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Zbigniew Brzezinski och Uzbekistan

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PostPosted: Fri, 2006 Apr 28 15:19:04    Post subject: Zbigniew Brzezinski och Uzbekistan Reply with quote

Zbigniew Brzezinski - - idé är att det går att behärska Europa och Asien från Uzbekistan -

"Uzbekistan is, in fact, the prime candidate for regional leadership in Central Asia." (p.130)
The Grand Chessboard by Zbigniew Brzezinski

Paperback. The Perseus Books Group, New York, USA, 1998 (ISBN 0465027261).
Upplaga: Reissue Bokfakta
Skickas normalt inom 5-8 arbetsdagar.

Originally published in 1997, a book which suggests that America's future foreign policy should be to manage the conflicts and relationships in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, in order to prevent the emergence of a rival to its supremacy.

BIS - Bank for International Settlements har sitt kontor i Basel i Schweiz. BIS - är storbankirernas - de stora lånehajarnas - näste. Och deras mål blir då att behärska Europa och Asien från Uzbekistan!

Men hur ska det gå till? Ryktet går att kärnvapenattacken mot Kina och Ryssland kommer 2008 när Kina har OS. Men varför tro på rykten? Finns det någon substans i det här?

Global Strike - är det dit planeringen syftar?
1929: The Rothschilds crash the United States economy by contracting the money supply.

1930: The first Rothschild world bank, the, "Bank for International Settlements (BIS)," is established in Basle, Switzerland.

Hjalmar Schacht - Hitlers Riksbankir grundade banken.
By all historical accounts, Schacht was the architect, in 1930, of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), along with the Bank of England's Montagu Norman. Historian Carroll Quigley, in his epic book, "Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time" (New York: MacMillan Company, 1966), described the BIS scheme to establish a dictatorship over world finance:

"The powers of financial capital had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.

The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements) in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank, in the hands of men like Montagu Norman of the Bank of England), Benjamin Strong of the New York Federal Reserve Bank), Charles Rist of the Bank of France, and Hjalmar Schacht of the Reichsbank, sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world."

Quigley highlighted the role of Schacht's closest ally in the BIS scheme, Bank of England Governor Norman, who headed the privately owned British institution for an unprecedented 24 years (1920-44).

"Norman was a strange man," Quigley reported, "whose mental outlook was one of successfully suppressed hysteria or even paranoia. He had no use for governments and feared democracy. Both of these seemed to him to be threats to private banking, and thus to all that was proper and precious in human life. Strong-willed, tireless, and ruthless, he viewed his life as a kind of cloak-and-dagger struggle with the forces of unsound money which were in league with anarchy and Communism."

Montagu Norman and Hjalmar Schacht personified the banking overworld, that bankrolled and installed Hitler and the Nazis in power, in pursuit of their larger, universal fascist scheme.

Bankirerna som finansierade både Sovjet och Nazityskland

[Red.: Av sionism ockuperad/-e regim/-er], 9/11 och media

The Modern History Project - för att förstå vår historia!

Wolfowitz och de nekonservativa israelvänliga judarnas - Kristol, Perle, Podhoretz, Zakheim, Libby med fleras plan Rebuilding America´s Defenses finns här att läsa:
Och en sammanfattning hittar man här:

Och det går att läsa The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives av Zbigniew Brzezinski

Editorial Reviews
The New York Times Book Review, Bernard Gwertzman
Brzezinski has now stated and restated his concerns. His books are there for any political leader to use as material for future policy declarations. But it is difficult in the current situation to imagine much of a competition to take up Brzesinski's ideas, however well they are argued here. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

With a level of calm and reason that is rare in books of this sort, Brzezinski provides an understandable yet sophisticated articulation of a real-world "grand strategy" essential to the future of America in this new century.

America's Master of Strategy on Eurasian Center of Gravity, June 27, 2001
Reviewer: Robert D. Steele (Oakton, VA United States)

His strategic vision honors both France and Germany as co-equal and vital elements of a new European community; shows how the larger Europe (ultimately co-equal to America) is essential to the salvation of Russia; makes the case for an American-Chinese strategic accommodation as the anchor for America's involvement in Eurasia; carefully integrates America's direct and special relations with Japan, Korea, and India as the bowl beneath China and Eurasia, and then concludes with decisive evaluations of the future importance of drawing Turkey into the European community while encouraging Iranian-Turkish collaboration and Iranian commercial and commodities channels from Eurasia out to the world. In passing, the author validates Australia's new strategy of working closely with Indonesia to resolve the latter's many ethnic issues while establishing a southern line against excessive Chinese influence in the region.
"THE GRAND CHESSBOARD - American Primacy And It's Geostrategic Imperatives," Zbigniew Brzezinski, Basic Books, 1997.

These are the very first words in the book: "Ever since the continents started interacting politically, some five hundred years ago, Eurasia has been the center of world power."- p. xiii. Eurasia is all of the territory east of Germany and Poland, stretching all the way through Russia and China to the Pacific Ocean. It includes the Middle East and most of the Indian subcontinent. The key to controlling Eurasia, says Brzezinski, is controlling the Central Asian Republics. And the key to controlling the Central Asian republics is Uzbekistan. Thus, it comes as no surprise that Uzbekistan was forcefully mentioned by President George W. Bush in his address to a joint session of Congress, just days after the attacks of September 11, as the very first place that the U.S. military would be deployed.

Last edited by on Sat, 2006 Apr 29 15:47:25; edited 16 times in total
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PostPosted: Fri, 2006 Apr 28 15:33:26    Post subject: Reply with quote


Axis for Peace

Andreas von Bülow: “Our priority should be the fight against manipulation”

Former German minister and lawmaker, Andreas von Bulow was a member of the Parliamentary Secret Service Control Committee in which he disclosed the role played by the CIA in different criminal operations which brought mourning to Germany during the Cold War period. As his contribution to the international conference Axis for Peace 2005, von Bulow analyses the performing mechanisms of imperialist policy.

The US as well as NATO are now chasing Muslim terrorists. It was within minutes after 9/11 that the new enemy was spotted: Osama with his 19 followers.

We still wait for reliable and verifiable documentation of what really happened on that date. But within a few hours after 9/11 Afghanistan was defined as the home country of our old CIA asset Osama and his Al Quaida, the CIA Veterans fighting Soviets in Afghanistan. Then Iraq was suggested to be the country supporting Al Quaida terrorists, which was a lie, supported by fabricated intelligence information. Then the administration felt threatened by the weapons of mass destruction, biological, chemical, perhaps even nuclear in the hands of Sadam Hussein. Or the program to secure the material to build weapons of mass destruction. The Bush administration used the so stupidly forged Niger documents, that one wonders, who did the forgery and why as bad and to what aim?

And then within two days the Bush administration escalated, calling for a Holy War against all states which were supporting international terrorism

The agenda follows the line laid out in the Project New American Century formula for aggressive American policy.
It aims at securing the military, financial, economic, cultural, cyberspace superiority in and above all continents. It calls for not for less but for more troops to unleash pre-emptive wars where threats might be found behind horizons. We have the anathema for any thinking of a balance of forces.

When President Eisenhower denounced the military industrial complex as the destroyer of democracy in the United States he argued about the beginning of a dangerous process. It has never been stopped and it is probably entering its final stage. The Romans couldn’t sustain the burden. How long will it take for the US? _Without any rebellion from within the American political system there seems no fast track to change the course of the Hegemon.

There seems to be no doubt: US foreign, military, and covert action policy is bipartisan. And there is no chance of breaking it up via the democratic process. _Look at the gurus of the American imperial process like Henry Kissinger, having the ears of Republicans, praises in his 1000-page book «On Diplomacy» each statesmen in history either French, British, Spanish, or American who committed crimes against national or international law to further successfully expand national power. And we all know his record.

Zbig Brzinsky, influencing more the democratic part of the political spectrum follows the same line. How to keep US as the only superpower? Fight by pre-emptive war anybody daring to question the hegemonic role. Superiority on all continents, right to tab and rule over the raw materials around the planet. The main danger to American superiority, says Brzezinski, might come from Eurasia. So keep Europe, China, India under control. etc.; give Russia no chance to recover as a world power alone or in combination with others.

The Hegemon has a huge arsenal at hand to make unwilling, neutral, not friendly or even allied states follow his policy. In the first row one should not always look for the military, because war is not popular, especially not in democracies. First tool today is media manipulation. The Pentagon alone has a budget as high as 655 Million Dollars for disinformation and influencing public opinion especially in allied countries unwilling to follow the American preventive war policy.

One of the thousand-year-old instruments used to destabilize the political system of countries or societies to make them follow or even break them up along the wishes of the Hegemon are ethnic minorities. What you have to do is: destroy the leaders of ethnic groups who keep the peace between minority and majority by daily compromising along the lines of common sense. Have them killed by members of organized crime or make them look silly or naïve or both. Support the craziest fundamentalist of both sides, not willing to compromise.

Or you throw money and support into a kind of «orange revolution». I think in Iran we might observe a development, similar to what we have seen in Ukraine. Global Drug economy provides the money for regime changes as well as destabilizing processes. Cocaine from Colombia or Heroine from Afghanistan are smuggled around the globe into the highly industrialized countries. The warlords in Afghanistan are warlords because they get their power as drug-lords. And these drug-lords are the allies of covert American policy. Flow of drugs may raise hell wherever necessary. The whole drug smuggling by organized crime is protected by deals between the CIA and national secret services and the drug-law enforcement agencies.

Now would some people suggest, that it is necessary and even wise to have only one global policeman with a bigger stick than all other policemen? And this should be the respective administration in Washington?. Perhaps it might be wise to think about it. But after 9/11 we have a policeman, who is not restrained any longer by law, national or international, who is allowed to torture, torture witnesses to get largely false confessions. We observe a policeman acting on the basis of biased, interested if not corrupted information. And not willing to consult with other nations. So the answer must be: No to a monopolized policeman.

Most of our industrialized nations rely on the free market forces to gain access to energy and other resources. There is no need to occupy these resources and watch the access by a military apparatus with a price tag of 430 billion dollars a year. This is the dream of the military industrial complex and the Bush-Administration as they brush aside the most stringent emergencies of the poorest quarter of the American people.

To organize peace we have to peacefully engineer a new global balance mostly on other fields than military. To challenge the Hegemon by initiating new arms races will lead nowhere. China and perhaps Russia may go this way up to the limits of their economic strength and realizing that the extension of territory as well as huge populations are a force per se.

Brzezinski is right in observing the unsurpassed influence of the United States in economics, finances, military, culture etc.. It would be so easy to use this influence together with allies around the globe in a wise and outbalanced way. The Bush-Cheney crew has decided otherwise. So by not being anti-American at all I hope that we will be able to finally convince the American people against their mainstream media that they are manipulated in a way nobody might have considered a few years ago. And that they have to change the dangerous way the administration is following. Internet opens access to alternative news, which the global community is becoming aware of. So we have to feed the Internet and other media with what there is need to know.

To blow up the Psy-ops of the Pentagon, the CIA and those of the Mossad and their satellites in our media, is the most important task before us.

For the time being the Hegemon can not be influenced with proposals for balancing forces. The biased, one-sided and very often corrupt way of handling world affairs by the Bush Administration produces an extreme negative image for the USA. This must hurt American business outside the military industrial complex. That might bring balancing pressure upon the American political elite. But we should not nourish any illusion about the overwhelming power, the imperial, neo-colonial complex has on politics. It’s a very long way to go.
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PostPosted: Fri, 2006 Apr 28 17:08:28    Post subject: Reply with quote
Former German Defense Minister Confirms CIA Involvement in 9/11: Alex Jones Interviews Andreas Von Buelow
Uzbekistan, in the ancient cradle between the Amu-Darya and Syr-Darya rivers, is the most historically fascinating of the Central Asian republics. Within it are some of the oldest towns in the world, some of the Silk Road's main centres and most of the region's architectural splendours.

Khiva (Uzbek: Hiva) is an odd place. Its historic heart, unlike those of other Central Asian cities, is preserved in its entirety - but so well preserved that the life has almost been squeezed out of it. As a result of a Soviet conservation program in the 1970s and 80s, it's now a squeaky-clean official 'city-museum'.

Even among its densely packed mosques, tombs, palaces, alleys and at least 16 medressas, you need imagination to get a sense of its mystique, bustle and squalor.

A few of the historic buildings in Ichon-Qala are functioning mosques or shrines, but most are museums. You can see it all in a day trip from Urgench, but you'll take it in better by staying longer. Morning and evening are the best times, and there are several decent places to stay. Khiva is at its best by night when the moonlit silhouettes of the tilting columns and medressas, viewed from twisting alleyways, work their magic.
Statsskick: republik
Yta: 447 449 km2
Huvudstad: Tasjkent (2,4 miljoner invånare 2000)
Högsta berg: 22:a Partikongressen (4 688 m ö h; uppgifter om att berget döpts om till Xazrati Sulton eller Xayot Coqqici har inte bekräftats)
Längsta floder: Amu-Darja, Syr-Darja
Största sjö: Aralsjön
Invånarantal: 25 miljoner (uppskattning 2001)
January 18, 2004

Zbigniew Brzezinski, neocon? Or maybe better, a neo-lib. Was provocation of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan worth the cost of the US's current security troubles with Al Qaeda, a vastly expanded Wahhai and Islamist radicalism and militantism across the world?

That was the apparent (pre-9/11) view of Carter-era national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski back in 1998, when he admitted in a widely publicized interview with France's Le Nouvel Observateur that he and CIA director Bill Casey had cooked up the idea of trying to provoke a Soviet invasion of Afghanistan by providing covert aid via the Pakistani intelligence services to the mujahideen. "What is most important to the history of the world?," Brzezinski reportedly told the paper, in its January 15-21, 1998 issue. "The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Muslims or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the cold war?"
Zbigniew Brzezinski
The Grand Chessboard
American Primacy And It's Geostrategic Imperatives
Key Quotes From Zbigniew Brzezinksi's Seminal Book
"Ever since the continents started interacting politically, some five hundred years ago, Eurasia has been the center of world power."
U.S./Russia: Zbigniew Brzezinski Assesses U.S.-Russia Relations
A geostrategy for Eurasia by Zbigniew Brzezinski

Seventy-five years ago, when the first issue of Foreign Affairs saw the light of day, the United States was a self-isolated Western hemispheric power, sporadically involved in the affairs of Europe and Asia. World War II and the ensuing Cold War compelled the United States to develop a sustained commitment to Western Europe and the Far East. America's emergence as the sole global superpower now makes an integrated and comprehensive strategy for Eurasia imperative.

Eurasia is home to most of the world's politically assertive and dynamic states.
A Geostrategy for Eurasia
Zbigniew Brzezinski
From Foreign Affairs, September/ October 1997
A geostrategy for Eurasia by Zbigniew Brzezinski (America should break up Russia - strengthen China)

Seventy-five years ago, when the first issue of Foreign Affairs saw the light of day, the United States was a self-isolated Western hemispheric power, sporadically involved in the affairs of Europe and Asia. World War II and the ensuing Cold War compelled the United States to develop a sustained commitment to Western Europe and the Far East. America's emergence as the sole global superpower now makes an integrated and comprehensive strategy for Eurasia imperative.
Ukraine: Oil politics and a mockery of democracy
By William Engdahl

The results of the third round of elections in Ukraine in which Viktor Yushchenko was proclaimed the final winner, far from being grounds for jubilation in Ukraine and beyond, ought to give concern for the future of Ukraine to many.
Zbigniew Brzezinski and the CFR Put War Plans in a 1997 Book -- It is "A Blueprint for World Dictatorship," Says a Former German Defense and NATO Official Who Warned of Global Domination in 1984, in an Exclusive Interview With FTW.
Uzbekistan vänder ryggen åt USA

Utrikesanalys nr 31 2005 av Ebba Sävborg, Utrikespolitiska Institutet

Uzbekistans beslut att beordra USA att utrymma den uzbekiska flygbasen Karsi Khanabad är ännu ett tecken på att ledarna i Centralasien inte längre tror att Washington är den bundsförvant de bör satsa på för framtiden.
Islamism och förtryck i Uzbekistan

Utrikesanalys nr 20 2005 av Ebba Sävborg, Utrikespolitiska Institutet

Veckoslutets blodbad i Andizjan i södra Uzbekistan har utlöst förvirrade och motsägelsefulla kommentarer från omvärlden. Var det, som den uzbekiska regimen påstår, islamiska extremister som låg bakom massakern?
Tortyren i Uzbekistan

Utrikesanalys nr 45 2005 av Ebba Sävborg, Utrikespolitiska Institutet

I Uzbekistan kokar man människor levande. Vittnesmål om systematisk tortyr och förföljelser av all opposition i Islam Karimovs Uzbekistan har varit kända länge i västvärlden, men eftersom Karimov har setts som en värdefull bundsförvant i "kriget mot terrorismen" har både USA och EU-länderna i det längsta försökt låtsas som ingenting. Först efter massakern på hundratals civila demonstranter i Andizjan i våras tog amerikaner och europeer avstånd från de uzbekiska myndigheternas uppträdande, och EU har nu infört sanktioner mot Karimovregimen. Frågan är om det räcker.
The Grand Failure, by Zbigniew Brzezinski
Johnston, Whittle

In his latest book, Zbigniew Brzezinski reflects on four problems that have deeply engaged his energies for over a third of a century: the Soviet Union, the Communist world in general, totalitarianism, and possible alternatives to totalitarianism.
Zbigniew Brzezinski And September 11th
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
December 23, 2001

For those who are able and willing to accept the way in which history actually works, the evidence provided by the U.S. events of Sept. 11th permitted but one concise conclusion: The crucial developments inside the U.S.A., between the bookends of approximately 08:45 and 11:00 h EDT, were a reflection of an attempted military coup d'état against the U.S. government of President George W. Bush.
ZOA Blasts Brzezinski's Remarks
Demonizing Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has strongly
criticized former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski for making
comments that could help demonize Israel's new prime minister.
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