tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-6860067700863020146.post4538424453470326349..comments2007-10-08T11:37:32.597+02:00Comments on UUAA Radio: Världens första artificiella livsform skapadMikael Wälivaarahttp://www.blogger.com/profile/16479192974501978975noreply@blogger.comBlogger3125tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-6860067700863020146.post-20880903270135534222007-10-08T11:37:00.000+02:002007-10-08T11:37:00.000+02:002007-10-08T11:37:00.000+02:00Joakim:För en gångs skull får jag väl titulera mig...Joakim:<BR/>För en gångs skull får jag väl titulera mig "Normal" då, för jag blir förbannat upprörd.<BR/><BR/>MWMikael Wälivaarahttp://www.blogger.com/profile/16479192974501978975noreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-6860067700863020146.post-62120140049841990332007-10-08T11:11:00.000+02:002007-10-08T11:11:00.000+02:002007-10-08T11:11:00.000+02:00Normalt sett skulle man kanske bli upprörd över at...Normalt sett skulle man kanske bli upprörd över att forskare mixtrar med livets byggstenar och därmed riskerar att "av misstag" skapa patogena bakterier som slår ut stora delar av mänskligheten.<BR/><BR/>Men till saken hör att militära laboratorier runt om i världen redan nu har experimenterat fram dödliga mikroorganismer, av olika potential, som vid behov kan planteras ut, lokalt eller globalt.Joakimhttp://web.comhem.se/abzu/tecken/tecken.htmlnoreply@blogger.comtag:blogger.com,1999:blog-6860067700863020146.post-21102497073598265022007-10-08T08:48:00.000+02:002007-10-08T08:48:00.000+02:002007-10-08T08:48:00.000+02:00.- "Artificial life" created as scientist makes sy....<BR/><BR/>- "Artificial life" created as scientist makes sythetic chromosome<BR/><BR/>Oct 7th ,2007<BR/><BR/>Craig Venter, a DNA researcher that had a part in deciphering the human genome, has stuck together 580,000 base pairs of genetic code to create an entirely new and alien chromosome. Based around the Mycoplasma genitalium bacterium (pictured in all its primordial glory), the new chromosome is then implanted into a living cell and renamed as Mycoplasma laboratorium -- don't you just love science jokes ? <BR/><BR/>The new "life form" is reliant on the host cell for replication and metabolism so it's not exactly entirely synthetic, but as the DNA is different, it is effectively an artificial form of life. Sounds like the human race's really doomed now: ultimately, all we're doing is setting the robots up with a tag team.<BR/><BR/>Comments :<BR/><BR/>www.engadget.com/2007/10/07/artificial-life-created-as-scientist-makes-sythetic-chromosome/#commentsVnoreply@blogger.com