_______________________________________________________________ | | http://legal.lege.net/resources/ | | | Resources: | | An Annotated Critique of President George W. Bush's | March 17 Address Preparing the Nation for War | http://legal.lege.net/an_annotated_critique/ | | 317 teachers of law from 87 law schools in the U.S. | denounced the plans for war with Iraq: | http://legal.lege.net/the-rule-of-law/#04 | | Propaganda Resources | http://propaganda.lege.net/resources/ | | Ideology Resources | http://ideology.lege.net/resources/ | | The Ideology of American Empire | http://ideology.lege.net/american_empire/ | | Some of the Security Council Resolutions 1990, 1991, 2002, | 2003 http://legal.lege.net/un_sc_res/ | | Some of the General Assembly Resolutions -- currently only | one http://legal.lege.net/un_ga_res/ | | The so called no fly zones and the U.N. (1998) | http://legal.lege.net/no_fly_zones/ | | U.S. contempt for the Rule of Law | http://legal.lege.net/contempt/ | | Universal Declaration of Human Rights | http://www.un.org/Overview/rights.html | |______________________________________________________________