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UFO invasion med aliens från Mars kommer snart?

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PostPosted: Thu, 2006 Jun 08 0:27:21    Post subject: UFO invasion med aliens från Mars kommer snart? Reply with quote

USA är invaderat av Marsianer!!! Dessa aliens med sina UFO har landat!!! 1938 skrämde ett radioprogram upp de amerikanska lyssnarna. Det var bara en test för att se hur man kan kontrollera människor - en test finansierad av bankiren Rockefeller.
The War of the Worlds, a radio adaptation by Orson Welles based upon H. G. Wells' classic novel, was performed by Mercury Theatre on the Air as a Halloween special on October 30, 1938. The live broadcast reportedly frightened many listeners into believing that an actual Martian invasion was in progress.

Welles' adaptation is possibly the most successful radio dramatic production in history. It was one of the Radio Project's first studies.

It has been suggested in recent years that the War of the Worlds broadcast was actually a psychological warfare experiment. In the 1999 documentary, Masters of the Universe: The Secret Birth of the Federal Reserve, writer Daniel Hopsicker claims that the Rockefeller Foundation actually funded the broadcast, studied the ensuing panic, and compiled a report that was only available to a chosen few. A variation of this conspiracy theory has the Princeton Radio Project and the Rockefeller Foundation as co-conspirators.

I september 2000 skrevs en plan för att ta över jorden. Planen heter Rebuilding America´s Defenses. Den är skriven av en grupp som kallar sig PNAC - Project for a New American Century. En av medlemmarna är världsbankschefen Paul Wolfowitz som är lärljunge till den politiske filosofen Leo Strauss och hans Philosophy of Deception -
Du kan läsa planen för världsherravälde här:

I planen talades det om ett nytt Pearl Harbor - "some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor" - som kom ett år senare den 11 september 2001. Idéen var att skrämma världens befolkningar att acceptera ett tredje världskrig.

Pearl Harbor 1941 var en bluff. President Roosevelt kände till Japans anfall i förväg men han meddelade inte sina befälhavare på Pearl Harbor för han ville få en förevändning för att skrämma in USA:s befolkning i andra världskriget.

Risken finns att vi kommer att utsättas för något liknande experiment som 1938. Ett experiment som går ut på att skapa en fiende - aliens från mars - för att de som vill ta över vår värld ska ha några att skylla på precis som 11 september 2001 och Pearl Harbor 1941.

Mer om H. G. Wells som 1898 skrev War of the Worlds hittar du här:

Här finns War of Worlds att läsa:

Det handlar om att en överklass - ett antal bankirer - vill ta över världen! De här idéerna kommer från slutet av 1800-talet då Cecil Rhodes grundade The Round Table Society:
In 1895, Cecil Rhodes, South African agent of the Rothschilds, established a secret society whose avowed purposes was as follows : "In the end Great Britain is to establish a power so overwhelming that wars must cease and the Millennium be realized." To achieve this goal, he left $150 million to the Rhodes Trust. The Rothschild already had a group with similar aims, the Round Table, set up by Lord Alfred Milner, into which J.P. Morgan had been recruited in 1899.
Hur världen skulle tas över beskrev H. G. Wells i sina böcker:
The Open Conspiracy was Wells' perspective of his New Republic, which represented a classless World State that controlled everything. Its establishment would be accomplished by "functional men, men of high natural intelligence and professional competence, who performed the creative and managerial work of the world." They were recruited from "the men and women whose knowledge, skill, creative gifts made them indispensable to modern society" who would "gradually have the reins of power into their hands."

The revolution was to begin through the "formation of small groups of friends, family groups, groups of students and employees or other sorts of people meeting and conversing frequently in the course of normal occupations." They were to "enlarge themselves and attempt to establish communications with kindred groups for common ends."

Här hittar du The Open Conspiracy:

H. G. Wells bok The Shape of Things to Come innehåller förutsägelser om tredje världskriget:

Planerna sen slutet av 1800-talet har sedan använts under 1900-talet:
Bankirerna som finansierade både Sovjet och Nazityskland

Last edited by on Thu, 2006 Jun 08 1:56:37; edited 6 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu, 2006 Jun 08 1:09:00    Post subject: Reply with quote

Här hittar du en artikel från New York Times från 1938 som berättar om hur människor reagerade på War of the Worlds:
A wave of mass hysteria seized thousands of radio listeners between 8:15 and 9:30 o'clock last night when a broadcast of a dramatization of H. G. Wells's fantasy, "The War of the Worlds," led thousands to believe that an interplanetary conflict had started with invading Martians spreading wide death and destruction in New Jersey and New York.
It was the night before Halloween, 1938. At 8 p.m. CST, the Mercury Radio on the Air began broadcasting Orson Welles' radio adaptation of H. G. Wells' War of the Worlds. As is now well known, the story was presented as if it were breaking news, with bulletins so realistic that an estimated one million people believed the world was actually under attack by Martians. Of that number, thousands succumbed to outright panic, not waiting to hear Welles' explanation at the end of the program that it had all been a Halloween prank, but fleeing into the night to escape the alien invaders.

Later, psychologist Hadley Cantril conducted a study of the effects of the broadcast and published his findings in a book, The Invasion from Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic. This study explored the power of broadcast media, particularly as it relates to the suggestibility of human beings under the influence of fear. Cantril was affiliated with Princeton University's Radio Research Project, which was funded in 1937 by the Rockefeller Foundation. Also affiliated with the Project was Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member and Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) executive Frank Stanton, whose network had broadcast the program. Stanton would later go on to head the news division of CBS, and in time would become president of the network, as well as chairman of the board of the RAND Corporation, the influential think tank which has done groundbreaking research on, among other things, mass brainwashing.

Two years later, with Rockefeller Foundation money, Cantril established the Office of Public Opinion Research (OPOR), also at Princeton. Among the studies conducted by the OPOR was an analysis of the effectiveness of "psycho-political operations" (propaganda, in plain English) of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the forerunner of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Then, during World War II, Cantril÷and Rockefeller money÷assisted CFR member and CBS reporter Edward R. Murrow in setting up the Princeton Listening Center, the purpose of which was to study Nazi radio propaganda with the object of applying Nazi techniques to OSS propaganda. Out of this project came a new government agency, the Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service (FBIS). The FBIS eventually became the United States Information Agency (USIA), which is the propaganda arm of the National Security Council.

The heroes of X Files are investigators in a fictitious paranormal department of the FBI whose adventures sometimes take them into parapolitical territory. On the surface this sounds good. However, whatever good X Files might accomplish by touching on such matters as MK-ULTRA or the JFK assassination is cancelled out by associating them with bug-eyed aliens and ghosts.

Also, on X Files, the truth is always depicted as "out there" somewhere--in the stars, or some other dimension, never in brainwashing centers such as the RAND Corporation or its London counterpart, the Tavistock Institute. This has the effect of obscuring the truth, making it seem impossibly out-of-reach, and associating reasonable lines of political inquiry with the fantastic and other-wordly.

The military routinely puts out disinformation to obscure its activities, and this has certainly been the case with UFOs. Consider Paul Bennewitz, the UFO enthusiast who began studying strange lights that would appear nightly over the Manzano Test Range outside Albuquerque. When the Air Force learned about his study, ufologist William Moore (by his own admission) was recruited to feed him forged military documents describing a threat from extraterrestrials. The effect was to confuse Bennewitz--even making him paranoid enough to be hospitalized--and discredit his research. Evidently, those strange lights belonged to the Air Force, which does not like outsiders inquiring into its affairs.
The Radio Project was a social research project funded by the Rockefeller Foundation to look into the effects of mass media on society.

In 1937, the Rockefeller Foundation started funding research to find the effects of new forms of mass media on society, especially radio. Several universities joined up and a headquarters was formed at the School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University. The following people were involved:

* Paul Lazarsfeld - Director of the Radio Project
* Theodor Adorno - Chief of the Music Division
* Hadley Cantril - A Princeton psychologist
* Gordon Allport - another of Lazarsfeld's assistants, went on to be the Tavistock Institute's leading representative in the United States.
* Frank Stanton - Researcher from CBS sent to help the project, went on to be president of CBS.

Among the Project's first studies were soap operas, known as radio dramas at the time.

The Radio Project also researched the 1938 Halloween broadcast of The War of the Worlds. They found that of the estimated 6 million people who heard this broadcast, 25% thought it was real. Most of the people who panicked did not think that it was an invasion from Mars that was occurring, but rather one by the Germans. It was later determined that because of the radio broadcasts from the Munich Crisis earlier in the year, the masses were prone to this.

A third research project was that of listening habits. Because of this, a new method was developed used to survey an audience. This was dubbed the Little Annie Project. The official name was the Stanton-Lazarsfeld Program Analyzer. This allowed one not only to find out if a viewer liked the performance, but how they felt at any individual moment, through a dial which they would turn to express their preference (positive or negative). This has since become an essential tool in focus group research.

Theodor Adorno produced numerous of the effects of "atomized listening" which radio supported, and of which he was highly critical. However, because of profound methodological disagreements with Lazarsfeld over the use of techniques like listener surveys and "Little Annie" (Adorno thought both grossly simplified and ignored the degree to which expressed tastes were the result of commercial marketing), Adorno left the project in 1941.
Ufology is the study of unidentified flying object (UFO) reports, sightings, alleged physical evidence, and other related phenomena.
In popular fiction and conspiracy theories, life forms, especially intelligent life forms, that are of extraterrestrial origin, i.e. not coming from the Earth, are referred to as alien and collectively as aliens. Prime examples of how aliens are viewed are found in the movies Alien, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, Mac and Me, Signs and Independence Day.

This usage is clearly anthropocentric: when humans in fictional accounts accomplish interstellar travel and land on a planet elsewhere in the universe, the local inhabitants of these other planets are usually still referred to as "alien," even though they are the native life form and the humans are the intruders. In general they are seen as unfriendly life forms. This may be seen as a reversion to the classic meaning of "alien" (see Foreigner ) as referring to "other," in contrast to "us" in the context of the writer's frame of reference.

Historical ideas

The fictionalization of extraterrestrial life occurred before the 20th century. The didactic poet Henry More took up the classical theme of Cosmic pluralism of the Greek Democritus in "Democritus Platonissans, or an Essay Upon the Infinity of Worlds" (1647).[1] With the new relative viewpoint that understood "our world's sunne / Becomes a starre elsewhere", More made the speculative leap to extrasolar planets,

the frigid spheres that 'bout them fare;
Which of themselves quite dead and barren are,
But by the wakening warmth of kindly dayes,
And the sweet dewie nights, in due course raise
Long hidden shapes and life, to their great Maker's praise.

Last edited by on Thu, 2006 Jun 08 1:36:57; edited 9 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu, 2006 Jun 08 1:13:16    Post subject: Reply with quote

Det finns de som tänker åt oss:

US report foretells of brave new world
By Nathan Cochrane - July 23 2002

A draft government report says we will alter human evolution within 20 years by combining what we know of nanotechnology, biotechnology, IT and cognitive sciences. The 405-page report sponsored by the US National Science Foundation and Commerce Department, Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance, calls for a broad-based research program to improve human performance leading to telepathy, machine-to-human communication, amplified personal sensory devices and enhanced intellectual capacity.

People may download their consciousnesses into computers or other bodies even on the other side of the solar system, or participate in a giant "hive mind", a network of intelligences connected through ultra-fast communications networks. "With knowledge no longer encapsulated in individuals, the distinction between individuals and the entirety of humanity would blur," the report says. "Think Vulcan mind-meld. We would perhaps become more of a hive mind - an enormous, single, intelligent entity."

Armies may one day be fielded by machines that think for themselves while devices will respond to soldiers' commands before their thoughts are fully formed, it says. The report says the abilities are within our grasp but will require an intense public-relations effort to "prepare key organisations and societal activities for the changes made possible by converging technologies", and to counter concern over "ethical, legal and moral" issues. Education should be overhauled down to the primary-school level to bridge curriculum gaps between disparate subject areas.

Professional societies should be open to practitioners from other fields, it says. "The success of this convergent-technologies priority area is crucial to the future of humanity," the report says.
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PostPosted: Thu, 2006 Jun 08 1:46:10    Post subject: Reply with quote´
Three years ago, I wrote an article for DisinfoZero about, arguably, history's first media-generated event: the radio drama adaptation of the H.G. Wells' classic The War of the Worlds. It was broadcast on CBS Radio, across the nation on October 30, 1938, and performed by Orson Welles and the Mercury Theater on the Air. The broadcast caused a mass hysteria nationwide because the play was presented in the form of a live news report and listeners thought it was just that.

The controversy that this generated proved the power the emerging electronic media had, and continues to have, over influencing opinion and quite possibly the behavior of the mass public.

I posed the hypothesis that the War of the Worlds broadcast may have been an social experiment to determine the power of media.

The consequences of this event became useful data to lay a foundation for a fabricated alien invasion staged by underground powers that have a powerful leash on numerous governments, including the Federal Government.

This faux invasion would be utilized by reversing alleged alien technology recovered from numerous UFO crashes dating back to Roswell in 1947 and using it in modern aircraft to manipulate the general public into believing in an all out alien attack.

But the media can only go so far to coerce the public into believing what it purports. The other side to controlling the masses is to eliminate the process of critical thinking by introducing a new science called mass persuasion.

The science was created a century ago by Edward L. Bernays. He engineered principles based in psychology, developed by his uncle Sigmund Freud, to hide agendas and create illusions that deceive and misrepresent for marketing purposes. Bernays' rationale was that "the scientific manipulation of public opinion was necessary to overcome chaos and conflict in a democratic society." He was responsible for advertisements, including the idea that cigarettes were healthy, and another convincing Americans to get involved in the First World War. All this when magazines and newspapers were primary media. Bernays has been labeled "the father of Spin."

He and other early propagandists saw themselves as conducting a civil service for mankind because the people were unable think rationally for themselves. Bernays explained it:

"Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested largely by men we never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. In almost every act of our lives whether in the sphere of politics or business in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of people who understands the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind."-Edward Bernays

Since Bernays' days, PR firms have adopted the principles of mass persuasion for major corporations, to create changes in society through conformity. This involves creating a desired image of a product, having that product supported by "independent third-parties" who are themselves supported by the major corporations.
Edward Bernays (November 22, 1891 - March 9, 1995) is regarded by many as the "father of public relations," although some people believe that title properly belongs to some other early PR practitioner, such as Ivy Lee.

Born in Vienna, Bernays was both a blood nephew and a nephew-in-law to Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, and Bernays's public relations efforts helped popularize Freud's theories in the United States. Bernays also pioneered the PR industry's use of psychology and other social sciences to design its public persuasion campaigns. "If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it? The recent practice of propaganda has proved that it is possible, at least up to a certain point and within certain limits." (Propaganda, 2005 ed., p. 71.) He called this scientific technique of opinion-molding the "engineering of consent."

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