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Global Strike

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PostPosted: Thu, 2006 Apr 27 13:54:01    Post subject: Global Strike Reply with quote

At the end of September 2006, the Joint Functional Component Command for Space and Global Strike is scheduled to achieve Full Operational Capability (FOC).
The roots of the nuclear option in Global Strike go back more than a decade to the early 1990s, where military planners and policy makers gradually began to broaden the scope of U.S. nuclear strategy to incorporate missions against proliferators armed with weapons of mass destruction. Yet the nuclear counterproliferation mission was controversial because it appeared to broaden rather than reduce the role of nuclear weapons. The attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon in September 2001 removed those constraints and led to the formulation of new guidance that has spawned a highly offensive Global Strike mission with prompt or even preemptive strike planning against imminent threats anywhere on (and under) the face of the Earth.
14 of March, 23:08
Russia and China will meet anew

Russia and China will meet anew Sino-Russian relations must be built "on new mentality", said Chinese Ambassador in Moscow Liu Guchang at the recent on-line conference in RosBusinessConsulting. It was devoted to the forthcoming official visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Beijing, where he will open the Year of Russia in China.

The Chinese Ambassador`s words have a serious subtext, as is always the case with the Chinese statements prepared in advance. In this context the phrase about the "new mentality" may be interpreted as a hint that as many Russians and Chinese as possible should meet anew. In other words, they should bring their ideas of each other into harmony with reality. If they can, they may use the experience of the 1950s when millions of citizens of both countries communicated with one another. But they should remember that half a century has passed since then, and both countries have changed beyond recognition.

In effect, this is the key subject of President Putin`s forthcoming visit to China. His contribution to the opening of the Year of Russia in China (to be followed by the year of China in Russia) is not a routine event, but a massive response to what may be the main problem of bilateral relations
Work on Russia-China oil pipeline to begin soon
   Work on a new oil pipeline from Russia to China will begin in the near future, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in Beijing on Wednesday.

Hu, Putin attend Sino-Russian economic forum
   Chinese President Hu Jintao and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin attended the opening ceremony of a high-level Sino-Russian economic forum in Beijing on Wednesday morning. They delivered speeches at the ceremony.

Last edited by on Thu, 2006 Apr 27 15:38:43; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu, 2006 Apr 27 14:02:15    Post subject: Reply with quote
Iran Threatens To Hide Nuclear Program
Tehran (AFP) Apr 25, 2006
Iran warned Tuesday it will sever relations with the UN atomic watchdog if sanctions are imposed over its nuclear drive and vowed a military attack would merely send its activities underground.
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PostPosted: Thu, 2006 Apr 27 14:05:23    Post subject: Reply with quote


The focus of a considerable amount of controversy in the United States, the nuclear facility at Brushehr, Iran is being built under an agreement between the Russian and Iranian governments for $800-million. Although originally intended to be the location of a German-built reactor in the 1970s, the new reactor will be built to Russian designs, though the original reactor buildings exterior appearance will remain essentially the same. There are two reactors at Bushehr, one is in an advanced stage of completion the other has not been worked on for some time and is not currently scheduled to be completed.
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PostPosted: Thu, 2006 Apr 27 14:09:44    Post subject: Reply with quote
Uranium Enrichment Calculator

How long does it take to enrich enough Uranium to make a nuclear weapon if one already has an enrichment cascade and consistently adds centrifuges to that cascade? The following calculator allows a user to specify the number of centrifuges in the initial cascade, the yearly Separative Work Unit capacity of each centrifuge, and the number of centrifuges added to the cascade per day. From this information, the user is then provided with an estimate of the number of days and years it would take to produce 50kg of highly-enriched (90% U235) Uranium; the amount required for a gun-type weapon assembly.
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PostPosted: Thu, 2006 Apr 27 14:24:13    Post subject: Reply with quote

Greenpeace protesterar mot att Nobels fredspris delas ut till IAEA
december 09, 2005
Oslo/Stockholm, Sverige — ”IAEA är inte en värdig mottagare av Nobels fredspris”. Det säger Greenpeace den nionde december, då generaldirektören för Internationella atomenergiorganet IAEA, Mohamed ElBaradei, kommer till Oslo för att ta emot Nobels fredspris, som delas mellan ElBaradei själv och IAEA. Orsaken till Greenpeaces starka kritik är att IAEA marknadsför kärnkraft. Därigenom underminerar FN-organet i själva verket sin egen huvuduppgift, som är att hindra spridning av kärnvapen.
- Greenpeace kommer att vara på plats i Oslo under de tre dagarna som prisutdelningen pågår, för att visa att IAEA inte är en värdig vinnare av det prestigefyllda priset, säger Lennart Daléus, generalsekreterare för Greenpeace.

- IAEA har hjälpt till att sprida just den teknik och det material som används för att utveckla kärnvapen. Det är trist att Nobelkommittén har gjort ett så dåligt val, fortsätter han.

I organisationens stadgar märks IAEA:s dubbelroll. De slår fast att IAEA ska ”försöka att påskynda och ska öka atomenergi”, men också ”så långt som det går” se till att kärnkraften ” inte används på ett sådant sätt att det gynnar militära ändamål”.

Atomenergiorganet har nått större framgångar med att sprida kärnkraft än med att kontrollera spridningen av kärnvapen. Israel, Indien, Pakistan och Nordkorea har haft nytta av IAEA:s stöd till kärnkraft, och använt den hjälpen i utvecklandet av kärnvapen.
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PostPosted: Thu, 2006 Apr 27 14:34:12    Post subject: Reply with quote
At the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum, photographs of two men are prominently displayed; Albert Einstein, and J. Robert Oppenheimer, who developed the atomic bomb at Los Alamos laboratories, New Mexico.

Also on display is a statement from General Eisenhower, who was then supreme Military Commander, which is found in number of books about Eisenhower, and which can be found on p.426, Eisenhower by Stephen E. Ambrose, Simon & Shuster, NY, 1983.

"Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson first told Eisenhower of the bomb's existence. Eisenhower was engulfed by "a feeling of depression'. When Stimson said the United States proposed to use the bomb against Japan, Eisenhower voiced 'my grave misgivings, first on the basis of my belief that Japan was already defeated and that dropping the bomb was completely unnecessary, and secondly because I thought that our country should avoid shocking world opinion by the use (of atomic weapons).' Stimson was upset by Eisenhower's attitude 'almost angrily refuting the reasons I gave for my quick conclusion'.

Three days later, Eisenhower flew to Berlin, where he met with Truman and his principal advisors. Again Eisenhower recommended against using the bomb, and again was ignored.

Other books on Eisenhower state that he endangered his career by his protests against the bomb, which the conspirators in the highest level of the United States government had already sworn to use against Japan, regardless of any military developments.

Eisenhower could not have known that Stimson was a prominent member of Skull and Bones at Yale, the Brotherhood of Death, founded by the Russell Trust in 1848 as a bunch of the German Illuminati, or that they had played prominent roles in organizing wars and revolutions since that time.

Nor could he have known that President Truman had only had one job in his career, as a Masonic organizer for the State of Missouri, and that the lodges he built up later sent him to the United States Senate and then to the presidency.

The man who set all this in motion was Albert Einstein, who left Europe and came to the United States in October 1933. His wife said that he "regarded human beings with detestation". He had previously corresponded with Sigmund Freud about his projects of "peace" and "disarmament", although Freud later said he did not believe that Einstein ever accepted any of his theories.

Einstein had a personal interest in Freud's work because his son Eduard spent his life in mental institutions, undergoing both insulin therapy and electroshock treatment, none of which produced any change in his condition.

When Einstien arrived in the United States, he was feted as a famous scientist, and was invited to the White House by President and Mrs. Roosevelt. He was soon deeply involved with Eleanor Roosevelt in her many leftwing causes, in which Einstein heartily concurred. Some of Einstein's biographers hail the modern era as "the Einstein Revolution" and "the Age of Einstein", possibly because he set in motion the program of nuclear fission in the United States.

His letter to Roosevelt requesting that the government inaugurate an atomic bomb program was obviously stirred by his lifelong commitment to "peace and disarmament". His actual commitment was to Zionism;

Ronald W. Clark mentions in Einstein; His Life And Times, Avon, 1971, p.377, "He would campaign with the Zionists for a Jewish homeland in Palestine." On p.460, Clark quotes Einstein, "As a Jew I am from today a supporter of the Jewish Zionist efforts." (1919)

Einstein's letter to Roosevelt, dated august 2, 1939, was delivered personally to President Roosevelt by Alexander Sachs on October 11. Why did Einstein enlist an intermediary to bring this letter to Roosevelt, with whom he was on friendly terms? The atomic bomb program could not be launched without the necessary Wall Street sponsorship. Sachs, a Russian Jew, listed his profession as "economist" but was actually a bagman for the Rothschilds, who regularly delivered large sums of cash to Roosevelt in the White House.

Sachs was an advisor to Eugene Meyer of the Lazard Freres International Banking House, and also with Lehman Brothers, another well known banker. Sachs' delivery of the Einstein letter to the White House let Roosevelt know that the Rothschilds approved of the project and wished him to go full speed ahead.

In May of 1945, the architects of postwar strategy, or, as they liked to call themselves, the "Masters of the Universe", gathered in San Francisco at the plush Palace Hotel to write the Charter for the United Nations.

Stettinius called the meeting to order to discuss an urgent matter; the Japanese were already privately suing for peace, which presented a grave crisis. The atomic bomb would not be ready for several more months. "We have already lost Germany," Stettinius said. "If Japan bows out, we will not have a live population on which to test the bomb."

"Exactly," said John Foster Dulles. "Keep Japan in the war another three months, and we can use the bomb on their cities; we will end this war with the naked fear of all the peoples of the world, who will then bow to our will."

Edward Stettinius Jr. was the son of a J.P. Morgan partner who had been the world's largest munitions dealer in the First World War. He had been named by J.P. Morgan to oversee all purchases of munitions by both France and England in the United States throughout the war.

John Foster Dulles was also an accomplished warmonger. In 1933, he and his brother Allen had rushed to Cologne to meet with Adolf Hitler and guaranteed him the funds to maintain the Nazi regime. The Dulles brothers were representing their clients, Kuhn Loeb Co., and the Rothschilds.

This secret meeting in the Garden Room was actually the first military strategy session of the United Nations, because it was dedicated to its mission of exploding the world's first atomic weapon on a living population. It also forecast the entire strategy of the Cold War, which lasted forty-three years, cost American taxpayers five trillion dollars, and accomplished exactly nothing, as it was intended to do.

Thus we see that the New World Order has based its entire strategy on the agony of the hundreds of thousands of civilians burned alive at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, including many thousands of children sitting in their schoolrooms.

The atomic bomb was developed at the Los Alamos Laboratories in New Mexico. The top secret project was called the Manhattan Project, because its secret director, Bernard Baruch, lived in Manhattan, as did many of the other principals. Baruch had chosen Maj. Gen. Leslie R. Groves to head the operation. He had previously built the Pentagon, and had a good reputation among the Washington politicians, who usually came when Baruch beckoned.

The scientific director at Los Alamos was J. Robert Oppenheimer, scion of a prosperous family of clothing merchants. In Oppenheimer; the Years Of Risk, by James Kunetka, Prentice Hall, NY, 1982, Kunetka writes, p. 106, "Baruch was especially interested in Oppenheimer for the position of senior scientific adviser."

The project cost an estimated two billion dollars. No other nation in the world could have afforded to develop such a bomb. The first successful test of the atomic bomb occurred at the Trinity site, two hundred miles south of Los Alamos at 5:29:45 a.m. on July 16, 1945.

Oppenheimer was beside himself at the spectacle. He shrieked, "I am become Death, the Destroyer of worlds."

"One of the myths of Hiroshima is that the inhabitants were warned by leaflets that an atomic bomb would be dropped. The leaflets Leonard Nadler and William P. Jones recall seeing in the Hiroshima Museum in 1960 and 1970 were dropped after the bombing. This happened because the President's Interim Committee on the Atomic Bomb decided on May 31 'that we could not give the Japanese any warning'. Furthermore, the decision to drop 'atomic' leaflets on Japanese cities was not made until August 7, the day after the Hiroshima bombing. They were not dropped until August 10, after Nagasaki had been bombed.

James Byrnes and Oppenheimer insisted that the bombs must be used without prior warning."

"Closely linked to the question of whether a warning of an atomic bomb attack was given to the civilian populations of the target cities is the third 'article of fifth' that underpins the American legend of Hiroshima; the belief that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were military targets. The Headquarters of the Japanese Second army were located in Hiroshima and approximately 20,000 men—of which about half, or 10,000 died in the attack. In Nagasaki, there were about 150 deaths among military personnel in the city.

Thus, between the two cities, 4.4% of the total death toll was made up of military personnel. In short, more than 95% of the casualties were civilians."

The scientists who had built the atomic bomb were gleeful when they received the news of its success at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

In the book, Robert Oppenheimer, Dark Prince, by Jack Rummel, 1992, we find, p.96, "Back in the United States the news of the bombing of Hiroshima was greeted with a mixture of relief, pride, joy, shock and sadness.

Otto Frisch remembers the shouts of joy, 'Hiroshima has been destroyed!' 'Many of my friends were rushing to the telephone to book tables at the La Fonda Hotel in Santa Fe in order to celebrate.

Oppenheimer walked around "like a prizefighter, clasping his hands together above his head as he came to the podium".'"

Oppenheimer had been a lifelong Communist.

It seemed apparent that Oppenheimer was delaying the hydrogen bomb until the Soviet Union could get its own version on line.

Strauss then ordered that he be tried. A hearing was held from April 5 to May 6, 1954. After reviewing the results, the Atomic Energy Commission voted to strip Oppenheimer of his security clearance, ruling that he "possessed substantial defects of character and imprudent dangerous associations with known subversives".

Oppenheimer retired to Princeton, where his mentor, Albert Einstein, presided over the Institute for Advanced Study, a think tank for refugee "geniuses", financed by the Rothschilds through one of their many secret foundations.

Einstein considered the atomic age merely as a stage for the rebirth of Israel. On p.760 of Einstein; His Life And Times we find that Abba Eban, the Israeli Ambassador, came to his home with the Israeli consul, Reuben Dafni. He later wrote, "Professor Einstein told me that he saw the rebirth of Israel as one of the few political acts in his lifetime which had an essential moral quality. He believed that the conscience of the world should, therefore, be involved in Israel's preservation." by Ronald W. Clarke, Avon Books 1971.

Among world leaders who spoke out about the United States' use of atomic weapons in Japan, Mahatma Gandhi echoed the general climate of opinion. P.258, Hiroshima's Shadow: "The atomic bomb has deadened the finest feelings which have sustained mankind for ages. There used to be so-called laws of war which made it tolerable. Now we understand the naked truth. War knows no law except that of might. The atomic bomb brought an empty victory to the Allied armies. It has resulted for the time being in the soul of Japan being destroyed. What has happened to the soul of the destroying nation is yet too early to see. Truth needs to be repeated as long as there are men who do not believe it."

Fredsprisbelönad IAEA-chef varnar Iran
Publicerad 9 december 2005

OSLO. Världssamfundet håller på att förlora tålamodet med Iran, varnade Mohamed ElBaradei, chef för FN:s atomenergiorgan IAEA, när han kom till Oslo för att motta Nobels fredspris.

The Guardian February 19, 2003
Foreign Minister Downer's failure to mention Israel, when asked of other countries in the Middle East that possess weapons of mass destruction was deliberate said the Head of the General Palestinian Delegation to Australia, Mr Ali Kazak.

"Mr Downer's cover-up on Israel reveals once again the bias and problem of Australia's Middle East policy and the double standard it adopts when dealing with Israel."

A recent US report, The Third Temple's Holy of Holiest: Israel's Nuclear Weapons, issued by the Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama states Israel's nuclear arsenal has grown from an estimated 13 nuclear bombs in 1967 to 400 nuclear and thermonuclear weapons.

Israel possesses missiles which are capable of reaching any city anywhere in the world with the support of military satellites and its navy could deploy nuclear weapons on its fleet of three German-built submarines.

Och varför tyst om detta?
UK helped Israel get nuclear bomb. Was there an Israeli spy in MI5?
British civil servants secretly sold Israel a key ingredient for its nuclear programme in 1958, according to official documents obtained by BBC News.

Och varför så tyst om detta?

Three 1,925 ton Type 800 Dolphin class submarines have been built in German shipyards for the Israel Navy. Modern submarines with the most advanced sailing and combat systems in the world, they combine extensive sophistication with very easy operation. The purpose of these submarines is to enable the Israel Navy to meet all the tasks faced in the Mediterranean Sea in the 21st century.
According to some reports the submarines may be capable of carrying nuclear-armed Popeye Turbo cruise missiles, with a goal of deterring an enemy from trying to take out its nuclear weapons with a surprise attack.

Why have both the US and the UK have given Iran the materials it needs to go nuclear?
Add to the history the more recent revelations penned by New York Times reporter James risen in a new book that six years ago the CIA simply gave Iran the blueprints to build an effective nuclear bomb.

Risen explains that in what appeared to be a "rogue operation" code named "Merlin", a Russian nuclear engineer in the pay of the CIA, who had defected to the US years earlier, had been given nuclear blueprints and had then been sent to Vienna to sell them - or simply give them - to the Iranian representatives to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

One other purpose of Israeli nuclear weapons, not often stated, but obvious, is their "use" on the United States. America does not want Israel's nuclear profile raised. They have been used in the past to ensure America does not desert Israel under increased Arab, or oil embargo, pressure and have forced the United States to support Israel diplomatically against the Soviet Union. Israel used their existence to guarantee a continuing supply of American conventional weapons, a policy likely to continue.

President Johnson was less emphatic about nonproliferation than President Kennedy-or perhaps had more pressing concerns, such as Vietnam. He had a long history of both Jewish friends and pressing political contributors coupled with some first hand experience of the Holocaust, having toured concentration camps at the end of World War II. Israel pressed him hard for aircraft (A-4E Skyhawks initially and F-4E Phantoms later) and obtained agreement in 1966 under the condition that the aircraft would not be used to deliver nuclear weapons. The State Department attempted to link the aircraft purchases to continued inspection visits. President Johnson overruled the State Department concerning Dimona inspections.[52] Although denied at the time, America delivered the F-4Es, on September 5, 1969, with nuclear capable hardware intact.


Hur många kommer att dö och hur många kommer att få cancer av ett kärnvapenanfall mot Iran?
Här finns beräkningarna.

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