ET avslöjandet börjar

2012-02-17 23:10 Leif Erlingsson
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The Huffington Post United Kingdom 2012-02-14 12:30:  Eisenhower And The Aliens:  Former US President 'Had Three Secret Meetings With Extra Terrestrials':  "Former American President Dwight D Eisenhower had three secret meetings with aliens from another planet, a former US government consultant has claimed.", o.s.v..

Former Legislator Makes Statement on Un-Released Eisenhower Brief, Henry Mcelroy JR. deliver his taped statement about Eisenhower and Aliens, Video:  "The story about Eisenhower's close encounter of the very personal kind -- where he reportedly met with Nordic-looking aliens -- supposedly unfolded while the president was vacationing in Palm Springs, Calif., in February 1954.", o.s.v..

Det är nu det börjar.

Leif Erlingsson
2012-02-17 23:10

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