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Leif Erlingsson Site Admin
Joined: 03 Jul 2005 Posts: 309 Location: Tullinge, Botkyrka, Sweden, Earth
Posted: Tue, 2006 Aug 22 16:59:57 Post subject: Irakskandalen |
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 07:07:42 +0200
From: Gunnar Olofsson
To: ekot@sr.se
Subject: Irakskandalen
Det var ju själva SANKTIONERNA som var skandalen i Irak. Dessa hemska sanktioner som drabbade hela folket och ledde till 1-1,5 miljoner människors död - varav 1/2 miljon barn. Enligt Egyptens president Mubarak var offrens antal 1,7 miljoner. Representanterna för USA och Storbritannien i FN:s sanktionskommitté som satt och saboterade det humanitära biståndet - både före och efter "Olja-för-mat" programmet. Stoppade införseln av klor, som kan användas till både vattenrening och bomber, lastbilar som kan frakta både mat och vapen. Etc. Tre höga FN-ansvariga för Irakprogrammen - Dennis Halliday, Hans von Sponeck och Jutta Burghardt - avgick i protest mot sanktionernas utformning. Påvens sändebud kallade sanktionerna "orimliga och perversa". Själv åkte jag till Irak för att försöka bryta sanktionerna - läget var förfärligt, bristen rent vatten, icke fungerande avlopp, bristen på läkemedel skriande, människor dog (som i Afrika) i enkla och botbara infektionssjukdomar, alla dessa missbildade och cancerdrabbade barn efter första Gulfkriget. Vi som försökte göra något åt detta, liksom de modiga som åkte för att vara mänskliga sköldar vid civila mål i händelse av angrepp, utmålades i media konsekvent som Saddamanhängare. Skuldbördan borde vara den omvända. Alla de regeringar, media och enskilda - inklusive svenska regeringen, Sveriges Radio och press - som inte protesterade mot, utan deltog i sanktionerna, borde ställas inför krigsförbrytartribunal för brott mot mänskligheten och medhjälp till folkmord. Jämför medias roll i folkmordet i Rwanda! Men så kommer naturligtvis inte att ske. Och när får vi sanningen om vem som egentligen stödde Saddam Hussein under 80-talets angreppskrig mot Iran, mordet på kurderna? Vem försåg regimen med vapen att angripa Kuwait? Giftgasen? (även om den i Halabja möjligen var iransk). När kommer Ekots USA-megafoner att ge oss sanningen om det folkmord som just nu äger rum i Irak? För en hederlig människa, med krav på respekt för internationell lag och mänskliga rättigheter, finns inte mycket att hoppas på i media. Och i årets val finns bara ett verkligt alternativ: bojkott! Att vägra stödja våra politiska representanters kriminella aktiviteter - efter Irakskandalen även t.ex. Afghanistan och Palestina - runt om i världen. Tyvärr är i praktiken alla partier inblandade i detta.
Gunnar Olofsson, [adress, telefonnummer och epost bortediterat]
(Återpostat här med tillstånd från Gunnar Olofsson.)
Och Gunnar har rätt. FN är i praktiken ett verktyg i förtryckets händer. Det är dags att se riktigt hur illa det är ställt, se vad som är, och sedan utgå därifrån, snarare än från diverse fantasier om vad vi tror är verkligheten som ju massmedia och politiker gör. Jag vill här upprepa några länktips jag postat på andra ställen tidigare:
Catherine Austin Fitts problem- och lösningsbeskrivning:Hon talar om att vända den korrupta och negativa ekonomin en person, en familj och ett samhälle i taget. På så sätt kan man så småningom beröva "Besten" sitt livsblod. Vilket förstås är anledningen att den slåss med alla medel, som med "det terroristiska kriget", som det så kallade "kriget mot terrorn" rätteligen bör kallas.
I "Part 2" ovan skriver Catherine Austin Fitts bl.a. om sina erfarenheter från sitt arbete för "United States Department of Housing and Urban Development" (HUD):``My worse fears of the illegality of the government financial operations were confirmed when the chief of staff to the chairman of the HUD appropriations committee told me in the summer of 2000 that HUD was being run "as a criminal enterprise." HUD can only be run as a criminal enterprise if the Department of Treasury, the Department of Justice, the NY Fed as depository and a group of contractors like Lockheed, DynCorp, AMS, & JP Morgan Chase run it as a criminal enterprise.
If the lead attorneys and accountants for the US government are running HUD as a criminal enterprise, that means that the US government is being run as a criminal enterprise. In short, the accounting, finances and the securities issuance operations of the US government are part of a criminal enterprise.´´ Det hon säger är att USA är ett brottsyndikat. Alla som har att göra med ett brottssyndikats affärer och operationer riskerar att själva bli kriminellt belastade. (Givetvis är inte USA det enda land som sköts på detta sätt, men det ÄR det farligaste landet på jorden på grund av- a) dess oerhörda lager av massförstörelsevapen och
- b) dess oerhörda antal av genomindoktrinerade medborgare.)
Genom att FN är så beroende av detta brottsyndikat (med dess Brittiska, Israeliska och andra delar), så är även FN belastat. Man kan inte rimligen hävda att åtgärder är rätt enbart för att de är beslutade av FN, vilket Gunnar Olofsson så utmärkt visar ovan i sitt brev till Sveriges Radio.
[Ovanstående text har postats på följande länkar:Det kan finnas följdkommentarer under var och en av dessa länkar.] |
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Leif Erlingsson Site Admin
Joined: 03 Jul 2005 Posts: 309 Location: Tullinge, Botkyrka, Sweden, Earth
Posted: Tue, 2006 Aug 22 18:21:36 Post subject: FN även Libanons fiende |
Tilläggas kan att FN ju även är Libanons fiende, vilket man numera tydligt visar. Tydligare kan det inte bli, vems ärenden FN går. |
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Leif Erlingsson Site Admin
Joined: 03 Jul 2005 Posts: 309 Location: Tullinge, Botkyrka, Sweden, Earth
Posted: Tue, 2006 Aug 22 21:29:19 Post subject: Troops in Iraq |
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 15:40:29 -0000
From: [a person I know]
To: [a mailingist I am a member of / Leif Erlingsson]
Subject: Troops in Iraq
This is probably off-topic for this group, but things have been pretty quiet, so I don't think I'm going to be in trouble for posting too much here. Anyway, I was having a conversation with someone from another group, and I thought I'd share with you guys some of the stuff that was discussed. It opens with D talking about how he had been discussing the War in Iraq with a friend of his who has just returned from duty there.
// [a person I know]
___Begin first quote___
--- D wrote:``P, my friend, told me of a great deal of the goings on in the area in which he was stationed, we regards to the effectiveness of the Iraqi Army. We've trained them as well as any could, we've not had to supply them with much but basically they need to see the rear end of the US forces leaving their areas right now.´´
--- [a person I know] writes:
This is very important what I'm about to tell you guys!
When I was watching that documentary the other day that I told you all here about ("Why We Fight"), one of the people that was interviewed is Lt. Colonel Karen U. Kwiatkowski http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karen_Kwiatkowski who flew helicopters for the Air Force and later worked inside the Pentagon prior to the invasion in 2003. She has a Masters in Government from Harvard, as well as a second Masters in Science Management from the University of Alaska. She also has a PhD in World Politics from the Catholic University. She worked for the National Security Agency (NSA) and she was in the Pentagon when the Pentagon was attacked in 9/11 [this sentence was slightly edited by Leif Erlingsson due to a slight mixup of facts]. She retired [from NSA] in 1998 and is now one of the major critics of the Bush Administration and the conduct of the War in Iraq. She knows her shit when it comes to objectively, accurately, and honestly criticising what is going wrong with US foreign policy today. She was on the INSIDE and KNOWS what is happening and why it is happening.
One of the things that she talked about in this documentary was that the invasion of Iraq was NEVER about the Weapons of Mass Destruction, nor was it ever about "liberating" the Iraqi people and giving them democracy. It was about two things: 1) getting control of the world's second largest oil reserves in Iraq, and 2) getting a solid base of operations set up for US military in the Middle East region so that we could become a stronger presence there.
She states that the planning that went up to the invasion of Iraq was actually going on BEFORE 9/11!! Nothing was said about terrorism or democracy or weapons of mass destruction during the planning stages of the invasion. It was all about inserting US presence into the region.
Now, here's the really important part:
The reason Col. Kwiatkowski says that Bush cannot provide Congress with an "exit strategy" for getting the troops out of Iraq is simply because right from the very beginning of the planning stages of the war THERE WAS NO INTENTION of EVER pulling out of Iraq to begin with! In other words, Bush and Company do not ever intend to leave Iraq! We're there to stay, as far as they're concerned! So there IS NO EXIT STRATEGY.
All this talk about waiting until the Iraqi troops are able to police their country, or about how we have to wait until the country has become stabilized is all smoke and mirrors meant to distract Congress and the American public into not realizing that the primary mission of the troops in Iraq is to be a PERMANENT OCCUPYING ARMY.
So put that in your pipe and smoke it!
// [a person I know]
___Begin second quote___
--- G wrote:``The war has been mismanaged from day 1. Those who mismanaged it have been rewarded, and those who did good jobs were putting everybody else to shame - sometimes sent to desk jobs somewhere.
This is not about what it was claimed to be about at all, not from the start. As much of this administration's agenda is.´´
--- [a person I know] writes:
See, I **used** to believe that the War in Iraq was mismanaged. But then after hearing Lt. Colonel Kwiatkowski's comments (which I just posted about), I have come to realize that the war has **NOT** been mismanaged! What!?! You Say??? Yep, It has NOT been mismanaged, because the Bush Administration has always had its own separate agenda all along in what they wanted to accomplish in Iraq!
If you apply their reasoning to the war, you can see that the way the war has been conducted makes PERFECT SENSE for them. The Bush Administration has no intention of ever leaving Iraq. Our troops are there to create a permanent occupation of that country's oil reserves and to be a force for strategic military presence in the region. As a result of that it really makes very little difference to these people whether or not the Iraqi government becomes democratic or not. Outside of the purely propagandic reasons for pretending that that is why our troops are there (to help Iraq achieve democracy), this administration couldn't give a RAT'S ASS what happens to the Iraqi people!!!
So from their perspective (the planners in the Bush Administration) this war has been completely and totally successful so far!
// [a person I know] |
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Leif Erlingsson Site Admin
Joined: 03 Jul 2005 Posts: 309 Location: Tullinge, Botkyrka, Sweden, Earth
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