_______________________________________________________________ | | http://legal.lege.net/contempt/ | | | U.S. contempt for the Rule of Law | | Another fine example of U.S. contempt for the Rule of Law is | how U.S. media ridiculed and derided the Judgment of the | International Court of Justice. The U.S. in the 80's gave | substantial support to Saddam Hussein at the same time that | he commited his worst crimes. In the 80's the U.S. also | fought a big war in Central America that left about 200,000 | tortured and mutilated dead, millions of orphans and | refugees and four countries ravaged. The U.S. was convicted | by the International Court in Hague for International | Terrorism -- for illegal use of violence in a sentence | listing almost 300 reasons and 16 discrete decisions saying | either that the U.S. are in the wrong or that the U.S. must | make reparation for all injury caused to Nicaragua by the | unlawful actions of the U.S. [ Case No 70 of 28th June 1986 | - Nicaragua -v- United States of America | http://legal.lege.net/images/pdf/icj_19860627.pdf | PDF format 137 pages ]. The U.S. ignored the judgment and | instead increased the violence until the democratic | Nicaraguan government eventually was overthrown. The U.S. | also blocked a Security Council resolution that would have | declared that all countries must abide by international law. | | | Additional reading: | | Resources | http://legal.lege.net/resources/ | |______________________________________________________________