establish a chain of newspapers all across the country, and Eugene Meyer also who would go on to buy up many publications such as the Washington Post, Newsweek, ant The Weekly Magazine.

The CFR also needed to gate control of radio, television and the motion picture industry. This task was split amongst the international bankers from, Kuhn Loeb, Goldman Sachs, the Warburgs, and the Lehmanns.

1925: This year's Jewish Encyclopaedia, states of the existence of Ashkenazi Jews (who represent approximately 90% of so-called world Jewry), with the startling admission that the so called enemy of the Jews, Esau (also known as Edom, see Genesis 36:1), now actually represents the Jewish race, when on page 42 of Volume V it is stated,

"Edom is in modern Jewry."

So what they're basically saying is that these Ashkenazi Jews, who represent 90% of the so-called Jewish population, are actually gentiles or goyim themselves.

1929: The Rothschilds crash the United States economy by contracting the money supply.

1930: The first Rothschild world bank, the, "Bank for International Settlements (BIS)," is established in Basle, Switzerland. The same place as where 33 years earlier the first ever World Zionist Congress was held.

1933: On January 30, Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany. He drives Jews, many of which were Communist out of Governmental positions within Germany. As a result of this, in July, the Jews hold a World Conference in Amsterdam during which they demand that Hitler re-instate every Jew back to his former position.

Hitler refuses and as a result of this, Samuel Untermyer, the Ashkenazi Jew who blackmailed President Wilson,and is now the head of the American delegation and the president of the whole conference, returns to the United States, and makes a speech on radio which was transcribed in the From the New York Times, Monday, August 7, 1933. In the speech he made the following statements,

"...the Jews are the aristocrats of the world...Our campaign is...the economic boycott against all German goods, shipping and services...What we are to prosecute a purely defensive economic boycott that will undermine the Hitler regime and bring the German people to their senses by destroying their export trade on which their very existence depends...

...Each of you, Jew and Gentile alike...must refuse to deal with any merchant or shopkeeper who sells any German-made goods or who patronizes German ships or shipping."

As two thirds of Germany's food supply had to be imported, and could only be imported with the proceeds of what they exported, if Germany could not export, two thirds of Germany's population would starve, as there would be not enough food for more than one third of the population.

As a result of this boycott, Jews throughout America, would protest outside and damage any stores in which they found any products with, "Made in Germany," printed on them, causing stores to have to dump these products or risk bankruptcy.

Once the effects of this boycott began to be felt in Germany, the Germans, who had demonstrated no violence towards the Jews up to this point, simply began boycotting Jewish stores in the same way the Jews had done to stores selling German products in America.

1939: I.G. Farben the leading producer of chemicals in the world and largest German producer of steel dramatically increases its production. This increased production is almost exclusively used to arm Germany for the Second World War. This company was controlled by the Rothschilds and would go on to use Jews and other disaffected peoples as slave labour in the concentration camps. I.G. Farben also created the lethal Zyklon B gas that was used to exterminate the Jews.

1943: February 18th, Zionist, Izaak Greenbaum, head of the Jewish Agency Rescue Committee, in a speech to the Zionist Executive Council states,

“If I am asked, could you give from the UJA (United Jewish Appeal) monies to rescue Jews, I say, no and I say again no!”

He would go onto state,

“One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Poland!”

1944: On 6 November Lord Moyne, British Minister Resident in the Middle East was assassinated in Cairo by two members of the Jewish terrorist group, the Stern Gang, led by future Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Shamir. He is also responsible for an assassination attempt against Harold MacMichael, the High Commissioner of the British Mandate of Palestine, this same year.

Interestingly he also masterminds another successful assassination this year against the United Nations representative in the Middle East, Count Folke Bernadotte who, although he had secured the release of 21,000 prisoners from German camps during World War II, was seen by Yitzak Shamir and his terrorist collaborators as an anti-Zionist.

In Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, two further Rothschild world banks are created. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Bank.

1947: The British who prior to World War 2 declared that there would be no more immigration of Jews to Palestine in order to protect the Palestinians from their acts of terror against both them and British soldiers, transfer control of Palestine to the United Nations. The United Nations resolve to have Palestine partitioned into two states, one zionist and one arab, with Jerusalem to remain as an international zone to be enjoyed by all religious faiths.

This transfer was scheduled to take place on May 15, 1948. The United Nations had no right to give Arab property to anyone, as indeed even thought the Jews owned 6% of Palestine at that time, resolution 181 granted the Jews 57% of the land leaving the Arabs who at that time had 94% with only 43%.

1948: In the Spring of this year, the Rothschilds bribe President Harry S. Truman (33rd President of the United States 1945 – 1953) to recognise Israel (Rothschild owned Zionist not Jewish territory) as a sovereign state with $2,000,000 which they give to him on his campaign train.

They then declare Israel to be a sovereign Jewish state in Palestine and within half an hour President Truman declared the United States to be the first foreign nation to recognise it.

The Flag of Israel is unveiled. Despite tremendous opposition the emblem on the flag is a blue coloured version of the Rothschild, "Red Hexagram or Sign."

2001: On September 11th the attack on the World Trade Center is orchestrated by Israel with the complicity of Britain and America, under the orders of the Rothschilds as a pretext for removing the liberty of people worldwide in exchange for security, just as happened with the Reichstag fire in Germany where the citizens were lied to in order to give up liberty for security.

They also will use the attacks to gain control of the few nations in the world who don’t allow Rothschild central banks and so less than one month after these attacks, US forces attack Afghanistan, one of only 7 nations in the world who don’t have a Rothschild controlled central bank.

Less than a week before the 9-11 attack on 5 September, the so-called lead hijacker Mohamed Atta and several other hijackers made a still-unexplained visit onboard one of Pro Israeli lobbyist, Ashkenazi Jew, Jack Abramoff’s casino boats.

No investigation is undertook as to what they were doing there. It is discovered that US drug agents’ communications have been penetrated. Suspicion falls on two companies, AMDOCS and Comverse Infosys, both owned by Israelis. AMDOCS generates billing data for most US phone companies and is able to provide detailed logs of who is talking to whom.

Comverse Infosys builds the tapping equipment used by law enforcement to eavesdrop on all American telephone calls, but suspicion forms that Comverse Infosys, which gets half of its research and development budget from the Israeli government, has built a back door into the system that is being exploited by Israeli intelligence and that the information gleaned on US drug interdiction efforts is finding its way to drug smugglers.

The investigation by the FBI leads to the exposure of the largest foreign spy ring ever uncovered inside the United States, operated by Israel. Half of the suspected spies have been arrested when 9-11 happens.

On 9-11, 5 Israelis are arrested for dancing and cheering while the World Trade Towers collapse. Supposedly employed by Urban Moving Systems, the Israelis are caught with multiple passports and a lot of cash.

Two of them are later revealed to be Mossad. As witness reports track the activity of the Israelis, it emerges that they were seen at Liberty Park at the time of the first impact, suggesting a foreknowledge of what was to come. The Israelis are interrogated, and then eventually sent back to Israel.

The owner of the moving company used as a cover by the Mossad agents abandons his business and flees to Israel. The United States Government then classifies all of the evidence related to the Israeli agents and their connections to 9-11.

2005: On January 20, President Bush makes the following statement as part of his second inaugural address, "When our Founders declared a new order of the ages." This is not true. The founders did not declare a, "new order of the ages," President Roosevelt did when in 1933, he put it's latin translation, "Novus Ordo Seclorum," on the dollar bill.

On 7 July the London Underground Network is bombed. Israel’s Finance Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu is in London on the morning of the attacks in order to attend an economic conference in a hotel over the underground station where one of the blasts occurred, but stayed in his hotel room instead after he had been informed by Israeli intelligence officials attacks were expected.

There are now only 5 nations on the world left without a Rothschild controlled central bank: Iran; North Korea; Sudan; Cuba; and Libya.

Physics Professor, Stephen E. Jones of Brigham Young University publishes a paper in which he proves the World Trade Center buildings could have only been brought down in the manner they were by explosives. He receives no coverage in the mainstream media for his scientific and provable claims.

2006: The Edmond De Rothschild Banque, a subsidiary of Europe's Edmond De Rothschild family bank group in France, becomes the first foreign family bank that has obtained approval of the China Banking Regulatory Commission and entered China's financial market.

The ADL ruthlessly leans on governments throughout the world to pass hate crimes legislation, as they are scared that the criminal cabal that is Israel and the Rothschilds is being exposed more and more on a daily basis, predominantly on the internet. Their job is to protect this criminal network and what better way to do it than by passing laws in which anyone who exposes a Jewish criminal becomes a criminal.

The Truth will stand on its own merit
A Jewish Defector Warns America: Benjamin Freedman Speaks

Introductory Note -- Benjamin H. Freedman was one of the most intriguing and amazing individuals of the 20th century.

Mr. Freedman, born in 1890, was a successful Jewish businessman of New York City who was at one time the principal owner of the Woodbury Soap Company. He broke with organized Jewry after the Judeo-Communist victory of 1945, and spent the remainder of his life and the great preponderance of his considerable fortune, at least 2.5 million dollars, exposing the Jewish tyranny which has enveloped the United States.

Mr. Freedman knew what he was talking about because he had been an insider at the highest levels of Jewish organizations and Jewish machinations to gain power over our nation. Mr. Freedman was personally acquainted with Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermyer, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, and John F. Kennedy, and many more movers and shakers of our times.

This speech was given before a patriotic audience in 1961 at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C., on behalf of Conde McGinley's patriotic newspaper of that time, Common Sense. Though in some minor ways this wide-ranging and extemporaneous speech has become dated,Mr. Freedman's essential message to us -- his warning to the West -- is more urgent than ever before.
Rothschild Brothers of London, 1863:
"The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from it's profits or so dependant on it's favors, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages. Will bear its burden without complaint, and perhaps without suspecting that the system is inimical to their best interests.”

"De få som förstår det "monetära" systemet, kommer troligtvis att bli så intresserade över sin egen profit, eller så partiska och så beroende att det, att det kommer inte att bli någon motsättning från denna samhällsklass. Den stora massan av folk mentalt oförmögen att begripa detta enorma övertag kommer att bära sina bördor utan några klagomål, och kanske utan någon misstanke om att systemet är skadligt till deras egna intressen”
Visste du att mellan 92 till 96% av världens pengar är låtsaspengar de finns alltså inte. Det handlar om ett förfarande, enligt där bankerna lånar ut pengar som inte finns (krediter) och sedan kräver ränta även på pengarna som inte finns!

Bankirerna som finansierade både Sovjet och Nazityskland

The Modern History Project:
har ett antal artiklar som beskriver hur ett antal storbankirer finansierade både Sovjet och Nazi-Tyskland.

Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler
How western capitalists funded Hitler and National Socialism
by Antony C. Sutton, 1976
chapter 12 - Conclusions
On May 1st, 1918, when the Bolsheviks controlled only a small fraction of Russia (and were to come near to losing even that fraction in the summer of 1918), the American League to Aid and Cooperate with Russia was organized in Washington, D.C. to support the Bolsheviks. This was not a "Hands off Russia" type of committee formed by the Communist Party U.S.A. or its allies.

It was a committee created by Wall Street with George P. Whalen of Vacuum Oil Company as Treasurer, and Coffin and Oudin of General Electric, along with Thompson of the Federal Reserve System, Willard of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, and assorted socialists.

When we look at the rise of Hitler and Nazism we find Vacuum Oil and General Electric well represented. Ambassador Dodd in Germany was struck by the monetary and technical contribution by the Rockefeller-controlled Vacuum Oil Company in building up military gasoline facilities for the Nazis.

The Ambassador tried to warn Roosevelt. Dodd believed, in his apparent naiveté of world affairs, that Roosevelt would intervene, but Roosevelt himself was backed by these same oil interests and Walter Teagle of Standard Oil of New Jersey and the NRA was on the board of Roosevelt's Warm Springs Foundation.

So, in but one of many examples, we find the Rockefeller-controlled Vacuum Oil Company prominently assisting in the creation of Bolshevik Russia, the military build-up of Nazi Germany, and backing Roosevelt's New Deal.

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
How western capitalists funded Lenin, the Bolsheviks, and the Soviet Union
by Antony C. Sutton, 1974
Evidence already published by George Katkov, Stefan Possony, and Michael Futrell has established that the return to Russia of Lenin and his party of exiled Bolsheviks, followed a few weeks later by a party of Mensheviks, was financed and organized by the German government. The necessary funds were transferred in part through the Nya Banken in Stockholm, owned by Olof Aschberg, and the dual German objectives were: (a) removal of Russia from the war, and (b) control of the postwar Russian market.

In tracing Trotsky's funding in the U.S. we arrived at German sources, yet to be identified, in New York. And though we do not know the precise German sources of Trotsky's funds, we do know that Von Pavenstedt, the chief German espionage paymaster in the U.S., was also senior partner of Amsinck & Co. Amsinck was owned by the ever-present American International Corporation -- also controlled by the J.P. Morgan firm.

Det finns många judiska israelvänliga organisationer. Här en genomgång av dessa i USA:
John J. Mearsheimer Department of Political Science University of Chicago
Stephen M. Walt John F. Kennedy
School of Government Harvard University
March 2006

Det som står i den här skriften är så farligt att tala om så Harvard som får pengar från den israeliska maffian blev tvunget att lägga till det här:
The two authors of this Working Paper are solely responsible for the views expressed in it. As academic institutions, Harvard University and the University of Chicago do not take positions on the scholarship of individual faculty, and this article should not be interpreted or portrayed as reflecting the official position of either institution.

Det finns mycket att läsa i den här skriften och den har blivit mycket hårt kritiserad av den israeliska maffian. Här är ett litet utdrag:

1 Indeed, the mere existence of the Lobby suggests that unconditional support for Israel is not in the American national interest. If it was, one would not need an organized special interest group to bring it about. But because Israel is a strategic and moral liability, it takes relentless political pressure to keep U.S. support intact. As Richard Gephardt, the former House Minority Leader, told the American--Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), “Without [your] constant support . . . and all your fighting on a daily basis to strengthen that relationship, it would not be.” This quote was downloaded from the AIPAC website [] on January 12, 2004. Also see Michael Kinsley, “J’Accuse, Sort Of,” Slate, March 12, 2003.

2 According to the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) “Greenbook,” which reports “overseas loans and grants,” Israel has received $140,142,800 (in constant 2003 dollars) from the United States through 2003. Downloaded from the “Greenbook” web site [] on November 8, 2005.

3 According to the “Greenbook,” Israel received about $3.7 billion in direct aid from the United States in 2003. Israel’s population according to the International Institute for Strategic Studies [IISS] and the CIA is 6,276,883. IISS, The Military Balance: 2005--2006 (Oxfordshire: Routledge, 2005), p. 192; That averages out to $589 per Israeli. If one assumes the same population size and $3 billion in total aid, then each Israeli receives $478.

Last edited by on Tue, 2006 Apr 18 20:46:26; edited 19 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon, 2006 Apr 17 19:33:48    Post subject: Reply with quote

[Red.: För att undanröja alla eventuella missförstånd och utan att vilja antyda att texten skulle utpeka någon etnisk grupp som i sig skyldiga: Detta forum tar AVSTÅND från utpekande av etniska grupper som skyldiga. Forumets hållning är att det är INDIVIDER, ORGANISATIONER och STATER som gör sig skyldiga till brott, inte folkgrupper. Läs en utförlig kommentar om detta på]

Historiskt sett varifrån kommer judarna?

AMAZON - The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage
Koestler stated that part of his intent in writing the book was to defuse anti-Semitism by undermining the identification of European Jews with the Jews of the Bible, rendering anti-Semitic epithets such as "Christ killer" inapplicable.
What is a “Jew”?

Do “Ashkenazi” Jews have a right to Palestine?

Not according to many historians, such as Arthur Koestler, who wrote The Thirteenth Tribe

The word "Jew" refers to both a religion and a race. Using one word for two different concepts is as stupid as referring to a religion as "Chinese". In such a case, some people would describe themselves as Chinese when they were referring to their race, and other people would describe themselves as Chinese when they were referring to their religion.

Idiotic arguments would occur because some Chinese would insist that you cannot be Chinese unless your parents were Chinese. Other people would argue that we can all become Chinese, even Sammy Davis Jr. Incidentally, was Sammy Davis Jr. Jewish?

This arguing over words may seem trivial, but it is the reason we have wars in the Middle East. A group of people referring to themselves as "Jews" are insisting that Palestine belongs to them because their ancestors lived there are 2000 years ago. They created the Zionist movement to help restore their homeland.

However, numerous historians have looked into this issue and discovered that most of these Zionists are not descendants of the original Jews. Rather, most Zionists are "Ashkenazi Jews"; a race of people from Asia. The real, original Jews were physically and genetically similar to the Arabs, specifically, dark skin, dark eyes, and dark hair.

The real homeland for the white, Ashkenazi Jews is near the Caspian and Black Seas, not Palestine. Their ancestors picked up the Jewish religion many centuries ago. Due to the widespread ignorance of people in that era, after a few generations they assumed that they were the descendants of the Jews that lived in Palestine.

Alla judar ställer inte upp på det sionistiska projektet Israel.

Muslim leaders, Orthodox Jewish Rabbis and layman gathered across the street of the United Nation Headquarters, in the Dag Hammarskjold Plaza to express their gratitude to G-d for the current events and to offer their prayers for the future.

Orthodox Jews hold joint press conference with muslim leaders August 22, 2005, nyc, ny

Och somliga verkar ha planer! geografiska planer!

The Israel of Theodore Herzl (1904) and Rabbi Fischmann (1947)
In his Complete Diaries, Vol.II, Page 711, Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism, says that the area of the Jewish state stretches: “From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates”.

Rabbi Fischmann, member of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, declared in his testimony to the U.N. Special Committee of Enquiry on July 9, 1947:

The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt to the Euphrates. It includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.

Och man kan jämföra med vad James Woolsey sagt:
JAMES WOOLSEY på Cooperative Research
April 3, 2003: Ex-CIA Director Foresees Many More Wars in Middle East

James Woolsey.
Former CIA Director James Woolsey says the US is engaged in a world war, and that it could continue for years: “As we move toward a new Middle East, over the years and, I think, over the decades to come ... we will make a lot of people very nervous.”

He calls it World War IV (World War III being the Cold War according to neoconservatives like himself ), and says it will be fought against the religious rulers of Iran, the “fascists” of Iraq and Syria, and Islamic extremists like al-Qaeda.

He singles out the leaders of Egypt and Saudi Arabia, saying, “We want you nervous.” This echoes the rhetoric of the PNAC, of which Woolsey is a supporter, and the singling out of Egypt and Saudi Arabia echoes the rhetoric of the Defense Policy Board, of which he is a member.

In July 2002 (see July 10, 2002), a presentation to that board concluded, “Grand strategy for the Middle East: Iraq is the tactical pivot. Saudi Arabia the strategic pivot. Egypt the prize.” [CNN, 5/3/2003; CNN, 5/3/2003]

Och man kan ta reda på vad Samuel P. Huntington skrivit - The CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS AND THE REMAKING OF WORLD ORDER.
Det går att läsa vad AMAZON skriver om hans bok:

Editorial Reviews
The thesis of this provocative and potentially important book is the increasing threat of violence arising from renewed conflicts between countries and cultures that base their traditions on religious faith and dogma. This argument moves past the notion of ethnicity to examine the growing influence of a handful of major cultures--Western, Eastern Orthodox, Latin American, Islamic, Japanese, Chinese, Hindu, and African--in current struggles across the globe.

Samuel P. Huntington, a political scientist at Harvard University and foreign policy aide to President Clinton, argues that policymakers should be mindful of this development when they interfere in other nations' affairs. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

From Publishers Weekly
Huntington here extends the provocative thesis he laid out in a recent (and influential) Foreign Affairs essay: we should view the world not as bipolar, or as a collection of states, but as a set of seven or eight cultural "civilizations"?one in the West, several outside it?fated to link and conflict in terms of that civilizational identity.

Thus, in sweeping but dry style, he makes several vital points: modernization does not mean Westernization; economic progress has come with a revival of religion; post-Cold War politics emphasize ethnic nationalism over ideology; the lack of leading "core states" hampers the growth of Latin America and the world of Islam. Most controversial will be Huntington's tough-minded view of Islam. Not only does he point out that Muslim countries are involved in far more intergroup violence than others, he argues that the West should worry not about Islamic fundamentalism but about Islam itself, "a different civilization whose people are convinced of the superiority of their culture and are obsessed with the inferiority of their power."

While Huntington notes that the war in Bosnia hardened into an ethno-religious clash, he downplays the possibility that such splintering could have been avoided. Also, his fear of multiculturalism as a source of American weakness seems unconvincing and alarmist. Huntington directs the John M. Olin Institute for Strategic Studies at Harvard.

Och det går att läsa The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives av Zbigniew Brzezinski

Editorial Reviews
The New York Times Book Review, Bernard Gwertzman
Brzezinski has now stated and restated his concerns. His books are there for any political leader to use as material for future policy declarations. But it is difficult in the current situation to imagine much of a competition to take up Brzesinski's ideas, however well they are argued here. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

With a level of calm and reason that is rare in books of this sort, Brzezinski provides an understandable yet sophisticated articulation of a real-world "grand strategy" essential to the future of America in this new century.

America's Master of Strategy on Eurasian Center of Gravity, June 27, 2001
Reviewer: Robert D. Steele (Oakton, VA United States)

His strategic vision honors both France and Germany as co-equal and vital elements of a new European community; shows how the larger Europe (ultimately co-equal to America) is essential to the salvation of Russia; makes the case for an American-Chinese strategic accommodation as the anchor for America's involvement in Eurasia; carefully integrates America's direct and special relations with Japan, Korea, and India as the bowl beneath China and Eurasia, and then concludes with decisive evaluations of the future importance of drawing Turkey into the European community while encouraging Iranian-Turkish collaboration and Iranian commercial and commodities channels from Eurasia out to the world. In passing, the author validates Australia's new strategy of working closely with Indonesia to resolve the latter's many ethnic issues while establishing a southern line against excessive Chinese influence in the region.

Last edited by on Tue, 2006 Apr 18 12:33:47; edited 10 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon, 2006 Apr 17 19:34:14    Post subject: Reply with quote

Om Wolfowitz lärofader Leo Strauss och hans tankar om att eliten ska styra massan med en rövarhistoria typ ett Pearl Harbor eller ett 911.

Det finns de som anser att Leo Strauss filosofi handlar om att bedra - lura andra. Man kan få reda på mer om det om man går till:
Leo Strauss' Philosophy of Deception
By Jim Lobe, AlterNet. Posted May 19, 2003.
Many neoconservatives like Paul Wolfowitz are disciples of a philosopher who believed that the elite should use deception, religious fervor and perpetual war to control the ignorant masses.

Rule One: Deception
It's hardly surprising then why Strauss is so popular in an administration obsessed with secrecy, especially when it comes to matters of foreign policy. Not only did Strauss have few qualms about using deception in politics, he saw it as a necessity.

Second Principle: Power of Religion

According to Drury, Strauss had a "huge contempt" for secular democracy. Nazism, he believed, was a nihilistic reaction to the irreligious and liberal nature of the Weimar Republic. Among other neoconservatives, Irving Kristol has long argued for a much greater role for religion in the public sphere, even suggesting that the Founding Fathers of the American Republic made a major mistake by insisting on the separation of church and state. And why? Because Strauss viewed religion as absolutely essential in order to impose moral law on the masses who otherwise would be out of control.
At the same time, he stressed that religion was for the masses alone; the rulers need not be bound by it.

Third Principle: Aggressive Nationalism

Like Thomas Hobbes, Strauss believed that the inherently aggressive nature of human beings could only be restrained by a powerful nationalistic state. "Because mankind is intrinsically wicked, he has to be governed," he once wrote. "Such governance can only be established, however, when men are united – and they can only be united against other people."

Not surprisingly, Strauss' attitude toward foreign policy was distinctly Machiavellian. "Strauss thinks that a political order can be stable only if it is united by an external threat," Drury wrote in her book. "Following Machiavelli, he maintained that if no external threat exists then one has to be manufactured (emphases added)."

John Yoo en av de neokonservativa - alltså en av Wolfowitz följeslagare - tycker det är rätt med tortyr.

Bush Advisor Says President Has Legal Power to Torture Children
John Yoo publicly argued there is no law that could prevent the President from ordering the torture of a child of a suspect in custody – including by crushing that child’s testicles.
Cassel: If the President deems that he’s got to torture somebody, including by crushing the testicles of the person’s child, there is no law that can stop him?
Yoo: No treaty.
Cassel: Also no law by Congress. That is what you wrote in the August 2002 memo.
Yoo: I think it depends on why the President thinks he needs to do that.
September 21, 2005
Today, somewhere in the DC metropolitan area, the military is conducting a highly classified Granite Shadow "demonstration."

Granite Shadow is yet another new Top Secret and compartmented operation related to the military’s extra-legal powers regarding weapons of mass destruction. It allows for emergency military operations in the United States without civilian supervision or control.
The Pentagon has developed a comprehensive strategy for taking over the internet and controlling the free flow of information. The plan appears in a recently declassified document, “The Information Operations Roadmap”, which was provided under the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) and revealed in an article by the BBC.

The Pentagon sees the internet in terms of a military adversary that poses a vital threat to its stated mission of global domination. This explains the confrontational language in the document which speaks of “fighting the net”; implying that the internet is the equivalent of “an enemy weapons system."
It is because the truth would destroy society and the philosophers alike if it became known, that Strauss said that Plato and the ancient philosophers, like Strauss himself, wrote in a kind of code, whose true meaning only disclosed itself to the wise. If the vulgar happened on their books, they would find only the familiar salutary myths about the rewards of virtue, the punishment of vice and the like.

Vad skriver svenska media om Leo Strauss vars lärljunge är Paul Wolfowitz.

"Leo Strauss"
1 svar - en bokrecenssion
Den goda människan i Vita Huset av Peter Singer

"Leo Strauss"

1 relevant svar + 1 svar om en musiker vid samma namn
Bara CIA ser bevis som inte existerar av Jan Guillou
med ett citat av Seymor M Hersh
För det första utgår medarbetarna från en tanke de hämtat från en gemensam läromästare på University of Chicago, Leo Strauss. I korthet att man redan hos de grekiska filosoferna kan finna passager som är medvetet skrivna så att bara särskilt intelligenta människor kan förstå.,2789,314037,00.html

"Leo Strauss"
1 svar - USA världens frälsare
Kejsaren Bushs imperialism USA:s värden är av Gud givna och tillhör alla folk. George W Bush banar vägen till frihet. Instrumentet är väpnad kamp. Målet är en god världshegemoni. Så måste Bushs senaste två tal tolkas, skriver statsvetaren Claes Ryn, som jämför Bushs stödtrupper med jakobinerna på 1700-talet.

Skrämmande - kanske ännu mer skrämmande - i det här riket verkar redan tystnaden råda - en media tystnad som gör invånarna till fån!
Man kan undra om det är någon idé att själv spana på det här med en kommande diktatur i USA - är det någon som bryr sig om det i landet Sverige?

Varför inte testa med Carl Schmitt - han som skrev lagar åt Hitler och är en av Leo Strauss inspirationskällor!
"Carl Schmitt" ger 5 svar
Schmitt vill till varje pris införliva undantagstillståndet med rätten. I hans ögon anger det suveränens exklusiva möjlighet att ta lagen i egna händer. Detta är den dominerande linjen i modern historia, hävdad av alla som vill säkra statens och ordningens bestånd.

Benjamin å sin sida anser att undantagstillståndet är ett avbrott eller vakuum i rätten, ett tomrum där alla lagar är deaktiverade och där människans handlingar inte längre är underkastade någon lag. Detta är den äldsta linjen. Den formulerades tidigast i den romerska rätten. Det råder kris, republiken vacklar, senaten proklamerar iustitium, undantagstillstånd, och alla männi­skor hänvisas till sig själv
Någonstans i förvirringen mellan vad som egentligen sades mellan UD och Säpo tycks ett svenskt undantagstillstånd ha uppstått, en plats och ett ögonblick där våra lagar och förordningar inte längre gällde.
Det var inget lätt val ur ett politiskt perspektiv: antingen skicka en signal om att Sverige erbjuder de terrormisstänkta fristad eller också lämna ut två egyptiska männen till en regim som tillåter tortyr Men poängen med vår rättsordning är att den också gäller för politiker i svåra valsituationer.
Problematiken är knappast ny i historien. Den framstående tyske rättsteoretikern Carl Schmitt menade på 20-talet att det var just undantagstillståndet som definierade vem som verkligen hade makten i samhället. Förmågan att sätta sig över lagen är viktigare än viljan att upprätthålla den.

Men trots flitigt proklamerande av undantagstillstånd gick Weimarrepubliken under. Och Schmitt blev i stället intellektuell kollaboratör med nazisterna, med ansvar för bland annat raslagarna i Nürnberg. Även om man ska vara försiktig med demagogiska historiska jämförelser är det en sensmoral värd att ha i tankarna i dag.
Den moderna statslärans grundare lockar därför forskare och debattörer som aldrig förr. Machiavelli återkommer. Det gör också Thomas Hobbes och Baruch Spinoza som under sextonhundratalets stora oreda sökte nyckeln till en beständig samhällsbildning. Bland källorna finns även demokratins första teoretiker, från Burke och Condorcet till

Tocqueville, Marx och Geijer, som grubblade över den franska revolutionens följder och folksuveränitetens innebörd. Och många hämtar perspektiv från moderna tänkare som reflekterat kring förhållandet mellan våld och politik: välkända figurer som Hannah Arendt, Walter Benjamin och Michel Foucault, men också tänkare som suttit i karantän, till exempel Lenin eller den än mer kontroversielle Carl Schmitt, nazisternas statsfilosof, som menade att politikens konstant är gränsen mellan vän och fiende.

Slutligen, till den liberalt sinnade som vill brottas med den mörka sidan, föreslår jag Jan-Werner Müllers "A dangerous mind. Carl Schmitt in post-war European thought" (Yale UP). Rättsfilosofen Schmitt var från början en konservativ nationalist men samarbetade med nazisterna under 1930-talet. Men han var också en av Europas skarpaste tänkare under 1900-talet. Hans kritik av liberalismen är en utmaning för den som är beredd att möta den i Isaiah Berlins anda: "Det är tråkigt att läsa likasinnade, människor som har ungefär samma åsikter. Det är motståndarna som är intressanta, därför att fienden tränger igenom våra försvarslinjer."

"Carl Schmitt" ger 3 svar.,2789,678560,00.html
Men tyngdpunkten i Undantagstillståndet ligger inte i historien, utan i polemiken mellan Walter Benjamin och rättshistorikern och sedermera en av Tredje Rikets viktigaste jurister Carl Schmitt (en debatt som pågick i många år, bland annat under det undantagstillstånd som Hitler proklamerade och som aldrig upphörde).
Benjamin hävdar i sin essä Försök till en kritik av våldet att undantagstillståndet är ett tillstånd utan lagar. Ett rättsligt vakuum som kan utnyttjas för ett "rent" revolutionärt våld - för att helt avskaffa rätten och inleda en ny tid.
Schmitt hävdar däremot: "Den är suverän som beslutar om undantagstillståndet." Alltså en person som står utan- och innanför lagen på en samma gång - för att han ÄR makten. Det är lätt att inse varför en av Tredje rikets jurister inte kan tillåta ett tillstånd utan lag - diktatorn måste ha makten över allt, annars är han ingen diktator.
Av samma skäl kan inte vår tids demokratiska stater tillåta tillstånd utan lag - eller rätt, då är de inga stater. Därför hävdar de med Schmittsk emfas att de inför undantagslagar för att rädda rätten.

"Carl Schmitt" ger 0 svar!!!!!

Tyvärr är namn som Leo Strauss i det närmaste helt okända i Sverige. Media tiger. Så du får själv ta reda på vem Leo Strauss var... och vad han ville:
Leo Strauss' Philosophy of Deception

Wikipedia går alltid att använda:

Carl Schmitt (July 11, 1888 - April 7, 1985) was a German legal theoretician and political scientist.

Schmitt was born the son of a small businessman in Plettenberg, Westphalia on July 11, 1888; he studied political science and law in Berlin, Munich and Strasbourg and took his graduation and state exams in the then-German Strasbourg in 1915. He became professor at the university of Berlin in 1933, the same year that he entered the Nazi party (NSDAP), which he would continue to belong until the end of the war. However, his writings on sovereignty have kept an acute relevancy, in his discussion with Walter Benjamin. Jacques Derrida and Giorgio Agamben, among others, have closely read this decisive debate.

Similarly, the influential political philosopher Leo Strauss engaged Schmitt in a wide-ranging critique of The Concept of the Political (now included in that book) and bequeathed to his disciples a distinct sense of Schmitt's legal and political significance.
Bl.a. förespråkar Yoo att USA skall lönnmörda fler misstänkta terrorister än de som mördas idag. Obs ordet “misstänkta”.

Yoo vill också att USAs president skall få diktatorisk makt i landet utan någon kontroll från kongressen eller Högsta Domstolen.

Yoo har tjänstgjort i USAs justitiedepartement där han var en av dom som utarbetade de förhörsregler som ledde till tortyren i Abu Ghuraib. Han har förekommit tidigare i den här bloggen.

Yoo, som föddes i Korea men växte upp i USA är ett levande massförstörelsevapen som mycket liknar de intellektuella som försvarade Nazismen på 30 och 40-talen. Författaren Robert Brasillach som avrättades som kollaborationist efter krigsslutet kommer i tankarna.

Yoo har bl.a. arbetat för USAs fruktade f.d. Justitieminsiter John Ashcroft, en arkitekterna bakom regeringens s.k. Patriot Act som redan har inskränkt de mänskliga fri- och rättigheterna i USA. Får han som han vill så kommer USA snart att likna Nord Korea. Ashcroft verkar f.ö. ha imponerat på Thomas Bodström.
This is a transcript of what John Yoo discussed at Loyola Law School last night, including questions.

Isn’t your interpretation exactly the same as Karl Schmidt, who argued to legitimize Hitler’s warmongering?

No. My theory comes directly from Alexander Hamilton. This is the unitary government theory. This predates Karl Schmidt or Nazi Germany by over 100 years. Hamilton’s argument allowed Washington to stay neutral as the Napoleonic Wars started, even though Washington was supposedly bound by the self-defense treaty of 1778 to defend France. That is not to say that there aren’t hard questions here. One such question is: What is a legislative power, and what is an executive power? But Hamilton’s point is, if there is a power, and the Constitution doesn’t assign it to Congress, it should be assigned to the President.
Cheney and the 'Schmitt-lerian' Drive for Dictatorship


This argument has a definite pedigree—even if its proponents, understandably, fail to footnote it.

It is called the Führerprinzip, and its foremost theorist was Carl Schmitt, known in his time as the "Crown Jurist of the Third Reich." Schmitt's theories have been undergoing a revival in the United States and elsewhere in recent years, so it is not surprising to see them popping up here.

Schmitt contended—as do Cheney's lawyers today—that, in times of crisis, legal norms are suspended, and the Leader, in this case, the President, both is, and creates, the law. "All law is derived from the people's right to existence," Schmitt wrote in 1934. "Every state law, every judgment of the courts, contains only so much justice, as it derives from this source. The content and the scope of his action, is determined only by the Leader himself."

The "theoretical" grounding for these arguments in the Nazi period, was provided by Schmitt, who contended that legal norms are applicable only in stable, peaceful situations, not in times of war when the state confronts a "mortal enemy." The Leader determines what is "normal," and he also defines "the state of the exception," when legal norms, and notions such as the separation of powers, and constitutionally guaranteed checks and balances, no longer apply.

"Even in a White House known for its dedication to conservative philosophy, Addington is known as an ideologue, an adherent of an obscure philosophy called the unitary executive theory that favors an extraordinarily powerful President," Milbank continued.

The "theory" traces its origins to the Reagan Administration—and in time it coincided with the formation of the Federalist Society (which, to be historically accurate, would better be known as the Anti-Federalist Society). One of the founders of the Federalist Society, Steven Calabresi of Yale University, is also the foremost proponent of the unitary executive.

At its core, is the dogma that the President has as much right as, perhaps even more than, the Supreme Court, to interpret the Constitution, and that the President must brook no interference from the other two branches with his perogatives and powers. The President is entitled, indeed obligated, to disregard any laws he regards as unconstitutional (although this is, to be sure, a quite perverted meaning of what is "constitutional" and "unconstitutional").

In the Bush-Cheney Administration, under the direction of Addington and his clique, the doctrine has been applied to military and national security matters in an unprecedented manner, even to the chagrin of some of its proponents.
The 9/11 Constitution
By Cass R. Sunstein, New Republic 9/1/06
Jan 9, 2006, 10:34

After the attacks of September 11, constitutional law was bound to change. Serious threats to national security have always had large effects on the nation's understanding of its founding document. A major reason is that the president's lawyers tend to see the Constitution as a highly flexible instrument, permitting their client to do what he thinks must be done. Francis Biddle, attorney general under Franklin Delano Roosevelt, said that "the Constitution has never greatly bothered any wartime president." Courts often ratify the decisions of wartime presidents. Roosevelt himself placed Japanese-Americans on the West Coast in internment camps, and the Supreme Court upheld his decision.
Yoo's academic work includes analysis of the history of judicial review in the U.S. Constitution. (See discussion in the Marbury v. Madison entry.) Yoo's book The Powers of War and Peace : The Constitution and Foreign Affairs after 9/11 has enjoyed critical praise from the Washington Times[12], which likened it to The Prince, and from David B. Rivkin Jr. and Carlos Ramos-Mrosovsky (The National Review, November 21, 2005) who were impressed with both its scholarship and theoretical elegance. It was cited during the Senate hearings for U.S. Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito by Senator Joseph Biden. Senator Biden praised Yoo personally as a "very bright guy."[13]

After he left the Department of Justice, it was revealed that Yoo authored memos defining torture and American habeas corpus obligations narrowly.[14] Protestors at Berkeley demanded, to no avail, that he renounce the memos or resign his professorship. Yoo, citing the classified nature of the matter, has declined to confirm or deny reports that he authored the position that the President had sufficient power to allow the NSA to monitor the communications of US citizens on US soil without a warrant, i.e. NSA warrantless surveillance controversy.[15]

Yoo contends that the Congressional check on Presidential war making power comes from its power of the purse. Yoo also contends that the President, and not the Congress or courts, has sole authority to interpret international treaties such as the Geneva Convention "because treaty interpretation is a key feature of the conduct of foreign affairs"[16] His positions on executive power, collectively termed the Yoo Doctrine[17][18] or Unitary Executive theory,[19][20] are controversial since it is suggested the theory holds that the President's war powers place him above any law.[21] For a detailed discussion on the subject see Unitary Executive theory.[22]

Consistent with the Yoo Doctrine, Yoo acknowledged during a December 2005 debate at Notre Dame University with professor Doug Cassel that no treaty prevents the President from authorizing the torture of a detainee's child -- including by "crushing the testicles" of the child. When asked whether any law prevents it, Yoo replied that it would depend on why the President was authorizing it. [23] [24] (mp3 audio file).

Yoo is the son-in-law of television reporter Peter Arnett.

Last edited by on Tue, 2006 Apr 18 19:50:49; edited 16 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon, 2006 Apr 17 19:34:33    Post subject: Reply with quote

Och det handlar om ekonomi. Oljan för till en global diktatur under bankirerna. En global slavstat. Oljan kräver bankirernas pengar för att hitta den, pumpa upp den, transportera den, raffinera den, distribuera den.

Och framförallt så krävs att befolkningarna i de länder där oljan finns hålls lugna genom militär makt så att inte dessa befolkningar spränger oljekällorna i luften när de förstår att de har blivit berövade sina naturrikedomar. Krig är dyrt, mycket dyrt. Krig fodrar bankirernas pengar. Först när vi kan bli kvitt oljan - producera energi lokalt så kan vi bli av med dessa herrar och deras planer för oss.

Sedan oljekrisen 1973 har USA en deal med OPEC att bara sälja olja i dollar. Det är basen för deras alkemiska privilegium, att förse resten av världen med reservvaluta. Så länge det är så kan finns det knappt några gränser för hur mycket pengar de kan tillverka, hur stora underskott de kan tillåta sig och hur mycket militär upprustning de kan kosta på sig. Ju högre oljepris, ju högre internationell efterfrågan på dollar och ju högre dollarkurs. Krig och 'terrorism' håller ekonomin under armarna genom att pressa upp oljepriset.

En vara (eller tjänst) tillhör den ekonomi (centralbank) vars valuta den är prissatt i, därför fanns det ingen anledning för USA att invadera Irak för att 'lägga beslag på oljan'. De äger den redan, så länge den är prissatt i dollar.

Skälen för invasion kan istället kopplas till Euron, the new kid on the block, som hotar dollarhegemonin. Utan denna hegemoni skulle den Amerikanska ekonomin snabbt implodera på grund av underskotten.

Saddam bytte oljevaluta till Euro år 2000 och OPEC öppnandet av en eurobaserad oljebörs i Iran sammanfaller precis med det aviserade anfallet i mars, krigen riktar sig mot Eurozonens 'kunder' och indirekt mot Europa och om man hör till dem som inte nöjer sig med slumpen kan man ju söka hotbilder och motiv till Lindhmordet här.

Irak har 11% av världens oljereserver eller 112,5 miljarder fat. Vid ett pris på $50/fat blir värdet av deras olja 5625 miljarder dollar, en summa som skulle ha tillfallit den europeiska ekonomin (och Irak blivit en del av) om man följde det lagenliga beslut Saddam fattade 2000. Nu är det inte så, med en befolkning i Eurozonen på 291 miljoner människor innebär det en förlust på ca $19 000/person. I Iran som har 9% av världens olja står Europa till att förlora ytterligare $15 000/person
Published on 3 Aug 2005 by Media Monitors Network. Archived on 9 Aug 2005.
Petrodollar Warfare: Dollars, Euros and the Upcoming Iranian Oil Bourse

by William Clark

“This notion that the United States is getting ready to attack Iran is simply ridiculous...Having said that, all options are on the table.”
– President George W. Bush, February 2005

Contemporary warfare has traditionally involved underlying conflicts regarding economics and resources. Today these intertwined conflicts also involve international currencies, and thus increased complexity. Current geopolitical tensions between the United States and Iran extend beyond the publicly stated concerns regarding Iran’s nuclear intentions, and likely include a proposed Iranian “petroeuro” system for oil trade.

Similar to the Iraq war, military operations against Iran relate to the macroeconomics of ‘petrodollar recycling’ and the unpublicized but real challenge to U.S. dollar supremacy from the euro as an alternative oil transaction currency.

Barring a U.S. attack, it appears imminent that Iran’s euro-denominated oil bourse will open in March 2006. Logically, the most appropriate U.S. strategy is compromise with the E.U. and OPEC towards a dual-currency system for international oil trades.


Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes...known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few…No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.
– James Madison, Political Observations, 1795

It all started in Titusville, Pennsylvania on August 27, 1859. "Colonel" Edwin L. Drake, the first "wildcatter", struck oil and transformed the northwestern portion of the state into a boomtown. He was prompted by the efforts of George Bissell, the father of the oil industry, to extract "rock oil" from the ground to serve as an illuminant. The process of refining the oil to a usable flammable liquid was perfected by chemist Benjamin Silliman and the final product became known as "kerosene". Together their efforts turned night into day and extended working hours beyond what was available with natural light. The second Industrial Revolution began with and was aided by oil discovered and produced in the United States.

John D. Rockefeller exploited the new discovery and founded Standard Oil based on a fledgling refinery business in Cleveland, Ohio in 1865. He was instrumental in developing the modern business model of the industry and in fostering advances in technology and trade. Pipelines were built to bypass the high cost of delivering the wooden barrels (formerly whiskey casks) due to the formidable power of the Teamsters Union. Eventually these pipelines linked the Pennsylvania fields to railroads which sent the oil and kerosene to thirsty markets in the industrial northeast.

Rockefeller meticulously bought and linked all the supply and distribution sectors under one roof. This consolidation made Standard a dominant force and allowed Rockefeller the opportunity to develop price cutting methods to destroy his competition and assimilate smaller companies in short order. It would take until 1911 before Standard was split up by the federal government before the company would face its first real competitor.

The US may have founded the modern oil industry but it was not alone. The Russians had quickly developed their own industry when Baku in the Caucasus region spouted in 1873. As luck would have it Ludwig Nobel, son of a Swedish inventor, was in the area looking for walnut for the stocks of Russian rifles when he decided to invest his money in the embryonic industry by buying a refinery. Together with his brother Ludwig, the Nobels built up Russian production as well as distribution with the first efficient tanker ship to the point that American oil was being challenged for the first time in 1884. The challenge occurred in Europe and the effect was massive growth in the industrialized sectors.

While the Americans and Russians were at the forefront of development, Marcus Samuel, the son of a shell merchant from London, had established an extensive trade business with Far Eastern connections to ship kerosene to the rest of the world. He joined forces with the French Rothschild family and in 1891 he was shipping the illuminant oil from the Caucasus through the Suez Canal to Hong Kong and the Dutch East Indies. At the same time Royal Dutch Oil was exploiting far eastern oil and eventually Samuel's Shell Oil and the Rothschilds joined the company to become the powerhouse known as Royal Dutch/Shell.

Henry Ford's automobile built in 1896 spurred demand unlike any other invention and to meet that demand oil was discovered in Texas when a gusher blew at Spindletop in Beaumont in 1900 followed by California and Oklahoma. American companies popped up with names like Sun, Texaco, and Gulf. Standard gobbled up all the companies it could but was kept out of Texas by the ex-governor James Hogg. As had happened in Pennsylvania, flush production quickly drove prices down and the boom turned to a bust.

19th century progressivism propelled by "muckraking" journalists lowered its aim on Standard Oil following the writing of Ida Tarbell, the daughter of an oil tank maker. She lambasted the cutthroat practices of Standard in a series of articles in McClure's and this lead to public outcry for President Roosevelt, elected with campaign contributions from Standard Oil, to do something. He had the Justice Department sue the company under the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 in 1906. Five years later the company would be broken up by the Supreme Court. The dissolution created the following companies that would soon themselves dominate the industry: Standard of New Jersey became Esso (later Exxon), Standard of New York became Mobil, Standard of California became Chevron, Standard of Ohio became Sohio (later merging with the American arm of BP), Standard of Indiana became Amoco, Continental became Conoco, and Atlantic became ARCO. The dragon was slain and the Seven Sisters were born.

If things were looking bad for Standard they weren't looking much better for Royal Dutch/Shell in Russia. A young man by the name of Joseph Djugashvili was organizing a workers rebellion known as the Bolshevik movement in the Caucasus. He would later change his name to Joseph Stalin and the movement would lead to the Russian Revolution in 1905. That seminal event caused the first major oil disruption and forced the companies to look for oil elsewhere. Elsewhere was the Middle East.

Baku 1905 - Baku för hundra år sedan
The refit of the navy from coal to oil pushed Britain headlong into the emerging conflict with Germany. The first member of the Admiralty to envision the conflict was John Arbuthnot Fisher who saw the growing threat to British naval dominance by the growing German fleet. In the words of one of its admirals Germany's aim was to break "England's world domination so as to lay free the necessary colonial possessions for the central European states who need to expand". The naval race had begun.

Winston Churchill had risen through Parliament to the position of President of the Board of Trade. It was there that he battled Fisher and the navy over its expansion and the threat of Germany which he declared as "all nonsense". He was proven wrong in 1911 when the German gunboat Panther sailed in to the Moroccan port of Agadir and shortly thereafter he threw his considerable weight behind the modernization of the fleet. This was formalized when he was named as the First Lord of the Admiralty, the top post for the Royal Navy.

The transition from coal to oil had already begun but between Churchill and Fisher the effort was intensified. In the years from 1911 to 1914 the entire British fleet was converted, including new construction. The advantage was not only speed and maneuverability but also freed up men from coal shoveling duty to man battle stations. Churchill appraised the commitment to oil when he stated, "To build any large additional number of oil-burning ships meant basing our naval supremacy upon oil. But oil was not found in appreciable quantities in our islands. If we required it we must carry it by sea in peace or war from distant countries. We had, on the other hand, the finest supply of the best steam coal in the world, safe in our mines under our land. To commit the Navy irrevocably to oil was indeed 'to take arms against a sea of troubles.'"

While the Allies were pooling, the Germans were facing a shortage of their own. The naval blockade had kept out virtually all shipments of oil to them. The Germans had been supplied by the Romanians but that ended when Romania declared war against them in 1916. In desperation, the Germans launched an offensive to secure Romanian oil. But they were thwarted by the efforts of British Colonel John Norton-Griffiths when he destroyed the Romanian oil industry. The Germans did capture the fields but they never got production back to the former levels and their military efforts suffered from it.

A similar situation happened in Baku when the Germans pressed to secure Caspian oil. They secured diplomatic access through the Brest-Litovsk Treaty with Russia but the Turks were threatening to seize the fields for themselves. Stalin told the local Bolsheviks to comply with the Germans but he was told, "Neither in victory nor in defeat will we give the German plunderers one drop of oil produced by our labor". The Brits arrived in 1918 and prevented the German capture of the city but the Turks took it shortly thereafter.

The loss of Baku was the final blow for the German offensive. Facing a bleak six-month supply of fuel the Germans surrendered on November 11, 1918. The role of oil in the Great War was expressed by Lord Curzon, a British member of the War Cabinet, when he said to the assembly of the members of the Inter-Allied Petroleum Conference, "One of the most astonishing things was the tremendous army of motor lorries. The Allied cause had floated to victory on a wave of oil."

Days later, French Premier Georges Clemenceau and British Prime Minister David Lloyd George took a drive around London to the cheers of gathered crowds. They discussed how to carve up the spoils of the war. In particular, they discussed parts of Mesopotamia, soon to be named Iraq. The French agreed to trade Mosul in the north for Syria. With that the lines were being drawn in the Middle East in the fading shadows of the Ottoman Empire. The lines were in some cases arbitrary and straight ignoring tribal fiefdoms but in other cases the lines were specific to the future interest in oil exporting. And in the case of TransJordan (later Jordan) and Palestine it was the transiting of oil to the European market via the Mediterranean Sea.

In 1912, the British had consolidated their interests in the region with the advent of British Petroleum but there was a new challenge. The Turkish Petroleum Company

comprised of the German Deutsche Bank (still smarting from having its interest in BP seized) and Royal Dutch/Shell, with a quarter of ownership each, was assembled to compete for Middle Eastern Oil. The other half interest was held by the Turkish National Bank, ironically a British-controlled bank from Turkey. There was another party involved but it wasn't a bank or a concession it was one man known as Mr. Five Percent. His name was Calouste Gulbenkian.

Gulbenkian was a second generation petroleum businessman. He was the son of an Armenian oil man and banker who had made his fortune selling Russian kerosene to the Ottoman Empire. After publishing an influential book on Russian oil in 1891 at the age of 21, Calouste was heralded as an oil expert. His expertise was tapped by officials of the Turkish Sultan to investigate the potential of the Mesopotamian region. Without setting foot there he put together a report that launched the development of Iraq. He was soon thereafter courted by Royal Dutch/Shell and the Turkish Petroleum Company was formed.

In 1914, under pressure from the British government, the Turkish Petroleum Company reshaped its membership. Under the "Foreign Office Agreement" Anglo-Persian was given a 50% share while Deutsche Bank and Royal Dutch/Shell kept their 25% each. In order to give Gulbenkian a vested interest Anglo-Persian and RD/Shell gave up 2.5% each and thus Mr. Five Percent was named. The partners agreed to a critical stipulation called the "self-denying clause" which established that no partner could develop anywhere within the Ottoman Empire individually. All prospects would be handled jointly under the umbrella of the Turkish Petroleum Company with the exception being Egypt, Kuwait, and the "transferred territories" on the Turco-Persian border.

While the Great War was boiling around them the prospecting continued. In a series of agreements the British sought to strengthen their control of the burgeoning Middle East. In the first agreement the Arabs revolted against the Ottomans because the British had promised them, in correspondence (1915-1916) with Husein ibn Ali of Mecca, the independence of their countries after the war. Then the Sykes-Picot Agreement, hammered out by representatives of the British and French government established the spheres of influence which eventually became the Gulf States. The remnants of the Ottoman Empire would be broken up with Palestine, TransJordan, and Iraq under the British Mandate, and Syria and Lebanon under the French Mandate. This agreement was contentious for the Brits due to the French having been granted control of Mosul, later to be transferred in a car ride in London two years later.

En avgörande händelse var Sykes-Picot avtalet - som har format mycket av 1900-talets historia. Första världskriget var ett krig om oljan och sen har det fortsatt med fler världskrig om oljan:

Tittar man på en karta kan man se att Israel finns ungefär där oljan finns men att Israel inte har någon egen olja. Och man kan se vilka vägar oljan behöver följa för att kunna gå ut i världen - till oljekonsumenterna.

Här är lite statistik över oljekonsumtion i olka länder:

Oil consumption by and for each person
    Country    Barrels of oil per person annually
    US           23.4
    Japan    14.0
    Spain    13.8
    Mexico    6.0
    Brazil      3.5
    China      1.5
    India       0.8
    • Source: Simmons & Company International.

Och man kan se att det finns oljeledningar ut från Irak mot Medelhavet. Och att kunna få ut oljan via hamnen i Haifa skulle ge Israel goda inkomster.

Vad berättar media om detta? Om orsakerna till det som hänt - 11 september 2001 - och ockupationen av Afghanistan och Irak?
Du kan ju alltid Googla på det och själv bidra med lite bra länkar i ämnet till den här sidan!

Det finns ännu en konfliktanledning och det är Hormuz sundet - Iran kan sänka några båtar där - och oljan kan inte transporteras ut den vägen.
Engelska Wikipedia har mer att berätta om Hormuz sundet.

Vågar man inte diskutera Israels roll i det som hänt - nu pågår och det som kommer att följa, så blir det svårt att förstå någonting. Du ska inte behöva få höra att du är anti-semit bara för att du vill ha fred i världen!

February 1982: Article in Israeli Journal Says Israel Should Exploit Internal Tensions of Arab States

The winter issue of Kivunim, a “A Journal for Judaism and Zionism,” publishes “A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties” by Oded Yinon. The paper, published in Hebrew, rejects the idea that Israel should carry through with the Camp David accords and seek peace. Instead, Yinon suggests that the Arab States should be destroyed from within by exploiting their internal religious and ethnic tensions: “Lebanon’s total dissolution into five provinces serves as a precedent for the entire Arab world including Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and the Arabian peninsula and is already following that track. The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unique areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short term target. Syria will fall apart, in accordance with its ethnic and religious structure, into several states such as in present day Lebanon.”

Is the US
Waging Israel's Wars?
By Linda S. Heard – Counterpunch April 25, 2006


Many throughout the Muslim world and beyond are asking this question: What are the real reasons behind the US invasion of Iraq and its wish to overthrow the governments of Syria and Iran?

Yinon's strategy was based on this premise. In order to survive Israel must become an imperial regional power and must also ensure the break-up of all Arab countries so that the region may be carved up into small ineffectual states unequipped to stand up to Israeli military might. Here's what he had to say on Iraq:

"The dissolution of Syria and Iraq into ethnically or religiously unique areas such as in Lebanon is Israel's primary target on the Eastern frontIraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel's targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria. Iraq is stronger than Syria. In the short run, it is Iraqi power which constitutes the greatest threat to Israel.

"An Iraqi-Iranian war will tear Iraq apart and cause its downfall at home even before it is able to organize a struggle on a wide front against us. Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and Lebanon.

"In Iraq, a division into provinces along ethnic/religious lines as in Syria during Ottoman times is possible. So, three (or more) states will exist around the three major cities: Basra, Baghdad and Mosul and Shiite areas in the South will separate from the Sunni and Kurdish north."

När det gäller uppdelningen av Irak i tre delar - kurder - sunniter - shiter i varsin del så kan man påminna om den zionistiske juden och krigshetsaren Les Gelb - Council on Foreign Relation - idé att Irak skulle delas upp i tre delar. Det går att Googla på:
“Les Gelb” “Three state solution”
eller läsa artikeln här om man inte vill betala för att läsa den på NYTimes saj:
THE NEW YORK TIMES November 25, 2003

Så här avslutas artikeln:

For decades, the United States has worshiped at the altar of a unified yet unnatural Iraqi state. Allowing all three communities within that false state to emerge at least as self-governing regions would be both difficult and dangerous. Washington would have to be very hard-headed, and hard-hearted, to engineer this breakup. But such a course is manageable, even necessary, because it would allow us to find Iraq's future in its denied but natural past.
A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties
by Oded Yinon

This essay originally appeared in Hebrew in KIVUNIM (Directions), A Journal for Judaism and Zionism; Issue No, 14--Winter, 5742, February 1982, Editor: Yoram Beck. Editorial Committee: Eli Eyal, Yoram Beck, Amnon Hadari, Yohanan Manor, Elieser Schweid. Published by the Department of Publicity/The World Zionist Organization, Jerusalem.

At the outset of the nineteen eighties the State of Israel is in need of a new perspective as to its place, its aims and national targets, at home and abroad. This need has become even more vital due to a number of central processes which the country, the region and the world are undergoing. We are living today in the early stages of a new epoch in human history which is not at all similar to its predecessor, and its characteristics are totally different from what we have hitherto known. That is why we need an understanding of the central processes which typify this historical epoch on the one hand, and on the other hand we need a world outlook and an operational strategy in accordance with the new conditions. The existence, prosperity and steadfastness of the Jewish state will depend upon its ability to adopt a new framework for its domestic and foreign affairs.
September 30, 2005
AIPAC and Espionage:
Guilty as Hell
Pentagon analyst plea bargains, threatens to expose Israel's Washington cabal

Last edited by on Thu, 2006 Apr 27 19:54:57; edited 9 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon, 2006 Apr 17 19:34:48    Post subject: Reply with quote

Förintelsen I
Serbia, Russia, France, Romania, Belgium, British Empire, United States, Italy, and others
Military dead:5 million
Civilian dead:3 million
Total dead:8 million

Central Powers:
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire
Military dead:4 million
Civilian dead:3 million
Total dead:7 million

Bankirerna som finansierade både Sovjet och Nazityskland

Förintelsen II
Antal döda (uppskattning)
Militära: 19 miljoner
Civila: 49 miljoner
Totalt: 68 miljoner

Bankirerna som finansierade både Sovjet och Nazityskland

Förintelsen III
Kalla kriget - hur många dog i hela världen? Någon som räknat på det?
Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam)
United States of America
South Korea
New Zealand
the Philippines
South Vietnamese dead: 1,250,000+
US dead: 58,226
US wounded: 153,303
Civilian (total Vietnamese): c. 2–4 million

Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam)
National Liberation Front (Viet Cong)
Dead: 1,100,000
Wounded: 600,000
Civilian (total Vietnamese): c. 2–4 million

Förintelsen IV
11 september 2001 och fortsättning framåt enligt ZOG planen(Rebuilding America´s Defences av PNAC)

De kallar sig för PNAC - Project for a New American Century
men borde rätteligen kalla sig för PNIC - Project for a New Israel Century
och deras plan kallas för ZOG planen:.
Rebuilding America´s Defenses = ZOG planen
Control of the sea could be largely determined not by fleets of surface combatants and aircraft carriers, but from land- and space-based systems, forcing navies to maneuver and fight underwater.

Space itself will become a theater of war, as nations gain access to space capabilities and come to rely on them; further, the distinction between military and commercial space systems – combatants and noncombatants – will become blurred. Information systems will become an important focus of attack, particularly for U.S. enemies seeking to short-circuit sophisticated American forces.

And advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool" (p. 60).


Vad man ska komma ihåg är att de flesta människor inte har läst Rebuilding America´s Defences - det gäller svenskar, norrmän, danskar, judar, israeler - ja, de flesta av jordens sex miljarder invånare har aldrig fått höra talas om den. Det är en liten men mycket inflytelserik grupp som skrivit ihop den - det är inte bara israelvänliga judar med i den gruppen - men det finns många i den - Wolfowitz, Libby, Zakheim, Perl, Kristol, Podhoretz med flera. Dessa ska gå att kritisera - föra inför domstol - utan att bli kritiserad för anti-semitism!

Det handlar om allas vår framtid om vi ska kunna leva i fred, frid, frihet, rättvisa... så måste denna plan fram i ljuset och de ansvariga ställas inför rätta.

Last edited by on Wed, 2006 Apr 19 0:53:00; edited 8 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon, 2006 Apr 17 19:35:15    Post subject: Reply with quote

Det går att Googla på "Guds utvalda folk"
Det ger cirka 600 träffar.
Gogglar man på "God's chosen people"
så får man ungefär 280 000 träffar.

Man kan undra hur ett folks ledare kan få för sig att de som folk är Guds utvalda folk. Och vad kan sådana föreställningar resultera i?

Här är det en rabbin - Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh - som påstår att judar är förmer än andra. Andra folk är inte utvalda och är därför annorlunda. Resultatet är ren rasism.
Astrological Destiny for a Jew and Non-Jew
Does astrology determine destiny? Is there a difference in this respect between a Jew and non-Jew?

A: There is a difference of opinion in the Talmud as to what factors determine a Jew's destiny. The accepted opinion is that ein mazal l'Yisrael, the stars do not determine a Jew's destiny.

The Ba'al Shem Tov explains that ein mazal l'Yisrael is to be read aiyin mazal l'Yisrael. The fate of Yisrael is the Divine state of "Nothingness." The fate of all other mankind is a state of being. Every non-Jew has a fate which is from destiny. Whether inscribed in the stars or some other dimension of reality is not significant. There is some fate which is almost impossible for the non-Jew to overcome.

A Jew, on the other hand, can overcome his mazal. This is because the origin of his fate is the "Divine Nothing" itself which is not well defined, as it is from the essence of G-d which is also not well defined. Just as G-d cannot be defined, so the destiny of a Jew cannot be defined. This is what is meant by Aiyin, "nothingness" is the mazal of Israel.

On every birthday the mazal of a person becomes stronger and shines from the super conscious level of the root of his soul into the consciousness of his soul. The mazal gives him strength to use to the maximum his power of free choice. This is just the opposite of thinking that mazal is not free choice.

In his book Etz Chaim, the Arizal explains that non-Jewish astrology only reaches a certain level of the 12 constellations or signs of astrology, but there are many levels above this. The highest of all levels are the 12 permutations of G-d's Name, Havayah. Only the Jewish People are connected to this level. By being connected to this level they have the power to re-create. (The Name Havayah means "continual creation".)

Astrology is very limited. The Torah and the Jewish People transcend this limitation of the non-Jewish astrology. When something is transcended it doesn't nullify its abstract source. Transcendence occurs by reaching the abstract source. That is what the Ba'al Shem Tov meant when he said that Israel's mazal is aiyin.
Jew and Non-Jews
The Seven Principles of Divine Service for Righteous Gentiles
The Seven Noahide Commandments

As we said, the seven Noahide commandments correspond to the seven emotive powers of the soul. These, in turn, correspond to the seven major parts of the body.

Judar ska följa ett hundratal lagar - andra ska följa sju stycken?
The Seven Noahide Laws
While Jews are commanded to observe hundreds of laws, non-Jews are expected to follow seven that are presumed to date from the time of Noah. Judaism regards any non-Jew who keeps these laws as a righteous person who is guaranteed a place in the world to come.
1. Not to deny God.
2. Not to blaspheme God.
3. Not to murder.
4. Not to engage in incestuous, adulterous, bestial or homosexual relationships.
5. Not to steal.
6. Not to eat a limb torn from a living animal.
7. To set up courts to ensure obedience to the other six laws.
Bnei Noach: Gentiles Spreading Monotheism
/ 13 Shevat 5798

In recent years the Bnei Noach, or Noahide movement, has seen an extraordinary increase in numbers and activity around the world. Its adherents are non-Jews who embrace the truth of the Torah and therefore accept the seven ‘Laws of Noah’ – those laws which are incumbent upon gentiles as well as Jews.

Vad är det här för lära???
The Rectification of the World by Means of the Seven Noahide Commandments
The Torah's means of rectifying the seventy nations of the world is the seven Noahide commandments. The Rambam writes that G-d commanded Moses to teach all of the people of the world to accept these commandments. Any non-Jew who accepts them and is careful to perform them properly, the Rambam writes, attains the status of a "righteous gentile" and thereby merits a place in the World to Come. This is true, of course, only when he keeps these commandments because he was so commanded by G-d in the Torah. Thus, the true rectification of the nations occurs only when they surrender in truth--just as the Jewish people--to the yoke of the Kingdom of Heaven as revealed in the Torah.

This rectification, like all processes of spiritual growth, must occur in the order of "submission, separation, and sweetening," as taught by the Ba'al Shem Tov. First, the nations must submit themselves to the Jewish people, the custodians and teachers of the Torah, since the Torah is the sole and ultimate source of their obligation to fulfill the seven commandments given to them. True submission--whether of man to G-d or man to fellow man--is the soul's way of giving of thanks for the gift of true enlightenment.

Varken judendom, kristendom eller islam talar om var de har fått sitt tankegods ifrån!

De kunde ju tala om att de har fått det från Zarathustra. Han satt i sju år och mediterade och kom fram till att det fanns något neutralt som han kallade för Zurvan och sen fanns det något gott och något ont. Zarathustra påstår man den som grundlade monoteismen - engudadyrkan.
Zurvan is the Persian god of infinite time, space and fate. The deity is traditionally represented as being nameless (the name Zurvan being an appellative title), without gender and passions, and neutral in regard to good and evil. In certain strains of Zoroastrianism, Zurvan is also the father of the good deity, Ahura Mazda, and the evil deity, Angra Mainyu.
Zoroaster (Persian: زرتشت, Gujarati:ઝરથુશ્ત્ર) was an ancient Iranian prophet who preached in Bactria and the founder of Zoroastrianism, which was the national religion of the Sassanian dynasty of the Persian Empire, and played an important role in the earlier Achaemenean and Parthian regimes. The original form of his name was Zarathushtra (Zaraθuštra), but he is usually known in English as Zoroaster (after the Greek version, Ζωροάστρης, Zoroastres). In Persian the name takes the form of Zartosht.

Zoroaster is generally accepted as a historical figure, but efforts to date Zoroaster vary widely. Scholarly estimates are usually roughly near 1700 BC. Others, however, give earlier estimates, making him a candidate as the founder of the earliest religion based on revealed scripture, while still others place him in the 6th century BC, which would make him contemporary to the rise of the Achaemenids.

One of the most important, and dividing, of all issues regarding the Persian history is “the date of Zoroaster”, that is the date when he lived and composed his Gathas. Different sources ranging from linguistic evidence to textual sources and traditional dates have been used by various scholars to determine the date of Zoroaster. Accordingly, any date from the 6th century BC to 6000 BC has been suggested, although some with more merit than others. Here we shall look at the most prominent of these arguments.

The closeness in composition of Old Avestan and Vedic is so much that some parts of the Gathas can be transliterated to Vedic only by following the rules of sound change (such as the development of Indo-Iranian “s” to Avestan “h”). These similarities suggest that Old Avestan and Vedic were very close in time, probably putting Old Avestan at about one century after Vedic. Since the date of the composition of the Rig Veda has been put at somewhere between the 15th century BC to the 12th century BC, we can also assume that the Gathas were composed close to that time, at sometime before 1000 BC.
Zoroastrianism is uniquely important in the history of religion because of its possible formative links to both Western Abrahamic and Eastern dharmic religious traditions.

Zoroaster's writings suggest a metaphysical dualism, but devotional monotheism, requiring adherence to Ahura Mazda. Technically speaking however, "monotheism" is the "doctrine or belief that there is only one God", which would make devotion to one of two Gods something else.

Some modern scholars believe that Zoroastrianism had a large influence on Judaism, Manichaeism, and Christianity because of Persia's connections to the Roman Empire and because of its earlier control over Israel under rulers such as Cyrus II the Great, Darius the Great and Xerxes I. Mithraism developed from Zoroastrianism.

The exact time of Zoroaster's life is important for the understanding of the development of Judeo-Christian beliefs. If he lived before 1352 BCE (prior to Akhenaten), he would be the earliest historically verifiable monotheist known in any religion. (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam recognize Abraham, who is said to have lived somewhere between 2166 and 1991 BCE, as the earliest monotheist, but his existence and dates are impossible to verify). (Abraham in Judaism and Abraham in Islam).

Some scholars[1], however, assert that large portions of the eschatology, angelology, and demonology (see Asmodai) of Judaism, a key influence on Christianity, originated in Zoroastrianism, and were transferred to Judaism during the Babylonian captivity and Persian period, despite the numerous structural differences in the belief systems, crucial to the faiths, as in the issue over whether the evil spirit is a product of the good spirit. Some also believe monotheism to have been a Zoroastrian influence, as Deutero-Isaiah supposedly makes a first monotheistic declaration (Isaiah 45:5-7) during the reign of the Persian Kings, that corresponding to his declaration that Jews were to obey Cyrus, Kouroush in Persian (Isaiah 44 and Isaiah 45).

According to Mary Boyce "Zoroastrianism is the oldest of the revealed credal religions, and it has probably had more influence on mankind, directly or indirectly, than any other single faith... some of its leading doctrines were adopted by Judaism, Christianity and Islam"

Genom att följa Zarathustra hamnar man också i modernismen och dess grumliga källor:
The theosophist Helena Blavatsky asserted that Zoroaster taught that Zurvan was the father of Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu.

Se vidare:
Illuminati - vad är det månne?
I Peter Cornells bok Den Hemliga Källan ställs frågan om Malevitj tagit intryck av Helena Blavatskys symbolspråk från Den Hemliga Läran. Då speciellt med tanke på kvadraten, som ju blivit Malevitjs adelsmärke. Det har ju i dagarna varit en stor utställning i Amsterdam, där Malevitj Svart Kvadrat ställts ut.
Den första uppenbarelsen var den svarta kvadraten, som Malevitj utan blygsamhet utnämner till ’min tids nakna ikon ... ett kungligt barn’. Bara några år senare är slutstenen lagd med Vit kvadrat på vit botten från 1919. Mellan dem ligger en process av de kosmiska krafternas förtätningar och explosioner, enligt en, menar Malevitj (och Mme Blavatsky), evig kosmisk lag. Och i slutstadiet visar de vita kvadraterna vägen in i föremålslösheten, i den icke-existens som är ’människans högre vara’. Knappt urskiljbara vita kvadrater svävar mot en vit rymd. I denna lätta, vita rymd berusar sig Malevitj med fantasier om att – som en gång Kandinsky drömde om – helt befria sig från det materiella:

’Den vita suprematismen känner inte längre begreppet material, såsom det ännu gäller för genomsnittsmänniskan ... I den vita suprematismen verkar medvetandet inte längre med hjälp av olika material, utan endast med impulser.
Först när konstens självständighet som idé har trängt in i varje människas medvetande kommer det att bli möjligt för människan att växa ur sitt animaliska tillstånd (av beroende gentemot sina materiella behov).’
Därmed var allt fullbordat och Malevitj övergick till att konstruera arkitektoniska modeller och till det pedagogiska arbetet i Vitebsk.
Modernismen i Sverige
Genom Stockholmsutställningen 1930 fick funktionalismen, den så kallade funkisen som kommit för att stanna, sitt genombrott. Det var en utställning för konstindustri, konsthantverk och hemslöjd, men arkitekturen blev mest berömd. Gunnar Asplund och andra skickliga arkitekter ritade byggnader och bostäder till utställningen med möbler och detaljer väl genomtänkta utifrån funktion och material.

Det finns under mellankrigstiden en stor vilja till social jämlikhet och tro på nya framsteg. Det kommer nya material och med hjälp av en enorma teknisk utvecklingen blir det möjligt att tillverka och bygga i en allt snabbare takt. Sverige förändras under mitten av seklet från att ha varit ett av Europas fattigaste och mest trångbodda länder till ett föredöme i världen.

Johannes Itten's preliminary course 1919-1922
The preliminary course, as developed by Johannes Itten and continued by others after his departure, was part of the basic educational apparatus of the Bauhaus teachings. Preceding other courses, it was intended to teach students the basics of material characteristics, composition, and color.

His main point was the recognition and creation of contrasts which were elaborated in the most diverse forms and materials, whereby the reciprocal influence of two elements had to be accounted for. Itten considered that the contrast between light and dark was one of the most valuable and expressive means of creation. Studies in contrast were carried out on very different levels, such as in the field of natural materials and their textures, or also in the realm of free sculptural form.
The Sinister Controllers of Music and Art
"We tell the people what they need to know, not what they want to know."
Frank Sesno, CNN News
"Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have."
Richard Salent, former pres. CBS News

So, let's go back to the first quote; prostitutes for whom? Yes, the International Bankers who own the Press and the Media. They are the ones who decide what we should think, what news to get and what news should be suppressed.

Those men, or families (the power torch is passed on through generations within the same superrich families) are also the ones who run the Secret Societies, like the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, the OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis) and more. Those Secret Societies go back thousands of years, through the Egyptian Era back to the Sumerian time and longer. Those Secret Societies hide the truth about our origins, our capacities as spiritual beings and much more. This hidden knowledge has always been a privilege for the Elite, to use for themselves to gain power and control over the rest of the population.

Beatles, Rock'n'Roll & Mind Control
An outstanding example of social conditioning to accept change, even when it is recognized as unwelcome change by the large population group in the sights of Stanford Research Institute, was the "advent" of the BEATLES. The Beatles were brought to the United States as part of a social experiment which would subject large population groups to brainwashing of which they were not even aware.

When Tavistock brought the Beatles to the United States nobody could have imagined the cultural disaster that was to follow in their wake. The Beatles were an integral part of "THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY," a living organism which sprang From "THE CHANGING IMAGES OF MAN," URH (489)-2150-Policy Research Report No. 4/4/74. Policy Report pre-pared by SRI Center for the study of Social Policy, Director, Professor Willis Harmon.

The phenomenon of the Beatles was not a spontaneous rebellion by youth against the old social system. Instead it was a carefully crafted plot to introduce by a conspiratorial body which could not be identified, a highly destructive and divisive element into a large population group targeted for change against its will. New words and new phrases--prepared by Tavistock(1)-- were introduced to America along with the Beatles. Words such as "rock" in relation to music sounds, "teenager," "cool," "discovered" and "pop music" were a lexicon of disguised code words signifying the acceptance of drugs and arrived with and accompanied the Beatles wherever they went, to be "discovered" by "teenagers." Incidentally, the word "teenagers" was never used until just before the Beatles arrived on the scene, courtesy of the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations.
Aleister Crowley is the occultist and Satanist that is perhaps the most well known. His works “The Book of the Law”, “Magick in Theory and Practice” and “The Book of Thoth” are broadly used in occult circuits. Crowley himself didn’t take much credit for having written them, as he stated they were written by automatic handwriting, being channeled from a higher being called Aiwaz (or Aiwass). This being said he had lived in Caldea during the reign of Hammurabis (around 1750 BC), but later, in his book “Magick in Theory and Practice”, Crowley identified Aiwaz as his own genius. He was actually very proud of this book, which he used as a Bible for his own religion – Thelema. Crowley looked at man as a sleeping god who gradually started to understand what powers he possesses. He also taught that Satan was identical with the Sumerian devil/god Shaitan, who he stated had been worshiped in the Egyptian deserts long before the ages of the Pharaohs.

The messenger also declared that Crowley was the Beast 666 from the “Book of Revelations” (13:18 ), who had come to destroy Christianity. He tried to forget the whole thing, but from 1909 and forwards, he started taking the messages seriously.

Founded in 1937, The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum is a modern art museum located on the Upper East Side in New York City. It is the best-known of several museums founded by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, and is often called simply The Guggenheim. It is one of the best-known museums in New York City.

Originally called "The Museum of Non-Objective Painting", the Guggenheim was founded to showcase avant-garde art by early modernists such as Wassily Kandinsky and Piet Mondrian. It moved to its present location, at the corners of 89th Street and Fifth Avenue (overlooking Central Park), in 1959, when Frank Lloyd Wright's design for the site was completed. Solomon R. Guggenheim did not really know who to choose as architect for the museum, and asked his friend Baroness Hilla von Rebay to pick someone. She chose Wright, because he was the most famous at the time.

He originally wanted to design a square building, the baroness preferred a round shape though. He also wanted it to be painted in bright red, she wanted it to be in white.
MOMA, a project of Nelson Rockefeller and his family, played a big role in CCF and its art projects. In 1955, they ran CCF's "Young Painters" exhibit in Rome (and touring the continent), and in 1960, MOMA ran another European show exclusively showcasing abstract impressionism -- which, like Adorno's work in music, was known to express mental schizophrenia. George Kennan and Allen Dulles were big supporters of modern art, and the Fairfield Foundation, set up to conduit CIA funds to CCF, also funded MOMA.

Författare som H. G. Wells, Aldous Huxley och Georg Orwell har skrivit om totalitära "framtida" samhällsformer. Det går att Googla lite på dessa namn.
George Orwell
Eric Arthur Blair (June 25, 1903–January 21, 1950), better known by the pen name George Orwell, was a British author and journalist.

During most of his career, Orwell was best known for his journalism, in essays, reviews, columns in newspapers and magazines and in his books of reportage: Down and Out in Paris and London (describing a period of poverty in these cities), The Road to Wigan Pier (describing the living conditions of poor miners in northern England) and Homage to Catalonia (describing his experiences during the Spanish Civil War). According to Newsweek, Orwell "was the finest of his day and the foremost architect of the English essay since Hazlitt."

Contemporary readers are more often introduced to Orwell as a novelist, particularly through his enormously successful titles Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four. The former is an allegory of the corruption of the socialist ideals of the Russian Revolution by Stalinism, and the latter is Orwell's prophetic vision of the results of totalitarianism.
Nineteen Eighty-Four (sometimes referred to as 1984) is an allegorical political novel written by George Orwell. The story takes place in a nightmarish dystopia where the omnipresent State enforces perfect conformity among members of a totalitarian Party through indoctrination, propaganda, fear, and ruthless punishment. The novel introduced the concepts of the ever-present, all-seeing Big Brother, Room 101, the Thought Police, and the bureaucrats' and politicians' language of control, Newspeak. Some commentators have drawn parallels between today's society and the world of 1984, suggesting that we are starting to live in what has become known as Orwellian society. The novel was successful in terms of sales, and has remained one of the most influential books of the 20th century.
Aldous Leonard Huxley (July 26, 1894 – November 22, 1963) was a British writer who emigrated to the United States. He was a member of the famous Huxley family who produced a number of brilliant scientific minds.

While his earlier concerns might be called "humanist," ultimately, he became quite interested in "spiritual" subjects like parapsychology and mystically based philosophy, which he also wrote about. By the end of his life, Huxley was considered, in certain circles, a 'leader of modern thought'.

In all of Huxley's mature writings, one finds an awareness that seems to bridge the gap between "The Two Cultures" – the sciences and the humanities. This gulf posed a potentially enormous problem, one that was recognized by other thinkers during Huxley's lifetime, such as C.P. Snow.
Herbert George Wells (September 21, 1866 – August 13, 1946) was a British writer best known for his science fiction novels such as The War of the Worlds, The Invisible Man, The Island of Dr. Moreau and The Time Machine.
In 1883 his employer dismissed him, claiming to be dissatisfied with him. The young man was reportedly not displeased with this ending to his apprenticeship. Later that year, he became a teacher at Midhurst Grammar School, in West Sussex, until he won a scholarship to the Normal School of Science (later the Royal College of Science, now part of Imperial College London) in London, studying biology under T. H. Huxley. As an alumnus, he later helped to set up the Royal College of Science Association, of which he became the first president in 1909. Herbert George studied in his new school until 1887 with an allowance of 21 shillings a week thanks to his scholarship.

He soon entered the Debating Society of his school.
These years mark the beginning of his interest in a possible reformation of society. At first approaching the subject through studying The Republic by Plato, he soon turned to his contemporary ideas of socialism as expressed by the recently formed Fabian Society.
Herbert George Wells

September 21, 1866- August 13, 1946
"Scientist, novelist, sociologist, prophet—"
An early science fiction writer, Wells also wrote historical and scientific texts, and much fiction. Author of "The Rediscovery of the Unique", published in The Fortnightly Review (1891), Wells' early novels include The Time Machine(1895), The Invisible Man (1897), The Island of Dr. Moreau(1896) and The War of the Worlds(1898).
His Anticipations of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress Upon Human Life and Thought (1901), The Discovery of the Future (1902) and Mankind in the Making (1903) lead to his membership in the Fabian Society. Leaving the society in 1908, and later disillusioned by what he saw in Russia, Wells published The Outline of Historyin 1920.
His novel The Shape of Things to Come (1933) — in which a world devastated by war is rebuilt with humanist technology — was turned into a film in 1936.
Conspiracy theorists have labelled Wells both an illuminati and freemason because of his 1929 book Imperialism and the open conspiracy. Although he parodied Freemasonry in The Inexperienced Ghost and his name has appeared in several online lists of famous freemasons, there does not appear to be any justification for claiming him as a freemason.
If the concept of 'predictive programming' seems fantastic, consider the case of H.G. Wells. Wells was mentored by T.H. Huxley, grandfather of Aldous. In turn, Wells would tutor Aldous and his brother, Julian. All of these men were members of the Freemasonic Lodge (the significance of which will be revealed shortly). Wells would author several 'mass appeal' tracts disguised as science fiction novels. Most notable of these novels was The Shape of Things to Come. Researcher Jim Keith offered the following assessment of Wells' The Shape of Things to Come:

Interestingly, deceptively, the book is presented as a work of science fiction, but within its pages is Wells' best guess of how the New World Order would come to pass, from a 1930s perspective.

Wielding 'ostensible control over the knowable,' the scientists of this 'Technocracy' would implement a Fabian strategy of 'gradual ideological assimilation' (Keith, World Control, Mind Control, 16-17). Incrementally, this network of scientists would engineer the amalgamation of nation-states into a global government. Again, the Huxlian theme of a 'scientific dictatorship' emerges. This is the future that the masses have been conditioned to accept through predictive programming.
H. G. Wells on The Open Conspiracy for World Government - Selections by Peter Myers. Date May 3, 1999; update November 1, 2004. My comments are shown {thus}.
H. G. Wells was the Twentieth Century's leading exponent within the West of the movement for One World Government, which he also called The New World Order. The first edition of his book The Open Conspiracy was published in 1928, and bore a publisher's name. The 1933 edition bore no publisher's name, but was later re-issued under the title What Are We To Do With Our Lives?, with a publisher's name. In the quotations below, bold emphasis is added.

Läs H G Wells böcker -
Du hittar också han The Shape of Things to Come by H. G. Wells
som förutsade andra världskriget och som har förutsägelser om det tredje världskriget.
Så här slutar The Shape of Things To Come:
The individuality deprived, or relieved if you will, of its primary instinctive preoccupations with getting and keeping, disillusioned about precedence, personal display and suchlike barbaric vanities, growing continually and swiftly in wisdom and knowledge, has now to go further afield to find itself. No longer a self-sufficient being, at war with all its kind, it has become a responsible part of a species. It has become an experiment in feeling, knowing, making and response.

The body of mankind is now one single organism of nearly two thousand five hundred million persons, and the individual differences of every one of these persons is like an exploring tentacle thrust out to test and learn, to savour life in its fullness and bring in new experiences for the common stock. We are all members of one body.* Only in the dimmest analogy has anything of this sort happened in the universe as we knew it before. Our sense of our individual difference makes our realization of our common being more acute. We work, we think, we explore, we dispute, we take risks and suffer — for there seems no end to the difficult and dangerous adventures individual men and women may attempt; and more and more plain does it become to us that it is not our little selves, but Man the Undying who achieves these things through us.

Varför inte ta del av lite samtidshistoria? Och forntidshistoria? Med videokameran hos Korowaifolket på Nya Guinea!

Møde med et stenalderfolk
Mødt med frygt og mistro
Efter udveksling af diverse høflighedsfraser bygger vi en lille teltlejr foran den ene af bopladsens kun to hytter, der vil være vores base under opholdet hos Korowaibatu-klanen. Et par lokale hjælper til med at bygge lejren, og da opdager jeg til min glæde, hvilket traditionelt folk vi egentlig gæster: De bruger nemlig stadig stenøkser!

Hvid medicinmand
Mistroen til os forsvinder dog lidt efter lidt, og snart dukker folk fra omegnen op. De kommer for at se den hvide mand, der har de mest besynderlige ting med sig, såsom en gylden boks, der optager og gengiver både mennesker og tale. Mit videokamera er netop midlet, der optør isen mellem os, og som en magnet tiltrækker det nu søde og nysgerrige mennesker. De morer sig hjerteligt over at se sig selv i den lille kasse. Det er som om, at klanen med ét har accepteret os, og da stemningen er blevet lettet, kan jeg derfor bedre følge dem i hverdagen.

Så här har människan överlevt i sju miljoner år!!! Alltså i små grupper!!!
Varför kan vi inte ta och lugna ner oss lite? - sluta göra planer för att förgöra varandra!

"Toumaï", Sahelanthropus tchadensis
Discovered by Ahounta Djimdoumalbaye in 2001 in Chad, in the southern Sahara desert (Brunet et al. 2002, Wood 2002). Based on faunal studies, it is estimated to be between 6 and 7 million years old, and more likely in the older part of that range. This is a mostly complete cranium with a small brain (between 320 and 380 cc) comparable in size to that of chimpanzees.

"We have met the enemy... and he is us"
Walt Kelly first used the quote "We Have Met The Enemy and He Is Us" on a poster for Earth Day in 1970. The poster is shown above. In 1971, he did a two panel version with Pogo and Porky in a trash filled swamp. This is the only example I know of with a balloon, indicating Pogo responding to Porky with "YEP, SON, WE HAVE MET THE ENEMY AND HE IS US." In 1972, it was the title of a book, Pogo: We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us.

Last edited by on Wed, 2006 Apr 26 12:55:44; edited 39 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon, 2006 Apr 17 19:47:20    Post subject: Reply with quote

Det går att läsa vad som hände den 10 september 2001 - alltså dagen före 9/11.
Israels regim styr svenska medier
Av JOHANNES WAHLSTRÖM i Folket i Bild Kulturfront Publicerad på 2005-11-28

Den 10 september 2001 kommer israeliska ambassadens pressansvarige, Rafael Harpaz in på TT:s redaktion i Stockholm. Han hälsar vänligt och sätter sig med reportrarna för att över en kopp kaffe diskutera Israel och rapporteringen. Han förklarar att ambassaden har noggrann koll på all svensk press, och berättar i förtroende att den för första gången fått i uppgift från Jerusalem att "medierna är det viktigaste". Kort därpå skickar Harpaz ut en uppmaning till alla judiska församlingar i Sverige att lusläsa pressen, skriva insändare och ringa in klagomål.

Samtidigt, i Israel, förklarar pressministeriets chef Danny Seaman att man börjat bojkotta "israelfientliga" journalister. Washington Posts korrespondent Lee Hockstader åker hem, The Guardians korrespondent Suzanne Goldenberg blir omplacerad. BBC:s palestinska reportrar förvägras pressackreditering och en stor konflikt bryter ut mellan kanalen och regeringen, där parterna bojkottar varandra. Under sommaren 2002 eskalerar kampanjen och innefattar nu även CNN. Ted Turner, CNN:s grundare, frågar sig i en intervju i The Guardian om inte israeler och palestinier trots allt terroriserar varandra. Det samlade motangreppet riktas mot kronjuvelen CNN, kanalen är antiisraelisk och antisemitisk heter det från regeringens håll. Israels största kabelleverantör YES hotar med att byta ut CNN mot Rupert Murdochs mer inställsamma FOX. Kanalens chefer samlas till krismöte och förnekar gemensamt att de skulle vara pro-palestinska, snarare tvärtom säger, de. De lovar bättring och sänder som kompensation tio avsnitt om efterlevare från självmordsattacker.

I Stockholm börjar dussintalet arga israelvänner regelbundet höra av sig till tidningar, radio och TV-kanaler. De hotar med rättsprocesser, gör anmälningar till granskningsnämnden, skriver insändare om den växande antisemitismen, och ringer och e-postar dagligen som nattligen journalister och redaktörer.

Några år senare, 2004, vågar Aftonbladet och Svenska Dagbladet inte publicera den första svenska intervjun med kärnvapenavslöjaren Mordechai Vanunu. Det är för känsligt. På plats vågar DN:s korrespondent Lotta Schüllerqvist inte genomföra samma intervju för att hon är rädd att bli utvisad.

Fitta! ÅSA LINDERBORG: Jag ser ett mönster som inte handlar om mig
Men även för professionella skribenter kan mitt kön vara en variabel att laborera med. Jag är, för att citera Staffan Skott på Dagens Nyheter häromveckan, den kommunistiska revanschens sköldmö. I en debattreplik tidigare i våras jämförde P M Nilsson mig med Ulrike Meinhof och illustrerade artikeln med stora bilder på oss båda. En hel söndag stirrade vi på Expressens läsare. Hotfulla kvinnor.
Aggressiv, hämndlysten. Sån är du!
Jag är inte bara kvinna, jag är dessutom socialist - den kanske största provokationen. Vänstern ses som extrem, apart, grälsjuk, okunnig. I liberalernas svartvita världsbild blir varje nyansering hotfull, varje motförslag ett konspirationsteoretiskt angrepp. De som ser verklighetens komplexitet och samtidigt drivs av en övertygelse stämplas som diktaturkramare eller fascister. Man gör karikatyr av våra åsikter. Felciterar medvetet. Sätter etiketter. Och man hånar oss när vi säger att debattklimatet är väl hårt nu, att antiintellektualismen grasserar i takt med nymccartyhismen.
Det här drabbar alla inom vänstern oavsett kön. Bara den som skriver meningslösheter slipper undan. Men är man dessutom kvinna kan man ännu enklare diskvalificeras.

I aprilnumret av Judisk Krönika finns en anonymt skriven artikel i rosa som handlar om mig och att jag som självutnämnd expert på allting uttalar mig för ofta. Både om Irakkriget och Afghanistan. Det borde jag sluta med, särskilt med tanke på hur korkad jag är. Texten understryks med ett foto på en Barbiedocka med bildtexten: Bilden föreställer inte Åsa Lindeborg.
Lilla tuttan Bimbo med hål i huvudet som pladdrar för mycket. Sån är du!

Det här är Dagens Nyheters rapportering om Irak - den svenske historikern Peter Englund bloggar - du slipper läsa någon jobbig historia om olja - fyra världskrig om olja - du slipper höra talas om dem!

Paul Hansen och Peter Englund på plats i Irak.
Dagens Nyheters medarbetare Peter Englund och fotograf Paul Hansen låg fram till den 1 oktober "inbäddade" på en amerikansk bas i Irak. Deras direktrapporter kan du läsa här i bloggen.

Matsalen, ja. Det är bubblan i bubblan. Att komma in där från hettan är en omtumlande upplevelse.

Plötsligt bryter man loss från den heta luften, lite som en simmare som dyker på huvudet i vatten, fast tvärtom, och plötsligt befinner man sig inne i en underbart sval, skinande ren och väl upplyst lokal, med vitt kakelgolv, blå bord och stolar, samt bländvita väggar prydda med baseball- och fotball-souvenirer.

Att dag ut och dag in se dessa mängder med pansarfordon och humwees och lastbilar och soldater, får en givetvis att ana skalan på den amerikanska insatsen. Ett besök i matsalen är dock det sista, avgörande beviset på att vi har att göra med världens enda återstående supermakt. Man kan där välja mellan ett trettiotal olika rätter vid varje måltid, och antalet dryckesvarianter är säkert det dubbla. (Mina favoriter bland de ej kolsyrade är Cherry Kool-aid och bland de kolsyrade Mountain Dew.) I regel finns det runt femton olika efterrätter – samt en varm paj; idag körsbär – varav en fem, sex olika smaker av Baskin Robbins-glass. (Ja, du kan beställa en milkshake, eller själv göra dig en Rootbeer Float.)

Allt detta kräver givetvis en ofantlig apparat, som aldrig vilar. När man är ute på nattpatrull möter man hela tiden tungt lastade konvojer från Kuwait (organiserade av Halliburtonföretaget KBR och ofta bemannade av förare från tredje världen) som dånar fram i vild fart genom mörkret, eskorterade av pansrade guntrucks, bemannade av nervösa soldater som då och då skickar iväg bågar av rött spårljus ut i natten. En stor del av soldaternas göra handlar just om att patrullera den stora motorvägen till Kuwait och hålla den öppen för underhållet.

Irak är en abstraktion. Som en sa: "Orsaken till att vi är här i det här landet, är för att vi skall få ost i omeletten på morgonen".
Den svenske historikern Peter Englund har en hel del att blogga om i sitt Irakreportage i Dagens Nyheter:

Framåt lunchtid är hettan överväldigande. Det är så varmt att luften verkar anta vätskeform, som man bara rör sig genom med svårighet, som om varje steg vore ett simtag. Vi värmer våra MRE:s (Meals Ready to Eat) genom att lägga de ljusbruna foliepåsarna på pansarbandvagnens ovansida. Efter en tid på det kokheta pansaret är de klara att äta. Jag sätter i mig en påse "Minestrone Stew 357-05". Sköljer ned det med solvarmt vatten, uppblandat med rött Gatorade-pulver.

Varför skulle Peter Englund berätta något om 1900-talets historia? Fyra världskrig om oljan med miljoner döda.
Sånt blir man ju bara trött av? Eller - kanske någon ändå bryr sig? Kanske någon vill sätta in vad som nu händer i ett historiskt sammanhang? Förstå lite bättre vad som ligger bakom det som nu händer? Sykes-Picot avtalet? Balfour deklationen? Kanske någon bryr sig? Kanske någon vill förstå? För Peter Englund den svenske historikern - verkar det ju inte handla om det - för honom handlar det om:
"Jag sätter i mig en påse "Minestrone Stew 357-05". Sköljer ned det med solvarmt vatten, uppblandat med rött Gatorade-pulver."

Varför skrivs det inte i svenska media om
Steven E. Jones, PNAC, Rebuilding America´s Defences = ZOG planen?


Det går att Googla så här för att få se vad svenska media skrivit:
"Steven E. Jones"
"Steven E. Jones"
"Steven E. Jones"
"Steven E. Jones"

Inte ett endaste svar!!!
Du kan Googla på bara "Steven E. Jones"
och du får över 80 000 svar!!! Och du kan läsa lite mera.

Man kan Googla så här på PNAC:
Ger inga svar!!!
Ger tre svar!

Testa själv:
"Rebuilding America"s Defences"
ger ett svar:
Aftonbladet: Kriget är bara början
PNAC:s rapport Rebuilding America"s Defences är en ogenerad planritning för världserövring. Innan Bush kom till makten rekommenderade den en ökning av ...,2789,278849,00.html - Liknande sidor

"Rebuilding America"s Defences"
"Rebuilding America"s Defences"
"Rebuilding America"s Defences"

Inte ett svar!!!

Man kan fråga sig om ett land har demokrati så länge som media inte är demokratiska.
I Sveriges media fortigs och förvrängs de viktiga frågorna. Sveriges media styrs av storebror Bonniers och några andra rika odemokratiska knösar.
Det går att Googla lite på Bonniers:

Bonnier direktören Bengt Braun
Brauns attack mot Pagrotsky

2006-03-21 | Publicerad kl. 15:21
Obegriplig och pinsam. Det betyget sätter Bonniers koncernchef på den svenska regeringens mediepolitik. När det gäller sin egen medietystnad i samband med Skandia-affären ångrar han ingenting.

I dag avslutas Bonnierkoncernens årsstämma på Münchenbryggeriet. En stämma som präglas av glädje över koncernens rekordresultat (se faktaruta) och av nya strategiska affärer, som gårdagens besked om att brittiska Bonnier Publishing köper det amerikanska fackboks- och läromedelsförlaget Weldon Owen, ett förlag som omsätter runt 400 miljoner kronor och som har dotterbolag i Australien och på Nya Zeeland.

Bonnier AB gjorde 2005 en vinst på 2 658 miljoner kronor, att jämföra med 920 miljoner kronor 2004. Av vinsten utgörs 1 644 miljoner av realisationsvinster i samband med försäljningen av delar av Alma Media, Zodiak television och Digital Illusions samt fusionen mellan Bonnier Business Information och Infodata.

Fördelat på affärsområdena var bilden följande:
Böcker: omsättning 5 238 mkr, resultat 457 mkr (+34 mkr)
Tidskrifter: omsättning 3 641 mkr, resultat 442 mkr (+51 mkr)
Affärspress: omsättning 1 638 mkr, resultat 160 mkr (+24 mkr)
Dagspress: omsättning 4 893 mkr, resultat -101 mkr (+170 mkr)
Entertainment: omsättning 3 567 mkr, resultat 266 mkr (+30 mkr)
Bonnier i AB har 150 dotterbolag i 21 länder och har totalt 9 600 anställda.
Aktiemarknadsnämndens uttalande 2005:03
Till Aktiemarknadsnämnden inkom den 19 januari 2005 en framställning från Bonnier & Bonnier AB och Proventus Industrier AB.

Beträffande bakgrunden till framställningen lämnas följande redogörelse, som i allt väsentligt är hämtad ur framställningen till nämnden.

Bonnier & Bonnier AB äger aktier representerande 29,3 procent av kapitalet och rösterna i TV4 AB och 33,0 procent av kapitalet och 33,3 procent av rösterna i det finska bolaget Alma Media Oyj ("Alma Media"). Bonnier & Bonnier AB ingår i Bonnier-koncernen.
29 januari 2004
"Jan Scherman är Sveriges Berlusconi"

Jan Scherman, vd på TV 4, har en egen politisk gräddfil. Han är Sveriges motsvarighet till Silvio Berlusconi i Italien. Den anklagelsen framför Hans-Holger Albrecht på DN Debatt. Han är vd för MTG som bland annat äger TV 3.

Jan Scherman, vd på TV 4, är den svenska tv-marknadens motsvarighet till Silvio Berlusconi i Italien. TV 4 är det i särklass största kommersiella tv-bolaget i landet. Positionen har uppnåtts genom en egen gräddfil i politiken. Det har gett subventioner och eftergifter från såväl borgerliga som socialdemokratiska regeringar. Denna monopolsituation försöker nu Scherman med alla medel försvara genom att anklaga konkurrenter för gangstermetoder och makthunger. De gynnsamma villkor som möjliggör TV 4:s dominans bör avvecklas, skriver Hans-Holger Albrecht, vd för MTG, som bland annat äger TV 3.

Totalt kontrollerar Bonniers 45,1 procent av aktierna i TV 4, vilket är ett flagrant brott mot TV 4:s tillståndsvillkor, som klart och tydligt säger att ingen ägare får kontrollera mer än 20 procent av bolaget.

Även detta har regeringen blundat för. "TV 4 kunde också ändra i ägarstrukturen utan att det ledde till några konsekvenser för företaget _ samtidigt som kanalens sändningstillstånd förlängdes", konstaterar medieprofessorn Karl Erik Gustafsson i en rapport om koncessionsavgiften.
"Troligast att Proventus och Bonnier samarbetar"2005-01-10: Cecilia AronssonDet troligaste är att Proventus agerar i samråd med Bonnier och att Schibsted förlorar dragkampen om TV4. Det säger analytiker till
Det judiska Bonnierimperiet verktyg i Israels tjänst

Jag har läst många visioner om Internet som det nya demokratiska forumet, om kommunikation som inte kan stoppas, inte kan
censureras. Jag har läst entusiastiska rapporter om hur omöjligt nätet blir att kontrollera och jag har träffat glada dataanarkister som
allvarligt tror att en verklig direktdemokrati nu kan uppstå, när Internet tar bort alla gränser och alla kontroll. Jag tror dock att de har fel.
I grunden fel. Jag fruktar att vad vi snart kommer att få se är en ännu större maktkoncentration runt media, en allt snävare kontroll över
vad vi läser och ser, jag tror med andra ord att vi kommer att dränkas i datavärldens variant av såpoperor eller Jeopardy. Ja, jag tror att
de framtida digitala motorvägarna precis som de nutida bekväma betalmotorvägarna på kontinenten, bara blir en lång tråkig raksträcka
där vi sakta låter timmarna glida förbi i väntan på något annat. En dag till.

På femtiotalet kom TV:n. När den presenterades var det den stora folkbildningsmaskinen för många visionärer. Det var genom TV alla
skulle få ta del i samhällets skötsel, genom TV skulle alla lättillgängligt kunna utbildas, informeras och underhållas. Och nu 1995 då vi
har minst sex kanaler med samma deckare, samma soffprogram , samma "såpor" och samma frågelekar i varje kanal så kan man
naturligtvis tycka att det är trevligt med mycket trams att välja på. Men faktum är ändå att makten över våra tankar, makten över vår tid
koncentrerats enormt sen tiden före TV. Kom sen videon. Äntligen en chans för de oberoende filmarna, äntligen en möjlighet för de där
som aldrig hade råd att göra långfilmer enligt Hollywoods och dess distributörers krav. Med video skulle det bli möjligt att bredda
utbudet, oberoende grupper kunde nu för en liten budget sprida filmer, gå förbi de stora mäktiga mediahusen, nå ut direkt till hemmen.
Och visst gav videon oss en massa roligt skräp i början, en uppsjö av allt som aldrig nått biograferna under några årtionden, men hur är
det idag? Idag kontrolleras videomarknaden av några få, idag är det Hollywood som är segraren och Bonnier som är dess budbärare.

Internets styrka, den väldiga informationsmängden kommer alltså att bli dess största svaghet. Mängden information är aldrig
demokratisk i sig. Det är inte i första hand information vi behöver idag, det är tid för eftertanke.

I slutet av nittiotalet kopplar vi alla upp oss till Bonniers och Stenbecks datakanaler. Billigt, lättanvänt och kontrollerat genom nätets motsvarighet till tittarsiffror. Så kommer det att bli och vi kommer aldrig att få veta hur det istället skulle ha kunnat vara.

Jag skriver inte kanske, jag säger inte tror. Jag är övertygad om pengarnas makt, men jag hoppas naturligtvis på något annat. Men en
annan utveckling skulle kräva folkligt motstånd, den skulle kräva offentlig politik, den skulle kräva att sådana krafter som arbetarrörelsen och statsmakten satsade sina pengar och tid på att skapa andra media på nätet än de Bill Gates och Johan Bonnier vill se.

Imorgon bitti skulle vi alla kunna vakna till nyheten att Silvio Berlusconi eller Rupert Murdoch köpt upp alla svenska tidningar, radiokanaler och tevekanaler, utom public service. Eller att familjen Bonnier utökat sitt medieimperium och köpt Svenska Dagbladet, Aftonbladet, Göteborgsposten, alla landsortstidningar de ännu inte äger och alla kommersiella radio- och tevekanaler i Sverige.

Det svenska medielandskapet är laglöst land. Makten över informationsmedlen i landet kan när som helst ockuperas av den starkaste – och rikaste – aktören. Enligt marknadskrafterna och moderatliberalerna är detta en seger för friheten. Socialdemokraterna kommer inte att lägga fram ett lagförslag om reglering av medieägandet. Den konkurrenslagstiftning som gäller alla andra storföretag kommer inte att gälla medieföretagen.
Stockholm den 16 november 2001
Johan Ehrenberg ETC-produktion AB
Tack för ditt brev ang ETC och distributionen

Totalt distribuerar Tidsam tidskrifter åt 45 förlag varav tre är Bonnier ägda. Via Tidsam säljs årligen 67 miljoner exemplar fördelade på drygt 3000 tidskriftsutgåvor. Av dessa svarar Bonniers för 11,4 % av antal sålda exemplar och 14,7% av antalet utgåvor. 47,1% av antal sålda exemplar kommer från förlag som inte är delägare i Tidsam. Bonniers andel av antal titlar och exemplar är väsentligt lägre idag jämfört med när Tidsam bildades. Det är med andra ord inte sant att vi genom Tidsam gynnar framväxten av egna medier.

Tidsam har inte kapacitet och möjlighet att ta ansvar för samtliga tidskrifter som önskar distribution i Sverige. Kan man inte ta med alla så måste någon välja. De fyra ägarna har löst problemet genom att överlåta bedömningen och valet på Tidsams tjänstemän. Eftersom Tidsams packsystem är byggt för stora upplagor så är bedömningsgrunden baserad på att tidskriften ska ha en potential att nå minst 10.000 i såld upplaga. För att säkerställa att ägarförlagen inte skall gynnas på ett otillbörligt sätt finns dessutom en regel som säger att antalet nya titlar från ägarna inte får överstiga antalet titlar från förlag som ej är delägare i Tidsam.
Idag fick jag två brev. Ett från Carl-Johan Bonnier där han förklarar att han absolut inte kan ingripa så att tidningar som ETC får distribueras via Tidsam.
Ett från Tidsam där de välkomnar ETC och bekräftar att de börjar distribuera tidningen från och med nästa år.
Det intressanta var naturligtvis allt som inte sas. Varför skämten inte handlade om Bengt Braun - chefen för mediaföretagen och Skandia-skandalernas dirigent. Varför Carl Johan Bonnier gång på gång måste påtala att juryn varit oerhört oberoende och självständig. Varför kunde bli nominerade till förnyare för att man lyckats ta betalt för viktsidor via nätet (Är det journalistik?).

Och sen?
Sen började firmafesten men då gick vi för vem vill se apelsindansen utspelas mellan kulturminister Marita Ulvskog och Lukas Bonnier.

Ett land är inte demokratiskt om inte dess media är demokratiska.
Sveriges media är storebrors media - högtalare för en ekonomisk överklass som föraktar övriga medborgare - tror att landets innevånare kan luras på inflytande och makt - hålla dem i okunskap - behandla oss som sina slavar med hjälp av falska verklighetsbilder.

Lagstifta mot ägarkoncentrationen i media och vi kan börja tro på att Sverige politiker inte längre är bankernas och deras medias rövslickare.

Läs Aftonbladets ledare från den 14 januari 2006:,3258,762194,00.html
Uran i Iran skrämmer
14 januari 2006.

FETRAKET Irans president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad under en militärparad i Teheran i fjol. Framför honom kör raketer som har räckvidd att nå Europa med kärnvapen.

Bilderna kunde varit hämtade från en politisk skräckfilm: några hårdföra, religiöst besatta ledare i världens våldsammaste region beslutar bygga kärnvapen för att förgöra sin huvudfiende. Den internationella världens alla organisationer fördömer, sammanträder, hotar, men tycks maktlösa.
Äldre åskådare påminner sig "Doktor Strangelove", filmen som slutar med den sista gigantiska smällen, och så är allt slut.

Går över gränsen
I det schemat placeras numera striden om Irans civila och eventuellt militära kärnkraftprogram. De båda frågorna hänger nära samman, trots kärnkraftsentusiasternas ständiga förträngningar av detta.
Irans president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, eller åtminstone hans mer reflekterande medarbetare, kan, hoten till trots, agera som vilka realpolitiker som helst. Det gamla icke-spridningsavtalet (NPT) uppmuntrar export och utveckling av fredlig kärnkraftteknologi. Iran prövar nu att överskrida gränsen, nämligen att forska för att eventuellt producera kärnvapen.
IAEA, med sin Nobelpris-belönade chef ElBaradei protesterar och kräver inspektioner.
EU, i det här fallet reducerat till de tre stormakterna, vill kalla in FN:s säkerhetsråd. Sanktioner mot Iran övervägs.
Irans ledare vet att FN inte kommer att fatta sådana beslut. Alltför stora värden står på spel: Kinas oljebehov. Italiens och Tysklands feta affärer i Iran. Iran behöver inte frukta ett nytt Irak. USA förmår inte vräka ut ytterligare tusentals miljarder och Irans granne kommer snart att styras av partier, ekonomiskt och militärt understödda av – Iran.

Israel bombar troligen inte. Tekniken räcker inte och människooffren skulle bli skrämmande många.

Iran kan också göra en realistisk militär kalkyl för landet. Ett antal diktatoriska stater i närområdet har allierat sig med USA. Huvudfienden Israel håller en omfattande kärnvapenarsenal. Iran kan vara på väg att försöka utjämna styrkebalansen. Därmed öppnas den skrämmande vägen till en kapplöpning i den hotfulla grenen kärnvapenupprustning och i ett område i närmast permanent krigsfara.

Vilka är alternativen?
I icke-spridningsavtalet finns en artikel som skulle kunna prövas som alternativ, nämligen idén att bygga kärnvapenfria zoner, framgångsrikt praktiserat i stora delar av världen. Hans Blix påminde nyligen om detta och hans efterträdare har förespråkat samma idé – en kärnvapenfri zon i Mellanöstern. Även EU har prövat modellen med välvilja.
De tre europeiska stormakterna som tar sig rätten att tala i EU:s namn antyder dock inte ens dessa planer.
Sverige har en imponerande tradition som konstruktör av ned- och avrustningsplaner. Göran Persson och hans utrikesminister borde påminna EU om de kärnvapenfria zonerna. Orealistiskt, säger kritiker och hänvisar till Israels ovilja och Irans grundläggande opålitlighet.
Möjligen har de rätt. Men vilka är alternativen?

Vad har det blivit av dessa förslag? Ingenting!
Aftonbladets förslag kanske inte var seriöst? De ville bara skrämmas lite med Iran - inte tala om hur många hundra kärnvapen Israel har.
Svenska politiker och debattörer vågar inte närma sig Israel och dess kärnvapen - vågar inte komma med några förslag till nedrustning.

Last edited by on Tue, 2006 Apr 18 20:27:48; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon, 2006 Apr 17 20:09:00    Post subject: Reply with quote
At the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum, photographs of two men are prominently displayed; Albert Einstein, and J. Robert Oppenheimer, who developed the atomic bomb at Los Alamos laboratories, New Mexico.

Also on display is a statement from General Eisenhower, who was then supreme Military Commander, which is found in number of books about Eisenhower, and which can be found on p.426, Eisenhower by Stephen E. Ambrose, Simon & Shuster, NY, 1983.

"Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson first told Eisenhower of the bomb's existence. Eisenhower was engulfed by "a feeling of depression'. When Stimson said the United States proposed to use the bomb against Japan, Eisenhower voiced 'my grave misgivings, first on the basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary, and secondly because I thought that our country should avoid shocking world opinion by the use (of atomic weapons).' Stimson was upset by Eisenhower's attitude 'almost angrily refuting the reasons I gave for my quick conclusion'.

Three days later, Eisenhower flew to Berlin, where he met with Truman and his principal advisors. Again Eisenhower recommended against using the bomb, and again was ignored.

Other books on Eisenhower state that he endangered his career by his protests against the bomb, which the conspirators in the highest level of the United States government had already sworn to use against Japan, regardless of any military developments.

Eisenhower could not have known that Stimson was a prominent member of Skull and Bones at Yale, the Brotherhood of Death, founded by the Russell Trust in 1848 as a bunch of the German Illuminati, or that they had played prominent roles in organizing wars and revolutions since that time.

Nor could he have known that President Truman had only had one job in his career, as a Masonic organizer for the State of Missouri, and that the lodges he built up later sent him to the United States Senate and then to the presidency.

The man who set all this in motion was Albert Einstein, who left Europe and came to the United States in October 1933. His wife said that he "regarded human beings with detestation". He had previously corresponded with Sigmund Freud about his projects of "peace" and "disarmament", although Freud later said he did not believe that Einstein ever accepted any of his theories.

Einstein had a personal interest in Freud's work because his son Eduard spent his life in mental institutions, undergoing both insulin therapy and electroshock treatment, none of which produced any change in his condition.

When Einstien arrived in the United States, he was feted as a famous scientist, and was invited to the White House by President and Mrs. Roosevelt. He was soon deeply involved with Eleanor Roosevelt in her many leftwing causes, in which Einstein heartily concurred. Some of Einstein's biographers hail the modern era as "the Einstein Revolution" and "the Age of Einstein", possibly because he set in motion the program of nuclear fission in the United States.

His letter to Roosevelt requesting that the government inaugurate an atomic bomb program was obviously stirred by his lifelong commitment to "peace and disarmament". His actual commitment was to Zionism;

Ronald W. Clark mentions in Einstein; His Life And Times, Avon, 1971, p.377, "He would campaign with the Zionists for a Jewish homeland in Palestine." On p.460, Clark quotes Einstein, "As a Jew I am from today a supporter of the Jewish Zionist efforts." (1919)

Einstein's letter to Roosevelt, dated august 2, 1939, was delivered personally to President Roosevelt by Alexander Sachs on October 11. Why did Einstein enlist an intermediary to bring this letter to Roosevelt, with whom he was on friendly terms? The atomic bomb program could not be launched without the necessary Wall Street sponsorship. Sachs, a Russian Jew, listed his profession as "economist" but was actually a bagman for the Rothschilds, who regularly delivered large sums of cash to Roosevelt in the White House.

Sachs was an advisor to Eugene Meyer of the Lazard Freres International Banking House, and also with Lehman Brothers, another well known banker. Sachs' delivery of the Einstein letter to the White House let Roosevelt know that the Rothschilds approved of the project and wished him to go full speed ahead.

In May of 1945, the architects of postwar strategy, or, as they liked to call themselves, the "Masters of the Universe", gathered in San Francisco at the plush Palace Hotel to write the Charter for the United Nations.

Stettinius called the meeting to order to discuss an urgent matter; the Japanese were already privately suing for peace, which presented a grave crisis. The atomic bomb would not be ready for several more months. "We have already lost Germany," Stettinius said. "If Japan bows out, we will not have a live population on which to test the bomb."

"Exactly," said John Foster Dulles. "Keep Japan in the war another three months, and we can use the bomb on their cities; we will end this war with the naked fear of all the peoples of the world, who will then bow to our will."

Edward Stettinius Jr. was the son of a J.P. Morgan partner who had been the world's largest munitions dealer in the First World War. He had been named by J.P. Morgan to oversee all purchases of munitions by both France and England in the United States throughout the war.

John Foster Dulles was also an accomplished warmonger. In 1933, he and his brother Allen had rushed to Cologne to meet with Adolf Hitler and guaranteed him the funds to maintain the Nazi regime. The Dulles brothers were representing their clients, Kuhn Loeb Co., and the Rothschilds.

This secret meeting in the Garden Room was actually the first military strategy session of the United Nations, because it was dedicated to its mission of exploding the world's first atomic weapon on a living population. It also forecast the entire strategy of the Cold War, which lasted forty-three years, cost American taxpayers five trillion dollars, and accomplished exactly nothing, as it was intended to do.

Thus we see that the New World Order has based its entire strategy on the agony of the hundreds of thousands of civilians burned alive at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, including many thousands of children sitting in their schoolrooms.

The atomic bomb was developed at the Los Alamos Laboratories in New Mexico. The top secret project was called the Manhattan Project, because its secret director, Bernard Baruch, lived in Manhattan, as did many of the other principals. Baruch had chosen Maj. Gen. Leslie R. Groves to head the operation. He had previously built the Pentagon, and had a good reputation among the Washington politicians, who usually came when Baruch beckoned.

The scientific director at Los Alamos was J. Robert Oppenheimer, scion of a prosperous family of clothing merchants. In Oppenheimer; the Years Of Risk, by James Kunetka, Prentice Hall, NY, 1982, Kunetka writes, p. 106, "Baruch was especially interested in Oppenheimer for the position of senior scientific adviser."

The project cost an estimated two billion dollars. No other nation in the world could have afforded to develop such a bomb. The first successful test of the atomic bomb occurred at the Trinity site, two hundred miles south of Los Alamos at 5:29:45 a.m. on July 16, 1945.

Oppenheimer was beside himself at the spectacle. He shrieked, "I am become Death, the Destroyer of worlds."

"One of the myths of Hiroshima is that the inhabitants were warned by leaflets that an atomic bomb would be dropped. The leaflets Leonard Nadler and William P. Jones recall seeing in the Hiroshima Museum in 1960 and 1970 were dropped after the bombing. This happened because the President's Interim Committee on the Atomic Bomb decided on May 31 'that we could not give the Japanese any warning'. Furthermore, the decision to drop 'atomic' leaflets on Japanese cities was not made until August 7, the day after the Hiroshima bombing. They were not dropped until August 10, after Nagasaki had been bombed.

James Byrnes and Oppenheimer insisted that the bombs must be used without prior warning."

"Closely linked to the question of whether a warning of an atomic bomb attack was given to the civilian populations of the target cities is the third 'article of fifth' that underpins the American legend of Hiroshima; the belief that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were military targets. The Headquarters of the Japanese Second army were located in Hiroshima and approximately 20,000 men—of which about half, or 10,000 died in the attack. In Nagasaki, there were about 150 deaths among military personnel in the city.

Thus, between the two cities, 4.4% of the total death toll was made up of military personnel. In short, more than 95% of the casualties were civilians."

The scientists who had built the atomic bomb were gleeful when they received the news of its success at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

In the book, Robert Oppenheimer, Dark Prince, by Jack Rummel, 1992, we find, p.96, "Back in the United States the news of the bombing of Hiroshima was greeted with a mixture of relief, pride, joy, shock and sadness.

Otto Frisch remembers the shouts of joy, 'Hiroshima has been destroyed!' 'Many of my friends were rushing to the telephone to book tables at the La Fonda Hotel in Santa Fe in order to celebrate.

Oppenheimer walked around "like a prizefighter, clasping his hands together above his head as he came to the podium".'"

Oppenheimer had been a lifelong Communist.

It seemed apparent that Oppenheimer was delaying the hydrogen bomb until the Soviet Union could get its own version on line.

Strauss then ordered that he be tried. A hearing was held from April 5 to May 6, 1954. After reviewing the results, the Atomic Energy Commission voted to strip Oppenheimer of his security clearance, ruling that he "possessed substantial defects of character and imprudent dangerous associations with known subversives".

Oppenheimer retired to Princeton, where his mentor, Albert Einstein, presided over the Institute for Advanced Study, a think tank for refugee "geniuses", financed by the Rothschilds through one of their many secret foundations.

Einstein considered the atomic age merely as a stage for the rebirth of Israel. On p.760 of Einstein; His Life And Times we find that Abba Eban, the Israeli Ambassador, came to his home with the Israeli consul, Reuben Dafni. He later wrote, "Professor Einstein told me that he saw the rebirth of Israel as one of the few political acts in his lifetime which had an essential moral quality. He believed that the conscience of the world should, therefore, be involved in Israel's preservation." by Ronald W. Clarke, Avon Books 1971.

Among world leaders who spoke out about the United States' use of atomic weapons in Japan, Mahatma Gandhi echoed the general climate of opinion. P.258, Hiroshima's Shadow: "The atomic bomb has deadened the finest feelings which have sustained mankind for ages. There used to be so-called laws of war which made it tolerable. Now we understand the naked truth. War knows no law except that of might. The atomic bomb brought an empty victory to the Allied armies. It has resulted for the time being in the soul of Japan being destroyed. What has happened to the soul of the destroying nation is yet too early to see. Truth needs to be repeated as long as there are men who do not believe it."

Fredsprisbelönad IAEA-chef varnar Iran
Publicerad 9 december 2005

OSLO. Världssamfundet håller på att förlora tålamodet med Iran, varnade Mohamed ElBaradei, chef för FN:s atomenergiorgan IAEA, när han kom till Oslo för att motta Nobels fredspris.

The Guardian February 19, 2003
Foreign Minister Downer's failure to mention Israel, when asked of other countries in the Middle East that possess weapons of mass destruction was deliberate said the Head of the General Palestinian Delegation to Australia, Mr Ali Kazak.

"Mr Downer's cover-up on Israel reveals once again the bias and problem of Australia's Middle East policy and the double standard it adopts when dealing with Israel."

A recent US report, The Third Temple's Holy of Holiest: Israel's Nuclear Weapons, issued by the Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama states Israel's nuclear arsenal has grown from an estimated 13 nuclear bombs in 1967 to 400 nuclear and thermonuclear weapons.

Israel possesses missiles which are capable of reaching any city anywhere in the world with the support of military satellites and its navy could deploy nuclear weapons on its fleet of three German-built submarines.

Och varför tyst om detta?
UK helped Israel get nuclear bomb. Was there an Israeli spy in MI5?
British civil servants secretly sold Israel a key ingredient for its nuclear programme in 1958, according to official documents obtained by BBC News.

Och varför så tyst om detta?

Three 1,925 ton Type 800 Dolphin class submarines have been built in German shipyards for the Israel Navy. Modern submarines with the most advanced sailing and combat systems in the world, they combine extensive sophistication with very easy operation. The purpose of these submarines is to enable the Israel Navy to meet all the tasks faced in the Mediterranean Sea in the 21st century.
According to some reports the submarines may be capable of carrying nuclear-armed Popeye Turbo cruise missiles, with a goal of deterring an enemy from trying to take out its nuclear weapons with a surprise attack.

Why have both the US and the UK have given Iran the materials it needs to go nuclear?
Add to the history the more recent revelations penned by New York Times reporter James risen in a new book that six years ago the CIA simply gave Iran the blueprints to build an effective nuclear bomb.

Risen explains that in what appeared to be a "rogue operation" code named "Merlin", a Russian nuclear engineer in the pay of the CIA, who had defected to the US years earlier, had been given nuclear blueprints and had then been sent to Vienna to sell them - or simply give them - to the Iranian representatives to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

One other purpose of Israeli nuclear weapons, not often stated, but obvious, is their "use" on the United States. America does not want Israel's nuclear profile raised. They have been used in the past to ensure America does not desert Israel under increased Arab, or oil embargo, pressure and have forced the United States to support Israel diplomatically against the Soviet Union. Israel used their existence to guarantee a continuing supply of American conventional weapons, a policy likely to continue.

President Johnson was less emphatic about nonproliferation than President Kennedy-or perhaps had more pressing concerns, such as Vietnam. He had a long history of both Jewish friends and pressing political contributors coupled with some first hand experience of the Holocaust, having toured concentration camps at the end of World War II. Israel pressed him hard for aircraft (A-4E Skyhawks initially and F-4E Phantoms later) and obtained agreement in 1966 under the condition that the aircraft would not be used to deliver nuclear weapons. The State Department attempted to link the aircraft purchases to continued inspection visits. President Johnson overruled the State Department concerning Dimona inspections.[52] Although denied at the time, America delivered the F-4Es, on September 5, 1969, with nuclear capable hardware intact.


Hur många kommer att dö och hur många kommer att få cancer av ett kärnvapenanfall mot Iran?
Här finns beräkningarna.


Last edited by on Tue, 2006 Apr 18 23:40:39; edited 9 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon, 2006 Apr 17 20:39:45    Post subject: Reply with quote

Apropå ett tabu - ett tabu Åsa, Erik, Sverker, Jan, Göran och allt vad de kan heta inte vågar bryta. Och därför inte kan säga sanningen om 9/11, Rebuilding America´s Defenses, Israael och BIS - Bank for International Settlements:

Breaking the Last Taboo
The United States of Israel?
April 27, 2006
Stephen Walt towers over me as we walk in the Harvard sunshine past Eliot Street, a big man who needs to be big right now (he's one of two authors of an academic paper on the influence of America's Jewish lobby) but whose fame, or notoriety, depending on your point of view, is of no interest to him.

"Anyone who criticises Israel's actions or argues that pro-Israel groups have significant influence over US Middle East policy," the authors have written, "...stands a good chance of being labelled an anti-Semite. Indeed, anyone who merely claims that there is an Israeli lobby runs the risk of being charged with anti-Semitism ... Anti-Semitism is something no-one wants to be accused of." This is strong stuff in a country where - to quote the late Edward Said - the "last taboo" (now that anyone can talk about blacks, gays and lesbians) is any serious discussion of America's relationship with Israel.

Och läs vad de skrivit:
The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy
John J. Mearsheimer
Department of Political Science University of Chicago
Stephen M. Walt
John F. Kennedy School of Government Harvard University
Professor Says American Publisher Turned Him Down
Ori Nir – Forward March 24, 2006
John Mearsheimer says that the pro-Israel lobby is so powerful that he and co-author Stephen Walt would never have been able to place their report in a American-based scientific publication.

"I do not believe that we could have gotten it published in the United States," Mearsheimer told the Forward. He said that the paper was originally commissioned in the fall of 2002 by one of America's leading magazines, "but the publishers told us that it was virtually impossible to get the piece published in the United States."

Most scholars, policymakers and journalists know that "the whole subject of the Israel lobby and American foreign policy is a third-rail issue," he said. "Publishers understand that if they publish a piece like ours it would cause them all sorts of problems."

In their paper, "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy," the two professors accuse "the lobby" of "policing academia," intimidating scholars and stifling dissent on campuses, mainly through accusing critics of being antisemitic.
The Lobby Strikes Back
Harvard study of Israeli lobby's influence costs the academic dean of the Kennedy School his job
by Justin Raimondo March 31, 2006
The reaction to the Harvard University study by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy," [.pdf] has been fury by the Lobby and its partisans – and a demotion for Walt, who, it was announced shortly after the paper's release, would be stepping down from his post as [academic] dean of the John F. Kennedy School of Government. As the New York Sun reports (via the Harvard Crimson):

"Yesterday's issue of The New York Sun reported that an 'observer' familiar with Harvard said that the University had received calls from 'pro-Israel donors' concerned about the KSG paper. One of the calls, the source told The Sun, was from Robert Belfer, a former Enron director who endowed Walt's professorship when he donated $7.5 million to the Kennedy School's Center for Science and International Affairs in 1997. 'Since the furor, Bob Belfer has called expressing his deep concerns and asked that Stephen not use his professorship title in publicity related to the article,' the source told The Sun."

The Kennedy School has removed its logo from the front page of the paper, and made more prominent a boilerplate statement to the effect that the school doesn't necessarily endorse any or all of the views expressed therein
Scholars' Attack on Pro-Israel Lobby Met With Silence
Ori Nir – Forward March 24, 2006
In the face of one of the harshest reports on the pro-Israel lobby to emerge from academia, Jewish organizations are holding fire in order to avoid generating publicity for their critics.

Officials at Jewish organizations are furious over "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy," a new paper by John Mearsheimer, a top international relations theorists based at the University of Chicago, and Stephen Walt, the academic dean of Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government. In their report — versions of which appear on the Kennedy School Web site and in the March 26 issue of the London Review of Books — the scholars depict "the Israel lobby" as a "loose coalition" of politicians, media outlets, research institutions, Jewish groups and Evangelical Christians that steers America's Middle East policy in directions beneficial to Israel, even if it requires harming American interests.

Despite their anger, Jewish organizations are avoiding a frontal debate with the two scholars, while at the same time seeking indirect ways to rebut and discredit the scholars' arguments. Officials with pro-Israel organizations say that given the limited public attention generated by the new study — as of Tuesday most major print outlets had ignored it — they prefer not to draw attention to the paper by taking issue with it head on. As of Wednesday morning, none of the largest Jewish organizations had issued a press release on the report.

"The key here is to not do what they probably want, which is to have this become a battle between us and them, or for them to say that they are being silenced," said Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. "It's much better to let others respond."
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Proof of a conspiracy
The Kennedy School of Government removed its logo from Walt/Mearsheimer paper and made more prominent a disclaimer stating that the views expressed belong only to the authors. From The Harvard Crimson (the Sun article is here):

“Yesterday’s issue of The New York Sun reported that an ‘observer’ familiar with Harvard said that the University had received calls from ‘pro-Israel donors’ concerned about the KSG paper. One of the calls, the source told The Sun, was from Robert Belfer, a former Enron director who endowed Walt’s professorship when he donated $7.5 million to the Kennedy School’s Center for Science and International Affairs in 1997.

‘Since the furor, Bob Belfer has called expressing his deep concerns and asked that Stephen not use his professorship title in publicity related to the article,’ the source told The Sun.”

As Rozwadow at Daily Kos notes:

“No need for comment. In succesfully getting Harvard, with its billions in endowment, to repudiate a tenured professor's study, they prove the study's thesis.”

The problem, and it is an immense one, isn’t with American Jews, whose sole problem is that they remain quiet while others purport to speak for them (with some praise-worthy exceptions), but with a tiny group of American Jewish plutocrats. And I mean tiny. We’re talking less than a hundred big political donors, probably less than twenty-five. They have large amounts of money to give, mostly come from the American media and entertainment industries (and thus control their own spin), and most importantly, donate their money based on only one issue, requiring the recipients of their donations to take a pure Likudnik approach on the Middle East. Their donations are actually more corrupting to the Democrats than to the Republicans, as the Democrats are much more dependent on this particular source of money, and this dependence explains the bizarre Democrat approach to Israel, the Iraq war, and the Middle East. The crazy views of a handful of plutocrats are not only destructive to American interests, they are destructive to Israeli interests and wider Jewish interests.

Last edited by on Fri, 2006 Apr 28 13:19:28; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Fri, 2006 Apr 28 12:01:59    Post subject: Reply with quote


911 FILMER och du kommer att förstå vad media tiger om!

Bankirerna som finansierade både Sovjet och Nazityskland

Israel och 9/11

"By way of deception, thou shalt do war"

New World Order = en sjuk värld! Men vad sa Bellman?

Varför bygger USA en bas inne i Israel?

Anti-Sionism är inte Anti-Semitism och Israels kärnvapenkrig

Mediekritik, ISRAEL och oljan

The Cabal, pengar, media, vapen, knark, olja, 911

USA på väg mot diktatur!

Illuminati - vad är det månne?
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PostPosted: Tue, 2006 May 23 12:19:35    Post subject: Reply with quote
Volume 53, Number 10 · June 8, 2006

The Storm over the Israel Lobby
By Michael Massing

Not since Foreign Affairs magazine published Samuel Huntington's "The Clash of Civilizations?" in 1993 has an academic essay detonated with such force as "The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy," by professors John J. Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago and Stephen M. Walt of Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government.

Och det handlar inte bara om "The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy". Man kan också få en del inblickar i AIPAC:

Any discussion of AIPAC's activities must begin with the policy conference it sponsors each year in Washington, a combination of trade show, party convention, and Hollywood extravaganza that seems designed to show AIPAC's national power. On Sunday, March 5, 2006, the start of this year's gathering, five thousand pro-Israel activists from around the country crowded into the Washington Convention Center. During the next three days, they listened to speeches, sat in on panels, chatted at receptions, and attended a book signing by Natan Sharansky. The crowd included more than a thousand college and high school students, mobilized through AIPAC's ambitious campus advocacy program. Speakers included a cross-section of Washington's political establishment—John Bolton, Newt Gingrich, Senators Evan Bayh and Susan Collins, House Majority Whip Roy Blunt—as well as all three Israeli candidates for prime minister (speaking via satellite from Israel, where they were campaigning). On several giant screens around the hall there flashed alternating clips of Adolf Hitler denouncing the Jews and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad vowing to destroy Israel. The show ended with a fade-out to the post-Holocaust vow "Never Again."

AIPAC claims to represent most of the Jewish community. Its executive committee has a couple of hundred members representing a wide spectrum of American Jewish opinion, from the dovish Americans for Peace Now to the militantly right-wing Zionist Organization of America. Four times a year this group meets to decide AIPAC policy. According to several former AIPAC officials I have talked to, however, the executive committee has little real power. Rather, power rests with the fifty-odd-member board of directors, which is selected not according to how well they represent AIPAC's members but according to how much money they give and raise.

Reflecting this, the board is thick with corporate lawyers, Wall Street investors, business executives, and heirs to family fortunes. Within the board itself, power is concentrated in an extremely rich subgroup, known as the "minyan club." And, within that group, four members are dominant: Robert Asher, a retired lighting fixtures dealer in Chicago; Edward Levy, a building supplies executive in Detroit; Mayer "Bubba" Mitchell, a construction materials dealer in Mobile, Alabama; and Larry Weinberg, a real estate developer in Los Angeles (and a former owner of the Portland Trail Blazers). Asher, Levy, and Mitchell are loyal Republicans; Weinberg is a Scoop Jackson Democrat who has moved rightward over the years.

The "Gang of Four," as these men are known, do not share the general interest of a large part of the Jewish community in promoting peace in the Middle East. Rather, they seek to keep Israel strong, the Palestinians weak, and the United States from exerting pressure on Israel. AIPAC's director,

AIPAC's defenders like to argue that its success is explained by its ability to exploit the organizing opportunities available in democratic America. To some extent, this is true. AIPAC has a formidable network of supporters throughout the US. Its 100,000 members—up 60 percent from five years ago —are guided by AIPAC's nine regional offices, its ten satellite offices, and its one-hundred-person-plus Washington staff, a highly professional group that includes lobbyists, researchers, analysts, organizers, and publicists, backed by an enormous $47 million annual budget. AIPAC's staff is famous on Capitol Hill for its skill in gathering up-to-the-minute information about Middle Eastern affairs and working it up into neatly digestible and carefully slanted policy packages, on which many congressional staffers have come to rely.

Such an account, however, overlooks a key element in AIPAC's success: money. AIPAC itself is not a political action committee. Rather, by assessing voting records and public statements, it provides information to such committees, which donate money to candidates; AIPAC helps them to decide who Israel's friends are according to AIPAC's criteria. The Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan group that analyzes political contributions, lists a total of thirty-six pro-Israel PACs, which together contributed $3.14 million to candidates in the 2004 election cycle. Pro-Israel donors give many millions more. Over the last five years, for instance, Robert Asher, together with his various relatives (a common device used to maximize contributions), has donated $148,000, mostly in sums of $1,000 or $2,000 to individual candidates.

A Clinton Middle East adviser points to the embassy issue as an example of how the Israel lobby works. Like all lobbies, he says, it's "very effective at creating background noise." When an administration considers taking a position on some issue, it must weigh the potential gain against the "downside"—the "constant barrage" from the press, Congress, and domestic interest groups. If it's going to require a constant, time-consuming effort, "then you ask, is it worth it?"

In practice, though, the organization is run by its executive vice-chairman, Malcolm Hoenlein, who has long been close to the settlers' movement; for several years in the mid-1990s, he served as an associate chair for the annual fund-raising dinners held in New York for Bet El, a militant settlement near Ramallah.

And it can be "suicidal" to resist, says M.J. Rosenberg, who is the Washington director of the Israel Policy Forum, which seeks US support for a two-state solution, and who worked for AIPAC between 1982 and 1986. He adds:

I worked on Capitol Hill for almost twenty years and, basically, criticizing AIPAC or defying it on some resolution is a sure way to get a staffer in serious trouble. I don't think they can defeat a member of Congress, not even in New York, but for staffers, reporters, people like me who work for Jewish organizations, they will try to get you fired or block your chances of advancement. They issue threats and they definitely believe they are more important than members of Congress.

Kampelman, Kirkpatrick, Perle, and Woolsey also sit on the advisory board of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA), which, as its Web site notes, seeks "to inform the American defense and foreign affairs community about the important role Israel can and does play in bolstering democratic interests in the Mediterranean and the Middle East." To describe its program more bluntly, JINSA seeks to educate gentile members of the Pentagon in the strategic value of Israel to the United States. About half its fifty-six board members are US generals and admirals. Other members include Stephen Solarz, who while a New York congressman worked tirelessly on Israel's behalf; Eric Cantor, the only Jewish Republican in the House, who in 2002 was named the chief deputy majority whip—part of the ongoing Republican program to lure pro-Israel dollars from the Democrats; and Stephen Bryen, a neoconservative who served under Richard Perle in Ronald Reagan's Pentagon and who is now a defense contractor.

Richard Perle, in addition to sitting on the boards of both the Washington Institute and JINSA, is a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.

Det går att ladda hem en .pdf och läsa det som gett upphov till ovanstående artikel:

The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy
John J. Mearsheimer
Department of Political Science University of Chicago
Stephen M. Walt
John F. Kennedy School of Government Harvard University

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