

The End of the 911 NeoCon CIA/MOSSAD Takeover and the Rothschilds/Zionist Ownership of America or the End of America and the Beginning of World War III?



FREE to anyone with a site to re-post!  Attribution to:  John Robles II
Local copy of the PDF:  NO_DAPL_PIZZAGATE_TRUMP_PDF.pdf


A Note to My Dear Readers from the Author:

As a journalist and researcher of 911 and US Government illegality, and one who has been researching conspiracies all my life and with earnest since the events of September 11, 2001, I may have a tendency to over-complicate situations for the average reader and throw at them so much information that they may simply go into overload and if I have done that, I apologize to you dear reader! It has been a complaint I have had in the past so I will try to make things a little simpler or be more succinct if possible as I try to inform you and help you, if I can, to make sense of current events affecting all of us and in particular what is really behind all of the events in what has become one of the most obfuscated and convoluted information wars since the events of 911.

There has been a coup in America by what is called the Deep State and their interests who are only pretending to serve the American people! These Deep State actors shave formed a tightly knit global machine to advance the interests of racist NeoCon ideologues, NWO globalists and the interests of Lord Jacob Rothschild and his Zionist International fascist Khazarian Mafia Banking Cabal who continue to destroy all of the countries that had been deemed for destruction and those who could damage US hegemony on the world stage.

The operations against Russia are continuing relentlessly and with their limitless global resources and their control of the global media they are winning the information war whose goal is to demonize, marginalize and vilify Russia gaining support for a war with Russia that will undoubtedly be the start of World War III and the end of world civilization as we know it. I want to inform you and stop the NWO, but first you must listen and become informed.

Best Wishes from Russia!

Let me explain how threatening PedoGate is… Who wins? Trump. Putin. Americans. Russians. The world…. Who loses? Israel – DHS Insider












This work is dedicated to the late Seth Rich, a young man who was brutally murdered because he wanted to make the world a better place.

It is also dedicated to Julian Paul Assange, another young man who quickly became an old man before his time because he also wanted to make the world a better place and it appears also paid the ultimate price.

This work is also dedicated to all children everywhere who have suffered because of evil, but especially an unknown little person buried somewhere in an unmarked grave in a steel coffin.

We have just had very sad news so I am dedicating this to Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin! They can announce whatever they want but I am certain that a healthy man, with no illness does not just die at work. He was on the front line of the fight against the NWO and always defended Russia’s interests. He is another victim of the NWO killers who are driving for war against Russia. RIP


Never forget what the Rothschild NeoCon/Zionists have given the world.

Somewhere on the outskirts of Washington DC, or in a quiet pasture in the rolling fields or woodlands of Virginia there is small soul buried in a steel casket who was brutally violated and murdered by some “DC elite”.

Somewhere in NY there is a brave man who spent his life rescuing people and who is dying with his insides rotting out from breathing in the pulverized remains of 3,000 people and hundreds of thousands of tons of steel asbestos and concrete all brutally pulverized into dust on 911.

Somewhere in Yemen there is a child starving in a refugee camp with no parents wondering why Americans came into her home one day and slaughtered her family for no reason.

Somewhere in Afghanistan there is a woman whose husband and children were killed by a drone as they were going to the market by some soldier on the other side of the world enjoying himself as if playing a video game.

Somewhere in Donbass there is an old woman, living in a dirty basement crying because her children were all killed by people who were her neighbors and then were paid a visit by a Kagan and become demons and slaughtered the entire village.

Somewhere in a fictitious country called Israel there is a young man whose eye has been punctured, tied to a steel pipe being told he is terrorist scum for fighting European invaders who killed his sister and say his land is theirs.

Somewhere there is a man who has spent all of his adult life being tortured and experimented on because one day soldiers came into his home and he tried to defend his family as they were all being slaughtered before his eyes.

Somewhere else, on a luxurious estate that would even be the envy of the Queen of England, there is a creature, sitting on a chair of the finest cloths and leathers, dressed in the finest silks and velvets in a palace overlooking his private forests, chuckling to himself as he lifts a fresh cup of human blood to his lips and thinking of his trillions and the hopeless stupidity of the human beasts on this useless planet called Earth. His red eyes glow and his forked tongue licks his reptilian lips as he ponders how many millions will he kill today?

And thus the endless war continues and the endless pain and suffering expands and the real enslavement and destruction of the entire human race proceeds according to the plans of the NWO.

Methodology, Sourcing, Conclusions and Purpose

This work has been compiled through the use of information obtained from open source channels, through the analysis of tens of thousands of pages of documents, thousands of videos, news reports, books and statements and with the knowledge acquired over the course of two decades working with and reporting on global conspiracies.

This work by no means claims to be a definitive work on 911, Pizzagate, the NWO, the Corporation of the United States, the Zionist Project Israel, the Rothschilds nor any of the other issues covered and used in this report. This is rather a collection of the Intel gathered from all sources and hopefully set out in a manner where the interconnecting threads are clear and the players in the shadows are finally brought into the light.

Given that we are on the verge of World War III and the United States is on the verge of collapse and a death spiral into anarchy, this work seeks to be a basis for action to prevent World War III, the next “Terrorist Attack” that will be used as a catalyst to start WWIII and the complete collapse of the United States and enslavement of the American people. The author of this document also seeks to somehow prevent the deaths and the destruction that will occur to the world and the Russian Federation if World War III against Russia is begun.

This document also seeks to serve as a catalyst for those seeking truth to work at exposing the global Zionist banking cabal and its head Lord Jacob Rothschild and all his minions with the goal of stopping their global reign of terror and making certain they will no longer be provoking, starting or profiting from the waging of illegal aggressive wars.

May God and the Great Spirit protect us all.

If a lie like 911 can start an endless war, then it is not a far jump to believe, that the truth can start an endless peace.


There has been a coup in America and it was not by Donald Trump

The Present: One Month into Trump World and Only Questions

Rothschild’s 150+ Million Dollar Support and a Failed? Prefabricated (S)Election

It has been one month now since the inauguration of President Donald John Trump and the electoral loss of the disgraced Hillary Clinton whose family’s criminal empire and dynastic hold on power was finally destroyed. Unfortunately the secret Zionist machine and the plans of those in the shadows was not and they will do anything to continue their plans to establish the NWO.

Surprisingly recounts were done, lawsuits were filed and the Clinton camp attempted everything in the book to get into the White House no matter what, yet even with their monumental efforts and even though everything appeared to have been preplanned and orchestrated to guarantee her win, a win which everybody expected to be a no-brainer, she still lost. Meaning there is still a small chance that the NOW/Zionist machine can be defeated.

Fake Electoral System Under an Endemic White Supremacist State

Given the electronic and computerized state of the US election system which is unreliable and extremely vulnerable to manipulation and has no real paper back up, the anachronism of the Electoral College system with its Orwellian rules and unfair zoning and delegate counting practices, which always guarantees in the end only approved establishment candidates make it into any office, one has serious reason to doubt the real legitimacy of the US election system.

Add to those points the completely unfair funding and access to media of third parties across the board, the violent refusal of the US to allow UN observers in the country (something every normal transparent democratic country allows), requirements, zoning and documentation which block “minorities” and the poor access to the voting process, institutionalized intimidation along ethnic and racial lines and racial and ethnic bias in every court, media and official process, and one could be completely understood were one to have absolutely no faith in the US system.

The fact is that the United State of America is not a “white country” and in fact if you remove Arabs from the official census numbers as being members of the “white” race then there is no doubt that the “white race” is a minority and a minority of immigrants at that. Note: This is not an attack on the white race, but it is absolutely necessary to talk about racism openly and these are merely statements of fact that must be talked about and addressed honestly in order to understand how the Zionists have been so successful in taking over America because it is this apartheid system that allowed them to take over the government and all institutions that matter. The truth must be stated no matter what it is and if we are to end the supremacy of the Zionist then we must look at how we have allowed them to subvert us and keep ourselves silent as to how they have taken control of the world.

The election loss of Clinton leaves one with several questions that require answers, such as why if everything had been planned to install Clinton was she then allowed to lose? Could it really be that “so called minorities” in the white supremacist country of the United States all of a sudden decided to vote for an ultra-white billionaire candidate who was making clearly racial statements, stoking the flames of hatred for Muslims and immigrants and whose supporters were openly expressing endemic American hatred and racism? With slogans like “Make America White Again” what black person would vote for Trump? And where are these black and Latino supporters in his cabinet? He claims “minorities” supported him in mass numbers which is seriously doubtful, unless you believe the oppressed non-white population is so stupid as to have forgotten a past not long ago when they were lynched and hung from trees and a present reality where they live in ghettoized cities, are regularly killed by police, arrested for minor infractions and suffer untold injustice at the hands of the state, the courts and the police and security structures. American “minorities” have never had their own candidate and never will, not even Barack Obama who was merely a slave to the Deep State and Israel.

Given that there was so much evidence that the elections were rigged for Clinton and the unreliability of the actual voting infrastructure, why is it then that no one is saying in a major way that Trump rigged the election? Did he actually win? Or was he allowed to win? Regardless there exists the distinct and extremely distasteful possibility that all of this was planned in advance without the knowledge of the Clintons. But why? Could it something so simple as the fact that she had caused Tony Blair to miss a meeting with Lynn Forester de Rothschild? Or was it really because a young man named Seth Rich, whom she had had killed, had possessed the “nerve” to think he could expose her and her Luciferian child murdering underlings? Or was she allowed to lose because even her sponsors realized that she was a bigger threat than Trump would ever be and she was guilty of exposing the real nature of the Zionist/Luciferian NWO Shadow Government that has taken over America. Given the support she still possesses today in the media, which is 99% Zionist controlled, even though there is documented evidence against the Clinton Crime family involving everything from high treason to the murder of political threats it is clear something is not right. The most logical conclusion one might reach is that her service to the Shadow Government was so broad, and she knows so much, that she has been allowed to continue her existence free as a bird.

Service to the Zionist Shadow Government and the N.W.O.

If you ask any normal average citizen anywhere to name one achievement of Clinton or Obama for that matter it is very difficult unless you understand whom she was truly serving. However the recent leaks made it clear her family were being paid billions by corporations, countries and special interests and the money just kept flowing, meaning she was doing a good job for somebody and it wasn’t John and Jane Doe voter or even the elite American Anglo-Saxon Protestant rich. She was serving the Monolithic Zionist machine and anyone else she was taking money from. Is that strange or odd? Unfortunately no, that is the common practice of the capitalist “democratic” system, but she was definitely not serving the voters.

A Falling Out with the Rothschilds

It is true that nobody makes a mistake with the Rothschilds, a family which quite literally owns the world, not even if hundreds of millions of dollars had been invested in you and the buying of another US Presidency! Nobody screws up. That money to them is nothing and would be replaced and if they wanted, they could just add some zeroes to a bank account somewhere, or orchestrate a couple of fluctuations in the price of gold. Without the details it is impossible to make an assessment but could the mistake I am referring to, the pulling away of Tony Blair from a meeting with the Rothschilds be the key? I am talking about a letter which many of you are familiar with in which Clinton apologizes and asks what penance she must pay. Was Clinton becoming a threat to the Rothschilds hold even over the UK? Perhaps but any more discussion this would be conjecture, needless to say she has done great damage to the NOW.

So what is the real reason she was cut loose? Was it really because of Pizzagate? Or was my first gut instinct correct, when I spoke of a Hegelian Dialect and the rise of the Fascist Internationale and how they made Clinton so horrible that people ran to the candidate who represented the lesser of two evils? Or did WikiLeaks and the people really affect change through Internet activism? Of course I would like to believe the latter but the elites are normally deaf to us.

As for the Deep State and the N.W.O. Shadow Government being upset? Well the money was not the main problem, the problem appeared to be that the entire process from nomination to inauguration had been bought and paid for and decided on in advance. Results had been sent to the media outlets, magazines had been printed, hundreds of documents had been carefully prepared for her to sign once she was president, including (I am hypothesizing on this point) the declaration for/of war on Russia and the final agreement of the TPP which would have finally established the NWO forever, now those were real reasons to be upset. But even though she had all the cards, lo and behold she still managed to lose. So again was the plan to install a Corporate Fascist State in the US and the calling up of REX84 so that the people took to the streets in mass protests causing the state to quickly apply martial law, suspend the Constitution and implement the REX84 protocols? That question must be answered because whether planned in advance through the Clinton loss or not, that is definitely on the table as a future wish of the Deep State.

Other Deep State Plans and Projects Under Threat

The election was not the only thing that had been prepared in advance and this has been made clearly obvious by the unprecedented reaction and appearance in the open of the Deep State. The NATO and the CIA which have a long history of involving German Nazis in their foundation and organization need to ensure the Israeli/Zionist/NWO/RAD/PNAC goal of “Global Hegemony by Force and the Elimination of all Potential Adversaries” is carried out and this has proven will require the start of World War III to take over the Russian Federation and bring Russia to its knees in order to make it the “Lebensraum” and the material donor that the CFR and arch-Zionist lunatics like Madeline Albright and Zbigniew Brzezinski believe it must be.

Judging by the actions of the Deep State which has now exposed itself, the Shadow Government whose real leader is apparently Lord Jacob Rothschild (and I would beg anyone to provide information saying that is not true and who really is), has ordered all of the Deep State’s assets to continue with the NWOs plans regardless of what President Trump says and thus the CIA, MOSSAD, the Media Complex and NATO are all engaged in heightened “operations” and in a panic because they see the real possibility that they will be taken down, which they must be. According to careful analysis of Clinton’s financial donor spreadsheets and other documents, approval for what would be World War III was already paid for and now without Clinton they must find some other way to bring that about. It is possible as well that they are also truly afraid that Trump will begin an investigation into 911 and start the Pizzagate arrests. No one knows, which is why he is being so demonized. Then there is the fact perhaps he is really ready to make radical changes at the Rothschild Federal reserve and in effect make “America Great Again” and evict the Rothschilds, which if the US seized his assets would be WONDERFUL for America and if Trump is sincere would be great for Russia and the World, which is very important to me.

Pizzagate Exposes Deep State, ZIONIST MEDIA, CIA/MOSSAD and a Coup in America

Pizzagate” has exposed the Deep State and the Shadow Government of the United States as never before and their unified reaction has made it clear who the players are and that the Deep State and the CIA are one unit working for Israel, that it is the same entrenched actors who were instrumental in carrying out and covering up 911 for the Greater Israel Project and has shown that together they will do anything to continue with their own agenda and the drive for World War III with or without Trump.

We have learned from “DHS Insider” and “FBI Anon” that Pizzagate and Pedogate and Epstein’s Pedo Island were all orchestrated “Honey Traps” set up by the CIA and Mossad in order to record material that could be used to blackmail US politicians.

So with the “Pizza Operations” being in place for decades, this means (if one is to use critical thinking and logical reasoning) that these people were used for carrying out and covering up 911 as well. If arrests are made and since those involved are being used by MOSSAD, which is said to now be black mailing and extorting over 30% of the Washington elite (according to DHS Insider) the entire hold that Israel has had on the US Government will end and if Rothschild and his NeoCon warmongering minions are evicted, we will finally have peace in the world.

I would like to underline the importance of prosecuting Pizzagate, from Clinton on down and add that since 911 was carried out by MOSSAD with the help of the Deep State assets at the CIA, NORAD, JSOC the FBI and even NASA, if Pizzagate is properly investigated and all the parties involved arrested, this will finally lead to 911 being properly investigated and the demons behind 911 being prosecuted and sentenced for once and for all.

That the CIA is involved is treasonous and evidenced by their refusing to give intelligence to Trump as is being engaged in a campaign to smear him, the elected leader! This is the dictionary definition of a Deep State and in already proceeding with their own agenda, this is clear evidence of a coup. Further evidence of the coup includes the Deep State’s chief warmonger John McCain (who according to FBI Anon is on the list of Pizzagate high level arrests) running around trying to start World War III along with Lindsey Graham (also on the list), the continued lack of arrests, the continued demonization of Russia and now the death of Vitaly Churkin, CIA/DHS/FBI attempts to smear Trump with the “Russian Card” and even using MI6 to try to come up with “Kompromat” against Trump and finally all of the smears and lies of what President Trump has called “Fake News” and complete and total impunity with which they trash him. His statements that the “fake” media are in fact the enemy of the US populace are 100% correct! Rather than reading all of this from a journalist with asylum in Russia it should be the US media which is reporting everything contained herein but the have not and will not because they are not real news outlets but simply brainwashing Zionist operations. Al of which lead to the question of whether President Trump is really in control of the country.

Again the almost irrational panic has revealed just how deep the CIA/Deep State control over the media is and just how deep they were actually in “it” with Clinton. I do not remember ever until today seeing reports that the CIA is withholding information from a US President, and never has a President been more demonized and outright disrespected by the Zionist controlled media despite appearing to suck up to Polish Zionist Benjamin Miliekowski (Netanyahu) as all American leaders are required to do by Lord Rothschild and the NWO.

The final evidence of a coup is the stunning fact that the ZIONIST/NWO will even destroy America to succeed for Rothschild. The CIA/MOSSAD/Deep State/Zionist/Shadow Government, are now attempting to stage what has already been named the Purple Revolution and the destabilization efforts of George Soros continue unabated in the United States while even former President Obama has gathered an army of activists and supporters in Washington DC where he now lives who he is leading to oust Trump.

When Trump says he inherited a mess he is right. He inherited exactly what President Putin did when he came into power, a country torn apart and raped by the Rothschild Zionist Cabal. Will he rise to the occasion or go play golf?

What Does the Future Hold?

As an analyst I can report the following: one month in we are left with more questions about the future than answers. Will the 911 Deep State and the Shadow Government which took over the United States in 2000 finally be ousted and the end of the US-hegemony-by-force-endless-war-PNAC-paradigm finally be a reality? Or is this all the next step towards REX84 and the complete and total enslavement of the US population? Will John McCain finally have his way and be allowed to start World War III for the Zionist puppet masters or will he finally be arrested? For Russia the past month has shown no progress, according to officials, in normalizing relations with the US. The Russophobic hysteria continues, the ridiculous unfounded lies continue, support for the Ukrainian nazi junta has somewhat abated but the illegal unilaterally promoted sanctions continue. Uncertainty is not good for anybody but perhaps this is part of their plan?

I have personally tried to give President Trump the benefit of the doubt and continue to hope that he will be the President who finally gives America back to the people, recognizes at least some of the rights of the Indigenous population, heroically ends all wars, restores some semblance of morality in the country and stops the Israeli ownership of America, but with each passing day that hope grows less. However again like President Putin, he did inherit a complete and total “mess” after Neo-Liberal Globalists were given free reign.

World War III False Flag Event Hinted at by Bill Gates? 911v2

I have been literally working on this piece for the better part of a week now and events continue as the situation is fluid I am adding the following information which just came in because it may be extremely important and a sign of a another 911 being planned which is exactly what these lunatics would try to pull off: Bill Gates recently appeared in the media which in and of itself is not entirely odd but he has been quoted as saying and giving warnings that (paraphrasing) there could be a Mass Casualty Event (MCE) involving terrorists and chemical weapons. Such reports by elites and elite media outlets have in the past been in fact warnings and used to “set the stage” for such an organized false flag event.

Being as Gates is one of the most important enablers of the N.W.O. and at the top of the food chain with the ultra-rich such announcements can not be accidental or taken lightly. However it could be nothing but another way to terrorize the population into giving up even more rights and more importantly, tax dollars for even greater surveillance and stripping of their rights.

I have mentioned in the past the development by the CIA and MOSSAD and what clearly must be Zionist lunatics of genetically targeting biological weapons to rid the Middle East of Arabs and the US of blacks and other unfavorable races but this makes it clear that there is the possibility of such a test run being carried out soon in America to kick start World War III. For the real hardcore conspiracy watchers note the over a hundred Microbiologists and scientists killed on Flight MH-17 and the hundreds more killed in the last 15 years worldwide. They have killed to prevent a cure for cancer coming out, killed more for stopping a cure for AIDS (CIA engineered) and would surely take down a plane to hide such a weapon.

See JAR2 for info on this and Rothschild’s probable remote control hi-jacking of Flight MH-370 for a patent, the remote hijacking system and the disposal of the aircraft as MH-17 over Ukraine to start the war with Russia.

Was There Penetration by Another MOSSAD Team

The breaking news from a few hours ago that appeared on several smaller media outlets that 11 people had somehow gotten past the TSA without being screened at JFK also sounds like the preparations for a false flag event. So I sounded an alarm and thankfully nothing happened and nothing of the sort will but knowing how these lunatics always use the same scenarios it would not be a stretch to have them carry out a repeat of 911.

Promoting Russophobic Hysteria: The Deep State, WWIII and Russia

The insane hysteria being promoted by Neo-Con Zionist forces in the West through the CIA/MOSSAD/MI6 controlled media against the Russian Federation and its President Vladimir Putin is the most obvious precursor and clearest sign as to the real intentions of the Deep State. Again proving they are clearly bent on causing World War III, enslaving Russia and continuing with their orchestrated destruction of the Middle East for Project Israel and the Rothschilds. More evidence of the looming nature of war is the tragic news that we have just had about the death of the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations who died in his office. I would say it is an obvious Asteroids’ hit by the NOW although it is not clear exactly what he died of or what he was working on as of this writing but he has been a staunch and worthy opponent of the NWO for years now and has also been a targeted individual for his work fighting NATO expansion and defending the rights of Serbs and the people of Donbass and generally being a thorn in the side of the West. We are deeply saddened and shocked by this horrible news.

A Look into the Master Plan

Has there been a change to the master plan? The Deep State NWO is still trying to start World War III as we have seen by John McCain and Lindsey Graham’s strange (because they are in not diplomats or foreign service employees) trips to Ukraine and around the world.

Still first and foremost for Lord Rothschild, is the successful eradication of Arabs and Muslims and real Semites (whom he views as sub-human) and the establishment of the Greater Israel which will encompass a huge part of the Middle East and takeover parts of Egypt, Iran, Syria and who knows how much more.

The Rothschild Bankers’ dream of a one world state run and owned by the NWO is still their goal, then depopulation of breathers and useless eaters, the elimination of all religions replaced by worship of Moloch (if we are to take the Star of Moloch emblazoned on the flag of Israel as an indicator) and in the end the enslavement of what is left of humanity.

This will of course all be carried out by the Military Forces of the United States and NATO under the flag of Moloch using the surveillance and mass collection architecture of the US and the FVEY countries as the Intelligence tool. Of course the US wants Global Hegemony and NATO wants to expand further worldwide, so they are all working together for now and attempting to get rid of Trump who so far has shown he will not be their rubber stamp.

Make no doubt Rothschild and his Zionist cabal are a danger to every country and every race and every religion and even though the use the United States and pretend to be “friends” Americans are nothing but expendable Goy and are needed for their military might and because only a white supremacist country like the United States also founded on the genocide of the indigenous people would go along with project Israel.. Remember you are dealing with lunatics who think they are God’s chosen and committing genocide as we speak while populating a land that is not theirs to own.

Now listen carefully, is white genocide real? Yes as is genocide on all of us. Remember Zionist is not a race or a religion and “Jewish” is also not a race, although some claim it is. The inbred Rothschilds are of Khazri and German blood and remember to them we are all Goy. The clever attacks on multiculturalism and the hi-jacking of the word Semite are both very important, first erasing multiculturalism also means that Celtic, Anglo-Saxon, German, Italian, French, Russian, Spanish and all other cultures will be gotten rid of. It also means all religions will be gotten rid of including Judaism, Christianity in all forms and others, all to be replaced with Luciferian Talmudic worship of Moloch. This is also another revelation of Pizzagate, Bohemian Grove and other N.W.O. related discoveries such as Denver International Airport. As for the Semites they are the real indigenous people of Palestine which the Zionists are currently committing genocide against and whose country they are literally wiping off the map. To call Rothschild a Satanist is probably not enough, he is more likely Satan himself. I encourage you to do your own research and take a look at the Satanic rituals at the CERN opening and the world’s longest train tunnel both important N.W.O. Projects.



We Are Ignored, Why Try to Save Our Killers?

I ask the Great Spirit for wisdom in choosing the words of the invaders’ tongue to try to convey a meaning and understanding to them that they are almost surely almost incapable of comprehending but the Great Spirit guides my fingers across the keys. I open my inner ears and my inner eyes and hear the voices of the 500 million of my ancestors who were slaughtered and my blood runs cold with their screams and pain and my Taino ancestors hot with outrage demand retribution! But then the voice of a wise Elder mother from the lands to the north tells me to show mercy and understanding for the sick and monstrous beasts for they do not know what they do! They do not possess the wisdom of the Elders or the advice of the Great Spirit for they have no souls! And thus as an Indigenous Sovereign of our continent Turtle Island, living in exile protected by the Slavs for over two decades who has seen his family and meager existence destroyed by these same reptilian Khazari Zionist monstrosities that this piece is about and who are blinded by insatiable greed as are the horrendous corporations, I address the Sovereigns of the world. I address the Russians and the Slavs our great brothers, and the Samarians and the dark Africans our ancient brothers, and the Mongols and Caucasians and Orientals and Aboriginals and Arabs and Egyptians and Persians and Mayans and Aztecs and all of the real indigenous peoples of the European tribes and finally the beautiful and simple and good simple peoples all over the world who right now feel my pain as I feel theirs and who feel the disturbance in the Universe and the Great Spirit and who have not forgotten the old ways and the old truths and the old stories which are flowing through our veins.

I turn on my inner eye and as I am a mixed hybrid I not only have the memories of my direct ancestors to draw knowledge from but from all of mankind and the old truth must now be told, and the old tales hidden and forgotten, obfuscated and deleted for thousands of years, must once again, in order to save the Great Mother and protect my people, must be known by the blinded modern shells of “men” who have denied the very nature of their God given selves and have lost sight in their blind primitive corporate greed in the truth that we must all protect our irreplaceable Mother Earth. I the writer am no longer writing this, my fingers and my mind have now been taken over by the Great Spirit who is knocking at the Eastern Door, and the story is thus:

In the darkest and coldest and stormiest days of ancient times, when the world froze over and we were forced onto caves and underground dwellings there came a day when a family, trying to escape the cold travelled deeper and deeper into the ground, no one had ever travelled so deep, it went against all the teachings and rules, and they went down and down until they finally came to the end of a tunnel. They did not know what to do, it was warmer here but there was almost no air and the smell of sulfur was strong. And there they saw, on the floor, a small door, with a strange lock on the outside, they did not know what it was but they knew there must be warmth and food down below, they found a rock and used their axe to finally break the lock and opened the trap door. Suddenly they were pulled below and never seen again.”

Legend has it that the creatures that lived in the underworld were not of this world and they could not enter the world above because they did not possess bodies as we know them. These black creatures, these demons, crawled into the young bodies of the family and then reproduced for centuries and although they lived in the underworld they had bodies now and one day they came up from the ground and lost themselves in the world of man. They did not possess human souls or understanding and they did not possess the memories of their elders and ancestors to guide them. They had no connection to the land and the land did not help them but they were sly and clever and knew how to adapt and manipulate and pretend to be whoever they wanted to be. One day came and they wanted to return to the underworld but those who did were killed as they were no longer the same as the others below and those who survived were banished.

It is these creatures who take identities and possess peoples and who do not possess their own lands but are clever in the ways of killing. It is these creatures who slaughtered the Tribes and the Nations and poisoned the Europeans and infiltrated their cultures and polluted their blood and taught them to kill and steal and take whatever they wished. It is from them that the rhesus factor appeared as they tried to interbreed, which they did successfully, and over time they too possessed souls and the memories of ancestors but some of them did not. Because of this lack of soul or homeland in many of them grew insatiable greed and out of envy they wanted to kill all humans and own the upper world and make it like the underworld they could never return to, one such group evolved into the Rothschilds, and their ancient and fundamental wish, because they lack souls is to enslave and eventually eradicate all humanity.”

That is the old legend!

Now perhaps you have a slight understanding of the evil, you understand why we must guard the Mother and not allow the Black Death and demons from the underworld to poison the lands. They manipulate and divide you, they steal everything you have and cause you to hate your brothers and sisters, they divide you and then conquer you and then enslave you and your children but we must all as humans stand together for we are all children of the mother and the Great Spirit and we are all equal.

Your greed and desire for power and control of others is not natural and not what the Great Spirit wants, it is these demons who have re-written your histories, given you false gods and religions to make you hate and kill your brothers and sisters and hide their own origins. I am trying to stop you Americans from continuing to be their puppets of death. You must use your strength and power for good or you will bring about your own destruction with your greed.

All religions tell you greed is bad because that is how evil gets its foot into your lives and minds and destroys you. You have done wrong for hundreds of years. You have slaughtered, enslaved, subjected, marginalized and stolen everything from the sovereigns and here the sovereign is trying to save you from the dark Lord who owns you and wants to now destroy you all. You know his name, you know the methods they use to subvert your state and your people and cause strife and death and mayhem and war. You even know they hide behind the Semite people who they pretend to be while committing genocide against them. If you can not follow the teachings and wisdom of the Elders and listen to the Great Spirit then, listen to your Pope Francis. He is a wise man. He knows the Russians are good God fearing Christians and he knows the Luciferian roots of the Zionists. Your danger American people is the greed of your President Trump. He will fall for the evil of the Zionist demons to protect his wealth or gain more. You must evict the Dark Lord from the United States and take the Corporation of America back from him. He was behind 911 and that is reason to seize all his wealth. We will pray that President Trump will listen to God and stop the DAPL and that he will finally be the President to respect the treaties. May the Great Spirit grant you wisdom and mercy and return to you the humanity that you have forgotten.

We want peace and implore you to not let a war start with the Russian Federation for the demons who call themselves Semites but in reality are just exploiting the people they are eradicating.

May the Great Spirit Protect Our Mother Earth and All of Us from the Evil of Greed



A Pedo Trap to Control America

PIZZAGATE: Cognitive Dissonance, Obfuscation and the Cover Up

The monstrous and horrific pedophile scandal known as Pizzagate, as with any conspiracy has many layers, events, actors and hidden motivations that are obfuscated, covered up, hidden and manipulated in order to hide the actual players and more importantly to protect those behind them. Sometimes, as with 911, even though the facts are so many and so damning and the crime so horrendous, due to the cover-up being so massive and intricate, and disinformation repeated so much, people end up in a situation where they simply cannot accept what is right in front of their eyes, no matter how boldly the facts are staring them in the face.

Ignoring the facts, covering up and even normalizing such behavior are exactly what the U.S. mass media is doing to the public with regard to Pizzagate. This is another reason the CIA controlled media is in reality the enemy of the American people. They are nothing more than enslaved co-conspirators to the crimes of the Corporation’s agents and masters whose only function is not to inform and hold accountable but to dis-inform, obfuscate and cover up the real evil the Corporation and of course the Zionist masters and their agents are involved in.

PIZZAGATE: Not Only Real but Just the Tip of the Iceberg

The Pizzagate conspiracy is real, as was admitted to recently by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and is no exception to what I wrote about conspiracies earlier being multi-layered and obfuscated. Pizzagate is so bad because it threatens to bring down the entire house of cards and even (finally!) implicates and exposes key figures of the Deep State, the Shadow Government, the Puppet Masters and CIA/MOSSAD involvement.

The nature of the revelations is bad enough but it is the number of players involved and the domino effect it will have if actual prosecutions begin that are making the Deep State and their media assets panic. As evidence that Pizzagate is so damning is the fact that the only defense the Deep State can come up with is to say that the whole thing is FAKE!

According to sources in the FBI cited by several reliable web outlets a full 30% of the Washington elite are involved or are under the threat of arrest for their involvement in pedophilia, child trafficking and related crimes. That means one third of the US Government in involved in the exploitation, abuse, trafficking, selling for organs and even the murder of children, which leads one to deeply question who are these individuals in Washington DC who are supposedly running the Federal Government of the United States, who worship Lucifer (Moloch) and who in many cases have been entrenched in positions of power for decades upon decades. The very legitimacy of what appear to be just a charade of government is seriously and deeply brought into question. Then there is the Israel question.

Yes Pedo Island, the pizza parties, the child abductions and the kill rooms are all real and now we know how the “leaders” chosen by the Deep State and the Shadow Government unwind and what their real values are when they get in front of us and tell us sodomy is marriage or use foundations to supposedly help poor starving children in a foreign land while effecting polices and waging wars that kill those very children whom they exploit for everything from Satanic sacrifice to the selling of organs. And all of that is just what we have learned from the Podesta e-mails and the Pizzagate revelations, but there is much more under the surface and that is where the real terror will begin.

The DNC, DCCC Leaks, the Soros Files, the Bradley Files and More

Podesta did a good job for the Deep State and will probably be awarded because of it. For although we are all distracted sickened and outraged by what the Clintonite Satanists did, there was much more that was revealed at the same time that we have all been distracted from, myself included.


If you remember there were several big leaks going on last summer and into the fall but unfortunately Anonymous had a falling out with WikiLeaks, and my site and other sites exposing the material can not get the attention we deserve and Assange then got into a pissing contest with Clinton and the NWO freaks that the media was going crazy about and successfully unbeknownst to him (or ‘beknownst’ if you believe WikiLeaks, which is now only under the control of the CIA, was a Limited Hangout) and with the full onslaught by the media, perhaps effectively covered up those other leaks with endless news of Clinton, Pedostas and Weiners.

Yes dear reader things are much more horrible than even I could have imagined and I can imagine some pretty bad stuff but if all that were not bad enough it gets much worse and the worst involves things that the Pizzagate hysteria, like I said, may be being used to distract from, what we might call the “real evil” going on here and the explanation as to why this was allowed to go on and why some Pizza Shop owner is one of the most powerful people in the home of the Corporation of the United States of America.

Blackmailing Leaders

I mentioned the Clinton and Bush families and their ties to the organized crimes of the Central Intelligence Agency. People so deeply involved with the criminality and the conspiracies that they can in no way be trusted to be independent or fair or serving the people, imagine then names like N. Pelosi C. Schumer B. Frank M. Blumenthal T. Kaine D. Feinstein J. McCain. L. Graham and more and all of them in the same blackmailable and beholden position serving not the American people but the Puppet Masters of the Shadow Government, CIA, MOSSAD, corporations and anyone with the right amount of money. Or even worse anyone or any state or intelligence agency or foreign government who knew their little dirty secrets and could blackmail them.

Well dear reader that is exactly what I believe has happened and there will probably be no arrests because if anyone of these monsters starts to sing, the entire government will come crashing down and the Deep State will be done and hence the shadow government and the Rothschilds will have nothing to rule over and no piggybank to suck dry.

Thus the only logical conclusion we can make is that using the blackmail of leaders, people in top positions and entrenched Deep State assets serving ideological beliefs (or their own wealth or whatever master they serve) was exactly how MOSSAD, the CIA, JSOC and GID were able to get NORAD, the FBI, NIST and all of the other associated bodies to go along with the 911 false flag event which served the interests of first and foremost the ZIONIST demons of Lord Rothschild and those in the New World Order and Project Israel.

Some of the Other Revelations that were Ignored


In all of the leaks almost all of the financial data and information contained in Excel and other spreadsheets was ignored and continue to be ignored even by researchers who consider themselves to be conspiracy experts and whistleblowers. This is stunning because any investigator, investigative journalist or conspiracy expert worth their salt knows that 90% of the truth can be found by following the money. Worse than pizzagate are the financial machinations of the Clintons. In one spreadsheet alone there are billions of dollars of donations from foreign governments and agents ranging from Saudi Arabia to a Ukrainian interested in keeping the nazi junta propped up. What is also ignored is that not one financial gift or donation has ever been found from the Russian Federation or anyone in Russia. Receiving money from foreign governments to further “their” interests in the US Government is illegal. It is treason.

The Bradley Foundation files which I am hosting have been ignored even though they show exactly who and what bodies are being used in civil society, government and the private sector by the Rothschilds to control America. Zero attention from the media. Is the media fake? Of course. One of the Bradley files shows a 150 million dollar donation to Clinton’s campaign. So Lord Rothschild can interfere in US elections and this is proven, but Russia is blamed and demonized when there is no proof. Wonderful(((

Almost everything in the DNC and DCC leaks has been ignored when there are even official documents detailing how election results were being uploaded and even recount results were made ready in advance. Ignored.


An apology by Clinton to the Rothschilds asking what penance she must pay which shows she serves not the American people but the Rothschilds, continues to be ignored.

My favorite were documents which contained revelations that Nancy Pelosi was using the DNC as her very own private piggy bank to hold lavish parties at her San Francisco mansion and to enjoy free travel and the like.

A letter from the Bradley Foundation regarding a media hit job on Donald Trump has been completely ignored even by Trump supporters.

Excel Worksheets tying the Bush Foundation directly to the Clinton Foundation has also been ignored, proving there is no two party system whatsoever. Ignored.

The Soros files which show all of the inside workings of his entire global operation, which I am also hosting, have been ignored.

The death of Seth Rich, the disappearance of all WikiLeaks staff are also being ignored.

The prefabricated election results which we had found uploaded on an MSNBC news server.

Finally the never mentioned fact that Abedin was connected to the Muslim Brotherhood and was reportedly working for MOSSAD.

The Aftermath of Pizzagate and Clinton’s Loss

Cognitive Dissonance and the Deep State CIA/MOSSAD Media PsyOps

All you have to do is visit any major news site or network and they are all bashing Russia, demonizing Trump and calling Pizzagate and anyone who talks about it tin-hat-wearing-psychotic-racist-conspiracy lunatics.

The worst media operations I have seen have been attempts to manipulate and use Pizzagate to further advance their own agenda and protect “their” candidate and the Clinton Dynasty. This is so insidious because of what they are attempting to do and because of the fact that it is being carried out, by media controlled by the Intelligence Community. What I am specifically referring to were attempts by the Fox News Network, other outlets and several Soros social media attempts to somehow normalize pedophilia.

The worst examples include showing a boy with bondage equipment on his head which does not allow one to close one’s mouth so that a penis can be inserted, another showing young children who have not even reached puberty being labelled as “transchildren” (a brother who had become a sister and vice versa). Another attempt was by an organization called Heart Progress, which claims to try to teach children when it is okay to let an adult rape and when it is not. They also tried to normalize the sickness as have many of the media by creating and using the term “pedosexual”. This not only attempts to cover for the Pedosta monsters but is a continuing attack on family and Christian values which the NWO is trying to destroy.

PIZZAGATE: Why No Arrests?

Forcing the Questioning of the Legitimacy of the Government

Our outrage at what we have seen is normal, our reactions are human, sane and understandable, especially those of you who are parents, like me, or the victims of abuse, as I was as well. Our demand for accountability and our outrage are completely healthy and normal reactions and our demand for retribution and closure are healthy as well, but “they”, those we count on to investigate and punish such horrendous crimes, are failing us in avoiding the prosecution or even the arrest for trial of these monsters.

So another subplot of NOT prosecuting Pizzgate is that not only will Israel and Mossad and the NWO be protected and maintain their hold on the US Government, but this will cause people to question the very legitimacy of the organs of state power and the government that controls them. That is one reason for letting this continue and it has all of the signs of a Soros style attempt to bring down the government.

Too Big to Prosecute

Point number two: we have all heard the term “too big to prosecute” and have also heard, what has become a meaningless catch phrase: “no one is above the law”. However in this case, judging by the actions of the Director of the FBI, it appears that the people involved are not only too big to prosecute, but also “above the law”! This “untouchable” status is a complete and total fallacy and makes a mockery of justice, if you believe like I do that no one, anywhere, is above the law! Sadly as with all of the other crimes attributable to Clinton and her cabal, that is the lesson Americans and people all over the world are getting from this. To add insult to the injury already affected on the world view of law-abiding decent people, the recent activities of Killary [sic] Clinton and John Pedoesta [sic], who are literally mocking the public on Twitter, spits in the face of anyone who believes in the rule of law and shows that they are firmly and arrogantly certain that they are untouchable.

Just a few hours ago the man responsible for poisoning the souls of millions, bringing down the criminal empire of his masters and countless reported “evidenced” acts of: child rape and possible murder, kidnapping, conspiracy to commit murder, human trafficking and worse, glibly and arrogantly started Tweeting again, having the bald-faced arrogance to fault the FBI and mocking the millions whose lives he has poisoned with images and news of his sick demented perversions. A few days ago Hillary Clinton did the same thing.

Fake News as a Reason to Lock Down the Internet and Media

The NWO is currently attempting to use the fake news that they themselves are creating to enter bills into law that would restrict and further lock down the media and the Internet in an attempt to “protect you from fake news”, which of course again they themselves are creating.



The Shadow Government Runs Out of Shadows

The Emergence of the Deep State: A Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy

Although President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was on the surface calling for the US Press and the US Government to, in effect, self-censor in the interests of national security during the Cold War his words did not specify who exactly he was talking about and thus they echo even truer today and they now apply to the US Government itself which has long ceased to be a Democratic Institution and has long stopped serving the interests of the people, ironically now enslaving them under the very pretext of “national security”.

The late President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, assassinated by the CIA for stopping Operations Northwoods, threatening to break it up and calling for the end of the Rothschilds Federal Reserve, gave a warning to the world that appears to be about an entity that is exactly what is ruling you today. Was the Monolith he was talking about the same CIA he wanted to break up and have the pieces of cast to the wind? Or was he talking about the Corporation of the United States and the New World Order, so often repeated by US Presidents who know who actually owns and runs the United States of America? You decide yourself but whether you agree with my assessments or not, please take heed.

Here are some extracts from the famous speech to newspaper publishers to which I am referring which occurred on April 27, 1961:

The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.

Today no war has been declared--and however fierce the struggle may be, it may never be declared in the traditional fashion. Our way of life is under attack. Those who make themselves our enemy are advancing around the globe. The survival of our friends is in danger. And yet no war has been declared, no borders have been crossed by marching troops, no missiles have been fired.

It requires a change in outlook, a change in tactics, a change in missions--by the government, by the people, by every businessman or labor leader, and by every newspaper. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.

These last two paragraphs from the speech perfectly reflect what the US Government has become.


Who and what are the Deep State and the Shadow Government?

What is a Deep State?

The term the Deep State has been used now more and more in the media and what not long ago used to be a force only known and referred to by “Conspiracy Theorists” is almost becoming a household term, but what exactly is the Deep State?

The Deep State in any country describes the members of a government or government bureaucracies, in particular the military or intelligence agencies, which do not follow the dictates of, or respond to, the civilian political leadership. The deep state may function as a 5th column undermining the political will or the direction of the supposed leadership or may in one way or another be following its own agenda which may mean enriching itself through the use of their positions or covering up crimes or in any other way undermining or operating away from the control of the supposed leadership.

In the United States these are people in the Senate who have been serving for decades on end, people in the intelligence agencies and bureaucracies who hold important but non-politically appointed positions and people in positions far from the political fluctuations who hold positions in agencies or bodies of government which are immune to political leadership changes. Lifetime appointments such as to the Supreme Court are a prime example of what the Deep State is. George Bush is another example but has risen so high, since his involvement in the JFK assassination and then 911, that he is probably now a leading member of the Shadow Government. The Clinton Dynasty was to be another example but thankfully was stopped by Trump.

The US Deep State is beholden to any number of forces or agendas at one time, and includes interconnected or dependent departments or bodies, lobbyist groups or monied interests, and of course individuals or bodies who can apply pressure or blackmail members of the Deep State. It is an intricate web of favors, lies, cover-ups, obfuscation and criminality and for the first time in US history the Deep State is making itself known in very loud and open ways.

In 2000 the Shadow Government and the Deep State teamed up with NeoCon ideologues and their colleagues in NATO, Saudi Arabia and Israel to install a Deep State/CIA controlled actor in the White House in order to carry out the 911 attacks which allowed for them to further their other agendas and begin their campaigns of: endless war, the “cleansing” of the Middle East for Project Israel, the application of the ongoing Doctrine of Full Spectrum Dominance for the US and the attempted supra-national extra-governmental corporate takeover of the world for the Rothschilds and business elites that was the purpose of the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement. We have thus all watched as this Deep State has expanded into a global network and become a power of its own, with the political leadership more than ever before merely puppets to do the bidding of those directly controlling the levers of power.

What is a Shadow Government?

By definition a shadow government consists of private individuals who hold the reins of real power behind the scenes, rather than publicly elected officials, and are beyond the scrutiny of the democratic institutions, judicial bodies and other institutions of a country. The shadow government is ruled by the shadow rulers whose instruments for effecting control may take the form of secret societies, bodies like the Council on Foreign Relations and even as outrageous as it may sound to anyone who does not know the truth, financial institutions like the Federal Reserve.

There are Actually Two United States of Americas

For those of you who did not know the Federal Reserve is not a US Government body but a privately owned foreign entity, with only the name “FEDERAL” in its title, the owner of the Federal Reserve is currently Lord Rothschild. If that was not bad enough it gets worse, and here is where things really get convoluted: In 1871 the United States of America became a foreign owned corporation legally renamed THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and registered with the City of London (apparently with Lord Rothschild as the beneficiary. Lord Rothschild because that title + name passes on automatically to heirs). Therefore unbeknownst to the citizenry, the Government of the United States is actually a foreign owned corporation and all of its employees, bodies and even military forces are legally foreign agents.

This explains the impunity to US prosecution all employees and agents of the US Government enjoy. We know that US Government officials and agents are immune from prosecution for crimes committed on foreign soil which means that technically as the US GOVERNMENT is a foreign body it is immune from being prosecuted in the United States. This “foreign corporation” registration, orchestrated by the Rothschilds also guaranteed that the sovereigns, the American Indians, could not bring about prosecutions against the US Government and that the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES does not share the responsibility of upholding the treaties with the sovereign nations as it is a different body than the United States of America.

The capitalization is very important and signifies an entity becoming a CORPORATE entity and not an entity bound by common law, which explains a lot of things if you think about the corporations and all the usage of capitalization. This of course requires further study but it would mean since CORPORATIONS become bound to the laws of the foreign registered UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, and not the real United States Government, they are in fact not beholden to the Constitution (for) the United States but the replacement Constitution (of) the United States. Which also explains why the Obamas and the Clintons lost their law licenses when they became agents of the UNITED STATES and why Presidents starting most glaringly with Bush seem to spit on the Constitution, in short it does not apply to them.

This of course is an area we need to get into further but in closing this topic and moving on it is also relevant to note that Australia, Canada and New Zealand are also corporations and being thus, since they are not countries are probably not bound by international law or the United Nations, I would suspect Israel is also such an entity. So your countries my friends are corporations registered by the City of London and owned by, can you guess kids? Drum roll please….. The Rothschilds!

So my dear readers, perhaps I have made the ultimate discovery or perhaps I have been reading too much, but it would appear that the “UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT” is in fact the shadow government behind the “United States Government”. I know it sounds crazy, and it sounds crazy to me too but that is the conclusion I have reached from my not so brief research of the law. This of course again requires further study by legal minds much greater than my own who have the courage to speak out.

Did Rothschild Sell the United States?

Knowing all of what I already know and adding all of this makes it all seem quite hopeless but the truth is finally beginning to reveal itself and thus I must touch upon 911 yet again and some other matters because these legal facts make it clear why no one will ever be prosecuted for 911 and why every President and the entire United States is controlled by the Zionists.

Believe me I am no less shocked than you dear reader by the conclusions that my research has brought me to and as I have said this definitely requires much more research and by greater minds than me, but it appears that “Lord” Rothschild in fact owns the corporate entity the “UNITED STATES” and President Trump wants to be the President of the “United States” and when he talks about making “America Great Again” this is the real meaning of that. Something clearly understood by the Illuminati, those in the know, most American Indians and the Rothschild’s Cabal.

This foreign corporation owned by Rothschild is also why the US Military and NATO, US Intelligence and in fact everything in the United States, including you, is the property of the Rothschilds and thus Israel. It is why the US gives, not loans, Israel billions of dollars every year. It is why all the heads of media, government, banking and finance are of the European “Jewish” persuasion, meaning Zionist (and in no way racially “Jewish” which again is not a race and because Palestine was inhabited by Semites and dark skinned people) and it is why all of the people of Jewish/Zionist persuasion were warned away on 911 and again why no one will ever be prosecuted, unless of course there is an uprising that can not be controlled and the country becomes the “United States” again.

It is rumored, and I have to mention this, that in fact the United States and whatever sovereignty it had left were actually sold, and it is now registered as the UNITED STATES INC and not the CORPORATION of the UNITED STATES. This would explain the statement of George Bush Senior that “If the American people found out what we had done they would be chasing us through the streets”, which I think applies to more than 911. It also explains the famous quote by CIA Director William Casey that “We’ll Know Our Disinformation Program Is Complete When Everything the American Public Believes Is False.” There is no United States kids. Sorry.



Making War from Peace and Profiting Off of Anything at All or

How Corruption Killed Millions and Bill’s Weakness Led to 911

Clintons, False Wars and the World Peace that Almost Happened

To understand fully what is happening in the world right now, and why we are living though, endless wars, terrorism, upheavals, poverty, the stripping of our rights and endless surveillance we have to go back to at least the 1990s when NATO and Clinton illegally bombed Yugoslavia and back to the creation of the CIA.

The Central Intelligence Agency has to be mentioned first and foremost because it is the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States of America and NWO assets like George Soros that are directly responsible for almost all of the instability, narcotics trade, human trafficking, war and every kind of bloodshed that occurs and continues unabated all over the world when we should be living in peace.

They are also responsible for the brutal security state they have forced upon the American people and as part of the Deep State (maybe only working for their own continued existence) must instigate and manufacture wars for the Shadow government and the military industrial complex, and thus guarantees its own existence and the necessity for Black Ops, then narcotics trafficking to fund the Black Ops, then Blacks Ops to carry out false flags to start wars to create more narcotics users and enemies of the state so that they can do more Black Ops and …. Well you get the idea of the cycle.

The problem is non-state actors and non-agency figures who profit from the war and mayhem. In reality a successful intelligence agency would report that there were no terrorist attacks, there is no war and everything is okay and secure. The same thing with America’s police a successful servant of the peace and people should report there were no arrests and no one killed and there was no crime. But in fact they want more crime, more arrests and more deaths because that is how they profit, from kickbacks from private prisons, lawyers and who knows who else after pizzagate. Maybe the also get money from organ harvesting and the like.

Thus we have the fake Orwellian violent world created by the CIA/MOSSAD et al and the West that the people are forced to live in and that George Orwell warned us about, remember the CIA created groups like Al-Qaeda, ISIS, the Right Sector and more to create a cycle of violence and now endless war to sustain themselves and profit. We the people are forced to accept and live in their creation and more importantly pay for it.

The creation of NATO and all of the Western controlled and inter-connected military and intelligence structures is also guilty with NATO sucking up 5% of the GDP of member countries doing nothing in reality but creating phantom threats and terrorizing the populations with false flags to make themselves appear needed and necessary so that they can wage resource wars creating more enemies which keeps the cycle going for them as well. The simple fact is that if the trillions spent on war were spent on feeding, housing and educating the people of the world, rather than killing them and helping only the parasites at the top, there would be no war and everyone would be fed and busy being productive and happy. Oh of course there would be some exceptions and cases but they would be minimal.

To understand why 911 was staged and everything that has happened since we also need to look at one important fact that no one will talk about and that you will never see addressed in any media. That fact is that after the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and what should have been the end of the Cold War there was the real and very tangible possibility of achieving a global, sustaining and total peace in the World. However a decision was made by the Deep Global State, the Shadow Government and the global elites that peace could not be allowed to happen. (I did research on this when I was a staff writer at the Voice of Russia but the articles and documents have since disappeared from the net regarding the actual meetings so I can not access them to name the names of the exact players but the Rothschilds, Morgans Bushes and Bilderbergs were involved as well as the heads of NATO and the CIA).

In short NATO was no longer needed (if it ever was) but those deep state actors and corporations profiting off of it refused to let it go, hence new wars, threats and global boogey men have to be constantly created. A little known fact is that NATO requires 5% of the member countries GDP, which is a multi-billion (if not trillion) dollar reason not to allow it to be broken up. In effect NATO is simply an organized tightly run international protection racket. The US military would also not be needed if the US stopped meddling everywhere around the world trying to spread “hegemony” and steal resources. NATO needs an enemy which is why Russia is presented as this great threat to the Western world! This is so patently ridiculous as to be laughable, but the compromised and CIA controlled media maintain and spread that narrative.

The reality is that the Deep State flunkies would do anything to keep their jobs and make a profit, from trafficking narcotics (Afghanistan) to committing the worst crime in the history of the world, 911. Peace may sell but no one will buy it.

The Clinton/Bush Death Corporation: Asteroids on Call

Initially Bill Clinton was against the continuation of NATO and the global US military presence and if you recall in the early 90s he began closing US Military installations and even began questioning the need for over 900 US military bases around the world, that was probably the last act of a “normal and free” leader in the United States and the last act of an American President without the direction of the Deep State and the Shadow Government. Whether he was sincere or it was political theater is up to you.

The Clinton’s have a very long history with the CIA and the Bush family who were responsible for the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kenney which the CIA determined was necessary when he stated he would break the CIA up, fired those involved in Project Northwoods and which the shadow government agreed to when he spoke of ending the Rothschild hold on the Fed and on US currency.

Hillary’s deep connection to the CIA goes back to the Watergate scandal and her role in covering it up. According to my research the real reason for the Watergate break in was the existence of documents that connected the JFK assassination to the CIA and which were in the possession of Nixon. Bush and the CIA successfully made him the fall guy and demonized Nixon to such an extent that even if he did come out with the truth no one would believe him.

This all connects to what we are seeing today so bear with me dear reader. The Clintons are so deep into the evil of the CIA, from using MKULTRA sex slaves, to human trafficking, to assassinations by the Asteroids (a secret group of assassins associated with the CIA whose favorite weapon is organizing plane crashes), that the CIA has been taking out anyone who can expose the Clintons for decades now.

The Asteroids serve the CIA, the World Bank and the global elite and in particular the Rothschild Family. One has to merely look at the hundreds of millions the Rothschilds invested in the Clinton reign and the trail of corpses left by the Clinton reign of terror. This is why none of the murders will ever be solved, not from Seth Rich, to John F. Kennedy Jr, to Vince Foster, to my own if they can manage to get to me in Russia, which is seeming more likely by the day.

To return to Clinton and his closing of military installations which in fact directly led to the Deep State takeover and thus the single largest mistake made by Clinton which has led to the deaths of millions in the long term. Here the story gets murky and again almost all information has been wiped from the net, but it went something like this: the Pentagon was not happy with Clinton and even less were the “controllers” of NATO, so they set a honey trap up for Clinton in the form of Monica Lewinsky, who just so happened to work under Rumsfeld in the shadows of the Pentagon and who was introduced to Clinton by a mystery “Department of Defense employee” named Willie Blacklow. Clinton was set up, scandal ensued, Clinton then went along with the war they wanted and the Deep Sate and the Shadow Government had their war and thus “Clinton” bombed Yugoslavia.

It would take perhaps hundreds of pages to detail the intricacies and connections between the Bush family and the Clintons but the most damning proof that I have found were Excel worksheets released by the Anonymous group and several clues in the Podesta e-mails. Proof of hundred million dollar donations from the Rothschilds through the Bradley Foundation were also detailed in leaks by Anonymous and WikiLeaks before it was compromised. They are all available on-line and on my site now.

Clinton State Department

It is important to note before getting off the subject of Clinton as to why Obama was allowed to become President instead of being killed off by the Asteroids, as was JFK jr. for being a threat to Clinton. First he was vetted and chosen by Zbignew Brezhinsky of the Shadow Government (as a Zionist and demonizer of Russia), second Obama was blackmailable, third he appealed to the majority of the US population which is not white Anglo-Saxon or Jewish, fourth he was not a threat to exposing the CIA/MOSSAD black op that was 911 and finally he agreed to allow Clinton to control the State Department under which is the CIA and which allowed for continued funding and operations that no one else would agree to. Remember it was under Clinton that ISIS was formed and funded and the Kagans were able to get the billions needed to sponsor the destruction of Ukraine.

The race reason is important because this segment of the population were becoming unmanageable by the police state after 8 years of Bush, the stripping of their rights, the strengthening of the police state’s hold on the population and their worsening economic conditions. Obama was just what the Shadow Government needed to maintain the theater of the absurd that they force the people to swallow.




How Zionists Used the Deep State to Slaughter Americans and Use the US Military as Their Personal Army


911 and the Endless War of Domination

I have studied and researched 911 since that day, 16 years ago, and it has never been clearer than now who I believe was behind the horrendous act and what monsters could be so cynical to slaughter so many innocent people in order to bring about an endless war. Which ironically many of the Neocons believed or sold as a war to establish global US hegemony while giving it up but which in fact was just a way for Rothschild to destroy the countries that are getting in the way of the Greater Israel Project.

Of course 911 was sold to the Deep State as a way to keep NATO relevant, the military industrial complex raking in trillions and allow for the creation of a complete and total police state and complete takeover of all information channels and the media in the US and the world (remember the appearance of “embedded” journalists and statements by Ted Turner?), all necessary to keep the 911 lie in check and force the people of the world to believe a lie that ran counter to what the world had seen with its own eyes. 911 also covered up trillions of dollars in theft and 100s of billions of dollars in the theft of gold.

I have recently been in contact with a very intelligent researcher of 911 and he helped me to tie up some loose ends, including the only possible explanation I have heard for the complete pulverization of everything in the core into elementary particles, namely the use of forbidden directed energy weapons, given the obliteration of the core structures and the literal crater in the middle of the buildings, including Building 6 (Never heard of building 6 have you?) this is the only thing that makes sense.

Who is Responsible for 911?

To name the name (Rothschild) will not be possible without independent corroborating evidence but I think you can figure out it sure was not some Muslim in a cave in Tora-Bora. Who else profited the most and is the leader of the Zionist Cabal and claims to be establishing a homeland on someone else’s country for people he has historically spit upon but claims are his.

The demolition team was MOSSAD, the Jews were warned off and arch Zionists like Silverberg made billions, as did Soros playing the markets and as did all who were involved in the pyramid. Who is obsessed with gold and controls the gold markets? Remember the billion or more in gold that disappeared on 911? Who wanted and profited from 7 countries in 5 years being destroyed for the Greater Israel Project? Who believes he was chosen by “God” and is on a mission for a people you are not allowed to criticize? Who is striving for a New World Order in which he controls the world and owns everything and everyone? Who has no problems slaughtering millions of Goy, Americans, Arabs and everyone else, except his own whom he warned, because they are nothing to him?

This Rothschild is the same person who took out MH-370 to get a patent then shot it down as MH-17 to start as war with Russia and kill all the scientists who had developed a race weapon. Who or what believes pedophilia is normal and sees justification his religion’s teachings? Who hates Muslims enough to commit genocide against them and develop genetically targeting biological weapons to kill them all? Who would kill 426 children (supplied the chemical weapons to do so) as a pretext to destroy Syria? Who do the Asteroids work for and who would simply slaughter anyone who got too close to the truth?

Who installs Presidents, destroys countries, overthrows governments and can use Saudi Arabia, DARPA, the CIA, JSOC and MOSSAD like his own personal play toys? Who can rule the Royals and blackmail kings? Whose family has been on both sides of every war since Napoleon? Who can buy US elections and tell the media to say whatever narrative he chooses? Finally who could bring about the liquidation of the Voice of Russia World Service with its 85 year history and global network of listeners who were regularly being given new information about 911 and US illegality? I could go on but I won’t.

Being as it will never be properly investigated, and MOSSAD successful compromised and in effect took over the CIA and all of the intelligence apparatus of the FVEY countries who together now own and run all of the world’s media and judicial and investigative services, no official body will ever really investigate 911 and we will never be told who the real culprits are. I am sure of my findings as there can be no other individual or group with the technology and the resources to carry off such an operation and then benefit from it. This is the information that Assange was holding out on in his insurance package I believe. Saying no to Rothschild is perhaps why the Deep State is so against President Trump, that and his statements regarding the Fed. Trump has also disturbed the Deep States plan for starting World War III and has been friendly to Putin whose crime was also saying NO to Rothschild.


Not Only Certain Outlets but

the Entire Media is Fake

The Media as a Militarized Instrument of the CIA and the Deep State Shadow Government

From Brainwashing Americans to Controlling the World by Force

There are many people involved in intelligence worldwide who would attest to the fact that MKULTRA was never really stopped and in fact became programs such as KNIGHTMARE and others. Similarly Operation MOCKINGBIRD, and almost all similar CIA mass mind control programs and operations geared towards the control of mass populations, the dissemination of militarized propaganda and other “information” operations supposedly designed to ensure the security, continuity and advancement (through manipulation of the masses) of the Corporation of the United States, was most likely never really shut down. It was however temporarily paused and restarted under a different name and perhaps with different players (NSA?) all the way through, but the programs and the objectives continue and are advancing and in fact are right in front of your eyes everyday if you watch television or use the mass media for information.

You can see evidence of MKULTRA type manipulations if you look for them. Every day and every time you turn on the television or the radio, or pick up a newspaper, or visit a corporate news site you are a target. You can protect yourself to some extent however and just have to be aware of what exactly it is they are showing you and ask yourself why is that being shown? What is the purpose behind it? Who is the source? What argument does this support or put forward? If you keep in mind these facts and can approach their “programming” in such a manner you will be armed and your mind will be militarized against attempts to plant ideas in your head. However the real subliminal programming is much harder to fight.

To be honest knowing that the NSA has technology that is 25 years ahead to anything we know about and witnessing examples of MKULTRA and MOCKINGBIRD subliminal programming I simply do not watch television or even videos if I can avoid them.

Note: If you want good examples study the “Lady” Gaga footage from the Super Bowl if there is any that has not been wiped and in particular a report on the coverage (lost the link) where Gaga is singing at the piano and there is cacophony of sound and a chorus of women are literally screaming Israel, Israel, Israel (pronounced is real) as if saying Israel is real very fast.

MOCKINGBIRD in the Media

The architecture and framework of MOCKINGBIRD and even certain “journalists” (Anderson Cooper/Project MOCKINGBIRD) whom we know were put in place by the CIA, have not only remained intact, but have multiplied and advanced since the early days.

Project MOCKINGBIRD has no doubt evolved and is now applied to a global network controlling what could be more than 96% of the world’s media according to my research and the obvious ties to Zionist controlled media and those controlled by countries in the FVEY intelligence group.

Their mission is to fabricate and repeat lies, half-truths and propaganda to the citizens of the world in order to advance the interests of the Empire, the Deep State, the Shadow Government and the elite monied interests (the global bankers, the Rothschilds and the Mega-Rich 13 families) that they are all beholden to. They are also used to silence dissent, vilify opponents, muffle opposition to their illegal aggressive wars and criminality, promote the fictitious state of Israel as a legitimate country while it commits genocide on Palestinians and sow dissent and unrest in any country they target.

The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media.” — former CIA Director William Colby

Their CIA’s network includes obvious and overt outlets and news producers like CNN, the Washington Post, the VOA, Radio Liberty, Radio Free Europe, Fox News, MSNBC, the New York Times and others, and bodies such as the United Press International, the Associated Press, the Broadcast Board of Governors (BBG) (which now has the legal authority to produce and broadcast propaganda into the United Sates), National Public Radio (NPR), and more. A few are direct CIA fronts or owned by CIA friendly corporations and others simply have staff in managerial positions who can control editorial policy and content, as was done at the Voice of Russia where people appeared from places like US Marines Corps Intelligence to work as “content editors”. The entire Murdoch and other conglomerates can be added to this list and there have even been forays into alternative media which are not usually very successful in polluting the minds of the “Conspiracy Theorist” crowd.

One example is the Intercept, which was started by Color Revolution sponsor and CIA asset Pierre Omidyar, whose servers are in fact near Cupertino California yet claims to be holding the great Top Secret Snowden revelations and be working against the US Intelligence Community, from Silicon Valley, sure I believe that one. A simple web search and Who-Is can verify what I have just said.

CIA Asset Omidyar finances “team Snowden”, as they are called by his Moscow lawyer, and makes sure this “rogue” truth seeking, freedom loving, all American, “was-a-trainee-and-too-young-to-have-real-intel-but-managed-to-access-all-of-the-CROWN-JEWELS-of-the-NSA-and-then-waltz-out-of-town-only-to-get-stuck-by-a-barrier-marking-off-a-transit-zone” voice for the oppressed, is kept in plenty of lucre and enjoys a comfortable life in Moscow, the most expensive city in the world.

Another is WikiLeaks and all of their resources which are now under CIA control and whose founders are if not compromised dead. I discuss that in more detail on the site.

NSA Contractor Accused of Stealing Data Far More Sensitive than Snowden

This global network of CIA controlled media has been admitted to on multiple occasions by the Central Intelligence Agency, which has stated it has people in every major outlet worldwide. The recent suspicious death of Dr. Udo Ulfkotte after his revelations that the CIA/MI6/MOSSAD controlled World and European Media and was driving for war, underlines how far their hands reach, as does the strange and untimely liquidation of the Voice of Russia World Service, shortly after the commencement of the destruction of Ukraine by members of the Russian Government obviously under the control of “somebody”.


The echo chamber is not only the CIA/MI6/FVEY but any network which seeks to advance what are supposed to be the interests of the US Government and the West. Whether owned by arch Zionists or simply beholden to the Rothschilds and Project Israel or simply because they are afraid of speaking out and self-censoring you can count on one thing, this is all not simply a conspiracy theory!

Former CIA Officer Israel Controls U.S. Government & Media


The Internet, Full Spectrum Dominance and Hiding the Genesis of Ideas

In following with the new Doctrine of Full Spectrum Dominance adopted by the US military, the Intel Community and NATO after 911, merely having the Voice of America, Radio Liberty, Radio Free Europe, the BBC World Service and other such organizations controlled by the Broadcast Board of Governors or similar bodies, in the age of the Internet and with the end of the Soviet Bloc, was not enough. With the necessity for more complex and devious operations in an age where there is no “day and night” ideological war going on the messenger and the message required new delivery mechanisms.

Covering up 911 and maintaining the fantasy tale that some primitive Muslim head choppers pulled of the most fantastic controlled demolition and penetration of US airspace in the history of the multi-verse and maintaining the lie that the anachronism that is NATO, (which sucks 5% of GDP from member countries), is needed or you will all die by Muslim head choppers who will kill you all and eat your children, also requires intensive round the clock operations.

Thus we are now in a new age being fed information by a global network of media outlets, news aggregators and agencies and journalists all working for the CIA, either knowingly or through proxies or by merely following editorial guidelines set out by those at the top in the pay of the Central Intelligence Agency or a proxy, and the search for truth has become if not more difficult, impossible. If that does not sound bad enough it gets much worse.

Another important point to consider (more related to delivery) is that in the delivering and planting of ideas and information through media manipulation, is that the genesis and source of the idea, in the past, was always able to be traced, so in the good old days it was possible to just ban the Voice of America or jam the transmissions and that would be all she wrote. With the advent of the Internet which allowed much more coverage, the CIA believed they would be able to deliver their “message” in a much more clandestine manner and to a much higher level and broader audience than before, with the added bonus of having access to their computers as intelligence gathering tools. The Internet also allows them to access the information of people who work in the government of every country worldwide, as well as journalists, the rich, the banks, institutes of higher learning, laboratories and the like. It is still no accident that Windows code is not released and why Russian Intelligence agencies still use, “non-connected” technology and pen and paper for real information.

The Internet makes the possibilities almost endless for MOCKINGBIRD/MK style manipulation and Intel Ops but the problem for the “architects” was that the people on the Internet, rather than seeking out and following the “weaponized” information channels controlled by the CIA began to find information from other sources that were never available to them before and in effect turned away not only from the old radio transmissions, televised programming and printed vehicles, but also from what were supposed to be the Internet replacements. With the Internet all of a sudden there was a vehicle to release information that the Deep State and the Shadow Government did not want out and the age of the whistleblower and the alternative media suddenly sprung into existence! It was a wonderful thing and information was finally free! However that age is over I believe.

In the beginning the merciless full spectrum security state tried to brutally crack down on freedom of speech and information on the Internet, arresting people for sharing links and the like, but they could not reach and control every site or user worldwide. And the Internet which was supposed to be a global computer network under which was to be hidden a military intelligence network (currently in existence) could not be fully controlled and information was still becoming free, in two meanings of that word both of which did not please the elites or the Deep States actors they control.

Hence a completely new approach had to be thought up, and believe me they have thought things up which would make your head spin. Some examples are Facebook: the world’s biggest database of facial coordinate data, free “social media” used to spread anti-government and pro-destabilization propaganda, clouds: where people’s files and work data can be simply taken at will, Microsoft’s wonderful array of spying options: telemetry data, location data, all documents gotten through the cloud and on and on.

Knowing that agencies like DARPA, the NSA and the CIA possess technology that is 25 years ahead of anything we know about now, something the great distractor Edward “Snowden” could have told us about had he really been a genuine leaker (the Limited Hangout Psychological Operation is something I have covered already) should make it clear that all of the mass media outlets, controlled by the CIA and owned by a very small circle of individuals worldwide, have “tools” at their disposal that we may not even be able to imagine, yet.


Information regarding MOSSAD/CIA/MI6 and FVEY involvement in 911 was what Assange had (I believe) in his insurance file and this is what they would kill all of the WikiLeaks associates and principles for. This is also what I am sure Assange was holding back as he understood like me the complete and massive capabilities they have and that they can get to anyone if they really want to which I am certain, sadly they have.

Several years ago the fact that the Russian media and Internet were falling out of the control of the Zionist cabal at the time, the necessity to place Snowden in the Russian Federation was thus an incredibly obvious, and for them necessary operation. If you still think Snowden is simply an innocent American patriot boy who happened to somehow, with junior level contractor status, access all of the deepest secrets of the NSA, place them on thumb drives and then walk out of the building and make it all the way to Russia only to be stopped by the transit zone of a civilian airport in the target country he was actually sent to, then continue taking your blue pills and go back to sleep. I again challenge Mr. Snowden to deny this, which he never does.

If they could orchestrate the liquidation of the Voice of Russia and myself, the replacing of editorial staff with people who had US passports and said things like “We will support ANY security service”, then planting a CIA covert operations agent into the center of the truth and “leak” movement as an expert “leaker” who would then be cited and be sought out to verify, comment on and give credibility to all leaks by major press, especially those not aware of his Trojan Horse nature, put him in the perfect position to gather intelligence from leakers, truth seekers, activists, bloggers, media outlets, WikiLeaks, the CIA’s network of “opposition” in Russia and finally with the lie that he had asylum, when at the time my own real asylum in Russia was beginning to be noticed and my work in exposing 911 was beginning to reach the masses, this operation successfully took the spotlight off of me and all of my work to expose 911, and with the successful liquidation of my global media employer, effectively muzzled my voice nd stopped the truth from getting out.

The fact that no media will now publish my work, employee me or even link to my site, material, revelations, or articles should be proof to anyone in the world as to my claims and that the entire global media is Zionist controlled. The arrest of my son and the looming arrest of myself that I was threatened with if I did not shut up, will be more proof as is the fact that I am literally being starved to death as I have absolutely no source of income other than the meager donations I get which cover about 5% of what I need to live normally. I do not want to minimize the donations because they are literally the only thing keeping me alive, but I do want you to know the real and true situation.

My conclusion years ago was that Edward Snowden is an active illegal covert operations spy, sent to protect information about the illegality of the CIA and their involvement in 911, to infiltrate the truth movement and WikiLeaks, to take over the role as the world’s “truth seeker” and to infiltrate Russian society, the media and structures involved with the asylum program to learn things like “why exactly was John Robles given asylum?” Which is a mystery for the CIA, it is no coincidence that Snowden was placed several kilometers from where I lived, meaning the territorial organs which may have had knowledge of my status were also the territorial organs which (coincidentally) were dealing with the “Snowden” case.

We even share the same investigators, so he is even in a position to “pass” false evidence against me to the Russians or start a whisper campaign which I believe he did, successfully. If you doubt what I am saying and believe the people who continue to marginalize me and demonize me and remain silent as to the convenient arrest of my son, being held in effect hostage in an environment where I know he could be killed, I will tell you one new “secret” and repeat two old “secrets” that I have written about in the past: in their effort to destroy my asylum after I was given asylum when the revocation of my citizenship occurred with the words “close your fucking site” by CIA Station Chief at the time Joseph Moone (see WikLeaks and JAR2), whom I have written about and whom WikiLeaks verified was in fact the CIA COS, and the “operation” to destroy me in Russia where they envisaged me running to the embassy to beg to “go home” failed, the CIA even passed information to Russian intelligence that I was an “arms dealer”, which of course did not wash because Russian Intelligence already knew everything about me.

After that failed CIA Color Revolution architect Michael McFaul and the US Embassy not only launched a smear campaign against me, using a proxy in the Orthodox Church of America who was expelled from Russia and whose material was then blocked from the Russian net by the Russian Government, and also attempted to get me fired from the Voice of Russia after successfully having an article I wrote exposing his color revolution plans for Russia removed from the VOR site, but then also attempted to have me thrown in a Russian prison, not once but twice. The first attempt involved a claim I had threatened him by taking the sentence which was in my article “his days are numbered in Moscow if he continues to act in this way” to “his days are numbered” but failed. The next attempt was far more insidious and an official diplomatic letter was written to the Russian Foreign Ministry saying I “physically threatened” the US Ambassador to the United State Michael McFaul. How I could “physically threaten” someone I had never seen is beyond me.

So the CIA was forced to use their assets in Lubertsy where I had lived and in Moscow which also did not work, hence the Snowden Operation. Just note that, with the revocation of my citizenship, with the adjoining Senate bill “… allowing for the stripping of citizenship or revocation of passports of Puerto Rican nationals overseas under special circumstances” and my secret classification as a WikiLeaks associate, the CIA was freed up to target me in any way possible as I was no longer (in their eyes) a US Citizen.

Again all of these attempts failed and Snowden was brought in. Here it is important to inform you that I am still the only American with real asylum in Russia and that Edward Snowden does not have asylum and was only given temporary asylum to get him out of the transit zone on humanitarian grounds.

Snowden will never get asylum because a) it requires a renunciation of US citizenship and b) members of Security/Intelligence services are not allowed to be given asylum under international or Russian law. Point b also applies to Russian citizenship. Spies are allowed to defect not get asylum. So is he working for Russian Intelligence? Did he give his training level Intel to the Russian Intelligence Services? I will not comment in any way on that but if he did it was his own choice and part of the operation and not something the Russians wanted or asked for or even needed. Everything Snowden revealed was already known and even if Snowden came in as a Trojan Horse bearing gifts Russian Intelligence would not have fallen for it.

Finally on Snowden if he was not working for the Corporation the corporate media would not be making such a darling of him attempting to establish forever his cover, he would also not be followed on Twitter by millions of people in the US armed forces and US Government, nor would he be making continual statements against the Russian Government and President Putin even repeating the lies that Russia had hacked the US. Snowden is an Op.

I will finish speaking about myself here as this is a topic for another medium but was important to show you how far they will go to protect the 911 Operation from being completely exposed. However as this piece covers the topic of the monstrosity of Pizzagate, child trafficking, the attempted removal of a President and US political criminality I must add one related point. Regarding Nancy Pelosi and California CPS. My original problem with the Clintonite State, in particular the Clinton created “Federal Protection Service” began when I called for a Grand Jury investigation into CPS Woodland which was defrauding the US Federal Government of hundreds of millions through fake welfare claims on the children of marginalized citizens and also removing such children and basically selling them for “adoptions”.

Thanks to the late Ted Gunderson I also learned that there is a laboratory in Woodland California that was working on genetically targeting biological weapons and from talking to micro-biologists I have learned that humans are needed for such experiments, which is another reason (along with selling for organs, human sacrifice etc) the US Government needs access to your children.

How does Nancy Pelosi fit in? Well, (at the time I thought it was just a weird event) she offered to provide me with “the assistance of her office in returning my US Passport if I gave up my children who are in Russia as collateral”.

When I first started going through the thousands of files in the Pedosta [sic] e-mails I became sick and when I discovered information about the death of the late Nancy Schaefer I really became physically ill, because finally the destruction of my family and my life became clear as to why for doing what I thought was my responsibility and obligation, namely exposing massive fraud by CPS Woodland and California, I end up as a refugee dying forgotten and marginalized in Russia.

This is also information that WikiLeaks had and which now will never be revealed as the organization no longer exists but is just a front for the CIA. This is also why I had a falling out with Assange because they would not publish anything that would have exonerated and vindicated me and shown that I am a real whistleblower. SO was Assange also an Op? Maybe(((


REX84 and


If the Deep State is not Stopped Your End is Very Near

Outcome One

You rise up peacefully and evict the Rothschilds and the Zionist Cabal and stop funding the terrorists genocidal apartheid criminal human trafficking state of Israel and seize their assets and end their wars and you will live in world peace, make America great and guarantee the continued existence of the human race.

Outcome Two

You can do nothing and wait until they put chips in all of you, take away every right you have left and place you in FEMA Camps to work for free and as slaves until the end of time. If there are any of you left.


We hope not only to be a catalyst for debate and truth and critical thinking but also hope to spark real world actions leading to: restitution, tribunals, the initiation of legal actions, the protection of the rights of the Indigenous Peoples everywhere including the Americas and respect for the treaties and payment of monies owed to the Sovereign Nations by the Bank of England, the Crown, the Corporations of Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States under admiralty or any other law, an end to all of the aggressive wars that the United States is engaged in, an end to the occupation of Palestine by foreign invaders, an end to the pseudo-nazi fascist regime in Ukraine, a real investigation into the events of 911 and for now the arrest and prosecution of everyone and anyone involved in the Pizzagate/PedoGate horrors.

We also call for restitution to the American people for every dime that has been taken or lost by them due to the false flag event that was 911 and every penny that was given to the false state of Israel by Lord Rothschild and his minions in the Deep State. Although Rothschild may possibly be the registered owner of the Corporation of the United States, he is not the recognized leader of the United States of America and is in fact owed no allegiance to by the citizens of the United States. They owe their allegiance to those who they believe are their real leaders and not to doppelgangers hiding in the shadows, who rule them by subterfuge, subversion and hiding their real intentions and faces and through the manipulation of legalese, the false premise of national security and any other instruments or caveats they can find.

We call on Israel and Lord Rothschild to repay every penny the American people have had to pay for the secret waging of the wars necessary to slaughter Arabs and Muslims for the illegal land grab that is Project Israel.

My premise in the creation of this document is that no one should be above the law, not even those claiming the rights of state actors, to engage in the act of aggressive war, false flag terrorism or any other manipulation to bring about harm or death or war to populations! No one, be they a Rothschild or a Clinton or a Bush, has the right to directly or by way of their actions take or harm ANY human life.

In the interests of justice and setting the world straight there must also be a body formed, as the United Nations has proven useless in its original function, to guarantee the sovereignty of nations and more importantly restore the sovereignty of peoples. Meaning, and this is not a complete list but, the Indigenous peoples of North and South America, the peoples of Palestine, Serbia, New Zealand, Australia and other areas who have been driven into poverty and then demonized by the actions of the Crown and its agents, the Rothschild Cabal and their subversive economic manipulations and any other people whose sovereign and human rights have been violated by invaders.

World peace, an end to world poverty and an age of prosperity for all of the world’s citizens could be had if one small group would be held to account and finally be forced to abide by the common law and the standards that we all must live under. The Rothschilds and Soroses of the world who brag about destroying countries and sponsoring both sides of wars must be forced to pay restitution, make amends and pay for rebuilding in the lands where they have started wars. This is a reasonable and sane demand if we all follow the precept and the belief that no one is above the law. Returning Palestine to the Palestinians would be a start, complete with the homes that have been built on the lands where their homes were destroyed.

I am almost sure none of this will ever take place and fear for my safety in saying any of it but if there is enough of a drive by the people of the world for peace and justice, then peace and justice can be found, or in this case, can be forced on those who would continue to profit from their own criminality and the murder and subjugation of their fellow humans.



A “New” Way to Protest and Make Ourselves Heard

Simple: Organized, peaceful actions involving everyone simply withdrawing their money from all banks and simply staying home once a week or month or more in a unified attempt to stop the consumerism and usury that the bankers live off would be enough, if the scale was massive enough. No violence, destruction or arrests which feed the security state.




