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Varför bygger USA en bas inne i Israel?

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PostPosted: Sun, 2006 Jan 22 14:55:13    Post subject: Varför bygger USA en bas inne i Israel? Reply with quote

Varför bygger USA en bas inne i Israel?

I spoke to a person some time ago, who has worked on the site you spoke of last night. This person said that you are right in your findings and that the base is 25 sq. miles ON THE SURFACE! The so-- called water tower and the underground door seen in the picture, is one of the openings into the underground. This goes down at a 45 degree angle towards the hill in the background. There are missile silos hidden in the ground all over. Each missile has 9 war heads attached that can be sent in 9 different directions.

Photo 2- This is a long shot of a section of the base which is not being used to construct storage buildings. Note the concrete lot above the area, which appears to be a helipad. And note also the significant mounds of newly dug dirt in the background.

Och här lite av författaren - Barry Chamish - funderingar:

"It is the intention of the U.S. administration, to ultimately turn over to the United Nations, the military base that is being considered for construction in the heart of Israel. It is the leaders of the NWO/Illuminati who will decide the appropriate time when all that will occur. The U.S. is to build the military base within Israel under the guise that it is for the use of the U.S. military. It is not. It is to be turned over to the United Nations at the appropriate time. The sole purpose of this base is for the United Nations use, not the U.S., and not Israel. This base will be a disaster to the best interests of Israel. It will be used against Israelis."
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PostPosted: Sun, 2006 Jan 22 15:18:23    Post subject: Reply with quote

Barry Chamish har en länk till den här sidan:

In the summer of 1998 increasing U.S. pressure on the sides, especially on Israel, catalyzed some signs of movement in the direction of compliance. Nethanyahu promised his right wing supporters that any agreement concluded would ensure Palestinian compliance on issues of policing terror and reduction of the Palestinian "police force" to the number of personnel and types of arms specified in the interim agreements. The sides met at Wye River Plantation in Maryland in October. The result was the Wye River Memorandum, in which Israel agreed to carry out a staged withdrawal from some 13% of the territory it occupied, and the Palestinian National Authority undertook to suppress terror and eliminate both the private arsenals and weapons stockpiled by the PNA in violation of the accords.

Vill man tro på konspirationer så går tankarna hit:
New World Order = en sjuk värld! Men vad sa Bellman?

Illuminati - vad är det månne? Hitta på något bättre själv!

Albert Pike en frimurare - en Illuminati av högsta rangen - har gjort en del läskiga uttalanden.

General Albert Pike [1809 ~ 1891] 33rd degree, Sovereign Grand Master of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry, Co-Founder of the Ku Klux Klan and Supreme Luciferian Pontiff. .. in a letter to Mazzini, 15th August, 1871. This letter graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about the One World Order, and we can marvel at how accurately it has predicted events that have already taken place. This letter was on display briefly in the British Museum Library, London, and it was copied by William Guy Carr, former Intelligence Officer in the Royal Canadian Navy.
"The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the 'agentur' (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions."

"The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm."

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion.

We shall unleash the Nihilists and the Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute Atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." [A. Pike]
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PostPosted: Sun, 2006 Jan 22 15:32:27    Post subject: Reply with quote

Det går att Googla på Barry Chamish och Albert Pike. Och man kan hitta det här:

PIKE AND GENEVA by Barry Chamish
November 16, 2003

There's nothing left to lose, so I'll stick my neck out. The squeeze is now on, big time, to reduce Israel to a helpless state, in the last stage before its elimination. Oslo has now become Geneva and this time around, those leading Israel to its final disaster have learned from their failures. If Israel does not play along, the threats to its mortality that only our highest leaders are permited to hear, will be actuated.

Before jumping over to Geneva, I'm about to lose many of my fence-sitting readers; those who think I may be a tad too conspiratorial. Well, let's give them the deep conspiracy anyway.

I have long known that Labor Zionism was created by British Freemasonry and its longterm goal was always the destruction of the Jews. Now I'm going to prove it.
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PostPosted: Sun, 2006 Jan 22 15:44:18    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tittar man sig runt på den här sajten:
Så häpnar man - snacka om konspirationsteorier!

Weekly Updates For Christians On The New World Order
An Analysis and Recap Of Current Events Being Reported In The News
Updated January 18, 2006

Headline News Current Week - Subscribe to Headline News

A review of Scripture reveals that God loves people so much, He created huge obstacles and placed them squarely in the life-path of people, to keep them from ever entering Hell. Sinners have to deliberately climb up over these obstacles to get into Hell. God has even created extraordinarily huge obstacles for people living at the End of the Age.
Incredible Biblical study at these End Times.
A brief glimpse into Kabbalism reveals the very Black Magick requirement which leads the Elite to tell us what they are planning to do to us in terrorist attacks and natural disasters. You will be shocked.

The Planned World War III, between the Jewish state and her immediate Arab neighbors, as envisioned by Albert Pike's demonic vision of 1870, is very, very close to exploding. Now, a most shocking intelligence report reveals the likely scenario of this war. Remember, the Plan is for Antichrist to come walking through the smoke, dust, and destruction of this war!!

Följer man en av Barry Chamisk länkar - så hamnar man här:
Och kan läsa tankar av en som kallar sig Svali:
Svali: "The Illuminati are present in every major metropolitan centre in the United States. The Illuminati believe in controlling an area through its: banks and financial institutions (guess how many sit on banking boards? You'd be surprised) Local government: guess how many get elected to local city councils? Law: children are encouraged to go to law school and medical school. Media: others are encouraged to go to journalism school, and members help fund local papers.

The United Nations

Svali: "The UN was created early in this century in order to help overcome one of the biggest barriers to a one-world government ...That barrier is the one of nationalism, or pride in one's country. This is why it was NOT a popular concept when first introduced, it took years of country bashing in the media and the destruction of any sense of national pride by a (not so subtle) media campaign over the years.

The UN is a preparation, but it is not the real power in the world, and will be relatively unimportant when the NWO comes into being. The real councils will then step forward. But as a means of getting the general public to accept the idea of a "global community" and the "one world community" the UN is a stepping stone in their working towards the NWO."


Svali: "The conflict in the Middle East is only to the advantage of the Illuminists. They HATE Israel, and hope one day to see it destroyed, and are biding their time. One of the olive branches offered by the UN when it takes over is that they will prevent war in the Middle East, and this will be greeted with joy by many.

At the same time, the Illuminati covertly supply guns and funds to BOTH sides to keep the conflict fuelled. They are very duplicitous people. They used to funnel guns through the USSR to Palestine, for example, in the name of promoting "friendliness" between the USSR and this state and other Arab nations. Then, the US Illuminists would help funnel guns to Israel, for the same reason.

These people love the game of chess, and see warfare between nations as creating an order out of chaos. The USSR is going to get stronger again. It has too strong a military both openly, and covertly (ALL Illuminati military trainers have visited Russia to learn from them) to sit quietly and quiesciently to the side. In the NWO, they will be stronger than us."


Svali: "Lots of Illuminists have Fourth Reich programming inside. The Illuminati are racist, and have a very "Aryan" outlook. They believe strongly in the rule of the "pure" and "intelligent" by their definitions, and in their ceremonies, there will occasionally be minorities killed in ceremonies.

They are trying to breed a "genetically superior" race to rule, with their children and descendants. They are also followers of Plato's Republic, and believe that they will be the ones to usher in this "Utopian" rule with the NWO in their opinion. In their Utopia, the intelligentsia will rule, and the sheep like masses will follow their leaders (that is their view of the world; that the occult leaders are "enlightened' and intelligent, while the average person is a "sheep" to be led by the nose)."


Svali: "The Freemasons and the Illuminati are hand in glove. I don't care if this steps on any toes, it's a fact. The Masonic temple at Alexandria, Virginia (the city itself was named after Alexandria, Egypt, and is a hotbed of Illuminati activity) is a centre in the Washington, DC area for Illuminati scholarship and teaching. I was taken there at intervals for testing, to step up a level, for scholarship, and high ceremonies. The leaders in this Masonic group were also Illuminists.
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Leif Erlingsson
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PostPosted: Sun, 2006 Jan 22 18:36:30    Post subject: Det första inlägget var mediekritik Reply with quote

Det första inlägget var mediekritik, men sedan kom diskussionen bort från det ämnet. Därför flyttade jag tråden.
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PostPosted: Sun, 2006 Jan 22 20:02:28    Post subject: Reply with quote

Var gränserna ska dras för mediekritik är kanske inte så lätt att besvara.
Använder man någon slags förstärkare - kan nå många - inte bara en liten grupp som står bredvid - då kan det bli mediekritik?

Här Bush under sin skoltid - megafonen var hans käraste instrument.
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PostPosted: Sun, 2006 Jan 22 20:12:49    Post subject: Reply with quote

Är man inne på konspirationsteorier - så kan man leta reda på Joe Vialls:

Det är den verklige konspirationsteoretikern och här handlar det mycket om den Sionistiska världskonspirationen - så varning utfärdad:
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