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Råttorna lämnar skeppet

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PostPosted: Mon, 2006 Mar 27 22:18:16    Post subject: Råttorna lämnar skeppet Reply with quote
Published: Monday March 27, 2006
Karl Rove, Deputy White House Chief of Staff and special adviser to President George W. Bush, has recently been providing information to special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald in the ongoing CIA leak investigation, sources close to the investigation say.

According to several Pentagon sources close to Rove and others familiar with the inquiry, Bush's senior adviser tipped off Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald to information that led to the recent "discovery" of 250 pages of missing email from the office of Vice President Dick Cheney.


According to one source close to the case, Rove is providing information on deleted emails, erased hard drives and other types of obstruction by staff and other officials in the Vice President's office. Pentagon sources close to Rove confirmed this account.

None would name the staffers and/or officials whom Rove is providing information about. They did, however, explain that the White House computer system has "real time backup" servers and that while emails were deleted from computers, they were still retrievable from the backup system. By providing the dates and recipient information of the deleted emails, sources say, Rove was able to chart a path for Fitzgerald directly into the office of the Vice President.
After September 11, Rove found himself feeling cranky, according to investigative reporter Bob Woodward. Rove was pissed off because he wasn't being allowed to sit in on National Security Council and war cabinet meetings. Bush and Dick Cheney were afraid the politico's presence would send the wrong message.

Bear in mind, it wasn't that Rove wasn't being consulted. He was consulted about every single thing that happened in the White House and every decision that emerged from the Oval Office. He just wasn't being allowed to sit at the meetings himself. He had to get his updates after the fact from Bush, Cheney and Condoleezza Rice.

His thoughtful evaluation (told to Woodward) of the ramifications of invading a sovereign country and deposing its leader? "The victor is always right."

Until late 2003, anyway, when an ugly little incident revealed just how dark the dark side of Karl Rove could be, in a burgeoning scandal that could have serious consequences for the Bush White House.

A former U.S. ambassador by the name of Joseph Wilson was one of the biggest political liabilities the White House faced in 2003. Wilson had been dispatched to Niger early in 2002 to investigate whether Iraq was trying to buy uranium there. Turns out, they weren't.

He reported this information back to the White House, which promptly ignored it. Bush cited the uranium story in his 2003 State of the Union address, Cheney cited it repeatedly, and the State Department cited it in several of its endless justifications for why the U.S. just had to invade Iraq.

When the war was "over" and still no Weapons of Mass Destruction had been found, Wilson pointed out to the media that he had TOLD the White House that there was no uranium purchase. He wrote about his fact-finding trip in the New York Times as well.

This did not please the White House. It was bad for politics, bad for poll numbers. And when the poll numbers are threatened, Karl Rove gets cranky. Homicidally cranky, apparently. Did I say apparently? I meant allegedly.

In July 2003, arch-conservative Robert Novak reported that Wilson's wife was a CIA agent, blowing her cover and endangering her life, not to mention national security. (Inexplicably, no one has gone after Novak over this issue.)

Wilson and his wife didn't take this lying down. They came out swinging. Wilson accused Rove of being the source for the leak that endangered his wife's life and destroyed her career.

"Rove is someone who at a minimum would have condoned it and certainly did nothing to knock it down for over a week after the article appeared. The outing of my wife was obviously a political or communications move. The head of the political operation is Karl Rove," Wilson told reporters.

In late September, the Justice Department launched a full criminal investigation into the leak, which is an aggravated felony punishable by up to three years in prison and a $10,000 fine

Cooperative Research - Search on Karl Rove

August 2002 Events Leading to Iraq Invasion
White House Chief of Staff Andrew H. Card Jr. forms the White House Iraq Group, or WHIG, which aims to “educate the public” about the alleged threat from Iraq. A senior official involved with the group later describes it as “an internal working group, like many formed for priority issues, to make sure each part of the White House was fulfilling its responsibilities.”

Members of the group include Karl Rove, Karen Hughes, Mary Matalin, James R. Wilkinson, Nicholas E. Calio, and policy advisers led by Condoleezza Rice and her deputy, Stephen J. Hadley, and I. Lewis Libby. They meet weekly in the White House Situation Room. A “strategic communications” task force under the WHIG is charged with planning speeches and writing white papers. [Washington Post, 8/10/2003]

According to an intelligence source interviewed by the New York Daily News in October 2005, the group, on “a number of occasions,” will attempt “to push the envelope on things,”— “The [CIA] would say, ‘We just don't have the intelligence to substantiate that.’” [New York Daily News, 10/19/2005]

An important part of the WHIG strategy is to feed their messages to friendly reporters such as New York Times reporter Judith Miller.

James Bamford, in his book A Pretext for War, writes: “First OSP [Office of Special Plans] supplies false or exaggerated intelligence; then members of the WHIG leak it to friendly reporters, complete with prepackaged vivid imagery; finally, when the story breaks, senior officials point to it as proof and parrot the unnamed quotes they or their colleagues previously supplied.”
[Bamford, 2004, pp 325]
Miller "Discovered" 2003 Notes with Libby

Miller said she discovered notes about a June 2003 conversation she had with Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, "after her testimony before the grand jury last week," sources said

"Miller turned the [redacted] notes over to federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald and [was] expected to meet him again" October 11th. "Miller's notes could help Fitzgerald establish that Libby had started talking to reporters about CIA operative Valerie Plame and her diplomat husband, Joseph Wilson, weeks before Wilson publicly criticized the administration's Iraq policy in a [July 6, 2003,] Times opinion piece (

"One source involved in the investigation said Miller's notes could help Fitzgerald show a long-running and orchestrated campaign to discredit Wilson, which could help form the basis for a conspiracy

Subsequently, the New York Times published three stories about Miller's testimony to the grand jury. The stories include Miller's first-person recounting of what she told the grand jury, a chronology of the Miller case, and an analysis suggesting that Libby, an aide to Vice President Dick Cheney, may still be a focus of the criminal investigation.

Karl Rove

Karl RoveAKA Karl Christian Rove

Born: 25-Dec-1950
Birthplace: Denver, CO

Gender: Male
Religion: Anglican/Episcopalian
Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Government

Nationality: United States
Executive summary: Turd Blossom

Learned at 19 that his father had adopted him at age 2.

In February 2005, senior White House political advisor Rove was promoted to Deputy Chief of Staff under Andrew Card. Rove was tasked with overseeing policy formulation and implemention for domestic matters, economics, national security and homeland security.

Last edited by on Tue, 2006 Apr 04 1:04:53; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon, 2006 Mar 27 22:19:33    Post subject: Reply with quote
March 25, 2006
Are the Neocons Losing It? by Patrick J. Buchanan

While President Bush appears serenely confident about Iraq, the same cannot be said of the War Party propagandists who were plotting this conflict when Dubya was still a rookie governor of Texas.

William Kristol of The Weekly Standard now demands the firing of Donald Rumsfeld. William F. Buckley, whose National Review branded the antiwar Right "unpatriotic conservatives" who "hate" America, now calls upon Bush for an "acknowledgement of defeat."

Richard Perle says the administration "got the war right and the aftermath wrong." Self-described "humiliated pundit" Andrew Sullivan confesses to "a sense of shame and sorrow." Michael Ledeen says of Bush's war, "Wrong war, wrong time, wrong way, wrong place."

Frank ("The End of History") Fukuyama concedes that "Iraq has now replaced Afghanistan as a magnet, a training ground and an operational base for jihadists, with plenty of American targets to shoot at."

But it is a March 20 essay in The Wall Street Journal that suggests the neocons may be coming unhinged. Written by Weekly Standard Executive Editor Fred Barnes, the piece urges Bush to begin the "rejuvenation of his presidency by shocking the media and political community with a sweeping overhaul of his administration."

The purge Barnes recommends would have caused Stalin to recoil.

Barnes calls on Bush to fire press secretary Scott McClellan, chief of staff Andy Card, political adviser Karl Rove, National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Treasury Secretary John Snow – and Vice President Richard Cheney.

"The trickiest issue is how to handle Karl Rove," says Barnes.
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PostPosted: Wed, 2006 Mar 29 19:40:56    Post subject: Reply with quote
Vita Husets stabschef Andy Card avgår och ersätts med den 51:årige chefen för Office of Management and BudgetL, Josh Bolten

Det var Andy Card som viskade i Bush öra:
-America is under attack!
Och Bush lyfte inte på häcken. Bush visste. Han satt kvar och lyssnade på skolbarnen som läste en saga om en get. Bush bara väntade på att attackerna skulle slutföras. Och Bush medhjälpare visste också!

Klicka för att läsa Bush timeline 9/11 hos CooperativeResearch

Och läs mer om Andy Card:
Andrew H. Card, Jr., who served as President George W. Bush's first Chief of Staff, resigned March 28, 2006. Card was replaced by Joshua B. Bolten, Budget Director and policy director for the 2000 Bush campaign.

Card helped coordinate the White House campaign for the 2003 invasion of Iraq. In September 2002, the New York Times quoted Card as saying, "From a marketing point of view you don't introduce new products in August." Card was explaining what the Times characterized as a "meticulously planned strategy to persuade the public, the Congress, and the allies of the need to confront the threat from Saddam Hussein." George W. Bush credited Card with the idea for Bush's brief visit to 600 U.S. soldiers celebrating Thanksgiving in Baghdad in 2003

Last edited by on Thu, 2006 Apr 06 13:19:24; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu, 2006 Mar 30 13:00:19    Post subject: Reply with quote
By CURT ANDERSON, Associated Press Writer Thu Mar 30, 3:40 AM ET
MIAMI - Lobbyist Jack Abramoff and a former partner were sentenced to nearly six years in prison on fraud charges but were allowed to remain free while they help a corruption investigation that has embroiled Congress.

U.S. District Judge Paul C. Huck sentenced Abramoff and Adam Kidan to five years and 10 months behind bars on Wednesday for concocting a fake $23 million wire transfer during the 2000 purchase of SunCruz Casinos.

The judge agreed to postpone the prison reporting dates for the men to allow them to continue cooperating in both the Washington bribery investigation and the 2001 killing of former SunCruz owner Konstantinos "Gus" Boulis. Both deny having any role in the death.

Abramoff, dressed in a dark business suit, said in brief remarks prior to sentencing that the day was "incredibly painful" for himself, his friends and family but that he intended to make amends.

"I am much chastened and profoundly remorseful over the reckless and hurtful things I have done in my life, especially those which have brought me before you today. I can only hope that the Almighty and those whom I have wronged will forgive me my trespasses," Abramoff said.

The same week in January that Abramoff pleaded guilty to the SunCruz fraud, he entered guilty pleas to three federal charges as part of a wide-ranging corruption probe that could involve up to 20 members of Congress and aides, including former House Majority Leader
Tom DeLay, R-Texas. No date has been set for his sentencing in that case.

That investigation arose from Abramoff's representation of six Indian tribes, which he and a partner billed for $80 million between 2001 and 2004. They directed the tribes to give thousands of dollars in political campaign contributions. Tribal leaders have said in many cases they were unaware of what was happening to their money.

The Cabal, pengar, media, vapen, knark, olja, 911

Jack Abramoff

AKA Jack A Abramoff

Born: 28-Feb-1958
Birthplace: Atlantic City, NJ

Gender: Male
Religion: Jewish
Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Government

Nationality: United States
Executive summary: Lobbyist, friends with Tom DeLay

"It is not our job to seek peaceful coexistence with the Left. Our job is to remove them from power permanently."

Before becoming one of Washington's most influential lobbyists, Jack Abramoff had been national chairman of the College Republicans. Which is where he hired Grover Norquist and Ralph Reed to help him run things over there.

On 25-May-2000, Republican House leader Tom DeLay took off on a weeklong vacation to Britain with his family. The trip was being funded by the nonprofit National Center for Public Policy Research. It just so happens that on that very same day two of Jack Abramoff's clients, eLottery Inc. and the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, had coughed up $50,000 in contributions to the National Center for Public Policy Research. Two months later, DeLay killed some pending legislation that eLottery and the Choctaws had opposed.

Last edited by on Tue, 2006 Apr 04 1:00:36; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue, 2006 Apr 04 0:57:41    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fitzgerald Previews Government's Case Against Libby
By Jason Leopold Monday 20 March 2006
The criminal trial against I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff, may still be nearly a year away, but the special counsel prosecuting the case has already provided a preview into the government's criminal case against the ex-White House official, who is accused of lying to the FBI and a grand jury about his role in the leak of a covert CIA operative.

During a recent federal court hearing, Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald said he plans to focus on the week of July 7 to 14, 2003, in which Libby allegedly told several reporters that Valerie Plame Wilson worked for the CIA and was responsible for convincing the agency to send her husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, to Niger in 2002 to investigate claims that Iraq sought 500 tons of uranium from the African country.

"I'm not going to argue it was the most important issue consuming the Bush administration," Fitzgerald told US District Court Judge Reggie Walton during a February 24 federal court hearing, a transcript of which was obtained by this reporter.

"I will argue during that week Mr. Libby was consumed with [Wilson] to an extent more than he should have been but he was and you can look at the time he spent with people," Fitzgerald added. "When talking about Mr. Wilson for the first time, he described himself as a former Hill staffer. He meets with people off premises. There were some unusual things I won't get into about that week. At the end of the day we're talking about someone who spent a lot of time during the week of July 7 to July 14 focused on the issue of Wilson and Wilson's wife."

Libby told FBI investigators and testified before a grand jury that he found out about Plame Wilson's CIA employment from reporters on July 9 or 10, 2003. But Fitzgerald said Libby discussed Plame Wilson with former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer on July 7, 2003, and Fleischer testified that Libby said the information was "hush, hush" on the "QT" and was not widely known ...
Lewis Libby

Lewis LibbyAKA Irving Lewis Libby, Jr.

Born: 22-Aug-1950
Birthplace: New Haven, CT

Gender: Male
Religion: Jewish
Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Government

Nationality: United States
Executive summary: Cheney's former Chief of Staff
Until recently chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, Lewis Libby is alleged to be one of two administration sources who leaked the identity of Ambassador Joseph Wilson's wife, undercover CIA operative Valerie Plame. Libby resigned his White House position on 28th October 2005 after being indicted on five felony counts -- perjury, obstruction of justice, and lying to federal officials. He was the most powerful Chief of Staff for the most powerful Vice President in American history, and was very much one of the ultimate administration insiders. After the events of 2001 Libby was one of the neoconservatives who made the case for war against Iraq.
I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Jr., Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff to Vice President Dick Cheney since 2001, resigned October 28, 2005, after being indicted on five counts which included obstruction of justice, making false statements and perjury.

The indictments resulted from a grand jury investigation which began October 31, 2003, into the leaking of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame’s name. Department of Justice Special Counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald and FBI "investigators have been trying to determine whether Libby or any other administration officials knowingly revealed" Plame's identity or "about their involvement to investigators. Plame's husband, Joseph Wilson, is a diplomat and an opponent of the Iraq war who challenged U.S. President George W. Bush’s assertion that Saddam Hussein was in possession of nuclear materials."
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PostPosted: Tue, 2006 Apr 25 20:18:09    Post subject: Reply with quote

Greg Palast wrote:

Desert Rats Leave The Sinking Ship
Why Rumsfeld Should Not Resign
The Guardian - Comment
Friday, April 14, 2006
By Greg Palast

Well, here they come: the wannabe Rommels, the gaggle of generals, safely retired, to lay siege to Donald Rumsfeld. This week, six of them have called for the Secretary of Defense's resignation.

Well, according to my watch, they're about four years too late -- and they still don't get it.

Let me tell you a story about the Secretary of Defense you didn't read in the New York Times, related to me by General Jay Garner, the man our president placed in Baghdad as the US' first post-invasion viceroy.

Garner arrived in Kuwait City in March 2003 working under the mistaken notion that when George Bush called for democracy in Iraq, the President meant the Iraqis could choose their own government. Misunderstanding the President's true mission, General Garner called for Iraqis to hold elections within 90 days and for the U.S. to quickly pull troops out of the cities to a desert base. "It's their country," the General told me of the Iraqis. "And," he added, most ominously, "their oil."

Let's not forget: it's all about the oil. I showed Garner a 101-page plan for Iraq's economy drafted secretly by neo-cons at the State Department, Treasury and the Pentagon, calling for "privatization" (i.e. the sale) of "all state assets ... especially in the oil and oil-supporting industries." See it here.

The General knew of the plans and he intended to shove it where the Iraqi sun don't shine. Garner planned what he called a "Big Tent" meeting of Iraqi tribal leaders to plan elections. By helping Iraqis establish their own multi-ethnic government -- and this was back when Sunnis, Shias and Kurds were on talking terms -- knew he could get the nation on its feet peacefully before a welcomed "liberation" turned into a hated "occupation."

But, Garner knew, a freely chosen coalition government would mean the death-knell for the neo-con oil-and-assets privatization grab.

On April 21, 2003, three years ago this month, the very night General Garner arrived in Baghdad, he got a call from Washington. It was Rumsfeld on the line. He told Garner, in so many words, "Don't unpack, Jack, you're fired."

Rummy replaced Garner, a man with years of on-the-ground experience in Iraq, with green-boots Paul Bremer, the Managing Director of Kissinger Associates. Bremer cancelled the Big Tent meeting of Iraqis and postponed elections for a year; then he issued 100 orders, like some tin-pot pasha, selling off Iraq's economy to U.S. and foreign operators, just as Rumsfeld's neo-con clique had desired.

Reading this, it sounds like I should applaud the six generals' call for Rumfeld's ouster. Forget it.

For a bunch of military hotshots, they sure can't shoot straight. They're wasting all their bullets on the decoy. They've gunned down the puppet instead of the puppeteers.

There's no way that Rumsfeld could have yanked General Garner from Baghdad without the word from The Bunker. Nothing moves or breathes or spits in the Bush Administration without Darth Cheney's growl of approval. And ultimately, it's the Commander-in-Chief who's chiefly in command.
Donald Rumsfeld
Donald RumsfeldAKA Donald Henry Rumsfeld
Born: 9-Jul-1932
Birthplace: Evanston, IL

Gender: Male
Religion: Protestant
Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Straight
Occupation: Government, Politician, Business
Nationality: United States
Executive summary: US Secretary of Defense
Military service: US Navy (1954-57, Lieutenant)

Donald Rumsfeld was both the youngest and oldest Secretary of Defense in American history. He was the youngest when, at age 43, he took charge of the Pentagon under President Gerald Ford in 1975. Appointed to the same post by President George W. Bush more than 25 years later, he became the first Secretary of Defense in his 70s.
Rumsfeld has strong ties to the Intelligence Community, as well as to the Atlantic Institute, and is a member of the Bilderberg group. He is a financial supporter for the Center for Security Policy. Rumsfeld was one of the signers of the January 26, 1998, Project for the New American Century (PNAC) letter ( sent to President William Jefferson Clinton. [1] (

According to a December 28, 2000, report by CNN, "Rumsfeld's nomination also appeared to settle a disagreement among those advisers over the defense post. Colin Powell reportedly wanted Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge for the job, while Dick Cheney and other congressional Republicans supported Daniel R. Coats. But aides close to Bush said the president-elect did not feel comfortable with the former Indiana senator; Cheney then recommended Rumsfeld, his old boss" in the George H.W. Bush administration. [2] (

In his March 9, 2003, article "Family ties connect US right, Zionists" (, Jim Lobe wrote:

"As godfather of the [neo-con] movement, Irving Kristol played mentor to Norman Podhoretz, the long-time but now-retired editor of Commentary, the influential monthly publication of the American Jewish Committee (AJC). Originally identified with the anti-war left in the mid-1960s, Podhoretz converted to neo-conservatism late in the decade and transformed the magazine into a main source of neo-conservative writing, despite the overwhelming majority of the Jewish community itself rejecting those positions.

"Podhoretz and his spouse, Midge Decter, a polemical powerhouse in her own right, created a formidable political team in the 1970s as they deserted the Democratic Party, and then, as leaders of the Committee on the Present Danger -- like PNAC a coalition of mainly Jewish, neo-conservatives and more traditional right-wing hawks like Defence Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld -- helped lay the foreign-policy foundation for the rise of Ronald Reagan. After Reagan's victory, Decter and Rumsfeld co-chaired the international offshoot of the committee, called the Coalition for the Free World."

On 6 May, 2004, "Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.) introduced eight articles of impeachment against Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld amid Congressional outrage over the Pentagon's handling of charges of prison abuse by U.S. soldiers." [3] (

"I think that this rises to the point that it's a high crime and misdemeanor if he disappointed the president, kept information from the Congress and kept this information from the American people," Rangel said on the House floor.

Rumsfeld & Big Pharma

Rumsfeld has served on the boards of pharmaceutical companies Gilead Sciences, Pfizer Inc., and Amylin Pharmaceuticals, according to Open Secrets (
Gilead Sciences

"Rummy was Chair of the Board of Directors at Gilead Sciences until named to the Bush cabinet and, like [Vice President Dick] Cheney, still has ties that bind to the 'old company.' Now isn't it an 'amazing coincidence' that the drug Tamiflu ( patented by Gilead Sciences is being pushed by the National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious Diseases as the NUMBER ONE choice for flu, which, wonder of wonders, is sweeping through in one epidemic after another," Free Market News related ( October 21, 2005, from a January 2004 web posting.

As of September 22, 2004, Rumsfeld held a "stake in Gilead Sciences Inc. worth $5 million to $25 million." [4] (

Incidentally, Newsday reported (,0,4136757.story?coll=sns-ap-nationworld-headlines&track=mostemailedlink) October 22, 2005, that, according to drug makers, Tamiflu "will remain in short supply for as long as a year because of the drug's complicated chemistry."

The delay is perhaps related to the controversy over property rights to the Tamiflu patent. See Dr. Joseph Mercola's "Who Owns the Rights on Tamiflu: Rumsfeld To Profit From Bird Flu Hoax," ( Global Research, October 26, 2005: "Since Rumsfeld holds major portions of stock in Gilead, he will handsomely profit from the scare tactics of the government that is being used to justify the purchase of $2 billion of Tamiflu."
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PostPosted: Thu, 2006 Apr 27 21:29:02    Post subject: Reply with quote

Before we adopted a foreign policy predicated on an American invasion of the Middle East, the U.S. government itself had to be invaded by a cabal known as the neoconservatives, who penetrated the policymaking process at practically every level – from the Office of the Vice President (Scooter) to an analyst's desk at the Pentagon (Franklin). The key government personnel who constituted that invasion force, and the interests they served, are now being exposed to public view in a court of law – and their last hope, as they're backed into a corner, is to implicate everyone, to claim that "everybody does it" and that if Rosen and Weissman and Libby are to be prosecuted, then what about the secretary of state, the vice president, and POTUS himself? After all, they authorized it, they were complicit – treason was the policy.

I am hard-pressed to disagree with that conclusion, although I can think of no better outcome of these cases than to see the treasonous trio of Libby-Rosen-Weissman do hard time. For years, we have had a foreign policy that has nothing to do with America's legitimate national interests – for reasons readily discernible here – and, knowing this, one can hardly wonder that, in the end, it came down to "outing" a CIA agent, stealing vital defense information, and endangering our national security.

The War Party will stop at nothing to absolve themselves of all blame for the consequences of their disastrous policies, using the opportunity to launch an unprecedented assault on their perceived enemies, including even Secretary Rice (soft on Iran) as well as Gen. Zinni (previously denounced as an "anti-Semite" by the Amen Corner). That Rice is resisting them, while the White House capitulates to their every demand, confirms the old saw about the rot starting at the top. That these two cases are even being brought to court, however, shows the putrefaction process is far from complete, and that there is hope for the patient, in the long run. Our republic will survive all this, or at least I like to believe that is so: the immune system of our constitutional order, temporarily downed by the sheer shock of 9/11, is making a comeback. All we can do now is watch the progress of these two cases, get out the popcorn – and keep our fingers crossed.
Lawrence (Larry) Franklin, the former Defense Intelligence Agency analyst with expertise in Iranian policy issues who worked in the office of Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith and reported directly to Feith's deputy, William Luti, was sentenced January 20, 2006, "to more than 12 years in prison for giving classified information to an Israeli diplomat" and members of the pro-Israel lobbying group American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). [1] ([2] (

Franklin will "remain free while the government continues with the wider case" and his "prison time could be sharply reduced in return for his help in prosecuting" former AIPAC members Steven J. Rosen and Keith Weissman, [who] are scheduled to go on trial in April [2006]." [3] (

"Franklin admitted that he met periodically with Rosen and Weissman between 2002 and 2004 and discussed classified information, including information about potential attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq. Rosen and Weissman would later share what they learned with reporters and Israeli officials."
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PostPosted: Fri, 2006 May 05 21:56:44    Post subject: Reply with quote

C.I.A. Director Porter Goss Resigns
Published: May 5, 2006

WASHINGTON (AP) -- CIA Director Porter Goss resigned unexpectedly Friday, nudged from the helm of a spy agency still reeling from intelligence failures before America's worst terrorist attack and faulty information that formed the U.S. rationale for invading Iraq.
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