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Illuminati - vad är det månne?

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PostPosted: Fri, 2006 Jan 20 18:56:48    Post subject: Illuminati - vad är det månne? Reply with quote

Googlar man på illuminati så får man över 2 miljoner träffar.

Vill man få reda på mera så går man till engelska Wikipedia
The Illuminati is the name of many groups, modern and historical, real and fictitious, verified and alleged. Most commonly, however, The Illuminati refers specifically to the Bavarian Illuminati, the least secret of all secret societies in the world, described below. Most use refers to an alleged shadowy conspiratorial organization which controls world affairs behind the scenes, usually a modern incarnation or continuation of the Bavarian Illuminati. Illuminati is sometimes used synonymously with New World Order.

Det går att gå till svenska Wikipedia för att få reda på mera:
Den filial av Illuminaterna som infördes i Stockholm av Carl Boheman, den beryktade mystikern, och varmed 1700-talets mysticism satte sin krona på verket blev inte långvarig. Boheman var intim frimurarevän med hertig Carl och lyckades intressera honom liksom många av rikets förnäma män och kvinnor. Den unge Gustaf Adolf tycktes inte heller vara obenägen för att låta sig invigas i ordens höga hemligheter, men då kom man underfund med att Bohemans visdom vore av högst revolutionär beskaffenhet. Han fördes ur riket, och den svenska Illuminatorden upphörde.

Man kan gå till Amazon och få reda på att Illuminati dyrkar djävulen:
The Illuminati and The Luciferians
It is well documented that the two prime candidates for U.S. President in 2004, John Kerry and Geroge W. Bush, share a dark secret . . . they both belong to a secret society that, over many years, has shaped the character of a significant number of America's power elite

Bush och Kerry har bägge svurit trohet till Skull and Bones vid Yale universitet. Det handlar om att skapa en elit - en högst odemokratisk elit.
Co-founder of the order, William Huntington Russell spent some time studying in Germany. It has been suggested that while he was there he was initiated into a secret society with a skull and bones for its emblem. Some even claim that he was initiated into a continuation of the Illuminati, and granted authorization to start a Yale chapter.

Skull and Bones is the most well known of the secret societies based at Yale University, in New Haven, Connecticut. It was founded in 1832 by William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft, two students who were not admitted into Phi Beta Kappa. [1] The first Skull and Bones class, or "cohort", was in 1833. The society's current membership rosters and activities are not disclosed to the public. It is a "senior society", which inducts only upcoming seniors, for the year prior to their graduation.

Skull and Bones is known by many names, including The Order of Death, The Order, The Eulogian Club, and Lodge 322. Initiates are most commonly known as Bonesmen, Knights of Eulogia, and Boodle Boys. The women who have recently become members would be known as Boneswomen, Ladies of Eulogia, and Boodle Girls.

Bonesman socialization: core families of "Knights" versus "Barbarians"
The Skull and Bones tomb
The Skull and Bones tomb

Starting in 1833, each year one of the responsibilities of the cohort of fifteen seniors is to select fifteen new junior members to replace them. This is called being "tapped" (selected) for the society. To be tapped for Skull and Bones is seen by many Yale students as the highest honor that can be attained, though some occasionally refuse. For a year, Bones members meet at least weekly and conduct long self-analysis of each other and critique. This is aimed at creating a long term bond between them as they leave the university instead of during their stay at the university. Kris Millegan writes that one of the rooms is uncannily arranged like a room arranged for an entrance into an higher level of the Bavarian Illuminati [5]. There are human skulls and bones in the "tomb", which is illegal under Connecticut law. Bones members are reported to be forced to reveal their innermost secrets and their "sexual biography" to one another. It has been suggested that this may be used for blackmailing. In the tomb with each other for one year, members dine off a set of Hitler's silverware according to "dissident" Bones members interviewed by Alexandra Robbins for her book Secrets of The Tomb [p. 5], consuming expensive gourmet meals. Members are given new code names. The members call themselves "Knights," and simultaneously call everyone else in the world at large "barbarians". Another dissociation is that clocks in the Bones "tomb" run intentionally five minutes ahead of the rest of the world, to give the members an ongoing sense that the Bonesmen's space is a totally separate world--and a world just a bit ahead of the curve of the rest of the "barbarians" outside.

Hur stort inflytande har Illuminati? Kanske de även har inflytande över svensk vardag och svensk politik? En världsvid konspiration som bestämmer Aftonbladets löpsedlar?

Enligt engelska Wikipedia:
Most use refers to an alleged shadowy conspiratorial organization which controls world affairs behind the scenes, usually a modern incarnation or continuation of the Bavarian Illuminati. Illuminati is sometimes used synonymously with New World Order.

Kan Illuminati ha något inflytande över bankräntan?
Kan Illuminati ha något inflytande över vapenhandel?
Kan Illuminati ha något inflytande över olje- och bilindustrin?
Kan Illuminati ha något inflytande över mediaindustrin?
Kan Illuminati ha något inflytande över bingohallar, hundutställningar, viktväktarkurser?
Var ska man dra gränsen för Illuminatis inflytande?

Och vilket inflytande har gemene man? De flesta utanför de rum där besluten fattas. Att låta alla vara med och ta beslut - ha beslutande folkomröstningar i de enskilda länderna eller ha ett alternativ till Förenta Nationerna - ett United Individuals där alla miljarderna är med och beslutar är inte förverkligat än även om det borde gå med hjälp av lite datateknik.

Vi är ungefär nio miljoner i Sverige. I vår demokrati har 349 riksdagsledamöter rätt attt ta beslut enligt grundlagen. Det betyder att 0,04 promille av den svenska befolkningen beslutar om gemensamma frågor. De övriga 99,996 procenten av befolkningen har inte rätt att fatta beslut i folkomröstningar - endast ge råd till de 0,04 promillena.

På vår sol-satellit jorden finns ungefär sex miljarder människor. Dessa har i Förenta Nationerna 191 beslutsmässiga representanter. Sen finns säkerhetsrådet med 15 medlemmar. Här ett utdrag ur FN stadgan med några år på nacken:
Artikel 23.
1. Säkerhetsrådet består av femton medlemmar av Förenta Nationerna. Republiken Kina, Frankrike, De Socialistiska Rådsrepublikernas Union, Det Förenade Konungariket Storbritannien och Nordirland och Amerikas Förenta Stater skola vara ständiga medlemmar av säkerhetsrådet. Generalförsamlingen utser tio andra medlemmar av Förenta Nationerna att vara icke ständiga medlemmar av säkerhetsrådet, varvid särskild hänsyn skall tagas dels i första hand till medlemmarnas insatser för upprätthållande av internationell fred och säkerhet samt för organisationens övriga ändamål, dels även till en skälig geografisk fördelning.

Det här är den officiella bilden av hur världen styrs - men bakom den ska alltså Illuminati finnas som någon slags skuggregim. Det kanske bara är en konspirationsteori?

Man kan göra en bildsökning på Google på illuminati och få reda på att på dollarsedlar finns Illuminatis symbol - den enögda pyramiden:

Och under pyramiden står det skrivet:
"Novus Ordo Secolorum" som betyder "New World Order" eller på svenska Nya VärldsOrdningen.

Mystiken tätnar!

Lite mer om New World Order kan du läsa om här:

Och det går att gå hit - - för att få reda på mera om:
The Cabal, pengar, media, vapen, knark, olja, 911

Och du kan ta del av vad Eustace Mullins skrivet om grundandet av USA:s riksbank - Federal Reserve - som är privatägd!
The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Lecture on the Federal Reserve
"G. Edward Griffin exposes the most blatant scam of all history. Its all here: the cause of wars, boom-bust cycles, inflation, depression, prosperity. It's just exactly what every American needs to know about the power of the central bank.

och vad han skrivit om media:
Eustace Mullins has published his research in his book Who Owns the TV Networks showing that the Rothschilds have control of all three U.S. Networks, plus other aspects of the recording and mass media industry. It can be added that they control Reuters too.

Man kan söka på Illuminatis grundare - Adam Weishaupt här:

Här hittar man också en hel del texter om konspirationsteori - Antony C. Sutton är författaren bakom många av dessa:
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
How western capitalists funded Lenin, the Bolsheviks, and the Soviet Union

Och här finns mera om konspirationer:
The Power Elite Exposed
The march towards global socialism under elite control
Antony Sutton, is the author of 26 books, many of which can be purchased on-line at Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Liberty House Press at 1-800-343-6180 has copies of America's Secret Establishment and Best Enemy Money Can Buy for sale.
His work led him to more questions than answers. "Why had the US built-up it's enemy? Why did the US build-up the Soviet Union, while we also transferred technology to Hitler's Germany? Why does Washington want to conceal these facts?"

Sutton, following his leads, proceeded to research and write his three outstanding books on Wall Street: and FDR; and the Rise of Hitler; and The Bolshevik Revolution. Then, someone sent Antony a membership list of Skull and Bones and--"a picture jumped out". And what a picture! A multigenerational foreign-based secret society with fingers in all kinds of pies and roots going back to 'Illuminati' influences in 1830's Germany.

Handlar inte egentligen Illuminati om hur man skapar hierarkiska strukturer - det är en fråga om organisationsteori - roller och hur de fördelas?

Handlar inte Illuminati om vems berättelse som ska gälla? - vem som ska ha tolkningsöreträde? Man kan söka på retorik - rethorics för att lära sig mera om hur redan de gamla grekerna försökte vinna fördelar med hjälp av språket.

Och handlar inte Illuminati om vilka begrepp som ska användas - om hur man kan dela upp världen - om hur man kan använda dialektik - dialectics för att skapa förgrund och bakgrund - huvudsak och bisak och sen skapa något slags mellanting mellan motsatser - alltså enligt dialektikens tredelning - hitta på någonting en tes - sen en motsats en antites för att sen hitta något mellanting en syntes. Bondförnuft gjort till akademiskt ordpråleri, eller du kanske inte håller med? Du kanske har någon annan uppfattning? En motsatt uppfattning?

Ytterst handlar det antagligen om våra jag - vad vi ska ta fasta på - vad vi ska utelämna. Och vad som kan upplevas bortom våra jags uppdelningar av varat. Av detta har Illuminati gjort en massa hokus pokus för att upprätta en hierarki med ett antal grader. De som befinner sig i grad 33 är de högsta hönsen/hönorna/tupparna.

Vill man ta reda på något om Illuminati så är hamnar man rätt som det är på David Ickes sajt:

Exposing the Dreamworld We Believe To Be 'Real'
The so-called mysteries of life dissolve with every page. Who are we? What are we doing here? What is the human body and how can it cease to age?
Who is controlling our reality? Why is there so much war, hunger, suffering and stress? What is mind and emotion and why do they control us? Who created religion and what are its advocates really worshipping These questions and so many more are explained with a coherence and simplicity rarely, if ever, seen before.
David Icke´s narrative, supported by Neil Hagues superb colour illustrations, will change the reality the life of everyone who has the courage to read it.

Går man till engelska Wikipedia får man reda på det här:
David Icke, pronounced /aɪk/ (born April 29, 1952) is a former professional soccer player, reporter, BBC television sports presenter, and British Green Party national spokesperson. Since 1990, he has been what he calls a "full-time investigator into who and what is really controlling the world." [1]

The Green Party distanced itself from him in 1991 after he announced during a television interview that he was a "son of God" He began to dress only in turquoise and later maintained that the world was ruled by a secret group called "The Elite", or "Illuminati", which he linked to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, an anti-Semitic tract. In 1999, he published a book entitled The Biggest Secret, in which he wrote that the world is controlled by a race of reptilian humanoids, known in ancient times as the Babylonian Brotherhood, and that many prominent people are, in fact, descended from these "reptilian bloodlines," including George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, the Queen Mother, Queen Elizabeth II and Kris Kristofferson. He has also added that these "reptilians" engage in human sacrifices, blood drinking, child molestation, and Satanism.

Icke has further claimed that a small group of secular Ashkenazi Jews (who he claims are descended from the non-Semitic Khazars), namely the Rothschild family (who he also claims are a "reptilian bloodline"), financed Adolf Hitler and supported the Holocaust as part of a Zionist (Illuminati) plot to establish the state of Israel. As a result, Icke's speaking tours at one time attracted the interest of British neo-Nazis such as Combat 18, and he continues to face opposition from Jewish and anti-racist groups such as the Anti-Defamation League and the B'nai Brith in Canada. Icke has strongly denied that he is an anti-Semite and has vigorously disputed the claims made by his critics alleging ties to far-right politics.

Icke argues that he has developed a moral and political worldview combining a passionate denunciation of what he sees as totalitarian trends in the modern world with a New Age spiritualism. According to Political Research Associates, an American research group that tracks right-wing groups, Icke's ideas are popular in Canada, where the New Age aspect of his philosophy overshadows his more controversial beliefs. [2] He received a standing ovation after a five-hour speech to students at the University of Toronto in 1999. He is the author of 15 books explaining his views.

In 1999, Icke wrote and published The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World, in which he said the planet was being run by a New World Order controlled by a race of reptilian humanoids called the "Babylonian Brotherhood".

Icke's theories have been attacked as anti-Semitic because his views of a reptilian takeover amid references to international bankers have echoes of conspiracy theories involving Jews.
Icke has strongly denied that his reptiles represent Jews. "I am not an anti-Semite!", he told The Guardian, "I have a great respect for the Jewish people."

David Icke har populariserat Hegels dialektik som problem reaktion lösning. Här en beskrivning av som får författaren att applicera schemat till och med på den nya matematiken!!!

The Hegelian Dialectic was the creation of German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831), and most recently has been popularized by researcher-author David Icke (rhymes with like) as Problem-Reaction-Solution, appearing as such for the first time ever in his September 1995 book entitled ‘… And The Truth Shall Set You Free.’ Since Icke formulated and restated Hegel’s Dialectic as Problem-Reaction-Solution, it has garnered widespread understanding and acceptance in the Internet True-Government-Crime research community, as well as in the minds of those of us who are spiritually awake and alert.

Problem-Reaction-Solution is extremely straightforward and easy to understand.

Because we are discussing public education, allow me to provide an example completely within that context. We have already learned from our quote from Mr. O. A. Nelson above, that the new math was designed to fail and teach nothing usable to the students within real-world applications. The designed failure of new math created the crisis of an artificial problem, as it would have been just as easy to implement a math system that actually worked. Throughout the three stages of problem-reaction-solution, it is crucial that both sides of the crisis are managed by the same people, some of who work as change-agents.

A change-agent is a person who leads a change project or business-wide initiative by defining, researching, planning, and building support for the project. Change agents must have the conviction to state the facts based upon data, even if the results are undesired. All sorts of people are working as change agents for the new world order, where they are demanding superficial changes based upon adherence to the NWO plan, being completely unconcerned with the negative aspects of the initiative. A well-known example of a change-agent is Henry Kissinger, who has worked behind the scenes in both government and in groups such as the Council on Foreign Relations to bring about the world government plan brought forth by those who I will refer to here as simply, the globalists.

För att få reda på lite mer om Hegel så kan man gå till Wikipedia:

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, född 27 augusti 1770 i Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, Tyskland, död 14 november 1831 i Berlin, Tyskland, tysk filosof.

Hegel föddes i det som idag är det sydvästra Tyskland och var son till en högre württembergsk tjänsteman. Han fick sin utbildning 1788-1793 vid Tübinger Stift (ett seminarium vid den Protestantiska kyrkan i Württemberg). Där blev han också vän med de blivande filosoferna Friedrich Schelling och Friedrich Hölderlin. Han fascinerades av verk av Spinoza, Kant och Rousseau, och av den franska revolutionen. Många anser att Hegels tankar utgör höjdpunkten av idealismen, en filosofisk rörelse i 1800-talets Tyskland. De skulle komma att ha ett djupgående inflytande på en mängd efterkommande filosofer, däribland Arthur Schopenhauer och Friedrich Nietzsche och Karl Marx.


Hegel betraktar staten som en högre form av sedligheten än familjen och såsom en levande organism och yrkar för denna på en byråkratisk, endast till hälften konstitution (monarki) med ståndsförfattning. Mot den moderna liberalismens begär att nedriva och mästra uppträdde Hegel med skärpa och såg i den en yttring av samma tendens som subjektivismen på det etiska området, "den sig absolut påstående subjektiviteten", vilken i hans ögon var det onda själv. I världshistorien uppenbarar sig förnuftet i en ännu högre form än i den enskilda staten. "På tronen sitter världsanden och utsänder folkandarna såsom sina tjänare". I världshistoriens skickelser ser Hegel den strängaste nödvändighet. Varje folk har sin mission att fylla. Ett folk må gärna förinta ett annat, mot vilket det är världshistoriskt berättigat. Världshistorien är dock alltid en produkt av mänsklig vilja. Dess innehåll förverkligas visserligen i världen med en oeftergivlighet, som inte tillåter några avvikelser från det föresätta målet. Men detta sker dock ännu alltjämt under kamp mot störande inflytelser från en natur, som ej i egentlig mening är andens egendom. För andens fulla frigörelse krävs att man ställer sig på en ståndpunkt, där det blir klart, att naturen själv i anden har sin grund och sitt sanna väsende, att hon själv är andlig. Detta sker på den absoluta andens ståndpunkt i konstens, religionens och filosofiens former.

Hegels inflytande

Många anslöt sig till den hegelska skolan, hegelianismen . Den delade sig tidigt i flera riktningar i opposition mot varandra. Anledningen till detta var Hegels tvetydighet i fråga om tankeutvecklingens, eller den så kallade tankeprocessens, betydelse. Det är inte klart om denna process skall identifieras med det absoluta självet eller med ett absolut subjekt. Medan den så kallade "centern" inte gjorde någonting för att avlägsna denna tvetydighet tog "högern" upp det senare alternativet. Det absoluta kan inte direkt identifieras med världsutvecklingen. Det finns ett "jenseits", en "transcendent" Gud, och en individuell odödlighet. Världsutvecklingen är Guds tankar. Hans tankar blir verkliga i världsutvecklingen. Filosofins uppgift är "nachdenken", ett tänkande av världen på ungefär samma sätt som världen kommit till genom Guds tänkande. Längst åt detta håll gick ny-schellingianismen, som öppet bröt med hegelianismen (jfr Schelling). "Vänstern" åter nekade till tillvaron av ett "jenseits" och lärde att det absoluta till sitt väsende är världsprocessen själv. Gud är inte en självständig person utan det personliga i mänskligheten. Gud är endast vårt tänkande om Gud. Därifrån leddes "yttersta vänstern" och "jung-hegelianismen", som även bröt med hegelianismen, till ren subjektivism och slutligen materialism. Det allmänna finns endast som en aspekt av det enskilda. Individerna är det enda verkliga. I sina föreställningar om Gud och det ideella har människorna objektiverat sina egna behov. All teologi blir alltså antropologi.

Popper (som skrev den första utgåvan under andra världskriget) menar att nästan alla viktigare idéer hos den moderna totalitarismen härrör direkt från Hegel och han ger en lista på de mest betydelsefulla (s. 67-68 ) :

1. Nationalismen, i form av den historicistiska tanken att staten är den förkroppsligade anden (eller i detta fallet blodet) hos den statsgrundande nationen (eller rasen). En utvald nation (här utvald ras) är bestämd att ta världsherraväldet.
2. [Stat]]en är alla andra staters naturliga fiende och den måste hävda sin existens genom krig.
3. Staten är undantagen alla slags moraliska förpliktelser. Historien, dvs den historiska framgången är den enda domaren. Den kollektiva nyttan är den enda personliga handlingsprincipen. Det är tillåtet med propagandistiska osanningar och förvrängningar av sanningen.
4. Den "etiska" föreställningen om kriget (totalt och kollektivistiskt), särskilt för yngre nationer mot äldre sådana. Krig, ära och berömmelse som ytterst eftersträvansvärda ting.
5. Den storslagna personens skapande roll, den världshistoriska personligheten, den djupt kunniga och starkt kännande personen (nuförtiden ledarprincipen).
6. Det historiska livsidealet ("lev farligt") och den "heroiska människans" ideal i motsats till småborgaren och dennes liv i ytlig medelmåttighet.

Med Hegel ifrågasattes den grekisk-kristna subjektsuppfattning som Descartes teori förkroppsligade. Hos Hegel uppstår självmedvetande/jag genom jagets medvetande om den Andre. (a) Jaget förlorar sig själv, för att finna sig själv i den Andre. (b) Den Andre överskrids, underordnas jaget. (c) Jaget konstitueras genom den Andre.

(a) Den Andre undanträngs för att jaget ska kunna konstituera en ”egen-status”. (b) Eftersom jaget finns i det undanträngda, undanträngs även jaget. (c) – Jagets självidentitet uppstår: A=A; och den Andres: B=B. Jaget definierar sig själv negativt: Jag är icke den Andre.

Medvetande A producerar alltså sitt självmedvetande (A) genom sitt medvetande om medvetande B, vilket i sin tur producerar sitt självmedvetande (B) genom medvetande om medvetande A

Det viktigt att inse att herren/slaven kan sammanstråla i samma person. Den dialektiska rörelsen är en metafor som är applicerbar i diverse olika situationer med den gemensamma nämnaren att självmedvetande/medvetande produceras. Exempelvis lånar Marx Herre-Slav-dialektiken i sin historiematerialism och de Beauvoir den i sin teori om det Andra könet.

Att Hegel haft visst inflytande kan man förstå av ovanstående. Här en författare som försöker knyta Hegel till Illuminati:
Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition by Glenn Alexander Magee
Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 2001

"What is Hermeticism?
"Whether or not Hegel can be understood as "Hermetic" depends on how Hermeticism is defined. ... Its adherents all tend to share certain interests -- often classed as "occult" or "esoteric"-- which are held together merely by family resemblances. In part, my argument for Hegel's Hermeticism depends on demonstrating that Hegel's interest coincide with the curious mixture interests typical of Hermeticists. These include
alchemy, Kabbalism, Mesmerism, extrasensory perception, spiritualism... Rosicrucianism, Masonry, Echartian mysticism, "correspondences", secret systems of symbolism... and cosmic sympathies [astrology?].

"Hegel holds the traditional, Hermetic conception of philosphia perennis: all previous systems of thought -- religious, mythological philosophical-- aim a and partially unveil the same doctrine..... Hegel writes: ' From the true knowledge of [the principle of all philosophy], there will arise the conviction that at all times there has been only one and the same philosophy.'"

"In System-Program" Hegel writes, "in the end enlightened and unenlightened must clasp hands, mythology must become philosophical in order to make the people rational, and philosophy must become mythological in order to make the philosophers sensible. Then reigns eternal unity among us. ... No more the look of scorn... no more the blind trembling of the people before its wise men and priests. 87 [In other words, Hegel's synthesis will have led to unity and equality]

Det finns en massa hokus pokus i Illuminati:
First, the symbolic structure of Masonry is supported by three symbolic pillars; namely, wisdom, strength, and beauty. These three pillars are in Masonic terms, Solomon, representing in the Masonic trinity the pillar of wisdom. Hiram, king of Tyre, representing the pillar of strength, and Hiram Abiff, the widow's son, representing the pillar of beauty. Here we have the Masonic foundation. Their trinity upon which Satan builds one of his most cunning, if not his most cunning and elaborate counterfeit of God's divinity, and God's plan of salvation.

'Virgo, the Weeping Virgin'
The broken column denotes the untimely death of our Grand Master Hiram Abiff; the beautiful Virgin, weeping, denotes the Temple, unfinished; the book open before her, that his virtues there lie on perpetual record; the sprig of acacia in her right hand, the timely discovery of his body; the urn in her left, that his ashes were there safely deposited to perpetuate the remembrance of so distinguished a character; and Time standing behind her unfolding the ringlets of her hair denotes that time, patience and perseverance will accomplish all things...
Master Mason Initiation Lecture

The 'Three Pillars' of Kabbalah

I Illuminati, judendom och i Islam så har tre pelare blivit symbol för lite olika saker. Och kristendom har sin treenighet. Det är mycket med tre - tänk på det!

The Masonic Occult Trinity
Masonry like nearly all other religions is based upon a symbolic foundation. The true religion, or salvation was designed, created and carried out by the triune God—God, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,—three in one.
Masonry, a false religion, also has a trinity. Ancient idolatry had its trinities, and modern idolatry has its trinities. Satan, the arch-counterfeiter, is the father of all lies as well as false systems of worship. Now in order to deceive people, and especially an intelligent people, his device, or plan, or counterfeit must be built likewise, so as to appear genuine.

Incredibly, the symbol used for Satan in Islam is three pillars.
During the Hajj, a pilgramage which all Muslims are required to make at least once in their lifetime, they must particpate in the 'Stoning of the Devil' ceremony, who is represented by three giant pillars.
The pillars symbolizing the Devil are at the center of giant ramps built to accomodate the huge crowds of pilgrams who must complete the ritual by dusk. Muslim tradition says it was here that the Devil tried to tempt the Prophet Abraham to disobey God when he appeared before him and Ishmael suddenly.
Yet, one of the most widely used devices inside Freemasonry to instruct new Masons on the 'Craft' is none other than the 'Three Pillars Tracing Board'...

Albert Pike en frimurare - en Illuminati av högsta rangen - har gjort en del läskiga uttalanden:
Twisted Evil
General Albert Pike [1809 ~ 1891] 33rd degree, Sovereign Grand Master of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry, Co-Founder of the Ku Klux Klan and Supreme Luciferian Pontiff. .. in a letter to Mazzini, 15th August, 1871. This letter graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about the One World Order, and we can marvel at how accurately it has predicted events that have already taken place. This letter was on display briefly in the British Museum Library, London, and it was copied by William Guy Carr, former Intelligence Officer in the Royal Canadian Navy.

"The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the 'agentur' (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions."

"The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm."

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion.

We shall unleash the Nihilists and the Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute Atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." [A. Pike]

Försöker man leta sig bakom Illuminatis hokus pokus och olika religioners trosuppfattningar så kan man hamna hos Zarathustra.

Zarathustras religion är rätt betydelsefull eftersom den givit upphov till judendom, kristendom och islam. Miljarder - som fått sig till livs det han hittade på - att det finns en god gud och en ond - djävulen. Men väldigt få av dessa miljarder har fått reda på att han hade ytterligare ett namn - ZURVAN - det neutrala läget - meditationsläget - läget på ändan på en kudde med benen i kors en stund om dagen.
Zoroastrianism (Kurdish: Zerdeştî, Persian: زرتشتی‌گری) was once the state religion of Sassanid (Sassanian) Persia, and played an important role in the Achaemenid as well as Parthian empires in Persia. The religion is also known as Mazdaism by some followers and Zarathustrianism by others.

After his seven-year meditation and devotion to worship he had accomplished complete devotion to Ahura Mazda and was enlightened with spiritual knowledge and felt the time was ripe to teach the masses about the righteousness and guidance of Ahura Mazda.
Zurvan is the Persian god of infinite time, space and fate. The deity is traditionally represented as being nameless (the name Zurvan being an appellative title), without gender and passions, and neutral in regard to good and evil. However, in certain strains of Zoroastrianism, Zurvan is also the father of the good deity, Ahura Mazda, and the evil deity, Angra Mainyu.

På något sätt så påminner denna ZURVAN om neutralläget hos en växelspak. ZURVAN är något slags neutralt objekt - bara vara - bara bliva - något outsägligt - upplevelsen hos den som sätter sig ner på ändan med benen i kors en stund för att meditera.

Men ZURVAN - meditationens väg har sen aldrig lärts ut. Istället så har man predikat - the good deity, Ahura Mazda, and the evil deity, Angra Mainyu - alltså använt ord för att beskriva något. Människor har blivit ledda - inte själva lärt sig uppleva det outsägliga - det som inte kan sägas ut.
Det visar sig att i alla religioner så finns det en kärna av meditation - att själv uppleva det outsägliga. Men den här kärnan är liten. De flesta religiösa får endast höra ordet - det som går att sägas ut - dessa leds av prästerskap som själva oftast inte har orkat sätta sig ner och meditera - själva uppleva det outsägliga.

Måste vi inte på något sätt hitta tillbaka till meditationen allesammans - själva uppleva - är inte det det enda sättet att hitta något gemensamt - sluta låta oss splittras - låta vissa så split mellan oss.

Utpeka vissa som "snälla" andra som "dumma" när vi i själva verket alla är "snumma" och "dälla". Det gäller alltså att vi också själva kan bli "präster" kunna leka med språket och komma fram till något gott som passar både dig och mig.

Det går att fantisera var och en lite själv - skapa ett alternativ till Illuminati som passar en själv och andra lite bättre:
ALTERNATIV till religion, naturvetenskap, pengar, olja osv

Hitta på något som kan konkurrera med dagens fantasier/verkligheter:

[Red.: Det där var för mycket bilder! Jag har varnat dig. Du är väldigt nära att bli avstängd.]
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PostPosted: Sun, 2006 Jan 22 18:08:17    Post subject: Reply with quote

För att få reda på lite mer om de "konspirationsteorier" som finns på webben så kan man gå hit:

Varför bygger USA en bas inne i Israel?
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PostPosted: Sun, 2006 Jan 22 18:24:26    Post subject: Reply with quote

Författare som H. G. Wells, Aldous Huxley och Georg Orwell har skrivit om totalitära "framtida" samhällsformer.

Det går att Googla lite på dessa namn.
George Orwell
Eric Arthur Blair (June 25, 1903–January 21, 1950), better known by the pen name George Orwell, was a British author and journalist.

During most of his career, Orwell was best known for his journalism, in essays, reviews, columns in newspapers and magazines and in his books of reportage: Down and Out in Paris and London (describing a period of poverty in these cities), The Road to Wigan Pier (describing the living conditions of poor miners in northern England) and Homage to Catalonia (describing his experiences during the Spanish Civil War). According to Newsweek, Orwell "was the finest of his day and the foremost architect of the English essay since Hazlitt."

Contemporary readers are more often introduced to Orwell as a novelist, particularly through his enormously successful titles Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four. The former is an allegory of the corruption of the socialist ideals of the Russian Revolution by Stalinism, and the latter is Orwell's prophetic vision of the results of totalitarianism.
Nineteen Eighty-Four (sometimes referred to as 1984) is an allegorical political novel written by George Orwell. The story takes place in a nightmarish dystopia where the omnipresent State enforces perfect conformity among members of a totalitarian Party through indoctrination, propaganda, fear, and ruthless punishment. The novel introduced the concepts of the ever-present, all-seeing Big Brother, Room 101, the Thought Police, and the bureaucrats' and politicians' language of control, Newspeak. Some commentators have drawn parallels between today's society and the world of 1984, suggesting that we are starting to live in what has become known as Orwellian society. The novel was successful in terms of sales, and has remained one of the most influential books of the 20th century.
Aldous Leonard Huxley (July 26, 1894 – November 22, 1963) was a British writer who emigrated to the United States. He was a member of the famous Huxley family who produced a number of brilliant scientific minds.

While his earlier concerns might be called "humanist," ultimately, he became quite interested in "spiritual" subjects like parapsychology and mystically based philosophy, which he also wrote about. By the end of his life, Huxley was considered, in certain circles, a 'leader of modern thought'.

In all of Huxley's mature writings, one finds an awareness that seems to bridge the gap between "The Two Cultures" – the sciences and the humanities. This gulf posed a potentially enormous problem, one that was recognized by other thinkers during Huxley's lifetime, such as C.P. Snow.
Herbert George Wells (September 21, 1866 – August 13, 1946) was a British writer best known for his science fiction novels such as The War of the Worlds, The Invisible Man, The Island of Dr. Moreau and The Time Machine.
In 1883 his employer dismissed him, claiming to be dissatisfied with him. The young man was reportedly not displeased with this ending to his apprenticeship. Later that year, he became a teacher at Midhurst Grammar School, in West Sussex, until he won a scholarship to the Normal School of Science (later the Royal College of Science, now part of Imperial College London) in London, studying biology under T. H. Huxley. As an alumnus, he later helped to set up the Royal College of Science Association, of which he became the first president in 1909. Herbert George studied in his new school until 1887 with an allowance of 21 shillings a week thanks to his scholarship.

He soon entered the Debating Society of his school.
These years mark the beginning of his interest in a possible reformation of society. At first approaching the subject through studying The Republic by Plato, he soon turned to his contemporary ideas of socialism as expressed by the recently formed Fabian Society.
Herbert George Wells

September 21, 1866- August 13, 1946
"Scientist, novelist, sociologist, prophet—"
An early science fiction writer, Wells also wrote historical and scientific texts, and much fiction. Author of "The Rediscovery of the Unique", published in The Fortnightly Review (1891), Wells' early novels include The Time Machine(1895), The Invisible Man (1897), The Island of Dr. Moreau(1896) and The War of the Worlds(1898).
His Anticipations of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress Upon Human Life and Thought (1901), The Discovery of the Future (1902) and Mankind in the Making (1903) lead to his membership in the Fabian Society. Leaving the society in 1908, and later disillusioned by what he saw in Russia, Wells published The Outline of Historyin 1920.
His novel The Shape of Things to Come (1933) — in which a world devastated by war is rebuilt with humanist technology — was turned into a film in 1936.
Conspiracy theorists have labelled Wells both an illuminati and freemason because of his 1929 book Imperialism and the open conspiracy. Although he parodied Freemasonry in The Inexperienced Ghost and his name has appeared in several online lists of famous freemasons, there does not appear to be any justification for claiming him as a freemason.

If the concept of 'predictive programming' seems fantastic, consider the case of H.G. Wells. Wells was mentored by T.H. Huxley, grandfather of Aldous. In turn, Wells would tutor Aldous and his brother, Julian. All of these men were members of the Freemasonic Lodge (the significance of which will be revealed shortly). Wells would author several 'mass appeal' tracts disguised as science fiction novels. Most notable of these novels was The Shape of Things to Come. Researcher Jim Keith offered the following assessment of Wells' The Shape of Things to Come:

Interestingly, deceptively, the book is presented as a work of science fiction, but within its pages is Wells' best guess of how the New World Order would come to pass, from a 1930s perspective.

While primarily a work of propaganda that pushes the one-world worldview of Wells and other internationalists during the first half of this century, the book is particularly revealing in that it also exposes many of the strategies that are to be employed (Keith, Mind Control, World Control, 13).

Of course, not all of Wells' prophecies were 100% accurate. In his examination of The Shape of Things to Come, Keith concluded that:

Wells was no prophet as regards to his timeline, only a science fiction writer privy to the plans of men with an interest in promoting the coming of the dictatorial world-state. His crystal ball is somewhat cloudy on certain details (Keith, Mind Control, World Control, 16).

However, Wells' novel did exhibit a strange degree of precision. Jim Keith enumerated the various instances of uncanny accuracy in Wells' The Shape of Things to Come. Among one of the synchronicities Keith found in the text was Wells' description of the elite's primary apparatus for the amalgamation of the world's economic systems:

Not surprisingly Wells places the City of London - the international center of banking culture - and its financial credit as responsible for knitting together world economic life over the previous hundred years. With these innovations in communications and finance, but also with the frustrations and wars inherent (so he says) in the existence of independent national states and sovereignties, came about the gradual dawning of the idea of the World-state (Keith, Mind Control, World Control, 14).

Another instance of uncanny accuracy was Wells' prognostications concerning a second global war and a proliferation of infectious diseases:

Wells has World War II beginning in 1940 in Poland, over an imagined slight taken by a Nazi over the actions of a Pole of Jewish origin. He characterizes World War II as it was, as an orgy of violence, and has the fighting end in 1949 - staying remarkably close to the actual dates of the conflict - only to be followed by another scourge, that of rampant disease, 'The Raid of the Germs.'

Given the present-day climate of AIDS, Ebola, Mad Cow disease, and other resistant viral strains - and the persistent rumors of the military engineering of those same diseases - perhaps Wells' dating in this particular should have been moved forward a few years (Keith, Mind Control, World Control, 16).

One of the most elucidating revelations found in The Shape of Things to Come was the group that Wells claimed would be central to the formation of a one-world government:

Wells places responsibility for the creation of the New World Order in the lap of scientists of the future [emphasis added], the group he dubs the 'Technocracy' (Keith, Mind Control, World Control, 16).

Wielding 'ostensible control over the knowable,' the scientists of this 'Technocracy' would implement a Fabian strategy of 'gradual ideological assimilation' (Keith, World Control, Mind Control, 16-17). Incrementally, this network of scientists would engineer the amalgamation of nation-states into a global government. Again, the Huxlian theme of a 'scientific dictatorship' emerges. This is the future that the masses have been conditioned to accept through predictive programming.

Här kan man hitta en genomgång av The Open Conspiracy av H G Wells böcker:
H. G. Wells on The Open Conspiracy for World Government - Selections by Peter Myers. Date May 3, 1999; update November 1, 2004. My comments are shown {thus}.
H. G. Wells was the Twentieth Century's leading exponent within the West of the movement for One World Government, which he also called The New World Order. The first edition of his book The Open Conspiracy was published in 1928, and bore a publisher's name. The 1933 edition bore no publisher's name, but was later re-issued under the title What Are We To Do With Our Lives?, with a publisher's name. In the quotations below, bold emphasis is added.

Wells was a champion of the downtrodden, and yet his New World Order is totalitarian. A militant rationalistic atheism was one of the pillars of his thought; religious people he deemed less mentally evolved, and therefore their ideas on how the world should be run do not count. Whilst campaigning for Peace - by which he meant One World Government - he advocated any violent means necessary. His system would be for the benefit of the victims of the Old Order, but it would be run by an elite, which would attempt to make its rule eternal by suppressing all dissent and rival educational systems. He supported Communism as an ideal system, but criticised its implementation in the USSR. His Internationalism is really Trotskyism in a disguised form.

The British Labour Party, under Tony Blair, is very much in the Wells mould, and leading Labour MP Michael Foot has written a new biography of Wells (H.G.: The History of Mr Wells, Doubleday, London, 1995), which mentions all the books discussed here, but omits to mention their advocacy of World Government; nor is this term listed in the index of Foot's book. Foot, like Wells, gives the impression that Wells opposed Soviet Communism, but it would be more accurate to say that he opposed the Stalinist faction, but supported Trotsky. In 1929, as Stalin was expelling Trotsky from the USSR, Wells and the (Fabian) Webbs sent Trotsky a message of support (Dmitri Volkogonov, Trotsky: The Eternal Revolutionary, p. 321).

Läs H G Wells böcker -
Du hittar också han The Shape of Things to Come by H. G. Wells
som förutsade andra världskriget och som har förutsägelser om det tredje världskriget.

Här kapitlen i del fem:
Book the Fifth
The Modern State in Control of Life

1. Monday Morning in the Creation of a New World
2. Keying Up the Planet
3. Geogonic Planning
4. Changes in the Control of Behaviour
5. Organization of Plenty
6. The Average Man Grows Older and Wiser
7. Language and Mental Growth
8. Sublimation of Interest
9. A New Phase in the History of Life

Så här slutar The Shape of Things To Come:
The individuality deprived, or relieved if you will, of its primary instinctive preoccupations with getting and keeping, disillusioned about precedence, personal display and suchlike barbaric vanities, growing continually and swiftly in wisdom and knowledge, has now to go further afield to find itself. No longer a self-sufficient being, at war with all its kind, it has become a responsible part of a species. It has become an experiment in feeling, knowing, making and response.

The body of mankind is now one single organism of nearly two thousand five hundred million persons, and the individual differences of every one of these persons is like an exploring tentacle thrust out to test and learn, to savour life in its fullness and bring in new experiences for the common stock. We are all members of one body.* Only in the dimmest analogy has anything of this sort happened in the universe as we knew it before. Our sense of our individual difference makes our realization of our common being more acute. We work, we think, we explore, we dispute, we take risks and suffer — for there seems no end to the difficult and dangerous adventures individual men and women may attempt; and more and more plain does it become to us that it is not our little selves, but Man the Undying who achieves these things through us.

Vad har möjliggjort att människor kan börja tänka i dessa banor?
Människan är sju miljoner år och har levt som asätare-, samlare- och jägare i små grupper. Nya Guinea som har kvar dessa små grupper och har 800 språk. Vi lärde oss handskas med elden och använda hjulet.

För 10 000 år sedan lärde vi oss bruka jorden och det blev möjligt att ta upp skatt som säd - lagra den i silos. En liten grupp kunde styra en stor grupp - miljoner människor - bygga en hierarki.

För 400 år sedan satt Gallileo Galilei i Pisa katedralen och tog pulsen för att mäta svängningstiden hos en lampa som hängde ner en bit från taket.
Han fick ihop en formel som band ihop tid och rum. Naturvetenskapen var född. 1609 hade han formeln klar för att skjuta iväg en kanonkula så att den träffade målet. Och sen har det fortsatt - människan skaffat sig allt kraftfullare verktyg.

Kärnkraft är inte det naturvetenskapens eld?
Datorer - dessa räknesnurror är inte det naturvetenskapens hjul?
ENIAC(Electrical Numerical Integrator And Calculator) was developed and built by the U.S. Army for their Ballistics Research Laboratory with the purpose of calculating ballistic firing tables.
On May 31, 1943, the military commission on the new computer began; John Mauchly was the chief consultant and J Presper Eckert was the chief engineer. Eckert was a graduate student studying at the Moore School when he met John Mauchly in 1943. It took the team about one year to design the ENIAC and 18 months and 500,000 tax dollars to build it. By that time, the war was over. The ENIAC was still put to work by the military doing calculations for the design of a hydrogen bomb, weather prediction, cosmic-ray studies, thermal ignition, random-number studies and wind-tunnel design.
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PostPosted: Tue, 2006 Jan 24 21:51:41    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fyra artiklar av Greg Szymanski om Illuminati.
Searching For the Illuminati Deep Within The Bowels Of The Vatican
All roads lead to Piazza San Pietro when it comes to power, leadership and initiation into the devious and diabolical Illuminati. In the 1980's, the Vatican Bank Scandal brought to light the connections between the Freemasons/Illuminati, the Vatican and the mafia. Secret initiatons are said to take place in the catacombs of the Vatican and was Pope John Paul I killed after 39 days in office for wanting to expose the truth about Vatican finances and the Illuminati?
Secret Vatican Catacombs, Child Sacrifices, Mind Control: Svali, Involved In U.S. Illuminati For 30 years, Talks Openly About Devious Plans To Topple America
Born into the Illuminati, Svali says her Vatican initiation ceremony at the age of 12 involved child sacrificing and a promise to serve "The Family or Order" for life.
Fed Up With Lies And Deceit, Svali Turns Tail And Runs From The Feared Illuminati
After being brainwashed and heavily schooled in the "!2 Disciplines" of the Illuminati, Svali is now trying to base her life on a foundation of truth not lies.
Deep Within The Bowels Of The Vatican And Illuminati: The Small Public Chapter of Svali's Life Coming To An End
Svali says no more interviews but will still try and spread the word of truth through her Christian fellowship group called 'The Lion and the Lamb Ministries.'
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PostPosted: Wed, 2006 Jan 25 1:12:32    Post subject: Reply with quote

Det går att hitta de som påstår att frimureriet har förbindelser med Zarathustras religion zoroastrismen.
We have been given a copy of the 32nd degree ritual from the Authentic Scottish Rite Ritual. A 32nd degree freemason, at personal risk, copied the source documents for us. Another 32nd degree freemason who has been set free, and renounced Lucifer's religion of freemasonry, has reviewed and verified that the ritual documents are genuine. The actual words from these copies will be boldened. I will say no more regarding the source, so do not bother asking. You will either know the truth, by the Spirit of Truth, or reject it.

Key of the Royal Secret - Freemasonry's Divine Light, and Divine Word, their Ineffable Word in the ritual is -- AGNI -- USHAS -- MITRA.

The only words not spoken and not allowed in the tolerant Luciferian religion of freemasonry is Jesus Christ, Yeshua the Messiah. The reason is because freemasonry is MITHRAISM. MITRA or Mithra is the Persian god and the mystery religion devoted to his worship. Make no mistake about it, Mithra is Lucifer or Satan. The god Mitra or Mithra was originally a Persian deity considered to be the mediator between mankind and Ahura-Mazda, god of light. (Lucifer the light bearer 2 Cor 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.2 Cor 11:15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.)

This god overcame evil and brought life, both animal and vegetable, to humankind. Statues of Mithra characteristically show him holding a bull by the nostrils while plunging a knife into its neck. The Romans identified Mithra with the sun god. December 25 was celebrated as his birthday. Three traditions relate the birth of Mithra: (1) he was born of an incestuous relationship between Ahura-Mazda and his own mother; (2) he was born of an ordinary mortal; (3) Mithra was born from a rock. After his redemptive work on earth was finished, Mithra partook of a last supper with some of his devotees and then ascended to heaven, where he continues to assist the faithful in their struggle against demons.

From the freemason's own high level ritual we see MITRA identified and defined:

MITRA -- The fire, the dawn, the morning star. (Lucifer, not Yeshua or Jesus, is the god of freemasonry)

Make no mistake about it freemasonry is Mithraism, the worship of Mithra, which is one of the many names of Lucifer or Satan the devil. Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning (Lucifer usurps Yeshua's title of the morning star)! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

AGNI is another part of the freemason's Ineffable Word.

From the 32nd degree ritual we are informed of AGNI who was borrowed from the Hindu worship of Lucifer or Mithra before the Persians named him Mitra. AGNI, INDRA, and VISHNU: Fire, Light, and Heat, the first trinity and their manifestation in the skies. The interpretations of these symbols will reveal the Holy Doctrine. The one great idea from which they have been unfolded is the Royal Secret.

Few appreciate as they should its (the Royal Secret of freemasonry) exalted morality making it the law for their daily lives, and fewer care for and value the great truth of its philosophy and religion. (Royal Secret - the religion of freemasonry worships Lucifer as god)

You are not doing an idle thing to learn the Royal Secret. The Aryan kinsmen of our ancestors .... so worshipping their Deities, and creating Light, what should ascend to the skies to invigorate and replenish INDRA, the universal light, the planets and stars that had once been men, their ancestors.

The symbols of Free Masonry conceal , even in the Master's Lodge, the Holy Doctrine and the Royal Secret.

As kinsmen of our Aryan ancestors sacrificed in Indra and Ahura, sacrifice thou with an offering of incense to the God in whom thou doest put thy trust. In the 14th degree the seeker of the Royal Secret was Baptized and hailed a Soldier of the Truth of Ahura-Mazda, one of Lucifer's many names and counterfeits of the True God. In the 32nd degree, Now you desire to become Priest and King. The 32nd degree gives the Royal Secret and make the initiate a Priest and King of Ahura-Mazda, one of Lucifer's many names. The Irano-Aryans sacrificed before dawn to Mitra, the morning star. As the kinsmen of our Aryan ancestors sacrificed to Serpenta Mainyu, the divine wisdom, sacrifice thou with an offering of incense to the God in whom thou doest put thy trust. Yes, the 32nd degree seekers of the Royal Secret of freemasonry offer incense to the Serpent god, Serpenta Manyu. Serpenta Mainyu is another of Lucifer's many names.
Mithra/Mitra is the prototype to Roman Mithras to whom there are several hymns in Hindu and Zoroastrian holy texts. This gives us some insight into the energy of this deity before it became fused with the great mass of Graeco-Roman magical ideas. The evolution of this deity from god of the green land, wild pastures and the solar light to one of that Invincible Sun god, who moves the cosmos by slaying constellation Taurus, has been the subject of much interest to historians and magicians.

Roman Mithras was perhaps the greatest rival to early Christianity for many reasons. As well as being a popular pagan religion practised by the Roman Army, Mithraism had many similarities to Christianity. Mithras was born of a virgin, remained celibate, his worship involving baptism, the partaking of bread marked with a cross and wine as sacrificial blood, held Sundays sacred and Mithras was born on 25th of December. Mithraist called themselves 'brother' and were led by a priest called 'father' (Pater). The symbol of the father were a staff, a hooked sword, a ring and hat.

Mithras presides over the changing of the seasons and the movement of the heavens themselves. In the ancient cult Mithras was represented by the constellation Persus, who changes the position of the celestial sphere by 'slaying' the constellation Taurus (the Bull). At the spring equinox Mithras moves the earth back into Aries, raising lots of energy and power. At the autumn equinox this position is reversed bringing Scorpio back into Libra and balancing sexual energies.

The Bull Slaying was the central icon within the Western form of Mithraism and was present within every Temple. Here all the mystery of this tradition comes togethers, showing its Persian origins and the incorporation of Roman astrology and Greek mythology, giving rise to a esoteric path that must have had an everlasting impression on those who were prepared to follow its path. The Bull that Mithra kills is his ego, which is the aim of all followers of Mithra. "The lower self or ego

The whole Bull slaying scene is therefore the representation of the 'heavens' as we moved from Age of Taurus to Age of Aries. That is, the constellation Persus, which is above constellation Taurus, leads to the image of Mithras killing the bull, bringing an end to Age of Taurus by moving the entire universe. In a time when magic and science was based on a geocentric cosmos, with earth fixed in space and everything going around it, the procession could only be understood as a movement of the entire cosmos rather than earth. Mithras therefore became the Kosmokrator (cosmic ruler). The blood of bull is the Milky Way, the pathway which souls ascend and decend to genesis. The slaying of the constellation Taurus by the constellation Persus is perhaps one of the greatest star maps left to us. It shows the gnostic notion of overcoming of ego and uniting with the subconscious, a whole new dimension and one that can be observed in the cosmos. Mithras presides over the changing of the seasons and movement of heavens themselves.

In order to overcome the ego(nafs) one has turn the head (intellect) away as the intellect is unable to overcome the ego. It is only when we look with our hearts, that is Mithra is my only crown, that the battle can fought. It is only on the path of Mithra (love) with the guidance of the Father who has already slayed the Bull that we can decapitate our own Gorgon, before it turns us to stone.

Origins of Mithraic Mysteries

"The oldest source of Persian Gnosis is to be found in Mithraism, an ancient Persian spiritual path, which began in Eastern Iran many thousands of years ago". (Dr. Masoud Homayouri, Origin of Persian Gnosis). Mithra is an Indo-Iranian god, worshipped at least as early as 1400BC. In Hinduism he is praised as the binomial Mitra-Varuna. A hymn is also dedicated to him alone in Rig Veda (3.59). He is the Lord of Heavenly Light, protector of truth, and is invoked when a contract or oath is taken.

In Persia Mithra was the protector god of the tribal society until the Zoroastar's reformation of Persian polytheism (628-55BC). Mithra, like the rest of the gods and goddess of the Iranian Pantheon, was stripped of his sovereignty, and all his powers and attributes were bestowed upon Ahura Mazda. However due to his popularity we see in the Avesta (Mehr Yasht) Ahura Mazda saying to Zoroster: "Verily, when I created Mithra, the Lord of Wide Pastures, I created him as worthy of sacrifice, as worthy as prayer as my self Ahura Mazda."

Och man kan få reda på vem Mithra var enligt engelska Wikipedia - Ahura Mazdas son:
Mitra or Mithra or Mithras is an important deity of Persian and Indic culture; he appears in the Vedas as one of the Adityas, a solar deity and the god of honesty, friendship, contracts and meetings. In Persian civilization, where his name was rendered as Mithra, he later came into increased prominence as a major deity of Zoroastrianism. He can be identified with a proto-Indo-Persian deity whose name can be reconstructed as *Mitra.

In both cultures, he is distinguished by his close relationship with the god who rules over the asuras (Persian ahuras) and protects rta (Persian asha): Varuna in India and Ahura Mazda in Persia.

Mithra was believed to have been the son of God (Ahura Mazda). According to Persian tradition, Ahura Mazda sent his son Mithra to defend humanity from evil and from the Adversary, Ahriman. Aside from that, the mythology and lore surrounding Mithra is very similar to that surrounding Jesus and other aspects of Christianity. For example Mithra was believed to have been born on the 25th of December, was conceived by Ahura Mazda and his virgin mother Anahita. (See Mithraism's Parallels to Christianity for a detailed comparison.)

Mithraism entered Europe after the conquests of Alexander the Great and spread rapidly throughout the Roman Empire in later years. The Hellenistic and Roman god Mithras, worshipped by male initiates from the 1st century BC to the 5th century AD, combined the Persian Mithra with other Persian and perhaps Anatolian deities in a syncretic cult.

In the Hellenistic culture, Mithra could be identified with Apollo - Helios. During the 2nd century BC, probably at Pergamon, Hellenistic sculptors transformed the figure of Mitra/Helios into an iconic Mithras, the central god of a new syncretic religion, Mithraism. Although this new cult never caught on in the Greek homeland, it was taken to Rome around the 1st century BC by, and was dispersed throughout the Roman Empire and embraced by emperors as an official religion.

This later career is more fully treated in the entry Mithras and Mithraism.

Man kan gå vidare och titta på Mithras:

Mithras was the central savior god of Mithraism, a syncretic Hellenistic mystery religion of male initiates that developed in the Eastern Mediterranean in the 2nd and 1st centuries BC and was practiced in the Roman Empire from the 1st century BC to the 5th century AD. Parthian coins and documents bear a double date with a 64 year interval that represents Mithra's ascension to heaven, traditionally given as the equivalent of 208 BC, 64 years after his birth. The Romanized Greek Plutarch says that in 67 BC a large band of pirates in Cilicia—on the southeast coast of Anatolia— were practicing "secret rites" of Mithras.

The name Mithras is the Greek masculine form of Mitra, the Persian god who was the mediator between Ahura Mazda and the earth, the guarantor of human contracts, although in Mithraism much was added to the original elements of Mitra. However, some of the attributes of Roman Mithras may have been taken from other Eastern cults: for example, the Mithraist emphasis on astrology strongly suggests syncretism with star-oriented Mesopotamian or Anatolian religions. At least some of this synthesis of beliefs may have already been underway by the time the cult was adopted in the West. When Mithraism was introduced by Roman legions at Dura-Europos after 168 CE, the saviour god assumed his familiar Hellenistic iconic formula (illustration above right) [1].

The mythology surrounding Mithras is not easily reassembled from the enigmatic and complicated iconography; apparently the cult did not depend on the interpretation of divinely-inspired revealed texts, and the textual references are those of Christians, who mention Mithras to deplore him, and neo-Platonists who interpreted Mithraic symbols within their own world-schemes.

Och man kan spana lite i engelska Wikipedia vad de säger om Frimureriet:
Freemasonry has variously been attributed to [5]:

* an institutional outgrowth of the medieval guilds of stonemasons,
* a direct descendant of the "Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem" (the Knights Templar),
* an offshoot of the ancient Mystery schools,
* an administrative arm of the Priory of Sion,
* the intellectual descendants of the Roman Collegia,
* the intellectual descendants of the Comacine masters,
* the intellectual descendants of Noah.

Others claim that it dates back only to the late 17th century in Britain, and has no real connections at all to earlier organizations.

It is thought by many that Freemasonry cannot be a straightforward outgrowth of medieval guilds of stonemasons. Amongst the reasons given for this conclusion are the facts that stonemasons' guilds do not appear to predate reasonable estimates for the time of Freemasonry's origin, that stonemasons lived near their worksite and thus had no need for secret signs to identify themselves, and that the "Ancient Charges" of Freemasonry are nonsensical when thought of as being rules for a stonemasons' guild.
Iranian Religions
Anâhitâ, the Mother of Gods
In any case, historical evidences show that in the late 3rd millennium BC, worshiping mother goddesses was common in Iran, India, Central Asia, Mesopotamia, Syria, North Africa, and Europe.

The mother goddess was sometimes attributed to the moon and some times to Venus. The reason behind this duality lies in the tradition of incest, which was not only allowed, but also sanctified in ancient Iran. According to this tradition which dates back to the cave dwelling period, the kings and noble men of Iran had to marry their close relatives, the offspring of such marriages enjoying priority to inherit the crown. The same tradition was observed among the divinities, so much so that the ancient goddesses appear alternately as the mother, the sister or the wife of the masculine god, having different ranks. That is why Anahita (Ânâhitâ), the Iranian goddess, sometimes appears as mother earth and the goddess of fertility and birth, and sometimes as Venus, the goddess of music, love, jealousy and coquetry.

Mother goddess, Orang Tappeh, 4th millennium BCThe oldest statuette of mother goddess found in Europe, in Austria, dates back to the 3rd millennium, BC. Another similar statuette found in Moravia shows a mother goddess holding her breasts up with her large hands. In Greece, too, the mother goddess was worshiped as a birth-giving goddess through the entire Neolithic period.
According to Persian traditions, the god Mithras was actually incarnated into the human form of the Saviour expected by Zarathustra. Mithras was born of Anahita, an immaculate virgin mother once worshipped as a fertility goddess before the hierarchical reformation. Anahita was said to have conceived the Saviour from the seed of Zarathustra preserved in the waters of Lake Hamun in the Persian province of Sistan. Mithra's ascension to heaven was said to have occurred in 208 B.C., 64 years after his birth. This birth took place in a cave or grotto, where shepherds attended him and regaled him with gifts, at the winter solstice. This is based on a older myth about birth of Mithra, that his magical birth at the dawn of time was from a rock from which he formed himself using his Will. He holds in his hand a dagger and a torch. A statue from Housesteads shows Mithras being born from the rock while the twelve signs of the zodiac surround him, showing his image as a stellar god who rules the cosmos even at his birth. A serpent sometimes shown to be coiled around of the Mithras or birth stone/egg.

Perseus med Medusas huvud
Medusa var i grekisk mytologi den mest framträdande av de tre Gorgonerna.Som gorgon hade Medusa ormar på huvudet istället för hår och kunde förvandla den som såg henne direkt i ögonen till sten. Perseus lyckades till slut hugga av hennes förskräckliga huvud genom att använda sin sköld som spegel.
The Gorgon is the ego which initiate is been fighting with since solider degree. He drank the wine in lion degree and he is ready to face the great the monster with in, and with guidance of the Persus (the Father, one who has already decapitated his own gorgon), the initiate takes the harpe and tries to destroy his ego. This can be liken to St George slaying the dragon or Gilgamesh killing Humbaba. A common theme in many paths, however here it is seen as a fusion between eastern and western mythology. Title of Heliodromus (Sun runner) would be reserved for one who has seen the sun, and is close to it (sun is another word for love or Mithra in Farsi). In the ritual meal the initiate of this grade would sit next to Mithra himself (Father).

The highest grade was of Father (pir-e moghan), which was Mithras' earthly representative, teacher of all the other grades; he would pour the wine in the cup of the lions and provide the guidance to finally die before you die and overcome the ego.
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PostPosted: Wed, 2006 Jan 25 13:58:10    Post subject: Reply with quote

Politiker som gör djävulstecknet och en hornuggla på dollarsedlarna. Dollarsedeln som också har Illuminatis symbol den enögda pyramiden.
Beatles och Rolling Stones som också uttrycker sin sympati för djävulen.
Och Ateisten Crowley som skrivit böckerna “The Book of the Law”, “Magick in Theory and Practice” och “The Book of Thoth” har inspirerat de här djävulsdyrkarna kanske med ett hexagram?

Vad är det för värld vi lever i? Människor som inte söker fred och försoning - inte letar efter inre frid - istället vill ha split och motsättningar - krig.

Det går att Googla på:
illuminati fascism religion

Och hitta:
The Sinister Controllers of Music and Art

"We tell the people what they need to know, not what they want to know."
Frank Sesno, CNN News
"Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have."
Richard Salent, former pres. CBS News

So, let's go back to the first quote; prostitutes for whom? Yes, the International Bankers who own the Press and the Media. They are the ones who decide what we should think, what news to get and what news should be suppressed.

Those men, or families (the power torch is passed on through generations within the same superrich families) are also the ones who run the Secret Societies, like the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, the OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis) and more. Those Secret Societies go back thousands of years, through the Egyptian Era back to the Sumerian time and longer. Those Secret Societies hide the truth about our origins, our capacities as spiritual beings and much more. This hidden knowledge has always been a privilege for the Elite, to use for themselves to gain power and control over the rest of the population.

We are all spiritual beings with enormous power and capabilities. The knowledge how to use it and the knowledge from where we came has been very well hidden from mankind for one reason mainly: you CAN'T control someone who is spiritually aware. You have to keep people in the dark to be able to control them. If people knew, they would rebel against the slave society we are living in, and that would be the last thing they want.

Occultism all stems from the Secret Societies. The top Secret Society on Earth is called the Cult of the Illuminati, or Moriah as they prefer to call themselves these days. They are the top of the Pyramid, controlling all the other Secret Societies below them.

All Secret Societies have Grades of Initiation. You have to complete one Grade before you enter the next step on the ladder to knowledge. However, just a few selected persons are allowed to go all the way up and learn about the REAL Agenda - The New World Order. The rest of the members are only front figures, dedicating themselves to mysticism and charity to keep a good facade, not knowing what they really have gotten themselves into.

You can only obtain a membership in the Illuminati if you are of the Elite bloodlines. It is not available for the "common man". Those people in power dedicate themselves to Satanism to gain occult abilities to obtain their goals.

How do conflicts and war occur? It is a way for the wealthy families to divide and conquer. The Bankers always fund both sides of the conflict - a conflict they themselves started in the first place to achieve terror and fear among the world population in an attempt to create a United Planet, a One Country with One Law System, which they can control.

In this article, I have only touched the surface of something which is so much bigger. The whole subject is so big that it would be an issue for a whole website in itself. There are lots of books out there on this subject, and by entering the keywords one by one: "illuminati", "secret societies", "Satanism", "occultism", "freemasonry", "OTO" to start with, you can start your own investigation. It will not take long until you can put the pieces together and get a better grasp of what is going on in this world.

Beatles, Rock'n'Roll & Mind Control
An outstanding example of social conditioning to accept change, even when it is recognized as unwelcome change by the large population group in the sights of Stanford Research Institute, was the "advent" of the BEATLES. The Beatles were brought to the United States as part of a social experiment which would subject large population groups to brainwashing of which they were not even aware.

When Tavistock brought the Beatles to the United States nobody could have imagined the cultural disaster that was to follow in their wake. The Beatles were an integral part of "THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY," a living organism which sprang From "THE CHANGING IMAGES OF MAN," URH (489)-2150-Policy Research Report No. 4/4/74. Policy Report pre-pared by SRI Center for the study of Social Policy, Director, Professor Willis Harmon.

The phenomenon of the Beatles was not a spontaneous rebellion by youth against the old social system. Instead it was a carefully crafted plot to introduce by a conspiratorial body which could not be identified, a highly destructive and divisive element into a large population group targeted for change against its will. New words and new phrases--prepared by Tavistock(1)-- were introduced to America along with the Beatles. Words such as "rock" in relation to music sounds, "teenager," "cool," "discovered" and "pop music" were a lexicon of disguised code words signifying the acceptance of drugs and arrived with and accompanied the Beatles wherever they went, to be "discovered" by "teenagers." Incidentally, the word "teenagers" was never used until just before the Beatles arrived on the scene, courtesy of the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations.

As in the case of gang wars, nothing could or would have been accomplished without the cooperation of the media, especially the electronic media and, in particular, the scurrilous Ed Sullivan who had been coached by the conspirators as to the role he was to play. Nobody would have paid much attention to the motley crew from Liverpool and the 12-atonal system of "music" that was to follow had it not been for an overabundance of press exposure. The 12-atonal system consisted of heavy, repetitive sounds, taken from the music of the cult of Dionysus and the Baal priesthood by Adorno and given a "modern" flavor by this special friend of the Queen of England and hence the Committee of 300.

Tavistock and its Stanford Research Center created trigger words which then came into general usage around "rock music" and its fans. Trigger words created a distinct new break-away largely young population group which was persuaded by social engineering and conditioning to believe that the Beatles really were their favorite group. All trigger words devised in the context of "rock music" were designed for mass control of the new targeted group, the youth of America.

The newly-created group and its "lifestyle" swept millions of young Americans into the cult. American youth underwent a radical revolution without ever being aware of it, while the older generation stood by helplessly, unable to identify the source of the crisis, and thus reacting in a maladaptive manner against its manifestation, which were drugs of all types, marijuana, and later Lysergic acid, "LSD," so conveniently provided for them by the Swiss pharmaceutical company, SANDOZ, following the discovery by one of its chemists, Albert Hoffman, how to make synthetic ergotamine, a powerful mind-altering drug. The Committee of 300 financed the project through one of their banks, S. C. Warburg, and the drug was carried to America by the philosopher, Aldous Huxley.

Great anger was felt by a number of civic leaders and churchmen over the new cult but their energies were misdirected against the RESULT of what was going on and not against the CAUSE. Critics of the rock cult made the same mistakes that had been made in the prohibition era, they criticized law enforcement agencies, teachers, parents anybody but the conspirators.
Aleister Crowley is the occultist and Satanist that is perhaps the most well known. His works “The Book of the Law”, “Magick in Theory and Practice” and “The Book of Thoth” are broadly used in occult circuits. Crowley himself didn’t take much credit for having written them, as he stated they were written by automatic handwriting, being channeled from a higher being called Aiwaz (or Aiwass). This being said he had lived in Caldea during the reign of Hammurabis (around 1750 BC), but later, in his book “Magick in Theory and Practice”, Crowley identified Aiwaz as his own genius. He was actually very proud of this book, which he used as a Bible for his own religion – Thelema. Crowley looked at man as a sleeping god who gradually started to understand what powers he possesses. He also taught that Satan was identical with the Sumerian devil/god Shaitan, who he stated had been worshiped in the Egyptian deserts long before the ages of the Pharaohs.

He was also a drug- and sex addict and was addicted both to opium, hashish, cocaine, mescaline, amphetamines and heroin, in order to perceive higher states of beingness (drug abuse is very common to occultists in general). When he discovered mescaline, he developed seven rituals, Rites of Eleusis, and rented Caxton Hall to demonstrate them. Later, he opened up a Temple of Satan in London, where many high society ladies became his pupils. By that time Crowley had shaved his head and filed his canine teeth so sharp that he could initiate every new woman with a “kiss of the snake”, as he gave them a bite either on the wrist or in the throat.

“Do what thou will shall be the whole of the Law” [The work of the OTO ... is geared towards the achievement of a world-spanning empire ... The Law “Do what thou wilt” is the law of this new state – a One World Government] was his motto for the OTO, which was the secret order he himself was the Grandmaster of. He rejected traditional morality in favor of the life of a drug addict and brutal womanizer (“I rave; and I rape and I rip and I rend” is a line from one of his poems). He even enjoyed being called the “wickedest man in the world”. He was married twice, and both his wives went insane. Five of his mistresses committed suicide.

Long after his death, Crowley became a hero for many young people within the flower-power movement. The irony in all this is that these young people cried for peace and love. Crowley in his turn welcomed the First World War, as necessary to sweep away the old age and start the new one. Since he revealed his revelations, he became the head of the OTO (Ordo Templi Orientis) in Germany, which gave him a great influence over similar people in Germany. It’s also well known that Hitler was influenced by him and that Crowley himself tried to contact Hitler during the 2nd World War.

Aleister Crowley was born in Warwickshire where he revolted against a strict religious childhood. He left his studies and became initiated into the secret order of the Golden Dawn in 1898. After some time he came into conflict with its leaders and went to Mexico. From there he traveled a lot, to India and Ceylon, where he studied yoga and Buddhism. Buddhism replaced his occult interests for a while, until he got a strange experience in Cairo, Egypt in 1904. By curiosity his wife Rose asked him to do an occult ritual. She then went into a state of trance and brought down a message from some strange being. “He’s waiting for you”, she told Crowley. “Him”, she said, was Horus, the God of wars and the son of Osiris in the old Egyptian mythology.

At first, Crowley didn’t believe her, so he started asking her a few questions to reveal her as a fraud. But Rose, who didn’t know very much about the occult, gave the correct answers. The message that was sent to Crowley, told him to sit down by his desk a certain time three days in a row. He obeyed and in these three days he wrote “The Book of Law” with automatic writing. This means his hand was moving by another force than his own.

Crowley’s messenger taught that the old Age of Osiris soon would follow by the new Age of Horus. But first Earth must bathe in blood. There should be a World War. The Book of Law told about a race of Superhuman and condemned the old religions, the pacifism, democracy, compassion and humanity. “Let my servants be few and secret, they shall reign over the many and the known”, the Superhuman continued.

The messenger also declared that Crowley was the Beast 666 from the “Book of Revelations” (13:18 ), who had come to destroy Christianity. He tried to forget the whole thing, but from 1909 and forwards, he started taking the messages seriously.

Crowley was an English poet, magician, Satan follower, and a member (later the leader) of the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), or “Order of the Eastern Temple,” which was originally a cult of high ranking Freemasons. Crowley wrote several books that influenced many later cults and rock bands, and claimed himself as the “wickedest man in the world.” Crowley’s involvement with O.T.O. functioned as his means of disseminating his beliefs and practices, as well as his books. His work to promote the spiritual philosophy, “Thelema,” (a Greek word meaning “will” or “intention”) was done largely via the O.T.O. A great deal of complexity surrounds the ideas and beliefs of Thelema, as well as Crowley’s life, but his influence remains significant, and was especially for Parsons. Crowley died in 1947.

Och det går att hitta definitioner på fascism som talar om fascismens förhållande till religionen:
8.) Religion and Government are Intertwined: Governments in fascist nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. Religious rhetoric and terminology is common from government leaders, even when the major tenets of the religion are diametrically opposed to the government's policies or actions.

Och det finns de som letar i historien efter förbindelser mellan religion och fascism:
After Hitler's accession to power in January 1933, the Papal Secretary of State, Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, negotiated a Concordat with the new regime. Pacelli was later to become Pius XII, and critics have used this as part of their case that he was sympathetic to Nazism. However, it was normal practice for the Holy See to seek to establish clear guidelines for state-Catholic relations. Inter alia, Hitler agreed to grant Catholic pupils more schools and teachers. In return, Pacelli successfully encouraged the Christian Democrat Centre Party to disband and accept a Nazi dictatorship. Pacelli was hardly a liberal demiocrat, but it is highly unlikely that the Nazis would have tolerated the continued existence of the Center Party in a Germany where all other parties had been banned by the summer of 1933. Subsequently, both Pacelli and local Catholic leaders protested against aspects of Nazism. The best-known example of the latter form of opposition came when Count von Galen, the Bishop of Munster, spoke out against the 'euthanasia' programme in 1940.[16] However, there were also important areas where Nazi and Church concerns coincided, especially anti-communism. It is interesting to note in this context that Galen fully endorsed the 'crusade' against Bolshevism launched in 1941. He also did not extend his protest against murder to treatment of the Jews.

Fascists were especially interested in the role of quasi-religious ceremonies and symbols in tying the populace to the state. Indeed, the fascist style plays a key part in many definitions:[28] the ubiquitous swastika (hakenkreuz, or hooked cross), the mass rallies, and the charismatic leader. Other aspects included innovations such as new calendar festivities. Some were based on Christian festivals, but others included key dates in Nazi Party history, such as 9 November, which included a procession of old fighters carrying a bloodstained flag from the Bürgerbrau to the Feldherrnhalle in Munich. In Italy, the calendar was even revised to start from the March on Rome rather than the birth of Christ. The language of fascism could also be highly religious in tone. Italian Fascism was replete with references to ‘faith’, ‘martyrdom’ and ‘sacrifice’. Hitler's language was included words like 'mission', 'salvation', and 'redemption'. Leading Nazis specifically sought to fit Hitler into the Protestant tradition through the doctrine of Providence, which held that God directed the affairs of men in moments of great need. For instance, rapidly rising Nazi support after 1930 was sometimes portrayed as divine will.

The main focus of this article has been the growing tendency to see fascism as a form of political religion. If the approach is seen as heuristic, then it is a useful addition to our methodological toolbox. For example, it points to many questions which are not yet fully resolved, including how the churches viewed fascism and vice-versa, and about popular attitudes to both the churches and fascism. However, if the approach is understood in a more essentialist way, there are serious problems. To the extent that a linking essence can be identified, fascism was a political ideology rather than a political religion.

The issue can simply be defined away by holding that ideologies are secular forms of thought about human nature, the process of history, and socio-economic and political arrangements.[51] Religions, on the other hand, involve some form of belief in a supernatural being(s). However, this misses a point that all modern ideologies exhibit dimensions of religions. Even 'rationalist’ ideologies like liberalism have an affective side to their appeal, especially if studied in concrete political situations rather than through the dry texts of their great thinkers. Compare the pomp and circumstance surrounding the contemporary US Presidency with the restrained rationalism of James Madison’s eighteenth century writings on the emerging US Constitution. Or consider the question why do many liberals seem to need to be at war, metaphorically at least, with those who do not share their views? - a question which points to interesting conclusions about much of liberal historiography's demonization of fascism as an un-intellectual creed!

A more fruitful way of distinguishing between ideology and religion is to adapt Søren Kiekegaard's view that the essence of a religion is not the persuasion of the truth of the doctrine, but a leap of faith to accept a view which is inherently absurd. What could be more absurd than to believe that God allowed his only son to be born of a virgin in a lowly stable in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago? Christianity is a religion because of this core absurdity – this need for a leap of faith. Fascism’s essential syncretism meant that it was possible to find forms which overtly married ideology and religion - for example, in the Iron Guard, or among a limited number of Italian and German clerics (though most failed to see the radicalism at the core of fascism). Moreover, there were aspects of fascism which were absurd - especially the belief of some Nazis that there was an international Jewish conspiracy against Germany, which encouraged a belief in apocalyptic holy war against the Jew. However, most fascists were not driven by such affective sentiments. Indeed, there is nothing absurd about the core ideology of generic fascism – namely the quest to forge a holistic nation and create a radical syncretic Third Way state.
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PostPosted: Wed, 2006 Jan 25 18:32:42    Post subject: Reply with quote


Modernismen - var har den sina rötter?
Det går att Googla på det!

Man hamnar hos teosofer - Madame Blavatsky och Ann
Conspiracies and Mystery School Teachings





Helena Petrovna Hahn was born on August 12, 1831 and died May 8, 1891 London, England. She was better known as Helena Blavatsky or Madame Blavatsky was the founder of Theosophy.

Helena Blavatsky was a great authority on theosophy, the doctrines of which she professed she derived from the fountainhead in Tibet.

She was born of Russian nobility and later became the secretary of the Theosophical Society. Also, she was referred to as HPB. She did much to spread Eastern religious, philosophical and occult concepts throughout the Western world.
The Secret Doctrine' was published simultaneously in London and New York in November 1888. Blavatsky, a self-educated woman, sub-titled it 'The Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy'.

The Doctrine' was written at a difficult period in Blavatsky's life. She and the Theosophical Society were under attack for 'forgery and trickery', and she was seriously ill. She left India for Europe, writing on the voyage and then in Germany, Belgium and England.

In the Preface Blavatsky declares her aim:

"To show that Nature is not a fortuitous concurrence of atoms, and to assign to man his rightful place in the scheme of the Universe; to rescue from degradation the archaic truths which are the basis for all religions; and to uncover the fundamental unity from which they all spring."
Blavatsky Net - Theosophy
This site focuses on Madame Blavatsky and her teaching - Theosophy. It features an introduction to Theosophy, study aids, research tools, original text, supporting evidence, membership, and visitor interaction.
Svenska Dagbladet 7/4 2003
Möten med Gud i konsten

Gudsbilden sitter i betraktarens öga. Också konstutställningen kan bli till ett andligt rum när det uppstår en gudomlig relation mellan betraktare och verk.

Många konstnärer är än i dag visserligen upptagna av existentiella frågor och intresserade av andlighet, men högre på agendan står frågor kring kön, identitet, etnicitet och det sociala spelet. Men någonstans i dess närhet rör sig frågorna om Guds existens eller icke-existens.
- På den stora konstutställningen Dokumenta i Kassel förra året handlade otroligt mycket om döden och resan genom livet, säger Margaretha Rossholm Lagerlöf som är professor i konstvetenskap vid Stockholms universitet.
Det var längesedan konstnärerna arbetade med representativa bilder av Gud. Men sedan modernismens genombrott har framförallt den abstrakta konsten varit upptagen med andliga frågor.
- Konstnärerna som började måla abstrakta motiv ville skildra en andlig verklighet. De gick från tingvärlden, vår vardagsvärld, för att åskådliggöra något bortom den. Mondrian och Kandinsky är två exempel, säger Margaretha Rossholm Lagerlöf.

På Bauhausskolan under mellankrigstiden var konstnärerna bland annat upptagna med den gudomliga geometrin och Johannes Ittens färglära.
"För den andligt skådande människan är dessa tre symboler (triangeln, cirkeln och kvadraten, reds anm) inte några tomma former utan de förkroppsligar Skapelsens mäktiga krafter. Det teosofiska tänkandet präglar tidens stora nonfigurativa rörelser", skriver Peter Cornell i Den hemliga källan.
1950- och 60-talets abstrakta expressionism fortsatte i liknande tankebanor.
För att rekapitulera: Den Hemliga Läran var den urgamla och förhistoriska världens universellt spridda religion. Bevis för dess spridning, autentiska urkunder om dess historia, en komplett kedja av dokument, som visar dess karaktär och utbredning i varje land, tillsammans med alla dess stora adepters undervisning, finns att tillgå till denna dag i de hemliga kryptorna i det Ockulta Brödraskapets bibliotek.
I Peter Cornells bok Den Hemliga Källan ställs frågan om Malevitj tagit intryck av Helena Blavatskys symbolspråk från Den Hemliga Läran. Då speciellt med tanke på kvadraten, som ju blivit Malevitjs adelsmärke. Det har ju i dagarna varit en stor utställning i Amsterdam, där Malevitj Svart Kvadrat ställts ut.
Den första uppenbarelsen var den svarta kvadraten, som Malevitj utan blygsamhet utnämner till ’min tids nakna ikon ... ett kungligt barn’. Bara några år senare är slutstenen lagd med Vit kvadrat på vit botten från 1919. Mellan dem ligger en process av de kosmiska krafternas förtätningar och explosioner, enligt en, menar Malevitj (och Mme Blavatsky), evig kosmisk lag. Och i slutstadiet visar de vita kvadraterna vägen in i föremålslösheten, i den icke-existens som är ’människans högre vara’. Knappt urskiljbara vita kvadrater svävar mot en vit rymd. I denna lätta, vita rymd berusar sig Malevitj med fantasier om att – som en gång Kandinsky drömde om – helt befria sig från det materiella:

’Den vita suprematismen känner inte längre begreppet material, såsom det ännu gäller för genomsnittsmänniskan ... I den vita suprematismen verkar medvetandet inte längre med hjälp av olika material, utan endast med impulser.
Först när konstens självständighet som idé har trängt in i varje människas medvetande kommer det att bli möjligt för människan att växa ur sitt animaliska tillstånd (av beroende gentemot sina materiella behov).’
Därmed var allt fullbordat och Malevitj övergick till att konstruera arkitektoniska modeller och till det pedagogiska arbetet i Vitebsk.
Den hemliga källan om initiationsmönster i konst, litteratur och politik
Häftad. Gidlunds förlag AB, Sverige, 1988 (ISBN 9178441218)
I den här boken belyser författaren en förbisedd ockult tradition som går som en esoterisk underström i europeiskt kulturliv. Den var särskilt märkbar decennierna kring sekelskiftet, då rosenkreuziska läror, alkemi, teosofi m m attraherade en rad av tidens ledande författare och konstnärer. I den ockulta "hemliga källan" fanns också ett mörkare parti som lockade till sig en del underjordiska politiska rörelser som så småningom skulle bilda en jordmån för nazismen.

Initiation, eller invigning, är ett nyckelbegrepp i den esoteriska traditionen. Initiationen förmedlar en ny insikt och den mödosamma vägen dit gestaltas i olika symbolspråk, ofta inom ramen för ett hemligt sällskap. Den västerländska initiationen har sina rötter i antikens mysteriespel. Den har sedan levt vidare i andra former, som alkemin, tarotkorten och frimureriet, men också i modern konst och litteratur.

Tonvikten i Den hemliga källan ligger på initiationsmönster från modern tid. Författaren spårar gemensamma strukturer bakom fenomen som Aguélis måleri, Bauhausskolan i Weimar, Rudolf Steiners kosmologi, den tidiga nazismen, surrealismen och Malevitjs abstrakta konst.
1. The Roots of Modernism
Until recently, the word "modern" used to refer generically to the contemporaneous; all art is modern at the time it is made. In his Il Libro dell'Arte (translated as "The Craftsman's Handbook") in 1437, Cennino Cennini explains that Giotto made painting "modern" [see BIBLIOGRAPHY]. Giorgio Vasari writing in 16th-century Italy refers to the art of his own period as "modern." [see BIBLIOGRAPHY]

As an art historical term, "modern" refers to a period dating from roughly the 1860s through the 1970s and is used to describe the style and the ideology of art produced during that era. It is this more specific use of modern that is intended when people speak of modern art. The term "modernism" is also used to refer to the art of the modern period. More specifically, "modernism" can be thought of as referring to the philosophy of modern art.

In her book of the same title [see BIBLIOGRAPHY], Suzi Gablik asks "Has Modernism Failed?" Does she mean "failed" simply in the sense of coming to an end? Or does she mean that Modernism failed to accomplish something? The presupposition of the latter is that modernism had goals, which it failed to achieve. What were these goals?

The modernist thinking which emerged in the Renaissance began to take shape as a larger pattern of thought in the 18th century. Mention may be made first of the so-called "Quarrel of the Ancients and Moderns," a dispute that dominated European intellectual life throughout the century.

The 18th century, the Age of Enlightenment, saw the intellectual maturation of the humanist belief in reason as the supreme guiding principle in the affairs of humankind. Through reason the mind achieved enlightenment, and for the enlightened mind, freed from the restraints of superstition and ignorance, a whole new exciting world opened up.

In the Salon of 1824, in which Ingres exhibited his Vow of Louis XIII, and Delacroix his Massacre of Scios, Ingres' work, painted in a style the critics called "le beau" (the beautiful), was identified with classical academic theory and the right-wing conservative forces of the ancien régime. In contrast, Delacroix, whose style was labeled "le laid" (the ugly), clearly exhibited more liberal attitudes in his choice of subject matter and was associated with anarchy, materialism, and contemporary or modern life.

For conservatives, Ingres represented order, traditional values, and the good old days of the ancien régime. Political progressives saw Delacroix as the representative of intellectuals, of revolution, of anarchy; his supporters said he had overthrown tyranny and established the principle of liberty in art.

It is from Delacroix that the line of progressive modernism extends directly to Gustave Courbet and Édouard Manet. In the conservative view, Delacroix's Romanticism, Courbet's Realism, and Manet's Naturalism were all manifestations of the cult of ugliness that opposed the Academic ideal of the beautiful. Delacroix, Courbet, and Manet, were each in turn accused by conservatives of carrying on subversive work that was intended to undermine the State.

This may sound strange to us today. Orthodox art historians and critics have tended to treat modern art as contentless and politically neutral. The process of neutralizing and depoliticizing art was taken in hand by the State, with the support of conservative forces and compliance of formalist critics and art historians, beginning as early as 1855.
Bauhaus Building by Walter Gropius (1925-26)
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Master Houses by Walter Gropius (1925-26)
Ebertallee 59-71, 06846 Dessau
Haus Feininger House
Muche-Schlemmer House
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Konsum Building by Walter Gropius (1928)
Am Dreieck 1, 06849 Dessau
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Johannes Itten's preliminary course 1919-1922

The preliminary course, as developed by Johannes Itten and continued by others after his departure, was part of the basic educational apparatus of the Bauhaus teachings. Preceding other courses, it was intended to teach students the basics of material characteristics, composition, and color.

His main point was the recognition and creation of contrasts which were elaborated in the most diverse forms and materials, whereby the reciprocal influence of two elements had to be accounted for. Itten considered that the contrast between light and dark was one of the most valuable and expressive means of creation. Studies in contrast were carried out on very different levels, such as in the field of natural materials and their textures, or also in the realm of free sculptural form.
Johannes Itten was employed by Gropius in the early years to teach at the Bauhaus but eventually left as directions changed. Lipsey comments:

      He [Itten] viewed the Bauhaus as a "secret, self-contained society" with spiritual goals. In his classes, he offered students the opportunity to practice relaxation, breathing, and concentration exercises intended, as he later wrote, "to establish the intellectual and physical readiness which makes intensive work possible." ... Itten precipitated the crisis of 1922 by embodying the esoteric and romantic aspects of the Bauhaus so militantly that he threatened to sever the school from its moorings in mainstream society [8].

Itten himself made the following comments about the spiritual underpinning of his work in Design and Form, one of the coursebooks to emerge from teachers at the Bauhaus:

      I had studied oriental philosophy and concerned myself with Persian Mazdaism and Early Christianity. Thus I realised that our outward-directed scientific research and technology must be balanced by inward-directed thought and forces of the soul. ... It is not only a religious custom to start instruction with a prayer or a song, but it also serves to concentrate the students' wandering thoughts. At the start of the morning I brought my classes to mental and physical readiness for intensive work through relaxing, breathing, and concentrating exercises. The training of the body as an instrument of the mind is of the greatest importance for creative man. ... Besides relaxation, breathing is of the greatest importance. As we breathe, so do we think and so is the rhythm of our daily life. People of great, successful accomplishments always have a quiet, slow and deep breath. Shortwinded people are hasty and greedy in thought and action [9].

These extracts show much of Itten's thinking and character, and the reactions to them may illustrate the problem that artists have with the explicitly spiritual. The library copy of Design and Form from the Arts faculty of my university has a simple pencilled comment in the margin close to the last point made in this extract: 'Suspicious'. Others have concluded that the Mazdaznan experiment was a disaster, and it is true to this day that spiritual practices are rarely part of the curriculum in mainstream art colleges ('Mazdaznan' is a derivation of Mazdaism, better known in the West as Zoraostrianism, a religion whose main prophet was the historical Zarathustra, a man quite unconnected with Nietzsche's imaginary figure of the same name).

Let us turn back now to Kandinsky's Concerning the Spiritual in Art as a turning point for Modernism. It was published in 1911, and was deeply influenced by Theosophy. Kandinsky had 'snapped up' a copy of Thought Forms (a work by the Theosophists Annie Besant and Charles Leadbeater purporting to show pictures of the 'auric' form of thoughts and emotions) in 1908 and joined the movement in 1909. Kandinsky's Improvisations series from around 1916 is considered to be directly influenced by the illustrations in Thought Forms

Piet Mondrian was only briefly at the Bauhaus, but was just as deeply influenced by Theosophy as Kandinsky. A triptych of Mondrian's called Evolution is an example of this period (it is the dominant piece amongst similar work hidden in the Gemeente Museum, unshown), and has been criticised for its 'new-age' look (see Fig. 6). His later and better-known work continued to explore one of the Theosophical themes, that of geometry.

Paul Klee was another teacher at the Bauhaus for a time, and shared with Kandinsky a friendship with Thomas de Hartmann, musician and close collaborator with Gurdjieff. Kandinsky met de Hartmann between 1908 and 1912, before de Hartmann met Gurdjieff in 1916, and for whom both he and his wife gave up everything. Klee's notebooks, like those of many artists, do not reveal the kind of spiritual preoccupations that we find in those of a contemporary spiritual teacher like Krishnamurti for example, and I have not found so far any mention of Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, or even de Hartmann [11]. Lipsey comments:

      Paul Klee (1879-1940)Swiss-born, mature in art by 1914, Bauhaus master in the great years of the institution, renowned for works of originality, wit, and depthis the author of one of the century's few unerring statements on the spiritual in art. With Kandinsky's On the Spiritual in Art and Brancusi's aphorisms, Klee's 1924 lecture "On Modern Art" is all one need know to be certain that twentieth-century art conceived ideals that in their religious dimension would have been recognizable to Meister Eckhart and in their workshop dimension to Leonardo [12].

Walter Gropius is appointed director of the former Grand Ducal School of Fine Arts of Saxony in Weimar. The school is officially fusioned with the School of Arts and Crafts, which was closed in 1915 and renamed Staatliches Bauhaus Weimar (State Bauhaus Weimar). The school is officially founded on April 1. A manifesto and first program are published in the following month. Gropius postulates his program with a characteristic post War pathos.

Gropius calls for a reform in artistic process, rather than a new style.He declares that art should be led back to its fundament and prerequisite in handcraft, where it is possible to learn how to handle materials. In addition, the role of handcrafts in a social context is discovered for the arts; indeed, this connection enables the arts to play a role in the professional working world, to be a part of society. Since crafts rather than art can be taught, the Bauhaus program is based on workshop courses. The ideal of a labor community for all the arts corresponds to the concept of a unified work of art, the reunification of artistic disciplines - sculpture, painting, applied arts and crafts - to a new architecture.

Despite pursuing a utopian aim, Gropius´ program is directed towards overall validity and commitment and towards the requirements of practical life. The claim is for artistic reform. The same year, Gropius nominates three artists as Bauhaus masters: the painter Lyonel Feininger, the sculptor Gerhard Marcks, and the painter and art teacher Johannes Itten.


In summer, Itten travels to a Mazdaznan congress in Leipzig. Muche and Itten propagate this mystical doctrine of Eastern inspiration and are successful in gaining large influence on a number of pupils, thereby adding to the inner conflicts of the school.

Theo van Doesburg, member of the Dutch artists' group "De Stijl", is in Weimar, with interruptions, from April 1921 until November 1922. Bauhaus pupils attend his lectures and courses, in which he criticizes the expressionist tendencies and crafts orientation of their school. He spreads his views on a new concept of constructivist design, favorable to technology. Although van Doesburg opposes the Bauhaus in Weimar, he influences the decisive turn of the school towards industrial design in 1922 and strongly inspires its emerging form of expression until 1924.

At the beginning of the year, Gropius restructures his ideas as to the aims of the Bauhaus. The major focus is directed towards reflecting on industrial methods of production and their consequences for design. In the summer, a conflict flares up with Itten, the central figure of the early Bauhaus, who rejects the new ideas and gradually retires into the background.


In February, the Museum for Arts and Crafts in Zurich opens an exhibition with works by Itten and from the Bauhaus workshops. In March, Itten quits Weimar.


Walter Gropius is appointed director of the former Grand Ducal School of Fine Arts of Saxony in Weimar. The school is officially fusioned with the School of Arts and Crafts, which was closed in 1915 and renamed Staatliches Bauhaus Weimar (State Bauhaus Weimar). The school is officially founded on April 1. A manifesto and first program are published in the following month. Gropius postulates his program with a characteristic post War pathos.

Gropius calls for a reform in artistic process, rather than a new style.He declares that art should be led back to its fundament and prerequisite in handcraft, where it is possible to learn how to handle materials. In addition, the role of handcrafts in a social context is discovered for the arts; indeed, this connection enables the arts to play a role in the professional working world, to be a part of society. Since crafts rather than art can be taught, the Bauhaus program is based on workshop courses. The ideal of a labor community for all the arts corresponds to the concept of a unified work of art, the reunification of artistic disciplines - sculpture, painting, applied arts and crafts - to a new architecture.

Despite pursuing a utopian aim, Gropius´ program is directed towards overall validity and commitment and towards the requirements of practical life. The claim is for artistic reform. The same year, Gropius nominates three artists as Bauhaus masters: the painter Lyonel Feininger, the sculptor Gerhard Marcks, and the painter and art teacher Johannes Itten. In addition, four professors from the former art school are enrolled. At first, artistic tuition takes place in the teacher's classrooms, the craft courses in the workshops: in the first semester, these are the gold, silver, and copper forge, bookbinding, weaving, and graphic printing. In addition, individual courses on architecture are available; the architecture department itself wasn't opened until 1927.


In October, Georg Muche is appointed master. During the course of the year, further workshops are installed: one for wood and stone sculpture, and one for decoration (later wall-painting). October also sees the start of a cabinet making workshop; in May, a pottery workshop is set up at Dornburg/Saale. During this time, the curriculum at the Bauhaus corresponds to a craft apprenticeship, at the end of which an exam has to be passed at the chamber of crafts.

In order to achieve a closer relationship between arts and crafts, the workshops are headed, from the winter semester onwards, respectively by an artisan as "master craftsman" and by an artist as "master of form".
Feininger takes on the printing workshop, Marcks the pottery; to start with, all other workshops are under the direction of Itten and Muche.

The "preliminary course" derives from a compulsory test semester given by Itten. This artistic preparatory tuition focuses on the elemental conditions of any creation: materials, how they can be formed and represented, and construction. The preliminary course serves the investigation of the personality and the creativity of each pupil, and is meant to establish equal pre-conditions of knowledge for the subsequent course. Until 1922, the style of Bauhaus products stands under the strong influence of Itten's exercises on rhythm, form, and contrast studies. Itten teaches the preliminary course, the backbone of the Bauhaus educational program, until the spring of 1923, with Muche taking on the summer months.

The Bauhaus in Weimar experiences first public hostility. The attacks are ideological, but flare up in the context of artistic issues. The conflict is carried out during political meetings, in the press and in various publications, and finally in the Landtag of Thuringia. The state-financed school depends on the parliamentary allocation of subsidies; these conflicts, together with a changing political majority, endanger the existence of the Bauhaus.


At the beginning of the year, Paul Klee and Oskar Schlemmer are appointed; in autumn, Lothar Schreyer takes on the new stage department. In March, a turnover takes place in the organization of the workshops: Gropius is responsible for cabinet making, Schlemmer heads stone sculpture, Muche takes charge of weaving, Klee bookbinding.

Gropius and Adolf Meyer build the Haus Sommerfeld in Berlin in an expressionist style. It is the first project involving the aspired unity of arts in architecture. The workshops for wood sculpture, wall-painting, glass painting, cabinet making, weaving, and metal are involved in the realization of the decoration and the furnishings.

In summer, Itten travels to a Mazdaznan congress in Leipzig. Muche and Itten propagate this mystical doctrine of Eastern inspiration and are successful in gaining large influence on a number of pupils, thereby adding to the inner conflicts of the school.

Theo van Doesburg, member of the Dutch artists' group "De Stijl", is in Weimar, with interruptions, from April 1921 until November 1922. Bauhaus pupils attend his lectures and courses, in which he criticizes the expressionist tendencies and crafts orientation of their school. He spreads his views on a new concept of constructivist design, favorable to technology. Although van Doesburg opposes the Bauhaus in Weimar, he influences the decisive turn of the school towards industrial design in 1922 and strongly inspires its emerging form of expression until 1924.


At the beginning of the year, Gropius restructures his ideas as to the aims of the Bauhaus. The major focus is directed towards reflecting on industrial methods of production and their consequences for design. In the summer, a conflict flares up with Itten, the central figure of the early Bauhaus, who rejects the new ideas and gradually retires into the background.

The first public exhibition of works by journeymen and apprentices is opened in April; July sees the presentation of an architecture exhibition by Gropius and Adolf Meyer. A Bauhaus housing-estate community is founded. Vassily Kandinsky is appointed to the wall-painting workshop.

During this period, the weaving and pottery workshops are predominant. They are the only ones able to make an appreciable contribution towards financing the school through the sale their works. From now on, workshop products of approved quality are branded with a stamp.

In September, Theo van Doesburg organizes the Dadaist and Constructivist Congress in Weimar. Among the participants are Kurt Schwitters, Hans Arp, Hans Richter, and the later Bauhaus master László Moholy-Nagy. During the same month, the première of Schlemmer's "Triadic Ballet" takes place in Stuttgart.


In February, the Museum for Arts and Crafts in Zurich opens an exhibition with works by Itten and from the Bauhaus workshops. In March, Itten quits Weimar. He is replaced by the constructivist artist László Moholy-Nagy who heads the metal workshop and teaches the preliminary course from autumn onwards. Following the departure of Schreyer, Oskar Schlemmer takes over the stage department.

First participation at the autumn fair in Leipzig with woven materials, ceramics, and works in metal. It is the first year of a noticeable workshop production, despite difficult working conditions due to the serious economic situation, particularly when inflation reaches its peak in September.

In February, preparations start for the "Bauhaus Exhibition", planned for August and September as a first comprehensive public account of the school's activities. The show presents products from the workshops and the classes, fine art by the masters, and an international architecture exhibition. The experimental house "Am Horn" in Weimar is the first independent building project of the school; the house is equipped by the workshops. In August, the "Bauhaus Week" takes place with stage events, concerts, and lectures. The exhibition attracts attention to the school throughout the entire Reich.

Gropius coins his new concept in the slogan "Art and technology - a new unity" and thereby recognizes industry as a decisive power of the times. The concern with industry and mechanized production is determinant for all further work at the Bauhaus, and demarcates its reception to this day.

Since the winter semester, the preliminary course includes, in the first semester, texture studies with Josef Albers, in the second semester, the "material and space" course with Moholy-Nagy, the analysis and design class "color" with Kandinsky, and the design theory "form" with Klee.


The elections for the Landtag of Thuringia result in a middle-class majority; the previous social democratic Bauhaus-supporting government is superseded. In September, as a "precaution", the new government revokes the contracts of the Bauhaus masters for April 1925. In November, only the minority of KPD (Communists), SPD (Socialists), and DDP (Democrats) in the budget committee vote in favor of the allocation of subsidies.

The politically motivated and financially justified chicanery render a continuation impossible. Therefore, on December 26, the masters declare the dissolution of the school for April 1, 1925.

The "Circle of Friends of the Bauhaus" is founded in order to offer moral and practical support for the school. Marc Chagall, Albert Einstein, and Gerhart Hauptmann are members of the board.


At the beginning of the year, negotiations take place with several cities concerning a possible continuation of the school, among which are Frankfurt am Main and Dessau. Some masters negotiate other activities. Certain former Bauhaus students, such as Wilhelm Wagenfeld, Otto Lindig, and Erich Dieckmann, take on teaching jobs at the institute following upon the Bauhaus in Weimar, the "Weimar State School for Architecture", under the leadership of Otto Bartning.

In March, the municipal council of Dessau, on the initiative of the Lord Mayor Fritz Hesse, decides to take over the Bauhaus as a municipal school.Neither the pottery nor the wood and stone sculpture workshops are recreated in Dessau.

Gropius proclaims a new program dominated by the importance of industry and science for design. He declares that the aim of the Bauhaus is to achieve a "development of modern housing" "from the simplest household appliance to the complete dwelling". Gropius calls for "systematic experimentation, both in theory and practice - in formal, technical, and economic fields". He describes the workshops as "laboratories" for the production of prototypes for industrial production. In June, the first "Bauhausbücher" (Bauhaus books) are published by Gropius, Moholy-Nagy, Klee, Kandinsky, and Mondrian.

In November, the Bauhaus Co. Ltd. is founded to commercialize the products.


In April, a department for architecture is set up under the guidance of Hannes Meyer. Klee and Kandinsky give courses in free painting; these are the first purely artistic courses to be available at the Bauhaus.


Gropius resigns from the Bauhaus in April to go to Berlin to work as an architect. Moholy-Nagy, Bayer, and Breuer also quit the school.


At the beginning of the year, the interior architect Lilly Reich is appointed head of the finishing department. Political debates at the school increase.

On August 22, a bill put forward by the NSDAP at the municipal council to close the Bauhaus on October 1 is passed with a majority of 20 to 5 votes from the KPD and from Lord Mayor Hesse. The members of the SPD, whose political support so far had been decisive for the school's survival, abstains from voting.

Mies van der Rohe decides to continue the school as a private institute in Berlin. This is enabled by the income from license royalties. In the winter semester, the school counts 14 students. Kandinsky, Albers, Hilberseimer, Reich, and Peterhans are still on the teaching staff.


On April 11, at the start of the summer semester, the Bauhaus building undergoes a police search and is placed under seal. 32 students are temporarily arrested. The future of the school, which is in a disastrous financial situation,is uncertain.

On July 20, the final dissolution of the Bauhaus is decided upon at a staff conference.

A letter from the Secret State Police, dated July 21 concerning the re-opening of the school states several conditions; Kandinsky and Hilberseimer are requested to relinquish their position to staff "standing on the soil of National Socialist ideology" and the new curriculum should satisfy the "claim of the new state to its inner structure".

The most prominent Bauhaus teachers emigrate over the course of the following years, amongst them Josef Albers (1933/USA), Vassily Kandinsky (1933/France), Paul Klee (1933/Switzerland), Walter Gropius (1934/Great Britain, 1937/USA), László Moholy-Nagy (1934/Netherlands, 1935/Great Britain, 1937/USA), Marcel Breuer (1935/Great Britain, 1937/USA), Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1937/USA), Herbert Bayer (1938/USA), Walter Peterhans (1938/USA).
The basis for how architecture is pursued in the late 20th century is directly related to how theosophy attempts to pursue truths in the existence of mankind. The focus on abstraction of ideas and feelings into spacial forms along with the knowledge that architecture is a pursuit and has no real means to an end parallels the way theosophy viewed truth in life.

Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky, and Piet Mondrian are the artists most closely associated with theosophy. All three artists had relationships to architecture even though they themselves were not architects. Klee and Kandinsky were professors at the Bauhaus school in Germany. Mondrian was instrumental in the De Stijl movement located in Holland. The impact of the Bauhaus and the De Stijl was world wide and many theories along with methods of teaching continue throughout the world today.

Even though the Bauhaus’s lasting impact was in the fields of architecture, interior and industrial design, the creative theories behind painting were the initial catalyst for creation in its early years. Klee and Kandinsky provided this emphasis on creative theory. Klee’s focus was the on creative thought. He believed that there was a mystical center of which it was the artist ‘s goal to pursue. To find this center would lead to the true understanding of creativity and creation. Klee looked towards nature for inspiration. He believed art was based on the same formative laws as nature. Klee pursued an understanding of more than just the appearance but also the inner order not necessarily visible. In creation he attempted to discover an order to the human experience. Klee’s views towards art were individualistic. His interest in the act of creation focused on the artist and human emotion rather than a greater societal harmony and order.

Kandinsky had a more universal vision. His focus was to elevate society to a more spiritually enlightened realm. He believed society was at the dawn of a new anti materialist era. In this new era, artists, scientists, and theosophists will guide the rest of humankind. The artist assumes a priest like role as the seer of this previously unforeseen realm. Unlike Klee, who looked towards nature for order, Kandinsky viewed nature as an obstacle to overcome. He believed art was completely autonomous from nature. Only through his emancipation from the representation of visual objects could Kandinsky create a truly abstract art. An art which moved away from the material world into a new spiritual world of which everything is related and based on similar laws. This new spiritual world was constituted of auras which surrounded all persons and things. It was thus the artists pursuit to see and represent these auras through a language of form and color to the greater society which otherwise is blind to this alternative realm.

For different reasons and with different approaches Klee and Kandinsky had a similar objective. Both searched for an existing spiritual order not yet discovered. Avante garde art could be described as a means towards displaying theosophical discoveries. Artists were at the forefront in search for answers about human existence. The continuously changing Bauhaus curriculum, eventually evolved into a more material and industrial focus, but the theoretical influences of Klee and Kandinsky were intact and are evident in the new aesthetic of the products which wouldn’t have existed without their influence.
Piet Mondrian and Theo Van Doesburg were the major proponents of the De Stijl movement. Emerging out of Holland after the first world war, Mondrian and Van Doesburg produced a new theory of creation named Neo-Plasticism. Neo- Plasticism’s aim was to create a cohesive unity through the reduction of natural form, and the limitation of color to the use of the primaries of red blue, and yellow. It was believed that these forms and colors could portray and express all without words. Clarity could thus be achieved through simplification. There aim was to demonstrate a utopian ideal of what humanity could become individually and as a society. The means to achieve this was in the integration of architecture, painting and sculpture into one environment. Other arts such as music, dance, drama and literature would also merge. Life in this new environment would be harmonious and there would be no need for an autonomous existence of the arts. Art would become an integral part of the human experience. Neo-plasticism rejects nature for the sake of human progress. Things such as trees and flowers would not be used for beautification. Beautiful cities would be produced through the opposition of buildings and empty spaces and the new integration of the arts in an equilibrated way. The De Stijl would create a new urban environment in which the in between spaces would become as important as the enclosed.

Frank Lloyd Wright was also known for totally designing his environments. An example of this can be seen in falling water. Furnishings are either built into the structure or have a specific place. Falling water is also based on the concept of radiating spaces from a central core. Balconies are used in a similar to the Scroeder Scrader house to create a relationship to the exterior. The main difference is that Wright was attempting to relate to nature while Rietveld and the de stijl had no intention to do so.
By the creation of these new theosophical influenced theories artists were able to elevate art beyond mere representation. A new purpose was created which portrayed the importance of the human spirit. The search was not just for the sake of art, but for the good of humanity. Art had become as important of a way of understanding humanity as science. In the human spirit the true essence of life can be found.
Modernismen i Sverige
Genom Stockholmsutställningen 1930 fick funktionalismen, den så kallade funkisen som kommit för att stanna, sitt genombrott. Det var en utställning för konstindustri, konsthantverk och hemslöjd, men arkitekturen blev mest berömd. Gunnar Asplund och andra skickliga arkitekter ritade byggnader och bostäder till utställningen med möbler och detaljer väl genomtänkta utifrån funktion och material.

Det finns under mellankrigstiden en stor vilja till social jämlikhet och tro på nya framsteg. Det kommer nya material och med hjälp av en enorma teknisk utvecklingen blir det möjligt att tillverka och bygga i en allt snabbare takt. Sverige förändras under mitten av seklet från att ha varit ett av Europas fattigaste och mest trångbodda länder till ett föredöme i världen.
Dick Bengtsson på Moderna Museet
21 januari - 30 april 2006
Varför målade Dick Bengtsson svastikor?
Vi har bett Mårten Castenfors, utställningskommissarie och Cecilia Widenheim, intendent, Moderna Museet att reflektera över frågan.

I Dick Bengtssons bildvärld tycks ingen gå fri. Han leder våra blickar till sprickorna i det moderna projektet och det rationella samhällets ideologiska baksidor. Själv föddes han 1936 och växte upp i ett Sverige som än idag kämpar för att bli betraktat som ett neutralt land fullt av ”goda” svenskar, ett land långt från Förintelsens och andra världskrigets verklighet. Som ingen annan skapar Dick Bengtsson subtila kortslutningar mellan funktionalism och fascism, mellan de röda stugornas idyll och brunskjortornas renhetsivran, mellan 30-talets blonda hitlerjugend och det abstrakta måleriet. Han antyder släktskap mellan en auktoritär religionsutövning och modernismens totalitära böjelser. Så här uttryckte han det själv 1983 i en tidningsintervju:

”Mina bilder handlar mycket om verklighetsförfalskning, om idyllen som inte är vad den ser ut att vara.”

Självklart var Dick Bengtsson ingen nazist, snarare en konstnär som inte blundade för det obehagliga och komplexa och som i praktiken visade oss att färg, form och komposition alltid, i någon form, är meningsbärande.

Dick Bengtsson var självlärd och försörjde sig som posttjänsteman. Han debuterade 1962 på Galleri Observatorium i Stockholm, och man har kallat honom en "konstnärernas konstnär". Det var först 1983 när Moderna Museet visade en större utställning av Bengtssons verk som en bredare publik fick upp ögonen för hans egensinniga konst.
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Leif Erlingsson
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PostPosted: Wed, 2006 Jan 25 20:40:17    Post subject: skriver mycket Reply with quote skriver mycket som bör kommenteras, och det ska jag - med kopia till hans epost. Men han har inte respekterat min varning att hålla igen på grafiken. Därför stänger jag nu av hans IP några dagar.
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Leif Erlingsson
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Joined: 28 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Sun, 2006 Mar 12 20:19:57    Post subject: Re: Illuminati - vad är det månne? Reply with quote wrote:

The 'Three Pillars' of Kabbalah

Leif kommenterar, med tungan i kinden: Cool
Varför inte istället Cabala? Citat från esoterisk ordbok:
    "Cabala vs. Kabbalah Cabala is Fulcanelli's term for a special use of language, drawing on phonetic similarities and other symbolic techniques for expanding the expressive reach of words. This is related to the Green Language or Language of the Birds of the alchemists,.

    Kabbalah is the Hebrew body of mystical tradition which contains techniques such as gematria, notariqon and temura, drawing on numeric equivalences of letters, numerology, permutations of letters, forming new texts by picking first letters of words and other such text manipulation. The Tree of Life and its sefirath are also part of this tradition. Kabbalah is most often applied to the Hebrew text of the Torah.

    After a fashion, both are techniques for deriving additional meaning from text. However, practicing each draws on a radically different faculty of the mind. Kabbalah is mechanical and rigidly formal, whereas cabala is unpredictable, creative, rich in texture of symbolic meaning.

    In Gurdjieff's terminology, kabbalah can be practiced by the formatory apparatus, whereas cabala requires the interplay of abstract thought and visual, auditory and emotional functions.

    Fulcanelli writes that phonetic cabala is the key to understanding alchemical texts and symbols. Cabala combined with study of word roots configures the mind so as to have a richer set of associations to draw from and expands the semantic space open for contemplation.

    Ultimately, this expansion of the faculty of language can reverse the 'babel' effect of confusion of tongues by connecting to a level of thought from which individual languages are only partial projections.

    In contrast with this, kabbalah occupies one with tedious calculations which can just as easily be performed by computer. This has indeed been done, with the result of finding all kinds of 'hidden content' from the Bible, as well as from any other large body of text. The findings seem to be artifacts of probability and involve no particular conscious work. From a nearly forgotten practice, kabbalah rose in the 12-13th centuries to a prominent status in Western esoteric circles. Laura Knight-Jadczyk suggests that this may have been a deliberate maneuver to send centuries worth of seekers chasing their tails."
Allvarligt talat, de där som håller sig till frimurar- och Illuminati-tankar har, tänker jag, gått vilse. Tråkigt att det ser ut som att världen styrs av dessa gamla unkna tankar!
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