_______________________________________________________________ | | http://propaganda.lege.net/tactics/ | | | Some thoughts on dealing with people who have bought into | the media myth | | | These thoughts were originally formulated by Ulf Erlingsson | in a September 13, 2003 post to the propaganda@lege.net | mailinglist: | | | Ulf Erlingsson | September 19, 2003 | Some thoughts on with people who have bought into the media | myth, and who have not learned to think independently. | | | Perhaps an early question could be a surprised: | | -Don't you think we ought to follow the American | constitution??? | | | Of course they have to answer yes. Then you can ask: | | -Do you think USA should respect United Nations' "Universal | Declaration of Human Rights", and other multilateral | treaties that USA has ratified? | | | If they say "No", then point out that not following them | would be equivalent to violating the constitution of the | United States. | | If they say "Yes", then you can point out the ways in which | this presidency is violating the Human Rights, the most | basic document. How? Look at the document on-line on | http://www.un.org/Overview/rights.html and give it some | thought... These are some of my thoughts: | | * In US operated prisons abroad, Article 5 may well be | violated | | * In Guantanamo, Article 6 has obviously been violated, | and perhaps 7 too | | * Article 9 is contradictory to the Patriot Act and | Ashcroft's stated policy of exiling US citizens | | * The court set up for Guantanamo apparently violates | Article 10 | | * The same probably goes for Article 11. Actually, | paragraphs 6 through 11 describe basic legal fundamentals | that were codified already by Hammurapi of Babylonia, | present Iraq, about 3760 years ago. Every civilized nation | since then has followed them (including the Vikings, it | appears). USA is now breaking with that tradition. | | * One could also argue that Article 12 is being violated. | | One may also note that the right to join trade unions is | protected in Article 23(4). If an employer tries to prevent | it, the workers could invoke Article 8 for getting legal | remedy. | | | Of course, according to the US constitution, ratified | treaties are the supreme law of the land, on par with the | constitution itself. In case somebody claims that USA does | not have to obey them, go on by trying to find out if your | subject thinks that the law is something that one must | follow, or that it is only a recommendation for those who | wish to follow it. You can ask like this: | | -Do you yourself follow the law? | | | If answer YES, then -Why do you follow the law? | | A. Because otherwise the police may take me and I'll get | executed / jailed / have to pay fines; or, | | B. I obey it because I want to, not because I am forced to. | (Reason: 'The law is a voluntary agreement that makes it | possible for us to move around unarmed and without | bodyguards.') | | | If the answer is (A), then point out that the subject either | thinks he is living in a police state, or he is a criminal. | | If the answer is (B), then you can go on to ask: | | -Should USA follow International Law? | | | If the answer to this question is "Yes", then you can start | debating how USA is acting on the international arena (but | you shouldn't have gotten here with a subject who answers | yes!) | | Supposedly the answer you will get is "No". May I suggest | that you point out the judicial principle of quid pro quo, | or in plain English tit for tat. An example: | | Bush says "USA has the right to preemptively bomb any | country that has weapons of mass destruction." Then | according to the tit for tat rule, you can replace "USA" | with the name of any other sovereign state in the world, | such as... let's see... why not North Korea? Okay, here we | go: "North Korea has the right to preemptively bomb any | country that has weapons of mass destruction." The same goes | for Pakistan, Russia, China, Libya, Cuba, you name it. Of | course, one of the countries that actually has weapons of | mass destruction is USA. Nobody has more than USA. If | anybody should be selected as a first target by one of those | countries, according to the principles formulated by George | W. Bush (were they to become part of International Common | Law), it would be USA. Is that the new world order that the | subject wants, a world in which any terrorist state has a | legal right to bomb the United States at any time they | choose??? That is in effect the inevitable, logical result | of the Bush policy. | | | * Of course, it is not for the United States to determine | if it should follow international law or not. Since | international law is comparable to a gentleman's agreement, | the effect if USA does not follow it, is that USA becomes an | outlaw. And so does all its citizens who follow orders from | the regime. We all know what went down in Nuremburg. This is | no different. If that is the future the subject wants, then | he must be prepared to live as an outlaw for the rest of his | life, everywhere but in USA itself. If he doesn't understand | what I mean, probably the US soldiers in Iraq do. They are | the outlaws, those who are not protected by the law. "But", | maybe he objects, "foreign governments do not dare disobey | USA". That may be true, with some exceptions, but foreign | people are less well behaved. And that, Mr Subject, is what | terrorists are made of -- dissenting people. Bush's policy | creates terrorists. | | | Then the subject may say that you defend terrorism. | Challenge them! Ask the subject: | | -Can you be so good and explain to me exactly how I just | 'defended terrorism', when I pointed out that Bush's | criminal politics gave rise to terrorism? | | | (What probably happened is that the subject bought into the | fascist propaganda that confuses attempts to explain casual | relationships, with finding excuses. Casual relationships | are studied by any thinking politician in order to deal with | the 'real' problem, rather than with the symptoms. Fascists | and Bill O'Reilly want us to believe that the reason | liberals are analyzing causal relationships is in order to | find an excuse for the terrorists / criminals / gays / | lesbians / anything else he doesn't like that evening. You | know, "it's not his fault that he flew into the WTC, he dad | beat his mom" kind of thing.) | | | Of course, all of the above is not realistic, because most | probably you'll never get any other reply to your questions | than "your head is so full of shit, man!" | | Anyway, peace. | | Ulf | | | Copyright © Ulf Erlingsson 2003. The above may be | reproduced in full -- even commercially -- free of charge, | as long as this copyright message is also cited in full. | However, please drop Ulf a line at ulf@erlingsson.com when | you use his text, citing the way it's being used. Thanks! | |______________________________________________________________