The war in Vietnam is but a symptom of
a far deeper malady within the American spirit.
                                       — Martin Luther King, Jr.

The interests that control the United States are deadly serious about
dominating the planet, and the results of their rapacity have been
disastrous, with no end in sight. An introduction to the history,
theory and practice of U.S. global hegemony.
(PDF: 220 KB)

One of the worst crimes against humanity in modern times has been
largely erased from the world community's collective memory, thus
clearing the way for current and future crimes of a similar nature.
For that and other reasons, it is crucially important to remember

Proceedings of the first international conference on the
long-term consequences of the U.S. war of aggression
against Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.
Brief history of Swedish public education campaign on the conse-
quences and future perils of U.S. global dominance. (Även på svenska.)

   Philip Agee, who died in Havana on 8 January 2008, was the first
agent to leave the CIA and reveal its dirty secrets, having become
disillusioned with its appalling practices in Latin America.
An attempt to apply the lessons of evolution to the problem of why,
despite the huge efforts and personal sacrifice of pacifists, it remains
fairly easy to start wars and seemingly impossible to create the
necessary conditions for lasting peace.
(PDF: 248 KB)

Stilled Life: Woman with Hat and Intestines

An unarmed civilian slaughtered at the village of My Lai— one
of numerous massacres committed by U.S. troops in Vietnam.
Photo: Vietnam Archive, Texas Tech University)